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Fx Any Occult Wizards, Angsty Werewolves, Dutiful Fae, and BDSM Vampires: Welcome to Ellis College!

Sep 7, 2021
Hello! I'm Ella (she/her). I'm a university student studying music, and I think that may have an effect on the settings/characters I like to rp, haha. In case the title doesn't make it obvious, this request thread is themed around a sort of WoD-style rp where classic ghouls and monsters share the world with average, everyday college students, adding hidden, supernatural threats to their already hectic lives! If you're interested in the lore/in-world side of things, feel free to check out my world bible by clicking here. This post is going to be more mechanical, dealing with the themes each "monster" works well with in this setting and detailing how I operate as a roleplayer myself.

To begin with, I don't really hold myself to a paragraph quota or anything, but I always do my best to give my partner something to work with and typically get at least three sentences. I also use a lot of dialogue, so if you aren't a fan of that we might not be a great match. Also, my tablet's auto-correct is worse than my self-image, so if I have typos that's probably why. I have no clue why it sucks so bad, but I'll literally type something correctly and it'll auto-correct to a typo. Fucking Amazon devices, amirite?

Anyways, I don't have a whole lot of preferences as far as my partner is concerned. As long as you're not a bigot, I'd be happy to chat/rp. I'm also a huge fan of really melodramatic and emotional stories (though this isn't a mist-have), so if you want to make writer-me absolutely melt with your first message, that might be something to keep in mind.

In any case, let's move on to a brief overview of Ellis College as a setting. Like the really bad Netflix show that inspired it (The Order), the college is a sort of backdrop for various types of classical monsters. While students roam the halls to learn about chemistry, history, and jazz, groups of wizards share ancient knowledge just below their feet. Werewolves dot the outskirts of campus, hiding from those they are afraid of hurting and struggling to control the beast within, while fairy soldiers patrol the college, vigilantly scanning for eldritch horrors and shitty people alike. And, of course, we can't forget the vampires who surround themselves with willful, masochistic ghouls and keep their own monstrosity in check by never violating the rule of agency.

So, how does this rp setting work from a writing perspective? Basically, there are four kinds of stories for the four types of supernature in the setting. Wizards are great for a sort of magical cloak-and-dagger intrigue plot, with secret agendas and arcane mysteries being the focus of the game. Werewolves, on the other hand, are best for RPs that focus on a character's internal struggle as they fight to control their rage instead of letting it control them. Fae stories are usually great for supernatural adventures that depart from the more human side of things and instead focus on fighting big scary Fomorians (or even just magically fucking with someone who deserves to get pranked). And finally, vampires are pretty much all about ethical sadism, often depicting creatures of the night who feed on willing victims and create consensual (but ulitmately meaningless) power structures as they combat the much less ethical "predator-type" vampires.

Hopefully that long, way too academic spiel is legible, haha. Anyways, here's a few rp prompts:

Shadow of the Dark Lord (Wizards): We are neophytes in the secretive magic studies program, but even with this esoteric insider viewpoint, secrets still abound. Professors speak in hushed tones, and in the ritual hall where we learn and cast our magic, a portrait is missing. Our classmates experience nightmares almost daily, and soon we realize that the world isn't all wonder and excitement— an evil from the not-so-distant past is threatening to return an convert the school into an army, and it's up to us to stop this!

It's so Hard to Love You (Werewolves): Yes, it's a shitty Twilight fanfic, but I want something sappy god dammit! Anyway, you are a newly-bitten werewolf, and thus you have hit rock bottom. Your friends have all foresaken you, terrified of what you've become. Your rage threatens to overcome you. But is isolation the cure for your disease? When a lonely girl from one of your classes reaches out to you, it seems this might not be so. You hate her for telling you the deeds you do in your monster form are still yours, and yet the haze that comes with the full moon seems to dissipate when she is there to tell you off.

The Adventures of Selkie and Puca: We're both fairies, a grim and formal warrior who will stop at nothing to keep evil at bay, and a light and bouncy trickster who will mercilessly screw with anyone that gets in their way. Together, we fight both evil humans and deadly fomorians like a pair of fey superheroes. We don't necessarily have to be selkie and a puca like the title says, but that can be discussed in PMs.

Bloodcult: One particular student (one of our characters) is surrounded with devoted, doting friends. At times, it seems suspicious, almost cult-like with the student holding an uncomfortable amount of power over their entourage, but there is an unexplainable genuine happiness surrounding the group. One of us must investigate the other further, slowly learning more and more until their eyes are opened to the supernatural world that hides just beneath the surface.
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