Mx Female Let Your Heart Race (Literate Original, Fandom, and Anime-style Stories) [4 New Plots!]


Sep 6, 2021

⟼[ Search Status (ACTIVTELY SEARCHING, 3/4 Spots Open) || Avg. Word Count 300-1k+ || RP Medium (PMs Yes/Discord Maybe) || F - List ] ⟻
Spacingstuffwithspacingtext.Spacingstuffwithspacing text𐌢 Who am I?
Welcome to the jungle, I'm Primal, and maybe if we play our cards right you will be too ;)

Corny jokes aside, thanks for taking the time to read my thread. I'm new to the site but I've been part of this very unique hobby for a long time now. I got my start on forums now dead and haven't been able to find a place that was filled with the same kind of people looking for the same kind of stories to build together. Hopefully, this is that place!

I'm a writer who likes to find partners above stories, which is to say I like to keep the same few quality writing partners around. For the majority of my writing career I've done long-form all the way up to novella style writing, so I'm quite comfortable going from 4-10+ paragraphs, but that doesn't mean that's all I want or expect. The important thing to me about whatever I write, no matter how long it is, is that it is descriptive, easy to read, and evocative of the emotion and sensation I'm conveying. I like to write all sorts of things, so if you don't see anything you like in particular here but like my ideas or what I'm about, send me a message, I'd love to hear what you have in mind. In terms of frequency, I will always get to you within 48 hours (extraordinary circumstances not withstanding), and if you've really got my interest/I'm free enough to do it, I can rapid-fire post with the best of them.

My favorite genres are Fantasy, Modern-Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Historical, but I do admit to having a fondness of fandom stories, most specifically those based on anime. Though I'm not very up to date on current anime I used to devour the stuff and even if I haven't seen the hottest show du jour, I am probably aware of it because of my much more anime-obsessed friends.

𐌢 Who are You?
I'm looking to write opposite women writing female characters. Obviously, we're working on the honor system here, but it's a preference of mine for sure. You should be able to compose your thoughts well without tons of spelling errors and horrible grammar. As far as characterization and the like goes while I, of course, have my preferences I want to influence your character as little as humanly possible. I want to see your vision of a character for a story! That having been said, the one thing that I really have no interest in writing opposite are passive characters. Female leads who just sit back and let the plot happen to them bore me to tears.

With regards to kinks and the like, I think I'm a pretty open-minded sort, though I tend towards romance as a focus of most of my stories. That's not to say I'm not up for some mindless pounding, but it's not what I'm actively seeking. My limits are more or less the usual; toilet stuff, snuff, vore, etc etc. I have a full F-List that I'm working on and will be posting up at the top of the field.

The #1 thing, however, that I look for in a partner is communication. I'm not asking for you to spill your heart out to me, though I'm happy to listen if you wanna talk, but more that I want to keep a conversation running alongside our story. Talking about the RP and general stuff like that can keep things going in a positive direction, and I'm fond of that.

𐌢 What Next?
Now onto the fun stuff; the plot themselves. Below, I have listed out a number of plots that are foremost in my mind in terms of how fleshed-out of an idea it is. If you like one of them as it's written, fantastic! Just send me a PM and we can start plotting out the details. If you like the gist of it but want some details adjusted, explained, or altered? Also great; that just tells me that you're invested in getting something to work! I'm always, I repeat always game for making an idea OUR idea, rather than solely my idea.

If none of the plots in the big thread below spark your interest I have also written a sort of word-pool that we can use as a fun game. I'm an absolute addict for worldbuilding and the only thing I enjoy more than worldbuilding itself is a challenge. So, here's how the game works: You pick 3-7 words from the word-pool, with at least one of them coming from the setting group, and if you like the sound of them, you can just message me with a friendly howdy-do, your choices from the word-pool, and I'll spit back two or three plots based on your selection. Think of it like a slot machine for RP plots! Of course, you can also get your own inspiration from the word-pool and just suggest something to me. I'm a pretty open fellow, all things said.

Thanks for reading through the thread. I hope to hear from you soon!

𐌢 The Word-Pool
Medieval, Iron Age, Modern-Mundane, 19th Century, Wild West, Space, Post-Apocalyptic, Tribal, Roman, Ancient Egyptian, Steampunk, Cyberpunk
*Fandom (Select from the below list or ask)

Mecha, Vampires, Kemonomimi, Elves, Masks, Superheroes, Betrayal, Tyranny, Military, Dragons, Demons, Mistaken Identities, Monarchy, Monster-Girls, Rivalry, Gladiators, Knights, Shapeshifting, Firearms, Fish-Out-of-Water, Pirates, Martial Arts, Noir, Assassins, Harems

Arknights, Avatar the Last Airbender, Azur Lane, Pokemon, Dragon Age, Bleach, One Piece, Inuyasha, .hack//Sign, League of Legends, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Warhammer, Genshin (new), Gundam, Fullmetal Alchemist, Code Geass, Wrestling (WWE/WWF/TNA mostly).
Spacingstuffwithspacingtext.Spacingstuffwithspacing text


[Shadow Hunter] {Gothic, Eastern European Themed, Supernatural Female}

Grim times had fallen upon the House Karshov. With the revelation of his father as a conspirator against the paranoid High King the family was stricken from the noble record and while most were put to the blade, (MC) was spared, his talent in the art of *tenevoye*, forbidden shadow magic, marked him as both heretic and immensely useful asset. The Arte had been considered lost in the realm for many generations, and yet here stood an enemy of the High King, a perfect weapon to aim at the breast of his foe. Across the Black River is the realm of the High King's oldest foe and the final piece in the puzzle to stop him from unifying the realm, the Queen-Governess. The disgraced nobleman would be sent as assassin, crossing the harsh land and infiltrating the city, using his gift to slip past the Old Artes that guard her realm and slay her. Yet, when he strikes with his blade, it is not her body he strikes, but a manequin, a trap laid for him. Quick as a whip, he is restrained and he comes to see that his prey is far more than he originally bargained for. The Queen-Governess was no mere mortal woman, no scion of a fading house, instead she was something *more* than human, and rather than her rage, the appearance of the young assassin drew forth bemusement and the idea of seeking opportunity. A blade turned at her could just as easily be turned back upon its creator, but he was more useful than a mere weapon, his presence here saw to that. She simply needed to apply the right pressure to get him to comply. She offers him a choice; give her the gift of his union and serve as her bodyguard, assassin, and mate, or die for his sins.

Possible Kinks: Master/Slave, Mental Influence (not Control), Group Dynamics

[The Masks We Wear] {Arranged Marriage, Deception, Regency Era, Non-Magic}

As the daughter of a near-destitute Count, (YC) has never quite understood her father's obsession with status and money. She would rather spend her days and nights with her companions, an influential trio of noblewomen who entertained themselves with engaging in "untoward behavior", be it racing horses, hunting, or spending the nights in the finest tavern in town carousing and teasing all who would bear witness to them. For the image-focused Count it was too much to have his name associated with such scurrilous behavior, but no amount of attempted discipline could properly rein her in. So, in an attempt to fix both problems at once, the Count sought to wed her off, hopefully to someone influential. What he found was the eldest son of a member of the gentry, not quite a nobleman to be sure, but exceptionally wealthy and with a reputation for his proper demeanor, stern but fair hand in command, and a career of distinguished military service. He was perfect, and the arrangement was made, much to (YC)'s frustration. Thinking she had simply traded off one stolid "keeper" for another, she went out with her friends again to paint the town red, only this time one gentleman at the tavern wasn't content with her flirtations and wanted more. He pursued her home, setting upon her and attempting to put his hands on her, when the crack of a pistol in the night's air drew his gaze and the sudden appearance of a masked figure ran him off. (YC) was saved by none other than an elusive and famous highwayman and mountebank, a wanted criminal famous for his keen sword and disdain for authority. He escorts her home safely and the passion of her rescue slips into passion for one another and the two come just short of losing themselves to their feelings before they are cut off and he escapes into the night, promising to see her again. The spark between them was genuine, and whatever hope she had for her marriage falls apart at the thought of being with the highwayman. Yet, little does she know, the highwayman himself is none other than her intended who, when faced with the disdain of his fiancee, must ask himself if there is a chance for a normal life, away from his place as the famed criminal, or whether he must keep the charade going to have any chance of earning the love of the woman who will soon be his wife.

Possible Kinks: Arranged Marriage, Forbidden Romance, Love Story

[Master's Call] {Iron Age, Fantasy, Multiple Character}

In the realm of Parhelia there are countless heroes, demigods, monsters, and would-be-conquerors who rain terror upon the land. Of all of those, however, few can match the grandeur and power in battle of (YC). The word of her deeds preceded her appearance by months and all knew to fear the warrior woman with the mismatched eyes. Rumors, naturally, swirled around her like a fog and while many were absurd, there were a few things that seemed impossible that were facts. The first was that she had been walking this path, restlessly stalking the world like a great predator, for over one hundred years, yet looked no older than a maiden of twenty. The second reality was of her frightful strength, that mere mortal weapons could not weather her power for long and for this reason she was festooned with blades and spears of all shapes and sizes. The final truth, and the one that troubled her most, was that for her entire time she had been unable to receive a night of restful sleep. Her nights were haunted with visions, confused and wrong images of her past that she could neither deny nor ignore. And then, one day, she felt it, a single note ringing across the horizon and beckoning her like a lighthouse to a battered ship. The trek was long but excitement had returned to her for the first time in decades, and when she arrived at the source of the call she met Him, a face she had never seen before yet knew as vividly as if it were her lover's. He was the Emperor of an empire that had long-since faded into lore and legend, and it was he who had sent out the call to beckon her to his side. Three sisters awaited her, awakened with their Master and entrusted to her for the purpose of training and education in the world. The Emperor informed her, demanded really, that she bend the knee and accept her position in the natural order as his General, and that as payment for her service, he would provide her knowledge of the truth she so sorely sought.

Possible Kinks: Master/Slave, Mental Influence (not Control), Group Dynamics

[Cloak of Dark] {Con or Dub, Arranged/Forced Marriage, Criminal}

Deposed, detested, decried, and destitute, the ambitious Duchess of Crows had attempted the greatest deed in her nation; a coup that would put her and her House at the top of the realm and make her Queen once more. However, treason and treachery within her own lineage left her as the scapegoat despite her planning and magic and resulted in her being condemned to the darkest oubliette in the realm. The sentence was life, for fear of spilling noble blood, but one day she was taken from her daily routine, plucked and spirited away from the dark jail and brought to the home of a foreigner, a disgraced nobleman himself whose ambitions were greater than the title of Baron he had managed to secure for himself by way of a purchased inheritance. He had heard of her, and using his network of contacts and no small amount of money and favors, had freed her to make her an offer. He would return her throne to her, with her help, in exchange for her hand and the title of King. Is this a chance to set things right? Or simply an attempt to make her a pawn in her own game?

Possible Kinks: Villainous Characters, Political, Enemies to Partners to Lovers, Dark Romance, Power Disparity

[Conquer Your Demon] {Near-Future-Fantasy, Military}

In the year 2160, humankind has expanded its borders to Hell itself and claimed it. Now with the blood of devils in their bodies, and the power of Hell in their industry, a new era of progress has begun and humanity's first foray beyond our stars have revealed wonders and terrors we weren't prepared for. You are one of the few who were chosen to be a Witch, a female special-forces soldier assigned her own personal Hellbound Devil to aid her in battle. What they didn't warn you about was that your demon could be both military asset and personal companion, and that he would be so distracting off-duty.
When the first of the Zeta-Gates were opened, an experimental technology to allow the Zeta Corporation to move to Hell, an idea thought to be crazy at the time. The world was shocked, however, when their technology worked, and a shared vision of punishment and suffering was laid before them. Constructs of the collective mind and the souls of the dead, that's what the Psi-Techs said, but the opening of this barrier drowned out the details. The denizens of Hell, to the surprise of many, weren't wholly devoted to destroying human, but rather served as a punishment for the wicked. The wardens of this Hellish realm, it seemed, were quite reasonable, and in short order the two factions began to interact and communicate with one another. The world quickly divided itself into two major factions; Vinculists, those who trafficked with Hell and began wielding the technology that their collaboration birthed, and the radical Sanguinists faction who swore to fight against Hell and embrace the purity of humanity. When the Zeta-Gate was opened the psychic potential of humanity was amplified, and for the Sanguinists, this manifested as a collective idea; embracing the purity of human blood.

The year is 2190, and much of the world now is owned and operated by the Vinculist factions. For the average citizen, life in Vinculist territory has never been better. Using the industry and power of Hell, many of the woes of man have lessened, and a new race has been born of the intermixing of human and devilish blood, officially recognized as homo sapiens diabolus, they are commonly called Zetas for the company that made their origin possible. Vinculist cities are rather cosmopolitan places and the presence of pentagrams and other Hellish markings are seen as commonplace now. The relationship between human and Zeta, even, is overwhelming positive. Yet, the world as a whole is not in peace.

Beyond the Vinculist cities and their territories, a few rogue states have embraced the Sanguinist ideals, exchanging the banner of nation and people for that of ideology; humanity must reign supreme and Hell is to be destroyed, not bargained with. While open war rages between Vinculist and Sanguist states, a war the Sanguinists are losing, they are left with a powerful trump card; the Strigoi, military units of men and women who consume a drug that allows them to become, in their words, more than human. Biological immortality, super-strength, super-speed, regeneration, enhanced reflexes, and the powerful blood and shadow magic they wield makes them deadly and terrifying foes. Were it not for the incredible failure rate for accepting the drug, the Sanguinists would have won long ago. Nonetheless, the Strigoi terrorize entire countrysides and commit terrible atrocities to weaken and demoralize the Vinculists. In response to their newfound foes, the Vinculists High Council approved the creation of an elite unit to stand against them; the Sangunist Intervention and Neutralization Force, more commonly known as S.I.N.

The finest military men and women in the world are recruited for SIN and put through rigorous testing. Their marksmanship, mental fortitude, physical fitness, and psycho-mystic potential are tested exhaustively. Those who are successful are assigned either the title of Witch or Warlock and undergo the Ritual of Annointment, binding a volunteer Devil who is willing to submit their freedom in exchange for aiding humans and gaining possession of any souls killed by either themselves or their Witch/Warlock.

Possible Kinks: Friends/Allies to Lovers, Master/Slave, Addiction, Aphrodisiacs, (Semi)Monstrous Male

[A Worthy Bride] {Con or Dub, Arranged/Forced Marriage, Tribal}

A tribe of proud and peerless nomadic warriors experience true freedom, a luxury afforded them by their strength of arms and the guidance of their Chieftain. Life is good for all members of the tribe save for one; the Chieftain's daughter whose hand has recently been promised. Standing apart from the rest of her people in many ways, she is still bound by the laws of her people. With her unwillingness to pick a husband from her boorish tribemates, a tournament is held and her hand is given to the strongest warrior, a male whom she loathes.

Yet, just as the tournament and festival draw to a close a stranger arrives, declaring that he was delivered here by divine mandate and that he would have the hand of the Chieftain's daughter. His supernatural appearance and abilities mark him as inhuman, but in battle he is peerless and demands his prize. Yet, despite seeming to be no more than a larger warrior than her original intended, there is a strange connection between them that even the daughter cannot deny.

Possible Kinks: Breeding/Mating, Dominant Male, Muscular Male, Warrior Female, Dubcon, Jealousy

[Our War] {Cyberpunk, Mentor and Student, Revenge}
The Tri-City area is a crushing environment, a playground for the worst and most degenerate of humankind. Those who can devour their fellow man and spit them out once they are done with them. Such was the case with a young woman left with no options, the victim of circumstance, feeling the walls shrinking in around her. In her modest home, in her modest life, there seems to be no escape, at least until one day when, on her way home, she spots something in an alleyway. The object in question was a man, clad in military-grade augmentation gear and wearing a constantly shifting featureless mask. The mess of blood under him shows that his injuries are quite severe. Showing, perhaps, the first real humanity he had seen in a while, she rescues him, taking him back to her place and fixing him up. After he recovers, thanks only to her efforts, he realizes that he could use an assistant, offering her a chance to elevate herself out of this shithole and take control of her own destiny. He could use a partner, after all, and in a place like the Tri-City there's a lot of money to be made killing.

Possible Kinks: Age-Difference, Size-Difference, Switch Dynamic

[Taking All Comers] {Martial Arts, Fighting-Game, Modern}
In the world of competitive martial arts there are those who become professional fighters and fight for a purse on pay-per-view, and then there are Elite Fighters. Capable of performing super-human feats of martial competence, these men and women come from innumerable unique backgrounds, but one thing unites them all; the urge to be the best. (YC) is one of these, an Elite Fighter whose skills are rare and incredible, making her one of the most dangerous individuals in the world. Yet, despite her abilities, there was nothing she could do to protect her adoptive father half a world away when his office at the embassy was the victim of a seemingly random attack.

Fortunately, he lives, but is held captive by an international terrorist organization calling themselves Blackwing. Little is known about them, but one day she receives a featureless black envelope containing two items; a one-way plane ticket to the recently "liberated" nation of Saragev in Eastern Europe and an invitation she couldn't refuse. The shadowy figure at the head of Blackwing, it seemed, was organizing a tournament for the world's top fighters and the prize was a considerable sum of money as well as a personal request from Rook himself. This was her opportunity, a chance to not only fulfill her desire to stand apart as the finest fighter in the world, but to rescue her father and bring Blackwing down.

This is clearly inspired by fighting games like Tekken, Street Fighter, and that sort of thing. The exact details can be changed or adjusted, but I do foresee this as a more GM'd sort of story than the others. This can be developed to have you running multiple females, even a team of them, in this dangerous tournament! Lots of room for this one to be plotted out.

Possible Kinks: Fighting, Rough Romance, Blackmail, Master/Pet, Anything really

[Section 37] {Fandom, Azur Lane, Multiple Characters, War, Fantasy}
With the end of the war between Azur and Crimson Axis an uneasy alliance has been born due to the emerging threat against all of humanity; the Sirens. Desperate for a way to gain an edge over them, they turn to the rare and experimental technology of Wisdom Cubes to level the playing field. The result of this is the miracle known as Maiden-Ships, creations that wear the appearance of women while commanding tremendous and devastating power far greater than humanity could ever engineer. Their abilities prove instrumental in preventing the disaster of the Siren invasion. The fact that the Maidens are allied to the factions that create them is well known, what is not know, however, is the relationship between Ship and human. Thus far, the Maiden-Ships only really seem responsive to a few individuals to whom they are "attuned". For whatever reason, the Maidens seem to be drawn to specific individuals in the fleet at large which has caused a bit of a stir in the command structure.

One such individual is an ambitious but relatively inexperienced officer of the Ironblood who had been given a personal assignment of great importance; he was entrusted with the Lone Queen of the North, Tirpitz. The mighty battleship wouldn't speak to, and would outright ignore, most other officers, but she would tolerate him, allowing the two of them to remain in relative exile in the North Sea awaiting a chance to strike. Though their day never came, Tirpitz was able to perform incredible feats at the side of her precious Kommandant, feats far exceeding her listed parameters. At the conclusion of the war, the two rejoined the greater fleet and it was discovered in a negotiation that his attunement was surprisingly high with ships of even enemy nations, a novelty to both sides. Now, as Siren attacks escalate, he is chosen to head up a new organization, a shaky attempt at unity between Azur and Crimson Axis, and is entrusted with studying attunement, integration of ships from multiple nations, and the unintended effects of jealousy from one of the mightiest ships in the Ironblood fleet. Their ultimate mission? Achieve an understanding of the nature of this strange relationship and its strengthening effects against the mounting Siren threat.

What I envision for this is a female cast of three to six (a fleet) of Maiden-Ships who will work with the Rear Admiral in battling against the Siren threat. If you're familiar with this setting, obviously, the burden of running multiple characters falls to you. This is a particularly large ask, I'm aware, and as such I will handle everything else in the story. Obviously, smut is a part of this, but I want to emphasize that this is a story-driven game first and would love to flesh out some of the characterization of the ships that are chosen. We can discuss details if you like the idea but are dissatisfied with something about the narrative.

Possible Kinks: Harem (but no more than two (MF) in a single scene)

[The Road's End] {Corruption, Evil Lovers, Sword and Sorcery}
When the Dark Queen rose the Order of the Lady of Light sent out their finest seers and sages to try and find the prophesied Hero, the Chosen One, who was prophesied to defeat her. Eventually, in a quiet duchy, they found him. The young man in question was the son of a blacksmith who had been given a chance at knighthood after his father saved his liege, opting to offer his strong son to the Duke as a potential knight. Newly spurred, he was inexperienced, but fate itself seemed to protect him and when he was brought before the priests they proclaimed that the light of the Goddess filled him. Indeed, he heard her voice, felt her light, and it was through her will that he triumphed. He received training at the Great Temple, learning to wield the blade that was forged for him a hundred years ago, and in only a month's time he had grown to such a degree of skill that they knew he was ready. He was sent out to drive back the Dark Queen's armies and strike at her black heart. His journey, however, would not be so easy as the rest of his life. While he, personally, was protected, those who were close to him were not and many of them; allies, kin, even his first lover, would fall one after another to the servants of the Dark Queen and, eventually, her finest lieutenants.

By the time he reached her citadel he was a different man, and while his features were just as angelic as ever, his heart had become tarnished with feelings of hate, revenge, and rage. He and the Queen did battle, as prophesied, and he indeed emerged victorious. Yet, as the final blow loomed over her head, the Dark Queen snapped her fingers and severed his connection with the Lady of Light, if only for a time. In this time, however, she didn't strike, didn't unleash her magic. Instead, she spoke, explaining to him that the Church would never welcome him, and that the light of the Lady would leave him once he fulfilled his task, once his usefulness had run out. Her words gave him pause, the holy blade rattling in his gauntlets ever-so-slightly, as he considered what she said. "What choice do I have," he demanded, glaring at her, "you've taken everything from me, and now the Lady will take what remains?" Slyly smiling up at him she offers her hand to him and states her intentions, "What I took from you, Hero, were weights and lies; things to weaken and misguide you. Take me," she offered, "and together we can achieve what the Church would deny you." To both of their surprise, after what felt like an eternity of hesitation, he reached out and took her hand.

I envision this as a corruption tale, obviously, about the Hero learning that serving himself, and cooperating with her, is the way to protect himself from his downfall. The Dark Queen can be as evil or righteous as you'd like. If you want her to be misunderstood and motivated by a cause that has been hidden from the Hero, that's definitely an option, but she also could just be a selfish creature who wants to dominate the world, thinking it better under her control.

Possible Kinks: Mind-control magic, Seduction, Power play, Betrayal, Switch Dynamics, Enemies-to-Lovers
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