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NBx M or NB dead as fuck (nonbinary vamp inside!)


𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕗𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕙
Jul 14, 2021
“It's late - way too late to find yourself on the wrong side of town inside a junkyard. Lurking among the rusty metal scraps and greasy tires, you feel as if you're being watched. "Hello! Is anyone there?" No answer. All you hear is a dog barking in the distance. A bottomless pit grows inside your belly. You see a sign that's written in what looks like red paint. It reads, "Trespassers Will Be Killed On-Site."

It's time to turn back now. You've gone far enough. As you turn around, you catch a glimpse of a shadow out of the corner of your eye. You try running, but your legs are too heavy to move, and you fall to the ground. As you stand up, you notice that you're surrounded by a very unfriendly group, but these aren't your average villains. These are vampires, and they look thirsty - thirsty for blood. There's no sense in trying to escape. You're in the wrong place, at the worst possible time.”
disclaimer: i pulled this excerpt from my haunt’s webpage. by no means am i claiming this as my own writing. i won’t be linking the website for the sake of my privacy.

so i’ve been absolutely dying to actually write out the character i’ll be debuting this haunt season and (hopefully) test out their personality before opening night. my haunt is also unfortunately PG-13 so it would be nice to explore more of the R-rated aspects of them. before i get much more into it here’s a little about me!
• i'm a third person, para/multi-para roleplayer. my post length usually depends on what i’m given to work with unless i get a sudden burst of inspiration. quality over quantity!

• i like being able to understand what you're writing, so having semi-decent grammar would help with that a lot. however, i understand that mistakes and typos happen, and not everyone’s first language is english! everyone makes mistakes including myself.

• discussing ideas and backstories OOC is super fun and i highly encourage it! tell me everything you find out about your character along the way, or about anything you'd like to see happen in the roleplay!

• i write from my phone and autocorrect can be a total bitch sometimes. i usually catch any typos after posting and will correct them ASAP. please be patient with me!

• i'll typically check in with you to make sure you're okay if i haven't heard anything from you for about two weeks.

• i write smut for fun and not for any sort of sexual gratification— if you’re the type to write for sexual gratification good for you, but we may not get along if that’s all you’re after.


and now onto the idea!

i don’t have a completely solid idea laid out just because there’s so many options we could play around with. Y/C could be a human who’s wandered too far into the wrong side of town. they could be another vampire, an outsider and therefore a threat to the vampires that have made the junkyard their home. it’s really all about your preference so i would love to discuss and brainstorm any other ideas you might have as well! i’ll go more in depth about M/C through PMs but for now: M/C is nonbinary and for the most part fairly androgynous. they’re AFAB (assigned female at birth) but use they/them pronouns. this is something that’s non-negotiable so please don’t message me asking if i’d be willing to use any other pronouns for this character!

hope to hear back from some of y’all soon. stay spooky! 🧛🏻

EDIT: i’d like this RP to be more story driven than smut driven. smut will obviously happen eventually but for me personally smut isn’t fun without story.
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