Mx Female Celebrity Death match!

Oct 15, 2013
No not the show although it was funny.

I've been trying to find anyone interested in playing some down on their luck celebrity ladies who are trying to win back fame, fortune, or are just thrill seekers in sex. This can be against male celebrities who would be paying the large sums of cash if they win or give a boost to their careers to help them get back on top. This comes with a great risk though for they are putting their dignity, body, and very lives on the line.

The game would go as follows. A male picks a one of the women to play with and the goal of the game is for her to satisfy him without cumming too often herself. The lady in question will be wearing a collar that will register every time they climax. Said collar has a one in four chance of activating each time she climaxes. If it activates it can either lethally inject her, choke her to death, behead her, or squeeze so tightly it snaps her neck killing her. My preference is a neck snap or beheading. If they manage to win though they win millions of dollars and the chance to save their failing careers. A bit of a niche idea, but one I've been wanting to try for a time. I prefer to play via PM. Feel free to hit me up with a lady or set of ladies you'd be willing to play if you're interested.

There is an artist who makes darker comics. One of them is called (A NSFW snuff comic) Song of Troy which I've been wanting to do an rp that emulates it. If you like fatal sex fights then this is the comic for you!
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