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Fx Any Cyberpunk 2077 RP Search


Rise Up; Resist and Disorder
Mar 21, 2013
Hello! I'll keep this relatively short and sweet:

Looking for literate writers. I write third person, past tense. I also double - almost require it at this point. Meaning, you play a LI for me and I'll do the same for you. Also write anywhere from 4-6(+) paragraphs per character. I also don't mind playing a lot NPCs for the story and would appreciate someone who felt the same and didn't mind taking that initiative. I don't have much in the way of triggers/limitations; please inform me if you do. And I can usually mange at least a post a day - if not more if I'm feeling particularly inspired. I'm over 21 and would prefer a partner the same or at the very least, 18+ Also, please don't control or make decisions for my characters. Like I mentioned before, NPCs are fine, but my OC is off-limits. And I'd also prefer having the IC part of the story take place over email/discord.

So, as the title states, I'm looking for a Cyberpunk 2077 rp - specifically someone to play Johnny. Though, I'm wanting to set this before the events of the game takes place - maybe around when Samurai is just starting to make a bigger name for themselves. I have an OC prepared and will discuss with whoever expresses interest :)

And if you'd like me to double as anyone, just lemme know ^.^
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