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The Wizarding World


Jan 26, 2014
Your closet

Like the title says this role is based off the Harry Potter series (book or novel) however this is a world of difference as well. Like an oceans difference. Harry Potter takes place in the UK while this will be taking place in the USA. You will be attending Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Like Hogwarts Ilvermorny had four houses that represent the students and the school:

Horned Serpent

Which house you will belong to depends on your character. He or she shall be taken into the grand hall where the four houses symbols are carved into large pillars. Whichever house symbol reacts the most will be the house your character will attend. Now do not think that the houses are anything like the houses of Hogwarts for not all serpents are alike.

Much like Hogwarts there is one way and one way only that students can arrive to Ilvermorny and that is by the train. However there are many train stations where you can get on. Unlike kings cross station only being able to enter at gate 9 3/4 you can enter the Magic Express by going to your nearest airport.

Now all Wizards get their wands at Ilvermorny at the gates entrance. The wizard/witch never picks their wand but the wand picks them. This will also be decided once the school gets to know about your character and the wand finds it's master/mistress.

Now onto you...
Full Name:
Appearance: (prefer a picture by description is fine as well)
Family members: attending or soon to be

See you soon at Ilvermorny. First days are always the best.
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