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Fx Male Welcome to Minx's Lab of Creativity!

Lil Minx

Daddy's Bad Girl
Feb 19, 2016
Hello there!

A Lil' About Me

My name is Lil Minx but you may call me Minx if you like. I have been roleplaying for about ten years now. Started as a curiosity and I ended up loving it! I think the main thing I love about it is I am creating something awesome and beautiful with someone else and seeing it come together is just super cool! I do get pretty insecure about my writing at times, but I still have fun creating and making friends on these types of sites.

What I Expect From You

As for the guidelines for my partners, I really don't ask for much, but here are the things when you are writing with me.
  • No god modding, I would like to be in control of my own character(s) as you are in control of your character(s). I don't mind if you control my character(s) when it's something small like being pinned down to a bed and you want her to react a certain way, sure I don't mind that. But don't write a whole paragraph of what my character is doing to yours because that's not cool.
  • I would like to have respect from you as I am going to give you respect as well. Don't be rude when I shoot down an idea or if I would like to add a little input in a story. We are creating it TOGETHER, so if I add a few ideas there shouldn't be an issue with that.
  • Please warn me if you are going to leave the roleplay. Just send me a message saying something to let me know. I will understand, but please don't ghost me and just leave me hanging.
  • No one liners please. I will be writing at least 3 or more paragraphs so I would like to receive the same from you as well.
  • I would like to have at least one post a week or more please. I understand that life gets in the way, but just let me know if you might be slowing down replies and like above, don't ghost.
  • Last but not least, have fun writing with me!

    I love to have OOC along with our stories we'll be writing together. So please chat with me so we can keep brainstorming and come up with more ideas. And if you just want to chat and have a friend to talk to, I'll also do that too!

What You Can Expect From Me

Just like in the last section, here are the things you can expect from me!
  • No god modding. I will not take control of any character that you will be playing, unless it is for something small like how I mentioned above.
  • I will respect anything you tell me. I will listen with open ears(eyes) to any idea you give me. If I am coming to you with one of my ideas, I will ask you if you have any ideas to add to it. Or if you are coming to me for a pairing I have listed below, I will ask for input because we are making a story TOGETHER so I would want to collaborate on it with you, not just my ideas and not just your ideas.
  • If I am not feeling the story anymore or if life gets too hectic, I will let you know if I need to put it on pause or if I need to just drop it and try a different pairing, etc. I will never ghost anyone.
  • I do double up on pairings. So if you have a pairing you'd want to do, bring it to me. I will ask if you double so we can both get one of our pairings in there. I don't always double, but when I feel like it I will.
  • I will not give one liners. I will give what I receive. So if you give me one liners, I probably won't be continuing the story. But if you give me more than a paragraph, I will do that or more back for you to reply to.
  • My schedule is usually free so I am able to post multiple replies in a day. Now saying that, I am also a mother of a six year old so I may not always be free to reply, but I can guarantee that you'll get replies almost everyday. If it gets to where I get super busy, I will let you know with a warning beforehand so that you will know about that.
  • I love to have fun! So OOC is welcome and I love it. I will be doing OOC pms so we can keep brainstorming together and chat about real life if we need to. I like making friends with my partners since we are writing a story together

    but that also doesn't mean I am wanting any flirting or relationships, I am in a fully committed relationship and I am only looking to write stories with FRIENDS.

Kinks To Consider

I am pretty open to a lot of things. I am willing to try things at least once unless they for sure are not in my interest. The only things I'm not open to are vore, bathroom play, gore, breeding, abuse in sexual interactions(like belly punching or ball stomping, etc), age play(but will do age gaps if they're not too big). Other than that I'm open to anything. If there's something you are wondering about, don't hesitate to ask!

Now For The Fun Part

And now! Onto what I enjoy doing! I will only play females in any story that we come up with.
The more the * then the more I am craving it!

Slice of life:
  • Dom x Sub**
    • I was thinking that maybe there's an exclusive club that sells all sorts of subs, LGs, brats, pets, service subs, switches, etc. YC has been looking for the right sub but hasn't been able to find her yet. When he hears about this club that sells subs he decided to take a look. MC will be mainly brat, but is also a good girl when she really wants to be. When YC sees her he really wants to take her home and try to tame her. Of course, being the brat she is, she gives YC a hard time but still makes sure that she's taking care of YC as she cares for him a lot.
  • Teacher x Student
  • Bad boy x Good girl *****
    • I don't have a full plan but I was thinking maybe we could do a biker club type thing. YC would be vice president of the biker club that's in town and is running to become the president when he steps down. MC is the daughter of a well known governor of the town. They used to be a part of the club but left to become the governor and betrayed the club. MC hasn't seen YC in years until there was a shooting at a festival where MCs dad is having a campaign rally and YC saves her from being hit by a bullet. The club is being blamed for it since they had made an appearance there. YC also feels compelled to keep her safe so he watches her closely or sends out a few of his men to watch over her. There will be moments where our characters secretly meet up and get closer to each other. Then her father finds out and threatens to kick her out for being a disgrace. So she has to make the decision of staying with him or staying as a daughter of a governor.
      It's the start of an idea and I would love to keep brainstorming to make more ideas come to life in this pairing!
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Boss x Secretary
  • Ex-boyfriends father x girlfriend
  • Patient x Volunteer/ Doctor/ Nurse
  • Older brother's best friend x Younger sister****
    • This plot kind of combines a few pairings at once! YC can be the big brothers best friend and is a bad boy. Maybe he had a rough past and he needed a friend so the brother befriends YC ever since they were little kids. MC could have started to have a crush on him since she was about 13 and hid her feelings as she didn’t think YC would like her that way anyway since he’s 3 years older than her. Maybe YC and the brother are in a band together and MC goes to every show to watch and support, even when it’s out of state. They’re trying to become a big band and get a manager so maybe they got a chance to get into a music festival. MC comes along with them of course. As for the hospital stuff, I was thinking that she’s had depression. Maybe their parents died when they were little and they We’re raised by their grandparents. She had depression since then. While they’re on the road, she watches YC flirt and sleep with other girls and she can’t stand it anymore. She confronts him and he doesn’t want to hurt her or the brother so he denies their feelings. I was thinking she is also terminally ill. No one knows that she is and thinks that she has asthma but really, she has cystic fibrosis and while they’re on the road, she gets very sick and gets hospitalized and has to get diagnosed and treated. While she’s in the hospital, YC sneaks in to act like a volunteer and gets closer to her as their relationship builds on. (I hope you were able to get all that lol all my ideas were just flowing out and jumbled together haha I kinda want their relationship to be complicated and sexy and romantic all at the same time, to grow together and love each other gradually.)
  • Country Guy x City Girl*****
  • Famous singer x Fan/Other Famous Singer
  • Band members x Band members (multiple characters for this one) ****

  • Knight x Princess
  • Vampire x Human ***
  • Vampire Sire x Vampire ***** (Really craving this one!)
    • This plot is for a vampire male sire x vampire female. MC is Audrey Rose Wadsworth. A very refined and polite young woman at the age of twenty-three in the year of 1912. She was born in New York to a mother and father who were very rich for working in finances. Her mother had wanted Audrey to get shipped to France to find a young man to marry, but that was not what Audrey saw in her future at that moment. Her mother forced her to go and as she stayed in France, she met a young man named Henrie. He charmed her and she fell for his handsome looks, but she fell even harder when she met him. YC will be the vampire sire. He watched her carefully when she was in France, captivated by her beauty and her intelligence. Each day he would talk to her and make her smile, flirt with her with his charms and be arrogant just to see her bicker with him. She fell for YC harder than she did with Henrie, who had proposed to her after months of spending time with her. They had planned to go to New York to meet her family and introduce him to them. But she was having an affair with YC and didn’t know how to break it to Henrie about it. So they set sail on the Titanic. And that’s where everything had turned for the worst. She bumped into YC and didn’t think she would see him ever again, but they continued their affair on the Titanic, until the very night that the ship was sinking. But that was the very last thing that Audrey remembered when she woke up in a weird alleyway.

      It is now 2022 in (a city that we can choose together). She is terrified and alone, unsure of where she is at. She is dressed in her 1912 vintage dress, soaked as if the sinking had just happened. But where is Henrie? Where is her family? And most importantly, where was she? She doesn’t remember YC at all as her memories were wiped from her to protect her from the elders. YC wanted to make sure she was safe after what he had done to her. But now she needed to be awake and no longer sleeping, hibernating. The only question is, how is Audrey going to feel about finding everything out about what she is and her past?

      This plot is about how our characters build their complicated relationship with lies and secrets. How she tries to win her memories back from the dangers that keep her at bay. I will discuss more details when you message me if you are interested!
  • Elf x Hunter
  • Hades x Persephone *****

  • Loki x OC *****
    • I was kind of thinking we'd go back to 2012 when Loki was trying to take over Earth. He has the tesseract and is about to be cornered by the Avengers, so he grabs a human girl(my OC) as a hostage as he goes to the Stark Tower. When the Avengers attack him, they try to keep my OC safe, but her and Loki get knocked down. Her head hits the Tesseract and this big force blast enters her. She finds out that she has these intense powers and has to learn to control them. As Loki is a captive in the HQ, she gets close to him and finds out he's not as evil as he really is, just unloved and needing someone to show the way and they begin to get close with each other. I definitely want it to be a fun, dramatic romance with adventure in it. I would like to have it be where Loki is still trying to find his way through life, messing up by being flirtatious to other girls at times or being a villain and making bad decisions. I'd like to get up to where Thanos will appear, we can always do time skips and stuff like that but basically just their story of how they fall in love and make their way through the Avengers.
    • Another idea for this pairing, MC is the goddess of love and grew up with Loki and Thor. The three of them were very close together and did practically everything together. While growing up, Thor had gotten strong feelings for MC while she was falling in love with Loki. But because Loki is who he is, he doesn't realize it even though he had the same feelings for her. He became a womanizer to hide those feelings, sleeping with many women in Asgard as he was trying to think of how to impress Odin for the throne. When MC finally confesses her love to Loki, he also confesses that he has fallen for her but was just too scared to tell her. They begin having their love affair, even after Odin announced that Thor and MC were to be wed so that Thor could take the throne. This upsets Loki for many reasons, especially because he wasn't going to be king of Asgard, but also because he was going to lose his love. Loki and MC try to argue with Odin against the announcement and agreement because they love each other. As Odin finds this out, he punishes Loki and MC by erasing her memory of Loki and everything they did together, even that she is a goddess as punishment. MC was sent to Earth as another punishment, thinking that she was human and she was raised by Tony Stark. But Tony knows the full story of what happened as Thor explained everything to him. They were to keep Loki and MC away from each other, but that doesn't happen because Loki attacks New York(this is probably where we will start the story off). MC comes to help the Avengers, like she was trained to do for years with them, to capture Loki, When Loki sees her they fight, but he's shocked to see her there since he didn't know where she had been all that time.

      I would love to start in 2012 with the New York attack where they first meet again and only he is the one who remembers everything and Thor knows that. Loki is fighting for the throne of Asgard, but seeing MC again throws everything off his course as he thought she was dead or lost somewhere. So Loki will definitely try to make her remember what happened between them by forcing memories back into her head, but because he's a villain, she thinks he's tricking her and trying to brainwash her. I mainly want them to fall back in love with each other slowly. Loki is trying to prove himself to her that he's not the bad guy, but maybe something is forcing him to be bad. Like Thanos controlling him and promising the throne to him if he helps him get all the infinity stones. So maybe he does trick her a little so that he can stop being a captive in the Avengers HQ. He helps them on missions of course and it helps MC grow closer to him again, but behind their backs he is meeting with Thanos and telling him of everything about the Avengers. Thanos can tell Loki is distracted and reminds him that his life and throne is on the line. Loki will then push her away a bit and she'll wonder what's going on and try to help him, he then tells her that he can't see her anymore which upsets her. They start fighting each other physically and when he has her pinned down, he uses his mind powers to bring her memories back in a rush. All of them come back to her and then he just disappears to go help Thanos and she's left there to figure out what to do.

      Just a starter for this idea and we can always add more or change things around!
  • Tony x OC ***
  • Thor x OC ***

  • Batman x Harley ***
    • Suicide Squad wouldn't exist in this story. At the beginning of the movie, Harley and Joker are at a club and she's having fun dancing on a small stage. Joker is meeting with a few thugs and then they leave the club after killing one of them. Batman starts a car chase with them and in the movie they go over a ledge by a lake or ocean and Joker was the only one to escape. In our story though, they both escape and Joker takes Harley to an abandoned warehouse where he tortures her for an hour or so and blames her for the car chase. He leaves her in the alleyway hurt and takes off to hide out somewhere. Alfred gets info and finds out that she is in the alleyway and tells Batman. Batman goes to find her and sees a crowd looking at her. He takes her to his house and Alfred has to convince him to take care of Harley before he takes her to the Asylum. While he is caring for her making sure she is healing, she doesn't know that Bruce is Batman. She thinks Batman dropped her off at Bruce's because he's busy fighting crime. So Bruce has a hard time hiding his Batman stuff. But over time they get close and she teases him so much that he finally breaks and makes the first move. But that's pretty much the premise of the story. We can discuss more ideas for this plot!
  • Bane x Catwoman ***
    • The plot is about Batman being dead for 6 months. Catwoman tried to take Batman's job, but instead of taking criminals into the police, she kills them. A gang finds out and goes after her as she is trying to take back a stolen item they had stolen. They corner her in an alleyway and try to assault her. Before they can do anything else, Bane comes in and saves her. He takes her in as his "pet" and cares for her and they fall for each other. This story will consist of pet play and a lot of smut. We can discuss more ideas for this plot!
  • Bane x Catwoman x Poison Ivy **
  • Harley x Catwoman x Poison Ivy

Other Fandoms:
  • Glee
  • Disney
  • Walking Dead
  • Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
  • Critical Role/DND
  • The Rookie
  • Uncharted
  • Tom Raider
  • Assassin's Creed

Fandoms Based off Books:
Five Feet Apart
Stalking Jack the Ripper Series
From Blood and Ash Series *****
Wicked Villains Series (by Katee Robert) *****
Kingdom of the Wicked Series *****

So far that is all I have for ideas! I didn't want to post too many plots on here as I don't have plots for every single pairing. So if you are interested in a pairing, just shoot me a message and we can brainstorm and come up with something together! I can't wait to roleplay with you guys!

- Minx :)
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Bump! I'm really craving a Loki roleplay....anyone interested PM me! :)
Boop! I am back from a long vacation and I am ready to start discussing plot ideas! :)
Bump! I am back from being ill and getting engaged. Looking for new stories to do! :)
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