Mx Female She wishes to Please

Mature Male Writer

Nov 19, 2019
Coastal Georgia, US
Hello, and thank you in advance for checking out my thread. This is a general idea plan for a desired story. The female character is a submissive by her nature before she meets or becomes fully involved with My Male Character who is an extreme Dominant without being a sadist. His way is the only way, but he does not hit. He may punish and condition/ train the female, but does not seek pain for fun, sexual stimulation, or pains sake. The female character may be looking to escape her current situation, or desire a highly structured environment to feel safe. The female character's age could range from a girl of age (15) to a mature woman (50+). The situation could be a girl or woman wanting to get away from her family or a dead end job. The relationship is high consent and loving. Plots can include arranged marriage, the unsold girl in the market, even a subtle female pursuit . Writing style is third person, high dialogue , and typical post of between 50 to 300 words depending on story need. The writer will respect his co-writer's ideas and wishes in plotting out the story and always be open to story ideas she presents. Setting may be historic, current or alternative world within reason. Again Thank you for reading this thread , comments are welcome even if a writer does not wish to write this type of story, and hope you find stories you enjoy writing.
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