Taldemarian Tales


Illdrathian Seeker
Sep 18, 2021
Hello everyone!

I'll keep most of my cravings and ideas here as they come and go. Also I'll edit what's needed as things change. I have about 5 years of role-playing experience and even more personal writing experience on the side for my own projects. I'm pretty active and can usually reply at least once daily, but of course life is busy and there will be a day or two that I'm busy. Any extended time between will of course be expressed if it ever comes up. I play dominate roles, but if you need a submissive or a switch for your idea I can gladly play that as well.

I don't mind gender at all, real or RP. I'm just down to enjoy the writing with someone. Let me know what you're wanting to be if you come for a request is all I ask.

I have an F-List now! I'm usually very flexible and as long as it isn't a hard no, just run it by me. 9x/10 I'll find a way to incorporate what you are wanting.

I enjoy the story as much as I do the smut. I typically want more story and relationship building between the hot and bothered. The drama, the romance, the dynamics absolutely leads to better sex scenes. I prefer more long term projects as well. Shorter ones can be discussed, but I'm more then likely going to want something bigger that I can sink my teeth into.

Current Cravings and Settings:
•Apocalyptic Settings
•Eldritch Horrors
•Pet Play
•Dom/Sub play
•Kidnap Plots

A Few Ideas:
YC accidently or purposefully seeks out an old spiritual being. A daemon from long ago. Some called them blessings, some saw them as wretched demons. What will they be for YC? Magic abound in this exploration of a mortal and demi-god like being paired together, whether they wish or not.

I'm thinking either a scientist or some sci-fi-ish scenario where either MC or YC is experimenting with film, but no normal film. A film that can record a person's mind. I could see it being a sadistic toy for the scientist. Being able to manipulate what are basically dreams in the guise of either helping someone or aiding in discovering something they may have forgotten. I would love to see a lot of settings and scenarios explored in maybe an episodic way.

I don't have anything specific for this one yet, but I'm really craving something to do with a pet play plot. If you are interested in this let me know and I would be thrilled to make a story with you. It can be something more tender and romantic. We can make it a kidnapping plot, blackmail, or even corruption as well. Any mix between those would also be fun!
Last edited:
Got some stuff freshened up and added an F-List! New plot ideas included as well!
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