Mx Female VILLAINS./ / Depraved Characters for Twisted Muses.


Sep 6, 2021

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Spa🌹 🌹 🌹 M Y S E L F

Hello, hello, I am Leonora. For the purposes of clarity, I will preface this thread by stating that I am a female writing as a male. In particular, my characters will be of the detestable sort; master manipulators, tyrants, and individuals who are merely partial to general villainy. As such, ensuing kinks will typically fall into the realms of dom/sub dynamics and certain plots may entail darker subjects such as non/dub-con. This is of course partner-dependant; I will forever respect given limits and find clear communication to be incredibly valuable when laying down initial plot points. You can expect good sized, multi-paragraph responses from me with each response, with post lengths remaining dynamic according to plot events.

Spa🌹 🌹 🌹 & Y O U

I am looking for partners who value healthy plot substance and are clear-cut with their writing & kink preferences. Communication is key; I am privy to playing characters of varying degrees of madness, but I absolutely do not want to tread across any lines you may have, in-character or no. If you have an F-List or similar for reference, great! Throw it my way. I am a perfectly patient individual when it comes to partner schedules, and I am also ghost-friendly. I will not ghost you myself, but I can certainly appreciate the many curveballs life tends to throw sometimes.
Favourite (& always optional) kinks include Non/Dub-con;; Degradation;; Corruption;; Obsession/Possessiveness;; Rough Sex;; Virginity;; Risk of Pregnancy;; Face-fucking;; Mindbreak;; Sub/Dom;; Master/Slave;; Misogyny;; Abuse;; Clothed Sex.

Plots Headers

☼ Incubus x Priestess
☼ Princess x Tyrant Conqueror
☼ Noble x Foreign Royalty
☼ Prince x Handmaid
☼ Vampire x Human
☼ Soldier x Prisoner
☼ Rogue Cyborg x Creator
☼ Demon x Angel
☼ Mob Boss x Rival Daughter
☼ Duchess x Guard
☼ Mage x Succubus/Incubus


Spacer▶▷ SHE IS YOUNG. SHE IS BEAUTIFUL. SHE IS NEXT. [Urban Fantasy ; Supernatural Horror ; Heavy Master x Slave.]

A woman lands a job as a bartender in a sleazy nightclub tucked away in a rainy back alley. The work is monotonous, but pays remarkably well, and her boss is charming enough despite his undeniably sinister demeanor. He made it clear to her on her first day that she was not to enter the VIP lounge, which resided quietly in the club’s basement. The guest list for such a place seemed oddly picky, and curiosity eventually overcame her better judgement as she ventured beyond the locked door during the bouncer’s brief absence. What she found was a horror show; the Midnight Market, a human flesh auction designed to feed the supernatural population of the city.
Spacer▶▷ A STONE BEST LEFT UNTURNED. [Medieval Fantasy ; Forbidden Romance?; Manipulation & Betrayal.]

A young Duchess is subject to extreme measures of sheltering and conditioning by her royal parents, who intended to purpose her for iconography and eventual political marriage. In doing so, they made sure to veer her away from anything deemed as dangerous and unladylike, and so forbid her from interacting with the palace’s court mage. But such restrictions only kindle rebellion, and she yearns to learn more about both his person and his practices. She writes him a letter, and slips it unseen beneath the door to his tower. Time passes by and she begins to assume it had been intercepted, until she finds a folded leaf of parchment beneath her pillow. The mage’s curiosity is piqued, both by the outreach of the King’s only daughter, and the opportunity to use her for his own dubious goals.
Spacer▶▷ THE CURSED PRINCE. [Medieval Fantasy ; Arranged Marriage ; Demons & Personality Switches.]

The young Duchess is sworn to marry a stranger, as expected, but by the spiteful will of her stepmother she finds her hand promised to the notorious Prince of Volatria. He is the source of many foul rumours, central on strange rituals and unholy shadows, and the story of a family curse which resides in his soul. She dreads their day of meeting, but ultimately finds herself charmed. He is gentle, and mild-mannered, and his handsome visage vastly contradicted the foul image she had been led to perceive. Spurred by his genteel nature and the venomous attitudes of her own family, she begins to look forward to her eventual departure. A grave mistake indeed, and one most certainly paid for upon her arrival at the accursed Volatria.
Spacer▶▷ ROOKIE SURVIVOR. [Modern Apocalypse ; Survival ; Mutants & A Tense Partnership.]

The city is burning and falling 'neath mutant undead. A rookie agent, separated from her squad, struggles to keep herself on her feet. When all seems hopeless, she encounters a well-armed soldier of dubious origins. He is seemingly happy to take her under his watch and escort her to his government-led network, but for what price? There are worse fates than mutant nightmares, it seems.

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Advanced-Lit Freeform
MxF Pairings
PM or Thread RP
Discord: Leonora#7390
F-list - Warning
Currently OPEN

Spa🌹 🌹 🌹 M Y S E L F
Hello, hello, I am Leonora. For the purposes of clarity, I will preface this thread by stating that I am a female writing as a male. In particular, my characters will be of the detestable sort; master manipulators, tyrants, and individuals who are merely partial to general villainy. As such, ensuing kinks will typically fall into the realms of dom/sub dynamics and certain plots may entail darker subjects such as non/dub-con. This is of course partner-dependant; I will forever respect given limits and find clear communication to be incredibly valuable when laying down initial plot points. You can expect good sized, multi-paragraph responses from me with each response, with post lengths remaining dynamic according to plot events.

Spa🌹 🌹 🌹 & Y O U
I am looking for partners who value healthy plot substance and are clear-cut with their writing & kink preferences. Communication is key; I am privy to playing characters of varying degrees of madness, but I absolutely do not want to tread across any lines you may have, in-character or no. If you have an F-List or similar for reference, great! Throw it my way. I am a perfectly patient individual when it comes to partner schedules, and I am also ghost-friendly. I will not ghost you myself, but I can certainly appreciate the many curveballs life tends to throw sometimes.

Favourite (& always optional) kinks include Non/Dub-con;; Degradation;; Corruption;; Obsession/Possessiveness;; Rough Sex;; Virginity;; Risk of Pregnancy;; Face-fucking;; Mindbreak;; Sub/Dom;; Master/Slave;; Misogyny;; Abuse;; Clothed Sex.



Incubus x Priestess
Princess x Tyrant Conqueror
Noble x Foreign Royalty
Prince x Handmaid
Vampire x Human
Soldier x Prisoner
Rogue Cyborg x Creator
Demon x Angel
Mob Boss x Rival Daughter
Duchess x Guard
Mage x Succubus/Incubus

[Urban Fantasy ; Supernatural Horror ; Heavy Master x Slave.]

A woman lands a job as a bartender in a sleazy nightclub tucked away in a rainy back alley. The work is monotonous, but pays remarkably well, and her boss is charming enough despite his undeniably sinister demeanor. He made it clear to her on her first day that she was not to enter the VIP lounge, which resided quietly in the club’s basement. The guest list for such a place seemed oddly picky, and curiosity eventually overcame her better judgement as she ventured beyond the locked door during the bouncer’s brief absence. What she found was a horror show; the Midnight Market, a human flesh auction designed to feed the supernatural population of the city.

[Medieval Fantasy ; Forbidden Romance?; Manipulation & Betrayal.]

A young Duchess is subject to extreme measures of sheltering and conditioning by her royal parents, who intended to purpose her for iconography and eventual political marriage. In doing so, they made sure to veer her away from anything deemed as dangerous and unladylike, and so forbid her from interacting with the palace’s court mage. But such restrictions only kindle rebellion, and she yearns to learn more about both his person and his practices. She writes him a letter, and slips it unseen beneath the door to his tower. Time passes by and she begins to assume it had been intercepted, until she finds a folded leaf of parchment beneath her pillow. The mage’s curiosity is piqued, both by the outreach of the King’s only daughter, and the opportunity to use her for his own dubious goals.

[Medieval Fantasy ; Arranged Marriage ; Demons & Personality Switches.]

The young Duchess is sworn to marry a stranger, as expected, but by the spiteful will of her stepmother she finds her hand promised to the notorious Prince of Volatria. He is the source of many foul rumours, central on strange rituals and unholy shadows, and the story of a family curse which resides in his soul. She dreads their day of meeting, but ultimately finds herself charmed. He is gentle, and mild-mannered, and his handsome visage vastly contradicted the foul image she had been led to perceive. Spurred by his genteel nature and the venomous attitudes of her own family, she begins to look forward to her eventual departure. A grave mistake indeed, and one most certainly paid for upon her arrival at the accursed Volatria.

[Modern Apocalypse ; Survival ; Mutants & A Tense Partnership.]

The city is burning and falling 'neath mutant undead. A rookie agent, separated from her squad, struggles to keep herself on her feet. When all seems hopeless, she encounters a well-armed soldier of dubious origins. He is seemingly happy to take her under his watch and escort her to his government-led network, but for what price? There are worse fates than mutant nightmares, it seems.

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