Mx Female Specifically Searching for a Pokemon RP!

Sam of the North

Aug 12, 2020
Hello there! My name's Sam, and to put it simply, I'm here today looking for a Pokemon RP. I can play in any of the regions, in any style of game (aka, aside from the main style of games I can do do something in the vein of Pokemon Ranger, or OG Snap, as I haven't finished the new one yet). Primarily what I'm interested in though is a long-term story involving my character's Pokemon journey.
Well, 'my' Pokemon journey makes it sound a bit self-centered. What I mean by that is, I intend for my character to be a trainer on his Pokemon journey, with room for your character to be basically whatever you want! A gym leader who joins up in the vein of Misty, another trainer on their journey, etc.! The story can be whatever we choose, however we want to play. I'm open to play in any region, even one of our own creation if you're a fan of world-building (I am, but I'm not very good at it), and I'd even be up to play along following the story of one of the games, with obvious changes to fit in our characters. I would like this to have romance in it, whether a slow burn or a sudden, quick affection or anything like that, and I would be willing (but am in no way requiring!) to add in NSFW themes.

A little about me:

- As mentioned before, my name is Sam. I'm 23 years old, currently in college and also working full time. I may not be able to rp every day, but I try to guarantee at least one response a week, if not more.
- I like to consider myself as literate, but usually keep myself more or less on par with my partner in terms of how many lines/paragraphs I put out. I never do one-liners, unless a scene calls for it.
- I've mentioned it before, but I've played basically every main-series Pokemon game, except Let's Go Pikachu, because Eevee is better, and I will die on this hill. If we count me playing with my older brothers' gameboys and not really knowing what I was doing, I've been playing Pokemon for basically 20 years; if we count when I did know what I was doing, I'd say about 18 years.
- Emerald is my favorite game, and the first one I've beaten on my own. Indigo League and Johto are my favorite seasons of the anime. My list of favorite Pokemon is too long for me to really pick one, but Squirtle, Growlithe and Larvitar are probably at the top of it.
- A fun little fact, for all my complaints about Galar, I actually really like the setting of the League Challenge being more of a competition sort of thing. Perhaps we could work something like this into our rp?

What I'm looking for in a partner:

- Someone who is familiar with Pokemon. I won't require you to have played every single game or seen every episode of the anime, including the banned episodes that reportedly gave kids seizures and all. But naturally, I'd prefer you to have a history with Pokemon, and have an understanding of the series decent enough to put together a good rp.
- Someone who is willing to work with my schedule. As I mentioned earlier, I'm currently in college, partially online, partially in school, and I work full time. I don't always have time to rp every single day, but if I do, I will respond at every chance I get. I will respect your schedule, so I would appreciate some understanding for mine.
- Preferably no one-liners, unless the scene calls for it. More or less self-explanatory. I'd like someone who can do a few lines, keep up the story, add in different things, etc.
- I have Discord, but can also do Kik, or here, and though I'm not really familiar with how RPing on Google Docs works, I can give it a try at least!

Well, I think that's all! I hope to hear from you if you're interested, and I'll gladly answer any questions that you might have!
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