Mx Female The Farmer's Daughter

Mature Male Writer

Nov 19, 2019
Coastal Georgia, US
OK, I know this title was used for some classically bad stories, so once you are finished laughing or sneering there is a meaningful story idea. Thanks for reading this far. After reading basic plot I would welcome feed back even if story is not for you.

Set in rural US during the depression of the 1930s a widowed banker wants a new wife and in return will pay off /forgive all her family's debt to his bank. Basic arranged marriage story, but there is more. I want to write a story that starts out about a girl becoming a woman and trying to figure out if she loves a man or will just tolerate him for her family. It will me a slice of life story with an element of the girls transformation. Other element can be included and are welcome from writing partner.
For the first part I will write a female role too, the banker's housekeeper.
Please message if interested. I tend to write between 100 to 300 words per post in third person often very conversational. I write both here and on Discord. F-list provided on request, but see this story having just a few of my usual kinks. Thank you for your kind consideration.
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