Mx Female Old Timer Steps Out into the New World


May 30, 2021
I’ve posted here beforehand, drifted in and out a few times here and on other boards. But despite being into fetish since I discovered sex the pool of people I’ve had to write with has spoiled me. They have been some of the finest, most intriguing, dirty, intelligent and lovely members of and and all genders and orientations I’ve met.

Sadly, I became so ill recently I didn’t have the brain space for jumping into a new place, which is awful because two of them, including perhaps the best (or at least most telepathic) writer I’ve had the pleasure of writing with and for four straight weeks of more than once daily posts, had two people verbally fence until the supposedly strong one rand and the person new to the world followed him to its end, leaving him quite stunned (though my period of being unwell, I won’t lie and say my male characters didn’t reflect how it felt). But sadly, as I came around from being very unwell (it wasn’t quite deaths door) all of my friends are being swept up in the great Corvid ‘it’s all normal (sorry, little while until the roaring 20s yet)’.

So, after a lot of thinking I decided… well, you don’t gain what you don’t risk, and I won’t say ‘my record of success is unblemished’ but one individual did do me the honest to god honour of saying (after a while of not speaking) ‘You’ve spoiled me and ruined me, I’m verbally broken because all these other people are just… not like you.’

Personally I think she’s missing that I was playing her tastes where as the folks she wasn’t hanging around with… didn’t. Which is legit, but if you develop a preference for the other…

So… where am I going with this?

I am looking for writers of any skill level and kink knowledge with the self responsibility to take this mildly seriously, accept emotions are involved and many partners consider it cheating and so, in trying to be ethical - that they’ve made any partners aware and I know they exist. I won’t facilitate covert cheating. Other than that, if you’re interesting, fun, and all those other nice words - articulate helps a lot, but lord knows I’m not’ and have an interest in the following subject areas or can commit to a deepish level of wanting to learn:

-Objectification (Mmmmmmm. *sigh*)
-Doll Making (Objectification of females with toy-like charadtistics.
-Latex (Shiny, tight, beautiful.)
- The combination of the above :)
-Stories more than sex, or at least as much as sex.
-Kink, dress up, fetishism and training play as much as developing need skills off-camera.
-Service Play
-Stuggle /,Resistance - least internally a Doll who isn’t sure this is what she wanted
-Some level of IC-real consent removal, not as clear cut as the terms might imply, but even a willing Doll might find the planets top six all have their own quirks… and if you don’t want a lovely singing voice. The Avatrix is not for you.
- An interest in magic - and Steampunk - it’s a Steampunk nation, I’ve described London and Paris, New York, NY might be nice… glittering spires and new vs old money in a time which, historically, we have photographic evidence to prove kink got as risqué as today - but a it’s heart the ability for a skilled maker to hold their doll upside down in thin air and apply them to their phallus regardless of her desires … once a point in the story is reached.

**Really, there’s nothing individually original. In the story, girl gets caught, girl gets sold at auction because society is slowly getting a dystopian feel - from the action platform, fussed by for sale, ignoring the rich and infamous she can see her own home, away and down. They’ve already started to install upper level streets 50 stories up… all very Gotham. She’s bought not as an afterthought, whomever by’s her is there for someone or thing else, but their eyes catch and a spark of kinship crosses the batch… what happens next is really open ended, but I’d at least like to finish a scene where one of the six most talent meets their newest gain, reveals they do as much work on themselves as on any - and each of them explains their devious plan and the other horrifc torment that they really can’t avoid… but then they reveal the ugly secrets of which the rich are doing, and they have, contingency plans for the treatment of their Dolls… and he was looking for someone who would keep up with him and there’s more to this Doll thing than improbable breast - waist - hip measurements ballet heels…. There’s the speed and grace to fight in them, and the strength to put them through concrete walls…**

There’s a world more than that, several, in fact from the science fiction era after they blow up Earth with orgone (a real world myth of a limitless power source creates by sex which ladies and far better at doing over time than guys), in which you play the facist bondage police made to protect a sexual utopia… and slowly find out about the other arc, the Dystopia, which leads to the naval warfare element, which can by summed up in the phase “Astrogation, do we have a fix? Very well. Defence is in you hands I’ve had every non essential personnel in orgone production for half an hour. Madame Navigatior, do the choir have the becacon. Very good, just… lean over…” *gags the startled and insanely elegant navigator. “… what did I say last time you screamed so hard after combat, hmmmm?l None the less, sound action stations and set condition one: Orgone-jump thoughout the ship. Madame navigatior, bring the drive to first stage pre-climax and hold for 30… even at stage one, a thousand women expertly making use of a pleasure denied them all too often could be felt as much…

Like I said Od
Bumpo. This badly needs a re-write, but my illness eats away my time being ill or being grumpy about being ill!

Let me summarise some of my ramblings better: I like playing 'monsters' with hearts of gold, in relationships that should be deeply wrong but are not, I'm particularly into latex and if a lady would like the experience of being completely objectified, and yet, so awful is the world the obsessive, terrifying and tormenting attention where having ones skin replaced with latex is close to the start, and who doesn't mind exploring the freedom and power as well as the weaknesses of being a beloved object... and the terrifying addiction of being one thats just a component in a machine.

I'm here, I'm almost always looking for fun and interesting writers who's tastes match mine... and ideally post at least once a day - exceptions allowing, but don't be put off if you dont! As I'm not working, I have time to fill.
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