Mx Female CYOAs - A Mythological Request

Sep 6, 2021

Hello Blue Moon,

I'm Mythological. What am I looking for? Something more mythological than my name. Erotic roleplay with actual plot. Now, don't get me wrong. I enjoy smut. I even enjoy stories that have a lot of smut in them, but stories that are all smut tend to get repetitive and fast. Give me something beyond the bedroom. Give me two rivals or even enemies that have to work together. Give me two strangers suddenly in over their heads fighting to survive.

Genres I like: Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Superheroic

My Characters:
Male (almost always)
Heroic, Antiheroic, Dominant, Romantic - not all at the same time :)


Some of my favorite things:
Rivals/Enemies to Lovers, Reluctant Allies, Adventure, Conflict
Unprotected Sex, Impregnation, Pregnancy
Domination, Breaking, Taming, and Training
Romance, Love, Happy endings
Crossovers, Fish-out-of-water, Modern Day magic
Big Ass Heroes - larger than life

Format: Rules light or Freeform.

Where: Forum Threads or PM. No Discord

Posting Speed: Average of daily. Some days I can slip in multiple posts at work. Sometimes I may skip a day or two.

Posting Length: Varies on the roleplay. Even for dialog I try for at least one good paragraph. Can easily write a page when scene calls for it.

I'm a dominant, not a sadist: When playing with a partner who is a submissive, I don't want to have to keep punishing them to the point that would send them to the hospital if treated realistically and they're still not yielding. If YC has that strong a will - you're not playing a submissive. That does not mean I expect submissives to roll over and obey with just a small token, but there's a middle ground.


Rather than plot seeds, I'm going to toss out some CYOAs = Choose Your Own Adventure. I find them intriguing as a general concept. What to pick? What to prioritize? What to give up to achieve it. However, they aren't a whole adventure, just the idea of one. Some of these, I would really like to experience, so let's take one of these and actually have an adventure:

The Used Goods Auction CYOA. Now, the slave auction concept isn't exactly new, but what kicks this one up a notch is that these slaves are being sold cheap. As the scenario describes less than the cost of a cow. I find that an interesting starting place, so let's look at the scenario....






My Choices: So, if you add up the costs you'll find out you can between one and three slaves depending on who you pick. Who would I pick if I was just picking? I'd pick three of the cheaper slaves to get a harem. Clara, because despite being blind and mute she still has courtesan skills. Melany, because she was nobly born. Slave or not, she'd make a decent companion and would likely make a good household supervisor eventually. I'd pick Mizuho as the final pick because she's obviously broken enough to sell herself. She'd be useful for keeping the other two in line until Melany learns her place and gets put above her. I will admit to finding Aoi interesting as well, but the scenario doesn't let me buy four.

However, on Blue Moon, I'm not looking for a writing partner to play those three specific roles. I'd be willing to find a writing partner to play any of the girls being sold as used goods. I find most of them intriguing, or possibly even an OC, as long as it fits the scenario described, a used slave being sold on the cheap.

As for my character, I'd play the character the CYOA deals out, a young man who just finally achieved his majority and come into his inheritance who has land complete with serfs, servants, tutors, and executors - but only a small amount of free cash, just enough to buy a cow. It seems to me like those executors don't have my character's best interests at heart. I'd rather expect they're working for someone else and while the land allegedly belongs to my character, he's being used as a figurehead. He is also clearly extremely lonely. At least that's my take. If anyone is interested in playing the part of one (or more) slaves purchased by him from the Used Goods Auction.... Choose your adventure and send me a message.

Road Trip CYOA. The Road Goes on Forever and the Party Never Ends. This one is about being stuck on a never ending roadtrip, an endless parade of small towns with supernatural sidealong passengers, items, and enemies along the way.




My Choices - I really don't have set choices for this CYOA. Yes, there is a point buy system like most CYOAs have. I'd probably take the bicycle and then... I can't say. I'd rather have a long rambling adventure with one or more companions where we encounter all the things at one time or another.

So, that's what I'm seeking as a writing partner for this one. Join me on a road trip where we use this as the background for the story with us picking what pieces we want from it as we go. So we might encounter any or all of the passengers, the bonus items, the events, and terrors. We both get to be main characters and play some of the passengers. A co-GM situation. A possible starting place would be with my character having been on the road for a while, when he encounters YC with a broken vehicle or propose something else.

Altering History CYOA. This one is ambitious. Your task is to go back in time to the dawn of history, save the entire world, and earn immortality as your reward. It's huge and a lot of options and a lot of rules. I'm also really craving this one.






My choices - I would go with Master of the Cycle. Now, I know that I'd be committing myself to being reborn and merging my memories with another person over and over again, but the goal here is to save humanity. Death and birth are part of being human. I think the other options would warp me in other ways, lead to me treating them as useful pawns. I think the rebirth risks me losing my initial self, but not choosing it risks me losing what it means to be human. With that choice made I'd also go for a magic heavy build and go for a Sorcerer Supreme victory. I would also avoid the Pocket Dimension options - it would be so much more comfortable than living in the past world, that I would hide there and waste years. If you want to change history, you have to be a part of it.

I would really love to play this as a player, but for this CYOA I need someone who knows history and I don't. So, I'm seeking someone who knows history to be the GM and could let me know how my efforts to change the world pan out - and help roleplay some of MC's many lives across the millennia trying to save the world.

Plot Seeds

I also have a couple of plot seeds. Not actively seeking these at the moment, but if they really call out to you, we can discuss.

Filling Mother's Shoes: MC is YC's guardian, but not legally. He started sleeping with YC's mother, a free-spirited woman who always slept around and also moved around the country never staying too long in one place. She moved in with MC and said her wild days were over. MC acted like a father to YC and a better parent than she'd ever known. She got into a nice school and he bought her nice clothes, and she had her own room with enough food to eat. YC's mother was bored living the suburban life. YC thought she'd landed in a happy lifetime move. Then YCs mother just decided to leave one day. No note. No notice. She just didn't come home, abandoning YC with MC who is not legally her guardian. At first MC thinks she'll be back. YC doesn't believe that. This isn't the first time YC's mother just left her. MC tells YC he should contact social services because he isn't really YC's guardian. YC has a better plan - she'll take her mother's place as the woman of the house including moving into MC's bed. Most of my characters are dominant, but I want this story to be more romantic, more of a March/December with the lines between daughter/wife and father/husband blurring.

Not Quite the Parent Trap (Twincest):
Two fraternal twins, brother and sister, are separated at a young age when their parents divorce. MC goes with the father. YC stays with the mother. Years later they meet. Could be summer camp (ages 15 or older) or it could be at college. They feel an immediate attraction, like they've found the missing half of themselves. We can play through the romance/seduction, but it doesn't take too long before they wind up sleeping together. Only after they've slept together (maybe more than once), do they discover they share the same birthdate. That leads them to compare facts about family history and realize they're brother and sister. From there we play through the consequences. Do they break up because society holds incest as a taboo? Or do they decide to stay together and damn the consequences? If they decide to breakup - will they tell their parents and confront them about breaking them up as toddlers? Or will they try to hide it from their parents?
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