Mx Female Possible Plots to Ponder


Sep 21, 2021
Hello! I am here today with my first request thread! haha! I hope I will have a plot that will catch your interest. A few things I would like to say before we get to the plots... First, I would like there to be some smut in these plots but there doesn't have to be only smut in the. Second, I would like to state that I mostly rp MxF pairings for romance rps.

Without further delay, plots!!!!

Plots with some smut:
~Two childhood friends have decided to try and live together after each of them have gotten out of a bad relationship.
The idea is very simple and it is more of a comfort plot than a smut based one. It could easily be smutty or have romance in it between the two but not something we would need to put a lot of focus on. It would be a more slice-of-life roleplay and it would be dealing with some darker thoughts and mending broken hearts. And if we wanted to add more smut, then we could also put in that they decided to help each other with their urges until they either find another partner or romantic interest.

~ It was a rainy night when he/she found a body laying in an alley. Pulling out their phone to call the emergency services, they get startled when the body shivers and curls in on itself. Not wanting to leave someone out in the rain, they take them back to their house and take care of them until they are a able to walk on their own and tell them what happened.
* With this idea, one of us would find the other out in the rain and take them back to our house to care for them. We can do a lot with this idea and even play around with it some. Romance could be a part of it and we could even add more than just a little smut if we wanted to. We could also do something with either nekos or furries if you would like that.

~You have always wondered why your roommate kept their door locked while they were out. They also sometimes left for a while, days or weeks at a time. One day, they came home with a long, red cut on their cheek and never gave you a proper explanation as to how they got it. They only said that they got it at work, but... what do they do for "work"?
*With this plot, I would like one of our characters to be a spy, secret agent, or a bounty hunter that has moved in with someone to try and hide in plain sight. After all, what is more normal that having a roommate? It would be fun to have the roommate try and figure out the mysteries that surround the character full of mysteries. This plot would probably end up with a romance happening at some point. As for the smut, it would probably be the mysterious character that uses pleasurable experiences to try and keep their roommate from asking too many questions. Leaving before the roommate wakes up from their night of fun.

My idea for a more smut based plot:
~The world has been turned on its head and slaves are being brought into society once again. Some use their slaves for house chores, others use them as pack mules, and some just use them for any of their urges, sexual or otherwise.
*This is kind of an old plot but I want a small twist to it. One of us is trying to find a slave that is not just for sex or for chores. We are finding a slave to rehab and also be our companion after so many years alone. It will be a story of trying to help a slave learn that they are no longer a slave, at least, not a slave when they are home with their newest master. They will have been mostly a sex slave and try to perform as one for their new master but they also get thrown off when their master now starts to please them too, and sometimes only pleases them. Given what it will be, there will probably be a little bit of trauma with it but I think we could flesh this idea out a lot more together.

*I also have one kink that would be fun to build an idea around, if you are curious enough to ask.

So, with all that being said, I hope I have interested you some. If any of these has caught your interest, just send me a message or post on here with which plot caught your eye. I am willing to listen to ideas you have to change aspects of these plots or even add some kinks that you would like to see in them. As always, I am also open to your ideas as well. I hope to hear from you soon.

**I may also update this thread by editing/posting it as I come up with new ideas. :)
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Hello all! I am back because I have thought of an idea that could be fun. It is a more smut based rp but I would love to add more plot as well.

~We had been friends for a while and we would always talk to each other everyday. However, it was never in person. With hundreds of miles separating us, we had never been able to find the time to visit each other in person. However, one day, that all changed. Today, we were meeting for the first time and it brings out more than just the feelings of joy. After all, we have both been introverts for years and the last time we had been in close contact with someone of the opposite gender has been years ago. Can two online friends combat the lust they have to find a relationship as well?

*I was thinking this idea could be cute as well as a bit more mature. Maybe we had sometimes shared naughty pictures with each other or even let the other watch as we pleased ourselves. However, after some kind of events or maybe just on a vacation, one of us goes to visit the other. Lust and love will be a big theme, but I would love to put some more story behind it as well. Maybe they came to visit under the guise of a vacation but they are actually looking for a new home closer to the other. Then the other could find out and tell them they can stay with them until they find a new home? There are a lot of things we can do with this idea.

Once again, I hope to hear from you soon. :)
Hello, all! I am still looking for people to roleplay with. I am also more than happy to hear any ideas you may have as well. :)
Hello everyone! I am back and curious. Today, I have something more... lust filled today. Something that we could both work around.

The base idea is that we are roommates. From there, we can plot anything! Are we roommates from a new college program to help relieve sexual tensions on campus? Are we childhood friends that moved in together for comfort and support only to fall in love? Did a game of truth or dare go in the wrong direction and we ended up in lustful bliss on the floor or bed? I am also open to the idea of this being in world were sex is more open and just a daily activity.

I know that it isn't always the best to post so open ended ideas as this but I think that we could play this out as more than just a smut based rp if we wanted to as well. I hope to hear from you soon!
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