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Lyceum Echidna - Teacher is the pet. {Staine x Bunny}


The original Bunny eating monster.
Welcoming Committee
Jan 8, 2020

Erik stood up, stretching and moving towards the kitchen section of his office, he had to make himself a drink. Grabbing the hot chocolate, his own little guilty pleasure, he turned the kettle on and filled the cup. Tomorrow would be the first day of the new year at Lyceum Echidna where he had worked for the last five years teaching one of the more fringe subjects, Monster Hunting. Usually something that would be left to the humans who occasionally hunted monsters that found their way into the human world one would think there wasn't really a need for it in their world, in a world with almost exclusively monsters of every kind, but they would absolutely be wrong. Erik knew first hand how much trouble could arise if monsters went unchecked so there was of course a policing system in place to take care of things, it was just the crimes that were different. Minor, more personal crimes didn't tend to matter to monsters. Rape, for example, was a way of life, the strong took the weak more often than not, and while it might be a hard experience most monsters knew this fact, were born into it and would go on with their lives once it was over. Some were even taken to be used endlessly by their captors, several types of monsters were known for this, in particular the savage trolls of the marshlands that surrounded the school itself had claimed many victims for their own and it was often used more as a tale of caution than anything else, the victims still likely being raped every day for the rest of their lives with few going looking for them unless they were family. Violence was something that was a natural occurrence too, monsters fought and killed each other all the time, so a police system like the humans had wouldn't be very fitting.

No, instead there were two unique systems in place, those that trained to be the enforcers for the rulers of each land, answering only to the Lord or Lady who ruled and their family, sent to keep the peace in the case of nasty feuds, to recover stolen artifacts or hunt down those that have offended them. Then there were the freelance hunters, those that made their living by performing the same duties for those that paid them. If your sister had been kidnapped by a monster and you wanted to get her back but weren't strong enough, it wasn't like your ruler would care...they may have even been the one to do it, but a freelance hunter could retrieve them, or die trying, if the payment was good enough. That was where Erik had learned the trade, he'd been a freelance hunter for ten years before coming here, powerful because of the kind of monster he was, the son of a Minotaur and a werewolf he had the properties of both. His human form was tall, 6'5ft tall, he didn't look dangerous or scary, he looked like one would expect from most monsters human forms, with soft brown hair and brown eyes he dressed somewhat like a mix between the teacher he was now and a detective, long brown coat, various different shirts though today he wore a white one with vertical stripes on it, and brown trousers. The tie was the last part, most teachers here didn't actually dress like that but he liked it, in this place it was a style unique just to him. His other form though...a minotaur was often a huge creature, as was a werewolf and the mix of them had done something strange to him. Huge, terrifying, there was little doubt as to why he had been an incredible hunter, few monsters could stand up to his strength and power, standing well over 16feet tall when upright though he was often hunched over or on all fours he was far faster than he looked too, a monster in every sense of the word.

He'd done his job admirably too before he had ended up here, recruited by the headmaster after performing a task for him it had seen like a good idea at the time, he'd been getting rather tired of wandering, of never really having a stable home, so he'd began to teach at Lyceum Echidna, the headmaster had created this entire subject just for him, feeling it was a good idea to have somewhere for aspiring hunters to learn their trade, from basic techniques and the etiquette that came with it. Learning the rules that hunters had to follow to stay out of the watchful gaze of the rulers, the different customs in each of the monster lands, learning how to trade with demons, beasts, plant types and most importantly how to take care of and subdue all of the various types of monster. With such a huge variety and differences in their skills, their magic and how to resist their allures it was turning out to be a popular subject even just for extra credit, which was why he had put in for his own teacher's assistant. TA's were something special in the Lyceum, not completely staff they were chosen from applications from monsters that either couldn't afford the tuition or weren't lucky enough to have a planned scholarship, sometimes they were humans that had become monsters via a bite from a werewolf or turned into a vampire or a succubus, not pure blooded like those born to it, and sometimes they were just from poorer or lesser families of monsters. It was hard to think of them like that, but it was what it was, just a way of the world.

Taking his hot chocolate back to his desk, that was who he was waiting for now. Erik had so much to go over, he had to approve all of the different students based on their past experiences and their other classes and plan out his lessons. Usually he would start with something pretty basic, dealing with creatures of strength like himself before they started getting to the more magical types and the tricksters. He had most of it down now, all he really had to do was wait for his assistant to arrive and give her his lesson plans, make sure she was up to speed and then he could go back to his room and relax, today had been a long day of preparation and he was tired, sleepy. Looking up at the clock, his assistant wouldn't be expected for at least another hour. He spent twenty minutes sipping his hot chocolate, finishing up the last few details he needed so that his class would be in order, then he rested back on his chair, closing his eyes. The downside of his career change was that sometimes this job was so boring...he didn't have the thrill of being the hunter anymore, he didn't get to go out into the world and take what he wanted...sure, he had fun with one of the students on occasion, it wasn't unusual for that to happen in such a sexually charged world but he couldn't do it more often than not, they were there to learn from him and he also had the task of keeping the peace for the school as he was the one responsible for internal investigations and security, part of the reason he had been hired. Just thinking about it was making him sleepy. So tired...just closing his eyes for a few minutes wouldn't hurt, right?
Late. She was late. Fuck everything. Pulling at her boot she hopped in place, the leather flexing and finally giving before slipping home around her foot. This was not the best way to make a great first impression. Sadie gave a sigh and tossed the heavy weight of her chestnut locks over her shoulder as she beant to search her nightstand. “Come on…” Her voice held the impatience that being rushed could cause and she made a sound of disgust in her throat. It was as if the little rubber band had grown legs and walked off. Rather than continue the futile search she fished out a glass fountain pen and placed it between her lips as she twisted her hair behind her head. A moment later the pen had been twisted into her locks and by some sort of feminine magic that even she didn’t fully understand, her hair remained free from her neck. Small tendrils of curls fell around her face and the column of her neck. Grabbing her bag and her keys she hurried from her room.

Sadie wasn’t like a lot of the other students here. Most of the student body, from what she understood, were on scholarship or their ancient family lineage had more money than Midas himself. Not her family. By some twist of fate Sadie’s mom and dad had fallen in love. A Gizmo and an Incubus. Neither from a powerful family, that meant when it came to attending Lyceum Echidna, it had been on her. Neither of her parents had attended or their parents. She’d be the first in a long time. A personal goal of her own. Without the scholarship or the money from mommy and daddy though, it meant the little half breed had to work for it. She had a few jobs, but within the school, she would be a TA. Teacher’s Assistant. F-a-n-c-y. Not really. From what she understood it mostly was meant to be bitch work. Such things didn’t sit well with her, not normally. But what choice did she have? So Sadie was determined to try and swallow her pride and do what she had to. It wasn’t like it was forever.

The heels of her boots echoed in the hallway as she stalked towards the office she was due at. A soft breeze played against her bare shoulder, the
sweater she wore falling to one side, bearing pale flesh. The school had uniforms, but as she wasn’t attending class, she didn’t need to be dressed up yet. Not that the tight fitting white uniform looked bad on her, Sadie reflected. No, it looked good on her. She wasn’t like a lot of her father’s kind. She was tiny, delicate even. Not even five feet, her bust wasn’t large and she didn't have a large ass. She was built well though. Her body was made perfectly for one of her size and it was more the way she moved, acted that drew the boys in. In their world, the world of monsters, Sadie might look like prey but she was as far from prey as one got. Dominant through and through she wasn’t one to allow anyone to push her around.

That thought thrilled her a little. Her whole life, she had been sheltered to a point. A virgin in Lyceum Echidna. The thought almost made her snort. It was almost ridiculous. Yet, here she was. Because of what she was she’d aged slowly, so when she’d been but a wee little thing, she’d grown up in the 1950’s sex hadn’t been a large concern for her and then even as it had peeked her interest, her mother had easily distracted her with the lust for creation. Think steampunk. Little animals and toys. Gadgets and whatzits. Gizmos were handy and when paired with her succubus side… in the more recent years she had created more… interesting toys. Ones that she was just dying to test out on a subject and frankly Sadie wasn’t so concerned if said subject was willing or not. Lyceum Echidna would be her playground while she was here and she was confident she could balance her playtime, schoolwork and job all at once.

Pulling the door open she offered an easy smile as she breezed into the room.
“Hey! Sorry I am late” Her tone was bright, cheerful and she tilted her head, taking in the teacher before her. A soft snore left him and she bit her lower lip. Was it bad to think of him as… Cute? She had heard of Erik. She doubted she was alone in having heard the tales. Yet the dozing man before her didn’t seem all that scary. Smiling softly she moved closer to him before spilling her tiny frame into his lap. The chair they were both now in rocking uneasily as her arms slid around his neck and she offered a playful little purr. “Heya teach.” Her smile was happy as she flashed delicate fangs at him.
It wasn't really anything special, his dream, they rarely were. On occasion Erik would dream of his old life, of hunting down miscreants, some of the more dangerous fights he had been a part of, and of course of the hunting itself, of tracking his prey and running through the forest, the exciting things that made his blood boil when he was a young hunter. Now he dreamt of more peaceful times, of relaxing after a good lesson, of a fine meal and a good day down at the local village, in the tavern with a tankard of ale. That was how it was going this time, boring, mundane, until it wasn't. It was a subtle change, he was in his classroom teaching his students the differences between normal shifters like himself and the more magical trickster spirits such as Kitsune, a pretty standard second year lesson when one of his students, a pretty girl whose face he couldn't quite make out, started asking him if he found her attractive. It was a strange thing for Erik...he was confident, and he had every right to be, yet something about her, the way he couldn't see exactly who she was or how she challenged him was unsettling. The bell rang, the class filed out but she was still there, moving closer to him while he sat to grade papers, and without warning she slid over his desk to fall into his lap. Her arms around his neck, she was almost smirking as she looked into his eyes and for reasons completely unknown to him, a few things happened. First, he found himself growing aroused, could feel his rather large manhood growing beneath her as she spoke. "You never answered my question, which do you find more attractive, or do you go for other monsters? Do you think I'm pretty?"

Giggling, the girl unsettled him, it was just a dream but even there Erik was not used to feeling like prey. As he grew harder, he saw the moment in her eyes when she noticed his erection, her hips rolling as she wriggled against him and a confident smirk appeared on her lips. "Oh?: What's this?" Another roll of her hips and the faceless girl giggled. "Heya teach."

That's when he woke up.

The first thing he saw was an actual face as his eyes slowly opened. The body was different too, everything was but there was no doubt about it, there was a girl in his lap, a young one, just like the student in his dreams.
"What...what are you doing? Who...?" His tone was deep, gruff, a slight blush on his cheeks as he realised that either her presence in his lap or more likely, the dream itself had caused him to stir, his real life erection matching the one of his dreams beneath her and he growled, the sound threatening and defensive at the same time. He had no idea what came first, whether his dream had formed because of the girl in his lap or if he had been dreaming about her before she had arrived, but whatever it was he was finding it hard to think clearly, not connecting the dots that this was his new TA. He grabbed her by the waist and forcefully lifted her from his lap, the short girl weighing barely anything for the large shifter. "Who are you, what are you doing in my office? Answer me, now." His tone still gruff, he finally started to piece it together who she was as he placed her ass down on his desk and started to climb from his chair. "You must be my new assistant. Sadie?"

Erik really didn't like being caught off guard, he felt flushed, he was stammering as he spoke.
"A-about time you got here, I've been waiting for you all day." He didn't know why, but he felt it would be best not to draw attention to how she had woke him up, he had the strange feeling that she would play into that heavily if he did, instead grabbing a copy of his lesson plan from the desk beside her rear and handing it to her. "This is the plan for tomorrow's first lesson. Don't forget you're a student too, maybe not in my class but you'll need my recommendation in order to graduate so I wouldn't be getting up to those kind of...antics, again." Looking down at her from his full height he felt a little more confident, but it was unsettling how much she had thrown him off guard and how much he was struggling to maintain his composure. "Tell me what you know of our lessons, have you ever done any hunting before? Do you have any experience in subduing rampant beasts and fierce demons?" He gave her a grin, and his eyes flashed a vivid amber colour, his fingernails lengthening just a little as he flexed his raw power trying to intimidate her a little, anything to get some of the advantage back, inwardly swearing at himself that she had caught him sleeping.
What had prompted her to slide into his lap, she didn't know. It wasn't a conscious thought. It was likely something almost feral within her, an instinct from her succubus side that made her want to prey on him as he slept so soundly. It would have been a lie to say the act was wholly innocent. Sadie had been quite aware of her actions, and had decided to slip into his lap, even if the reason behind the choice was less defined. Once there, she found herself pleased. There was strength in the arms she had wormed into, in the thighs in which she had perched. Furthermore, as her arms wormed around his neck, lascivious in their movement, she felt him begin to harden beneath her. Sadie fought back a purr. Rape wasn't a word in their world. If she could take him, he'd have no choice in the matter. It was the way of their world. The strong preyed on the weak. If she couldn't he'd take her. It would rankle, for Sadie was far from prey.

For now though, she was just playing with her boss. Harmless little teasing while he slept, his guard down. It was all fun and games. The tip of her tongue slipped past her lips, flicking towards the shell of his ear, when his body stiffened. The fun was coming to an end. The words came next, deep, gruff and almost uncertain and as she pulled back, a kitten-like smile curled on her lips at the blush on his cheeks. Her eyes flashed brightly and Sadie purred softly, a rich, throaty sound.
"Awake already, but it seemed like you were having such a good dream..." She gave a small wiggle, as if to draw his attention back to his erection. The growl earned him a low chuckle and allowed him to forcefully pick her up from his lap. Her legs still curled, she leaned in some. "My my, so strong." There was amusement in her voice and a clear lack of fear from either his strength or the growl and she lifted a brow playfully. Crossing her legs she smoothed her shorts and inclined her head as she tugged her thigh highs back up her thighs, making a show of it.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Sir." The title was sweet as sin, but there was no respect behind it as she looked up at him from beneath her lashes. "Antics? But sir, you were more than happy about where I was." She took the lesson plan and set them aside. His unease was thrilling and she wasn't quite done playing with it yet. "Hunting?" The word was purred and she shifted, rising to her feet. As he flashed his claws at her she smiled, bright, brilliant. A wave of lust hit him, it was subtle but it snaked past his guard and he'd find himself on the floor of his office now, with her straddling him. His tie mysteriously disappeared from around his neck and around his wrists. Her lips inches from his as her power receded. "I think this is a suitable demonstration, don't you?" A hand stroked between their bodies and she let out a trembling breath.

Sadie rose and moved to pick up the lesson plan, hopping back to his desk, she looked down at him.
"Games aside, what do you expect from me?" She smiled, warm, and friendly. Any of the lust that had been leaking from her, oozing across his skin was safely withdrawn. She had seen no harm in playing with him, he'd tried to scare her, she'd shown she was clearly the top. It was fun for both parties. And he did look damned good tied up like that and straining against his pants. Her eyes met his and she offered him a small smile. She considered promising him in front of the other students, no one would even know... but it was a lie. She wouldn't submit to him. She wouldn't submit to anyone, if she had a choice.
They were definitely getting off on the wrong foot. As far as Erik was concerned it wasn't his fault, Sadie had been due over an hour ago and he had been bored waiting for her, had fallen asleep...but even as he woke and had growled at her she had barely reacted, at least not in the way he had come to expect. Maybe it was because she hadn't seen his shifted form, the curious mix of minotaur and werewolf forming a creature that was as large as the former and as fierce and agile as the latter. Terrifyingly powerful with razor sharp claws and teeth, powerful jaws and towering over even most monsters he wasn't used to people not finding him intimidating, particularly an upstart young student like Sadie. She'd grinned at him, commented on the erection she had still been straddling as she perched in his lap, even wriggling like she was somehow trying to tempt him. As a teacher at Lyceum Echidna, Erik was used to students flirting, there wasn't even any rules against taking them so long as it wasn't during a lesson: outside of class the teachers were still monsters and all of the students here were considered fair game, it was just another part of life in this world...but Erik was used to being at the top of the food chain. He didn't partake of those urges, he had been a hunter, a killer, feared and respected and this...this girl was giggling and taunting him, grinding in his lap while he fought to hold back those urges...while he might not partake in them he was still a monster, the primal desire to just take her there and then having to be beaten down.

"Hilarious. Okay, you found me napping, you had your fun...just behave yourself and go through the lesson pla..." He was interrupted by her comment about her antics, about how he was happy with where she had been and his eyes narrowed. "I'm not that kind of teacher, if you want somebody to tease you'll have more success with another." That was the last thing he remembered, that and her slipping from the desk and a wave of lust overtaking him. Gods he wanted her...she had to be one of those, a succubus type, the ones that could infect one with the strongest of desires. He could feel his manhood swell to it's full size as she guided him down to the floor, as she pulled his tie off, straddling him and binding his wrists together while he put up absolutely no resistance...maybe it was that she was an exceptionally powerful succubus, maybe it was how he had woken. Maybe...he was attracted to her, maybe he found her lack of fear towards him enticing...she was challenging his very Dominant nature. Whatever the reason he felt powerless to resist, all his thoughts going into stopping himself from transforming beneath her.

When she withdrew her aura of lust he growled again, glaring up at her. He wasn't even that mad, not at her...more at himself for giving in so easily. She was just doing what everybody in this world did, it was that she did it to him that made it hard.
"Impressive. A succubus then...but be careful who you play with, girl." He flexed a little, feeling the power in his arms as he pulled his wrists apart, tearing the tie along with it and climbing to his feet, dusting himself off. "I'm not your plaything, and if you try that again you might find out I'm a little too much for you to don't play with fire when you don't understand how hot it can get." He at least found some grudging respect for her now, the novelty of somebody not quite afraid of hin was at least interesting and he wondered how long it would last, if she would be so bold when she saw his true form. "From you I want help planning the lessons, gathering materials and keeping track of the students. Demonstrations too, for the classes so I will have to train you a little. Have you ever actually handled any weapons before? You will need to do your research on different monster types and how to handle them. Our first lesson will be on beast types. Weren't you told any of this when you were chosen? You do want to graduate, don't you?"
She had actually found it cute rather than hilarious, but correcting him wasn't needed. He was a prickly one, so Sadie merely smiled at him and pointed out how happy he'd been. Both brows lifted at his next words and she tilted his head. The words instantly would be his undoing, though perhaps neither of them would know it yet. It was a challenge that he set before her and Sadie was now more determined than ever to make her new boss rise to the occasion every chance she got. That desire, that need... that want started the moment he questioned her abilities and he found himself on the floor with the tiny little female on top of himself. Playing with fire, she'd bound him below her, taking her time before slowly pulling those waves of lust back. Above him, she all but wanted to purr with the pleasure of seeing him as he was, but she held it back, her eyes heavy with the receding lust.

The wet sound of silk ripping after the warning made her tremble and did nothing to stop the burning desire to poke at him. Her breath came in a tiny pant and she gave herself a visible shake, calming herself. It was more than clear she wanted to know just how hot he burned and there was perhaps a chance that she didn't care if she got burned along the way. Biting the inside of her cheek she fought for control of that side of her nature, taking slow deep breaths before she lift her eyes to his once more. Just for a moment, there was a flash in them. Would he see it? There would be no mistaking it if he did. He'd be hers.

A sigh left Sadie and she tossed her dark hair before linking her hands behind her back.
"I was given the briefest of overviews. Forgive me for wanting to be through. I would think that it would indicate my desire to graduate, wouldn't you?" There was a coolness in her voice at the implication, a sort of... disappointment in him to suggest anything less of her. Lashes lowered and she looked away from him. In most others, the look might have seemed almost submissive, but with Sadie, the look was dismissive. "I know how to handle most weapons, I also began some research when I was signed into beast types. I am sure you know more, but I did the best I could with the resources I had in the library." Her eyes rose back to him, still slightly cool. Sadie didn't like to be underestimated. She also recognized though that being standoffish wouldn't help anything. It didn't help that her next response was to see if she could make him beg for her. There was something about him that made her want to break him....
A small scowl appeared on Erik's lips as yet again he got the feeling that this girl wasn't quite taking his warning seriously. The way she looked at him wasn't like one would look at a respected teacher, a superior or even an equal. No, she was looking at him like he was something for her to play with and it made his hackles rise. Never in his life had Erik ever been anything but in control of himself and a physically and mentally dominating figure in the room. Those that didn't know him could often sense the raw power that was inside him, those that witnessed him transforming had no doubt he was one of the more powerful monster types, at least physically, and those that knew him were fully aware that he was a force to be reckoned with. To look at him like he was something to be played with didn't sit right, it went against everything he knew. He wasn't prey, and he met the look in her eyes with one in kind. He had no desires to force himself on anybody these days, he definitely didn't want to scare his students or his colleagues but he'd be damned if he wouldn't show her the error of her ways if this continued. In the interest of moving on, he looked down to his desk and picked up a booklet from a pile of identical ones, holding it out to her.

"My lesson plans. We start with beasts, it's always the easiest topic to cover given my nature, we can even give demonstrations and practical exams to the students if there are any beast types in the class, there usually are a few. After that we move on to undead and ghost type monsters, so learn about those all you can. I will have you a library pass made up so you can read the more advanced books if you're serious about your studies or you can learn from me, but..." He sighed as he let go of the booklet. "I will not be disrespected like that again. If you need somebody to mess with, find another teacher or a boy from the classes, I came here to teach what I know and to find some peace. You're a pretty girl, I'm sure there are plenty of boys in the school that wouldn't mind letting you play your silly little games with them." As gruff as his tone was, Erik wasn't truly upset, he was simply setting up the boundaries he needed. He'd never been truly overtaken by his lusts before, sure he had urges and he'd satiated them in his own way but he'd managed to avoid falling into the traps some of his kind did. Minotaurs in particular were known to be sexually ravenous beasts at times, once they found a mate they would seldom find a time when they didn't want to fuck and being fully aware of that Erik had deliberately avoided finding himself a mate. He'd had partners, casual encounters or fallen foes he had taken advantage of during his work but those times were long behind him now. The werewolf side was no better...jealous and possessive, the strongest and most fierce of that kind were known to possessively take and guard their mates once found, and they mated for life. It was strange enough that a werewolf would mate with another species beyond a simple fuck as his mother had done, but she'd bonded with the minotaur that had been his father, they'd created him, both of them and neither at the same time and he was afraid of what would happen if he gave in to the impulses that had always threatened to overwhelm him. He'd have to keep this girl at arm's length, lest she push his buttons any more than she already had.

He pulled out a small keyring from his pocket and took a key from it, handing it to her.
"Take this. It will let you into our departments storeroom, you will find plenty of books on techniques for all types of monsters and tools, equipment, anything you would need to take them down. We also keep components and spare parts...I read that you're a Gizmo, is that correct?" He waited some time for her to answer. Gizmo's were known to be a tricky sub-species of Succubi obsessed with machinery and tinkering, specialising in inventing devices that could take care of whatever their desires were at the time. They'd been known to create machines solely for combat, devices that could project thoughts and onto a screen and pretty much anything they could conceive of if they had the right parts. She would be an asset, if she would at least listen to him. "Take anything you need, you have full access to our department so long as you behave. Now tell me how you think our lesson should start. If you want me to take you seriously as my assistant, prove you are willing to do the work."
The rising of his hackles was either missed or ignored. In truth, the emotion was likely seen on some level, that annoyance, but Sadie found it more cute than anything else. As a succubus, her view of things was far more skewed than a normal monster's. Or perhaps it was the fact that she wasn't prey and she saw almost everything as a new toy waiting to be unwrapped and toyed with. To tinker with (that being her Gizmo side) to see what made them tick, both sexually and not and just how to drive them mad. Had she been focusing on this thought, Sadie's smile would have been akin to a cat with cream. Both lost in their thoughts, Sadie herself wondering exactly what sort of beastie her boss was and from there her thoughts began to devolve. It was a sign of a young succubus, unable to keep her lusts fully in check. Lust was paramount to her race, something that was always there, always boiling beneath the surface. Yet, inexperienced as she was, Sadie didn't have quite the control that would come in time. It perhaps made the tiny little female all the more dangerous. A deep well of power and the inexperience to leash it?

Blinking as she looked at the booklet pushed towards her chest, large, warm eyes rose to meet his. Where they'd been a warm, honey brown they had all but melted into gold. A sweep of dark lashes and the color shift faded as quickly as it had come. Had it been a trick of the light? Delicate fingers brushed his own as she took the book, as if unable to help herself the little tease, the brush of skin against skin. Silken soft against the rougher skin that had known a hard day's labor or a weapon in hand. The touch however, did not linger and she pulled the book toward herself, flipping it open, her head bowed as she skimmed his lessons, his voice above her telling her of what he normally did. It wasn't until the last of his words that she looked back up at him, her eyes wide for a moment.
"I see.." She tilted her head to one side, watching him carefully. Closing the book she pulled it close to her breasts, eyes still on him. It was odd to find one not willing to 'play the game'. It was intrinsic to their world, it wasn't just the young who indulged in it. Men of his age, women as well... If you were strong enough to take what you wanted you did. She placed the book on her lap and reached out, smoothing his shirt. She was careful to put no lust into her movements, curious to see his reaction to her words. "Tell me, Sir." The sir was soft, not insulting, but there was no submission behind the word either, it was just a word. "If the reason you don't wish to play my.. game .. as you put it, is because you normally are not the prey?" Sadie was willing to bet her virginity that it was this alone that rattled him the most. Had she been a submissive succubus, he still might have turned her away, for he seemed to have... principles... But she doubted it would have rankled nearly as much to him.

Her hand withdrew and she gave a small shake of her head, slipping from the desk and moving to put distance between them. Giving Erik the illusion of space and control that it was clear he needed. Sadie wanted nothing more than to poke at him again, but there was something that held her back. Something that was simple. She didn't want a simple fling with him and while the challenge had taken hold and she would win him, she knew, as she had known other things in her life... humans might call them epiphanies... That she wanted more from him. That meant that a simple breaking wouldn't do. She would need to take her time. For a moment a tremor of fear pushed at her. She was a virgin and she was considering a long term relationship? It was unheard of for succubus'. Gizmo's were not quite so unused to the idea... It was how she had been conceived after all.

The fear turned to anger and she gave a small annoyed huff snatching the proffered key before sighing and exhaling.
"Sorry... My mind had drifted. Yes, I am. Half, at least." She was quite skilled in tinkering and had a love for making devices for all sorts of applications, not just sexual. As a virgin, she'd not used any of her own sexual devices, though her friends had loved them... clearing her throat she tucked the key away into her short shorts, while speaking softly. "Why not do a lesson on figuring out the talents of one of our kind while in our human guise? We often hunt them down within the human world, do we not?" Eyes rose back to meet his, her reasoning was sound, though Sadie had an ulterior motive. She wanted to know what Erik was. "Also, please stop telling me to behave. It is A) boring, for it is in all of our natures to be like was upon your waking. B) I have been under my utmost best 'behavior' since, have I not?"

There was a touch of annoyance in her voice that was papabile. It was more than what she cited that annoyed it. It rankled for her plaything to tell her to behave. He was hers... would be hers. Telling her to behave was grating. After all.. she would have him begging for everything she would do to him in due time. Like a good little boy. In time.. Erik would be her bitch.. And he would love his new lot in life. She'd make sure of it. A smile curled on her lips.

"So, what of my idea? I think it is a valid one..."
Erik watched as the girl started to at least back off a little...or rather, not back off but listen, looking down at the book on the table. Her 'attack', for what it was hadn't truly bothered him but it had been unexpected. People didn't usually try it on him, for several reasons. One of them was the air of danger around him, his tall stature and the look in his eyes, the way he carried himself...Erik was a warrior and it wasn't hard for most monsters to tell. He moved with confidence, the same confidence that spoke of a man used to people moving out of his way. There were those that knew his reputation that of course wouldn't dare cross him, very few in Lyceum Echidna had the kind of experience dealing with other monster species as he had, though he admittedly mostly dealt with physical types. This girl, Sadie, she was different. He had no doubt she had physical capabilities, she was a gizmo though, a kind of succubus that specialised in devious machinery as well as the usual seductive skills if he recalled. He didn't often let seducers near him, he would attack first, overwhelm them before they had the chance to work their tricks on him. This girl being a student made it...harder. He looked down warily as she smoothed his shirt for him. "Do I look like prey to you, girl?" His voice was low, the tone more of a growl than anything as he glared at her. It wasn't an angry glare, more of a warning. "When I transform I'm almost 13 feet tall, my claws are razor sharp and I could tear the bricks out of this building. I've brought low vampires, werewolves, trolls and much more with my bare hands so what do you think? I'm not likely to fall prey to a small little thing like you no matter how pretty you are and how cute you think you are."

He ignored the comment about her mind drifting, quite sure he didn't want to know what she was thinking about and instead focused on her lesson plan. A little thought and he nodded to her.
"Yes...I wouldn't say often but some rogues like to run to the human world to hide and find easier wouldn't be a bad lesson. Excellent idea, glad to see you're not just a pretty little troublemaker." He made a soft growling noise shortly after as she challenged him again, but this was different. She had been tricky before, working her charms on him while he had been asleep, now she was being direct as she told him to stop and he respected that as he always respected those who spoke to him like equals. "Don't try anything like that again and I will stop, does that sound like a good deal to you? I'm here to do my job and nothing more no matter what everybody else in this school may enjoy" It was true what she had said about it being in their natures, but he supressed that, he knew he had quite the libido even on the worst of days and when he was in heat it was so much harder to ignore...he just felt it was in bad taste to prey on the students even if it wasn't against the rules.

He stood, rising to his full height.
"Your idea is a good one. Work up the lesson plan, I'll give you full control of this, do not let me down. Naturally you have the power to choose the props we use and find subjects for a demonstration if we need one. Normally approval would have to go through me first but it's late, and it will take time. With the lesson tomorrow...I'll let you surprise me." He was tempted to add that she best behave, but he'd just made a promise to her and he wasn't going to be the one to break it. " He stretched, grabbing his jacket once he was done and pulling it on. "Now, I'm hungry, so I'm going to eat and enjoy my last day of peace before I have to teach, and work on future lesson plans. If this goes well, meaning the students learn something...I'll let you plan more and give you the glowing commendations you're going to need, is that fair?" He grinned, knowing her fate was kind of in his hands, and he left here there to let herself out as he went to retire to his room. It wasn't far away, a much more lavish room than even the richest students were afforded, decorated entirely to his tastes.
When Sadie looked at him, she didn't see what everyone else might have seen. The sort of danger sense or warning to not trifle with him. There was an aura of power that clung to Erik, like a calling card of the beast within, of what exactly he was capable of. To Sadie though, she saw something else. Maybe he didn't know it himself or perhaps she was delusional, but she saw something within him that craved to be dominated. It wasn't a large flicker, this flame that drew her to him, but it was solidly there. Like a sixth sense almost, she could feel it, rather than see any tangible evidence. Hell... everything about Erik said "fuck around and find out". Yet, this slip of a girl was more than willing to poke the beast. When he asked if he looked like prey and a smile curled along her lips, like a kitten who'd eaten the canary. "Do you want an honest answer?" There was a laugh in the purr of her voice. Oh she knew he'd hate both the laugh and the indication that he did seem like to prey to her. He'd asked though and oddly enough, Sadie tried to not lie. "Aww, you think I am pretty?" Her smile widened and she flashed sharp, dainty canines at him. Not a vampire, not even close, but they were aggressive looking all the same. "But not cute! You wound me!" She pouted playfully before allowing him to change the subject.

"You know for someone not interested in what I have to offer you seem awfully focused on my looks. Pretty now twice." Her voice had lost its laughter and she looked up at him, a brow raising. "As you like, but you should perhaps stop focusing on how pretty I am then, though I do like the compliment, the message is confusing." When he gave her full rein of the lesson plan, she nodded, keeping it in her preverbal pants as it were. "You will have it to review before class tomorrow." Her voice still held the edges of her power, but it was clear she was toning it down. Some things couldn't be turned off completely, they leaked though no matter how good your control. He rose, towering over her. Sadie wasn't the least bit intimidated. When you were as small as she was, you got used to it. Even those who were prey towered over her.

Picking up the book she bent to grab her bag as he donned his jacket.
"Enjoy your meal, sir." She offered very little else as he brushed past her and left. Locking the door as she left she headed toward the library. She'd need to put in some real effort to get this done in time. She passed by the Princes' of her kin and she offered a bow of her head before continuing on. They were known to her and she to them. There had been a bit of slap and tickle between her and Venkas, but it had become clear to them both quickly that both were tops. It ended there.


The midnight oil had been burned but Sadie was proud of what she'd come up with. There was a comprehensive lesson planned out that would help the students learn to identify their own in human guises. Some were trickier than others and Sadie had put the lesson from easiest to hardest. There were a few tells, some would work only for those like Erik, a scent of smell, pheromones and the like. Some would work better for those like her with an innate sense and with those who lacked a strong foundation in either, she had a way as well. All of their kind were magic, even if they couldn't wield it and she'd set out how they could sense it, pulling in their own power to find them. None of the options were.... easy. They took effort and practice, but they all could do it if they applied themselves.

A few hours of sleep were all she'd gotten before her alarm went off. A snarl of annoyance had left her lips before she rolled to her back, her hair splaying across her pillow. A hand rubbed at her eyes and she pushed herself up to sit. She was hungry and not in the traditional sense. She'd been planning on feeding last night, but the lesson planning had derailed that plan. She could feel it, gnawing along her spine. It would put her on edge and make her control weaker. Dressing in the school uniform; a black skirt with slashes of red, a black shirt with matching detailing of red and a coat of black that matched. A pair of thigh high black socks and a pair of heels completed the outfit. Her skin was luminous, her hair like burnished bronze as her power leaked from her.

Making her way to his classroom she rapped on the door smartly, fighting to squash her luminous appearance. When any of her kind hadn't fed, they became.. ethereally beautiful, a way to lure prey into their waiting arms and take what they needed from them. It was still early, so Sadie hadn't been able to grab anyone to satisfy her need. The long length of her hair was loose and tumbling about her shoulders in charming profusion. Her eyes much like her hair, a bright, luminous honey brown that verged on gold.
"It's me, Professor."
"Yes I want an honest answer." His tone was deliberately gruff as he wasn't sure he liked the way she said it, the way she was looking at him. The question hadn't been one that had warranted an answer at all, not in his opinion; it was a question that had only one answer, no of course he didn't look like prey, and yet...this girl seemed to have a differing opinion. It was frustrating, he'd never felt like it needed to be said before and now not only had he had to say it, but she just wasn't listening or caring. The laughter that came along with it certainly didn't help. "Tell me exactly what it is about me that makes you think I'd be easy prey for you. You...a girl with no experience subduing monsters from what I understand, and me, a..." He paused, not wanting to give away that he was a cross-breed between a minotaur and a werewolf. He knew she wouldn't look down on him for it, she was something of a cross-breed herself from what he knew and while some of the more pompous elite would look down on them it didn't make them any weaker. In his own case, he had the best traits of both, and he had no reason to doubt that she was similarly blessed. He growled softly at her comment. "You know damn well you're pretty girl, stop trying to fluster me. I'm not some virgin you can cow into submission or make desire you with your aura or your alluring looks, or some perverted teacher here to flirt with the students, I'm an experienced hunter who's seen far worse than you have to offer. I am more than capable of pinning you to the desk and making you regret teasing me, but that's not who I am. I'm not interested in making prey of my students and I'm quite capable of resisting." He laughed sharply. "I meant you are cute, but take it how you like."

Erik could feel the power from her subsiding, the subtle pull he was used to around succubi was falling down to background levels as she accepted her task and he nodded briskly.
"Fine...I was going to trust you with it but you're probably right. I'll be in the classroom a couple of hours early, preparing, bring your lesson plan along, make sure it's detailed and I will look over it there. Don't let me down, so long as you're at least half competent I'll make sure you get a pass and your scholarship is secure." Despite how gruff and blunt he was, Erik wasn't an asshole, he would make sure her education wasn't in jeopardy so long as she was at least performing to a basic level. That's where he left her, to go to his own rooms and finish his lesson plan. By the time he slept it was well into the early hours in the morning but he'd at least managed to get the unsettling way Sadie looked at him out of his mind.


He'd brought his own plans with him and stored them in his desk as he set up for the day's lessons, which wasn't the hardest task in the world but he had promised to be here earlier to look over her lesson plan too. Dressed in what was effectively a casual suit of deep brown slacks and a striped shirt, the trousers held up by suspenders, he had hung his jacket on the back of his seat. None of it was very fancy like some of the teachers would wear, those belonging to pure-blood houses that held the highest amount of prestige, or in his opinion, the pompous assholes that liked to run their respective territories, but more of a simple attire. Erik wasn't one for showing off wealth even if he'd amassed a respectable fortune, he liked the simple things in life. Hearing the knock on the door he opened it to find her standing there, looking up at him. It was indeed her, Sadie, the same girl from yesterday but something was...different. He didn't think she was doing it on purpose but she seemed more attractive, more alluring, like she was somehow glowing, exuding sex. He knew her kind needed to feed every few days, they didn't need actual intercourse or sexual fluids but energies, or just pure lust itself even without physical contact were needed to sustain themselves. Incubi didn't quite need it, they gave off more of the sexual energy rather than consumed it, and it was on her father's side but that didn't mean much...Succubi and Incubi were separated by gender, not race, so despite not being born of a Succubus she was still very much one. As an experienced hunter he'd had to track down her race before, thankfully it rarely ended in bloodshed, just a little violence was enough to overpower them but he wasn't in the position to do that now and he recognised a Succubus that needed to feed.

"Couldn't you have fed already? You're about to help me teach a classroom full of new students, first years here." First years, but many were hundreds of years old and most certainly would feel strong sexual impulses with a succubus running wild and hungry in their midst. "There is a reason I take suppressants when I'm in heat, I can't very well show up and rut half my students into a coma, I would expect the same of you. Do you not have anything you can take so that you don't distract the class?" The remark was true enough, he had to suppress his heat when it came naturally, it made it all the worse to bear outside of class but it was one of the many tools witches managed to provide with their concoctions, potions and serums that could suppress such instincts in his kind, or induce it. He moved aside to let her into the room, taking the lesson plans from her hand, opening them up as he closed the door, looking through them. "Or was that your plan, to teach by example a way to spot succubi on the prowl? Not the best idea you could have had, nor the safest." The plan looked good at least, from the little he could see of it, she'd done a good job, though he was mostly focusing on it to take his attention from her; maybe it was her defiance or her attitude, whatever it was he was attracted to the girl far more than he was to normal students and it had nothing to do with her power, it was how she spoke to him, it had kept him up trying to shake it for longer than he would have liked.
The giggle she had given to his question was the only answer Sadie would give him. Her answer was obvious and she knew it; just like she knew he'd ate that answer and laughter equally. Though his second question gave her pause and she tilted her head to the side. "Who said you'd be easy?" There was genuine confusion. "I expect you'd scream and kick the whole way only to find you liked it." Her answer was less flirty, an honest, nearly blunt response. "As to what makes me think so, I can't really explain it. A feeling?" An eloquent shrug was offered. "I can feel it in my head." She lift bow brows as he almost gave away what he was and Sadie laughed softly, shaking her head. "Knowing that I am isn't the same as being told I am over and over. You seem quite fixated on the fact I am pretty. Also, I'd like to point out I am not doing anything to make you flustered. You seem to be doing that to yourself..." Her voice trailed off. He kept blaming her for things, but in the end, it was really his fault. The threat, though a passing warning more than a threat, made her bear her teeth at him. "Try it," for a moment her power flared. She could get in over her head, but Sadie was willing to dance along this line until one of them broke. She was putting money on the big scary teacher breaking first.

She smiled again, softer and let the comment about her being cute pass without teasing or prodding. Again the spiel about not letting him down. Sadie understood it, even if it was annoying. He didn't know her or her work ethic. She could have been a flake... but she really needed this job and good reviews from him. She needed them to stay in school and it wasn't something she'd give up without a fight.


Biting back a feminine snarl she closed her eyes and counted to ten.
"There is no substitute, it isn't like I want to fuck... I am hungry." She couldn't help that what she was made it sexual. Even the word hungry was low, dirty. Sadie couldn't control it. "Heat, you say?" She tried to push the focus off herself as she closed the door behind her. She watched as he read her lesson plan and this time when he poked at her she let out a snarl, snapping back, her tone waspish. "You know it isn't, or it would have been covered in my lesson plan." Her eyes flashed and she shifted, looking up at him. "Rather than bitching you could help." She held a hand up as he started to protest. "Nothing sexual, just a kiss. Chaste even." She looked up at him and bit her lower lip. "If not, I will need to try and find food before the lesson." This wasn't appealing to her. She could perhaps use Virgil, but... she knew that he was her prince. He and his brothers would likely frown on being used for food... even if Virgil was prey. Cute.. delicious prey.
She had giggled again and his eyes had narrowed. Erik was sure a part of this was that she simply didn't know. Young for her kind, she hadn't the experience to know when she was outmatched. He, a seasoned hunter of monsters, demons and everything inbetween, and she was mocking him. He had perhaps lost a little of his edge, he'd not been active hunting for years now, almost a decade, and yet he could feel his blood boiling already. The girl was infuriating. "You think I'd like it, do you. Your confidence has nothing to ground it, you'll need to learn caution too, lest you end up on the wrong end of something much more powerful than you." He stepped towards her, he had meant to be leaving but the way she had challenged him. The "Try it", and the flex of her power he could feel washing over him, it amused him...god help him he actually liked her, but he couldn't just let it go. He laughed loudly, his hand coming up slowly, around her delicate throat and he pushed her back towards the wall. "You're young, and you likely haven't heard of me, they called me the Hybrid Hunter." He snarled as he said it, he wasn't thinking clearly, he didn't freely offer up his past to just anybody, very few students knew enough of him to recognise him, most accounts of his exploits spoke only of his transformed appearance and the many notorious beasts and demons he had hunted in his time. "I've hunted Succubi much older, much more powerful, I have the focus to resist this display of petulance easily, and underestimating me will get you hurt." He released her throat. "You're lucky I wouldn't harm a student, or at least I haven't yet. There's a first time for everything." He'd left, and that had been that, he'd thought about it later in the night and come to the conclusion that yes, he liked the girl. Not romantically, but she had the guts to challenge him, she was fiery, bold, qualities he had always admired, and a little bratty which while he'd never admit it to her, he liked. He just enjoyed bickering.


The next day though, she'd shown up in his class practically starving, and not for conventional food.
"I can see that you're hungry, girl, and the students will no doubt see it too. You need to feed before class starts, you have a little over an hour at least." Her comment on his heat brought a low growl from him. "Nothing you need concern yourself with, I have it well under control." It was true, he carried supplements that would suppress it should he need them, but it wasn't that time of the month for him anyway, thankfully. When he did have to suppress it, it always came back much, much worse and he had to bear it, often staying alone in his quarters every night for fear of attacking the students. Aggravating that he would go into heat monthly, but thankfully it had been something easily remedied by witches, and one of his fellow teachers was a talented potion maker. When she asked for his help, he shook his head. "Why does this feel like some kind of trick?" Looking down at her, he sighed softly, rolling his eyes and moving to his chair. She really was beautiful and it was highlighted by the ethereal way she seemed to glow without glowing, like her skin was calling to him.

"Well? What are you waiting for? This is a one time offer, I can't very well have you distracting all the males in my class or looking at them like they are food, so use me. You can feed, just don't you dare try anything foolish...remember, I am not your prey." He looked up at her, gesturing for her to come closer, to take what she needed.
The hand that circled her throat made her smile only grow and Sadie couldn't help but find it amusing, his posturing. Erik was not going to be easily cowed, nor would he accept force. It didn't change that feeling she picked up on. He might not understand it himself and he could continue denying it forever, but something would likely always feel out of place. Not missing, just.. off. Her back hit the wall and she offered up a little purr, her eyes on his. Hybrid hunter? It sounded familiar but she couldn't place it. Tucking it away for later, she just smiled up at him. "Petulance would mean I was pouting, being sulky or acting in a way to throw a tantrum." She wanted to tease him, slide her leg between his, but she behaved herself. He was much larger and able to physically dominate her. Pushing at his already frayed nerves wasn't likely to help anything. With his body being so close to her, his body physically towering over. Inhaling she could pick up an earthy, rich scent with the trace of smoke tickling her nose. "Promises, promises," Sadie said to his back as the door closed behind him.

That night, not only did she do her lesson planning, but took time to look him up. The Hybrid Hunter. There was a reason the name had been familiar. He was a prolific hunter and there were few of his caliber. It gave her a healthy level of respect for him, but it also drove her desire to tame him as well.


"I was up later, making sure the lesson plan was thorough.." Sadie's voice was a touch disgruntled and she felt a pang in her stomach, her hunger clawing at her insides. She wanted to poke more at his heat, but she was distracted. Biting her lower lip she shifted in place. Heat was bad, from what she understood. It drove those who had it to mate feverishly until the episode subsided. One dark thought trailed away to Erik and what that might be like, her hunger guiding her thoughts. Sadie shook her head, visibly, trying to clear the cobwebs that clung to her mind and the thoughts of certain body parts...

"Trick?" The single word was confusing. Sadie wasn't up to tricking him, her control slowly slipping second by second. The color in her cheeks was a pretty pink as she watched him sit. She had almost forgotten her request when he asked her what she was waiting for. Normally she might have made sure, but her hunger was spiraling out of control. Leaning in, she brushed her fingers against his cheek, her lips like velvet as they found his. Her body moved closer still till she was straddling his lap, one leg on either side of his, her skirt bunching up around her thighs. She needed the contact..

Sadie kept to her word, the kiss was chaste, though it wasn't done and over within seconds. Inhaling she could smell his spicy, woody scent better now. Pine, fire, smoke and something else just on the edge. He'd not feel her power rushing over him, but he might feel as if she pulled something from him, subtle as she fed on his lust, buried wherever it was. Normally, she might have played with his lust, shown him his fantasies as she kissed him, but Sadie was behaving and after a few minutes she pulled back. If he watched, he'd see the color that seemed to glow from within retreat and she slowly looked human once more.

Her breathing was quicker and her lashes closed. Her hand still lingered on his cheek as her eyes opened and she looked into his eyes. They were the last to fade to normal.
"I feel so much better now sir." Her voice was breathy, though not arousal, more like having run. "I will be sure to keep it in check better in the future." Her cheeks flushed again and she offered him a shy smile. "Thank you, as well. What you did was very kind." Leaning in she kissed his cheek in thanks, her own scent still heavy in the air; Roses and a woody vanilla.
He'd ignored her "promises promises" comment the day before, it had been just annoying enough that he hadn't responded, instead he'd left the infuriating young demon to her own devices. Today though, now, he remembered it quite clearly. What was it about this girl that made him so on edge? It had to be the way she looked at him, it was unsettling being the one treated like prey when he had been the hunter, been the aggressor for his whole life, and by somebody so small who should by rights be scared and far more respectful. Was he not an imposing man? Had he lost that aura? Now she wasn't even being aggressive, she seemed annoyed that he had questioned why she hadn't fed, but other than that she seemed more concerned, a welcome sign that there was more to her than just a brat who needed to be put in her place. He actually smiled as she gave him the reason why she hadn't fed, well, half a smile. "So you were so dedicated to your task that you didn't even feed. I'm impressed...maybe you'll make a good assistant after all." He was grinning as he said it, amusement in his eyes.

Sitting down, it had taken her a moment to realise he was offering to let her feed. "
Yes, a trick. All I know of you so far is that you woke me up teasing and seem to think I'm some kind of toy for you to play with...but I can't have you distracting me and my students." Admitting she was distracting to him too wasn't hard for him, he'd already accepted that the girl was alluring. As she approached him and he looked up at her, his eyes met hers, a steely gaze but no anger in it. "Don't make me regret would be the first succubus I've ever let feed from me." He'd met many, he'd witnessed first hand how they could twist a man to their will with just a little sexual contact, how they could pull on his lusts and feed on his energy and he'd never been curious to experience it first hand. It didn't take much to weaken a man enough so that they could do anything they liked...but he didn't think she would go so far. Strangely, he felt she had honour, that he could trust this one. An odd feeling, but he went with it, his hands finding purchase on her waist as she straddled him. He could feel a small surge of lust even as her hands found his cheeks and her lips pressed against his, he could feel the blood flowing as his manhood rose beneath her, straining, trapped in his own trousers.

The kiss was not unpleasant, far from it...his heart started to race a little faster as he could feel the odd pull of his energy, his life-force. Succubi fed on that through sexual and intimate contact, it wasn't an energy he wouldn't replace in a short amount of time, unless she took too much, thankfully. The kiss was even chaste, she didn't take advantage, he knew she could likely draw much more from him but it seemed she recognised he was doing her a favour, and her own sense of honour didn't let her use it against him, so he let the feeling wash over him, let himself fall, enjoying it...

Then it subsided as she pulled back. A soft growl left his throat as he leaned forward, chasing her lips with his own before he realised it was happening and his eyes snapped open...he hadn't even been aware they had been closed. He was rock hard beneath her, painfully so, it was like a lesser version of being in heat and the friction of her straddling him, pressing against him made the powerful organ twitch and pulse, throbbing beneath her. Her scent was pervasive, he was drowning in it, and he was silent as she thanked him and kissed his cheek, still planted firmly in his lap.
"T-Think nothing of it, you needed to feed, it was my pleasure..." The words were maybe a poor choice but he was finding it a little hard to think, thankful that she really wasn't trying to push it. Erik was strong willed, but in that moment he wasn't entirely sure he could have would have been a close thing.

His hands on her hips were used to guide her, lifting her to remove the aching point of contact that was going to cause him difficulties before long, helping her up to her feet.
"Hopefully you got enough to keep you sated and your mind clear." He turned to his desk, partially to review her lesson plan and partially to hide his bulge from her. "Your lesson plan...I like it. You did a good job, and it seems you're a diligent worker." He started reading through her plan in earnest, how to detect certain monsters in the human world or in human guise, it would be an excellent first topic and class would start within the hour. "Tell me where you think we should start." He was avoiding eye contact now, fighting his urges, suppressing them.
Comments about her being a good worker, diligent even were brushed aside. On one hand Sadie understood them. She had not put her best food forward so to speak, but at the same time, she had been nothing but herself. To hold that against her was borderline asinine. Straddling his lap, she could feel as she kissed him how his body reacted to her. It didn't help her self control to feel Erik stiffen beneath her. Oh no, it did not. She wanted to grind against him, tease them both. Keeping it in her preverbal pants was not quite as easy as she fed on his energy. It was like a high, raw life force like this and his was particularly potent. That at least was helpful, it meant she didn't need to drain him too much.

There was, much like he'd assumed a sense of honor. He was doing her a favor, taking advantage of him would have been in poor taste. It hadn't even occurred to her to try and manipulate the situation. There were unspoken rules for most Monsters, though they were never the same for each race. A personal honor system, though depending on which you looked at, they would perhaps seem less honorable. Sadie wouldn't know many, but she knew her own kinds and her own personal system she adhered to. It was an honor, truly, that he'd consented to let her feed. She would have been able to find someone else, likely... but not being forced to scramble for her meal, knowing it was safe and that they wouldn't expect more. Likely grabbing a quick meal, that was all she was after, not looking to toy with them, fulfill or deny them. Those games were for others, not food. Though, she couldn't say she looked at Erik like food. Far from it.

There was a flash of something else, a deeper hunger as he chased her lips. For a moment, brief as it was, Sadie considered pushing her lips to his again. She'd been careful about her power, but there was no squashing all of it, at least not when feeding. She'd felt his body's response to the kiss. The hardness that rose between them, pressed against the softness of her panties, pressed against the lips of her pussy as it grew. She thanked him, still straddling his lap, trying to break the tension though it was hard to believe that neither were acutely aware of how hard he was beneath her. He was huge and there was a curious borderline needy desire to see exactly how big he was and furthermore, how he'd feel inside her. Like splitting her in half? Or would she be able to eagerly accept his cock? Her mind word in odd ways, Sadie guessed, for she may never know and that alone made her sad for a moment.

She giggled, honest to god giggle when he said it was his pleasure and she covered her mouth, eyes sparkling.
"Sorry," she said from behind her hand, the apology serious. Hands slipped to her waist, lifting her from his lap and she straightened her legs, the tips of her toes brushing the floor before flattening against the surface. "I did," She bit her cheek and said after a moment, "Please don't take this wrong, I mean it as a compliment.... You were yummy. Powerful, like a rich syrup." It was a kind thing to say from a succubus, if fed like that in a favor, to offer a compliment, as a way of thanks. "I should be good for a few days really.." She turned and let him start to examine her lesson plan as she smoothed her skirt back into place.


It had been a week and the pair of them worked well together. For the most part Sadie had been able to avoid making him mad at her and he had laid off the almost condescending remarks. The class was going well, the lessons smooth and it seemed like the class was actually enjoying them. The bell rang and Sadie watched as the class rose, talking to one another as she headed for the door. There was a long weekend ahead and this was the last class of the day. Stacking the papers on the edge of his desk she looked to him from under her lashes. "Do you have any plans for the holiday?" From the little she had seen, Erik was very much a creature of habit. She didn't see him out in the evenings, he mostly worked, ate and slept. Sadie wanted to go to the carnival and was curious if he had any such plans... It was meant to be a lot of fun.

Sadie was loath to go alone, though she had yet to make any friends. In part it was her half breed status, the scholarship was another big part. It was also the fact she was busting her ass between classes and work that she hadn't had much free time. This long weekend was a chance to let her hair down so to speak, get out and have some fun. Putting the papers away she turned to face him fully, hopping onto one of the student tables, her feet dangling off the floor, kicking slowly.
Was it bad that he wanted more? Erik couldn't quite find it in him to ask for more of course, but he wouldn't have complained had it lasted longer. His state of mind while she was still in his lap just wasn't in the right place for him to push her away, to defend himself and he knew for a fact he had strong willpower, he had resisted the attention of succubi before...admittedly he had never let one feed from him but when they turned up their power and let it seep into the air the draw had pulled many lesser monsters to their doom. Not him, not Erik...he had prided himself on his strong ability to resist such things yet right then he would have let her push him. Her giggling snapped him out of it somewhat, and he furrowed his brows as she giggled and apologised for it, coming to his senses. Lifting her from his lap he watched her straighten her skirt and tell him with a straight face that he was yummy. Laughing, he shook his head, it was such a dumb compliment, he was a feral beast, a prideful hunter and yet he didn't hate it, he even felt pride. "I never doubted that I would be. Must be an honour, to be the only one to ever know." Grinning, it was like the tension had slipped from between them, tension that had them at odds ever since he'd woken with her in his lap was fading away and he was able to joke with her instead of being on edge, feeling like something was wrong. A very slight pang overtook him as she said she'd be sated for a few days, he wouldn't have minded her taking more, sooner...and then the realisation of that fact hit him much harder. He went back to studying her lesson plan in silence, while ruminating over how dangerous she was to him if he wasn't careful. In so short a time she'd pierced his usually impenetrable defences, he didn't cavort with students, hell he didn't really cavort with fellow teachers. That she'd had him wanting more, that she allured him so easily was making alarm bells ring. He'd never mated, never found a partner he had felt drawn to for more than a night, never met somebody who'd made him want more like this. It kind of scared him, but he brushed it aside as just a side-effect of the feeding.


The first lesson went remarkably well, as did the rest of the week and he found himself enjoying working with her. His first impressions had been entirely wrong, she didn't try to seduce him or antagonise him, she was a hard worker, she was smart, perhaps a result of her Gizmo half that made her very good at abstract thinking. He never said it to her, but she was the best assistant he'd had during his tenure at the academy, not that it was that high of a compliment but he'd had others that were more than acceptable. Even their banter had become a little more friendly, when they had it. As the last day before the 3-day weekend was ending and Sadie delivered the papers to his desk, she asked him what his plans were and he took a break to look up at her.
"Me? Plans? You've been here a week already, do you think I make plans for my time?" He laughed, pushing aside his work. "I might go to the village for a drink, I sometimes do that but the carnival is in town and you know how fond I am of loud noises. I might stop by to check it out, make sure nobody is causing trouble..." In truth, he rather liked the carnival, it was a pleasant way to pass the time, there were shows on, good food and he didn't hate the little games they had but he wasn't going to tell her that, nor anybody else at the academy. He'd long cultivated his reputation as no-nonsense, kind of dour, quiet and intimidating and it wouldn't do to let people know that he had a sense of humour even if he had been relaxing more around her.

He rose from his seat, he'd have time to finish the work later, he didn't mind talking with her. Sitting on the edge of his own desk to face her, he smiled, actually being friendly for once.
"And yourself? You worked hard this week, I'm sure you have plans to relax over the weekend, likely more interesting than my own plan of sleeping, reading and drinking. I think you'll find I'm precisely as boring as I seem, my days of excitement and hunting are long in the past."
Why had she been nervous asking him if he had plans? Her... the one planning to hunt the big bad wolf. The story was not unknown in their world and it fit almost perfectly with werewolves, though they didn't so much eat everyone as hump them into oblivion. A smile curled on her lips as Sadie nodded. "Yes, plans," the smile in her voice was apparent. His question made her head tilt to the side and she gave a small shrug. "I don't really know you, to be able to guess your habits." It was true enough, he didn't seem to be quite the creature of habit she had come to expect. From their first interactions, she'd expected something much more rigid when it came to class, but Erik seemed to honestly enjoy teaching when people were trying. He took very little shit, but he was more open to letting the class a bit more.... normal.

Chuckling, she nodded some.
"I guess loud noises would be a bit ruff." She had looked him up of course, but she didn't know the intricacies of his abilities. "I have heard the carnival is really something to see," kicking her feet lazily she watched him as he rose and came to sit on the edge of his desk. Sadie doubted he was unaware of his.. pull. She knew those in class were not. Even if you took out the raw sexual desire that most felt out, the power was... appealing. While he kept it under lock and key, it leaked out on the edges, speaking to what he kept hidden from all. "Ah.." her cheeks flushed softly and she looked away. She didn't want to tell him that outside of class, where she was respected and even liked, her other classes had been rough. Not the subjects themselves, but the other students. She wasn't... one of them.

"I don't have plans," her voice was soft and she toyed with the hem of her skirt, still avoiding looking at him. It was by far the most subservient he had ever seen her. She didn't want to tell the big bad and scary teacher the other kids were being mean to her. Hell.. Even those who she'd normally trounce over were pushing it. In truth, Sadie worried about putting them in their places. She wasn't wealthy, titled... Could they pull her scholarship? She didn't know it was all that had her holding back. True no one should complain, but spoiled little rich kids... Clearing her throat she looked back to him, hiding away all her worries and fears. "I haven't really met anyone, or rather, made any friends. Been really busy with this and my own studies. I need to keep my grades up." She flashed him an easy smile.

"Perhaps you'd like to go with me?"
Tucking her hair behind her ear, the chocolate waves cascading down her back. "Just as friends?" She didn't want him to think she was coming on to him. She was honestly just desperate to not be looked down on. "I will be on my best behavior?" She offered this like a little morsel to tempt him and had she been a cat, her tail would have wiggled cutely. "I don't really want to go by myself.." She batted her thick lashes at him playfully before laughing. "If you don't want to, you don't have to."
"I think my point is I don't have habits..." He laughed, shaking his head. "I really don't do much beyond my job, those days are over for me. Maybe one day I'd like to travel the world again, see how much has changed but I like my quiet life now, and I don't get along with many of the teachers here." It was a sad fact, they were mostly learned men and women, they became teachers through their ability to study and love for the job. The latter was all they shared, Erik had never been much of one to study, he learned through experience but passing that experience on had been a passion that had surprised him. He'd honestly started intending to be here for a few months but as time had gone on he'd truly valued helping the students learn, he took a certain joy in it and that had been likely evident in his lessons even with her. The rest of the staff likely enjoyed teaching too, but his topic was one of practicality, the few he might get along with were higher born, and there was a clear class divide in their world when it came to such things, at least among the older monsters. The youth were starting to accept others more freely, a welcoming sight.

He growled softly, shooting her a warning glance at her little joke.
"So you know what I am now eh? Good for you, don't push it though. Surely that should give you more pause when trying to push me..." He didn't mind her joke, but if she started challenging him again he would get defensive, he knew that for a fact. "And you probably don't know enough anyway. It's one thing to know what I am, another to witness it. Those that have, they often chose to run." He smirked, confident in his ability to intimidate even forgetting for a moment her rather annoying tendency to ignore his attempts and and danger she might be provoking. "Yes, the carnival is fun, always a spectacle and I'm sure this year will be the same. You'd do well to go check it out yourself." He was about to mention with friends but something stopped him, maybe it was that he hadn't seen her talking to anybody but himself. Sure enough, she went on to tell him that she hadn't really made any. It was kind of saddening to hear, but understandable. While the youth of the academy were more accepting than their parents, it wasn't easy to work into some of the cliques and she was here on a very different scholarship than most of them. That and as she had said, she had a lot to do to keep that scholarship, she had other duties beyond her own studies, such as helping him.

He tilted his head as he looked at her, the offer she had made one he really had not expected.
"You want to go with me? To the carnival?" He hadn't considered going with a student, he would have gone alone, maybe caught some of the shows and had a few drinks, as much alone as she was here. The fact that she even offered to be on her best behaviour was amusing to him and he chuckled, nodding. "Why the hell not, we can go tonight if you're not busy." As if they hadn't just established that she wouldn't be. "Though I don't remember saying we could be friends. I'm still your teacher you know." He flashed her another smile, a jovial glint in his eyes. "Honestly I haven't ever been to anything like this with somebody else, it might be nice to have company for a change." He rose from the table, looking down at the papers that were piled up on it. "You're a bad influence, I would probably have finished going through these tonight, left to my own devices." Grabbing his coat, he turned to face her. "In two hours, meet me by the unicorn paddock, we can grab a carriage there. I can't be bothered with the walk, now go get changed. I'm sure you don't want to go dressed as a student and don't worry about paying, I get a discount for being a teacher here." He offered her another smile. Maybe he felt bad for her, not having the same experience a lot of the students got, but she had worked hard, she'd earned some fun even if it was with an old man like him.

He left her there, going back to his room to change into an outfit much like the one he was already wearing, simple slacks and a shirt, suspenders holding the deep brown slacks up, heavy brown boots and a long, pale brown coat over the whole thing which came down to his calves. Grabbing his flask and his wallet, he sent a message ahead to reserve a carriage for them and made his way down to the paddock.
The idea of Erik not fitting in seemed... odd to her. While he had been brisk with her, Sadie had seen him with his students. He was good with them and she had pictured him getting along with his fellow teachers similarly. They were both sort of outsiders... It was a comforting thought. Brows rose and she snorted softly. "Push what, exactly. You were the one who told me. You seriously couldn't expect me to not look it up." She held a hand to her breast and gasped, playfully. "Me, a fastidious student?" Laughing, Sadie let her hand fall back to her lap. "I have known for a while anyway. The warning isn't really necessary. Had I planned to "push" it, I likely would have by now." Tucking her hair behind her ear she shook her head some. "Not really, no. While I am not pushing it, I will say it honestly just made it more exciting." Holding up her hands she then zipped her lip, running to fingers across the softness of her lips. "Anyway switching subjects, don't want to make you all growly at me!"

Letting out a long drawn out sigh she shook her head.
"You make being a good girl oh, so very hard!" She crossed her arms and pouted at him. "I must point out you said most and I doubt you are a virgin. Someone has decided to ride the ride. Scared or not. They dared." Her eyes met his and while no power reached him, there was a flash of lust in her eyes. "Is it really fun if it doesn't scare you, just a little?" There was purr to her voice before she shook her whole body, as if a shiver had wracked it. "Your fault!"

As he talked about the carnival she smiled. She wanted to see it, but she wasn't quite willing to go alone. If he didn't want to go with her, maybe she could see if she could convince one or her Princes to go with her? There would be nothing sexual between them, but it would be nice to not be looked down on. They knew her mother and she had been around them more often recently. She wouldn't say they were friends, but they knew each other and were friendly. It was a last resort though... something about letting anyone really know how badly off she was.. well it was unthinkable. It was a weakness she wasn't willing to expose or share. In time she could fix it all, but it would be an up hill battle. One that would be painful, breaking into elitist social circles wouldn't be nearly as much fun as climbing the mountain that was Erik.

When he agreed, her eyes lit up with happiness.
"Really?" It might have been easy to forget how young she was, how... almost innocent she was. That look in her eyes would help to show it. She was truly happy he had agreed. Snorting, she hopped down and talked up to him. Stretching up her index finger booped his nose. "You like me, admit it!" Backing up as he stood she smiled softly, her honey eyes dancing. "Duh" Sadie rolled her eyes as he said she was a bad influence. "But I can come by tomorrow to help you grade if you like?" It was the least she could do. "Sounds like a plan" Turning she flounced away, skirt swaying side to side as she left the room.


Sadie hadn't been quite sure what to wear. In the end, she had settled on a comfortable sweater dress in a soft beige shade. It would keep her warm as the night dawned and didn't show off too much. Of course it clung to the gentle curves of her body, but not vulgarly. A pair of black thigh highs, black knee high boots and a black biker jacket completed the outfit. Looking in the mirror she toyed with a lock of hair before gathering the front section and pulling into a bun at the crown of her head. The next section followed suit and the rest was left to wave down her back dreamily. While there were no plans for any funny business, Sadie wanted to look good.

Looking at the clock she swore, she had meant to leave earlier. She wouldn't be late, but after that first day she had been making a habit of being early. It took her almost ten minutes to make it to the paddock. Around the rails milled what Sadie would have considered, some of the top predators. Those who were dominants, without a doubt. What had drawn so many? It was odd, but she ignored it, heading toward the stand that let you buy sugar cubes for the unicorns. Buying two bags she tucked one into her pocket, before heading up to a unicorn with a short black coat and a mane and tail of gold. This was not her first time visiting.
"Hello Lightening. How are you, handsome?" She offered him some sugar cubes and reached out to stoke his neck as he nuzzled her hand, gobbling up the sweet little cubes. Normally Lightening was wild, and almost aggressive toward others, but he and Sadie had clicked. With her, he was a big teddy bear.
"You know exactly what. I haven't forgotten the day we met. It was...memorable." It had also only been a few days, not even a full week but there was no real need to stress that part as it had certainly been memorable. He was still a little angry at himself for letting slip who he was, giving away the more famous nickname he had acquired due to his exploits had no doubt been too tempting for the young succubus to pass up and she had looked him up, if she hadn't known just from the name alone. That did seem unlikely, while he was indeed infamous it was a certain kind of person that looked into hunters without a good reason, and he couldn't think of any that Sadie would have had. "You have a strange idea of exciting...I'm impressed that you're not more scared of trying to tease me, you have no idea what I could do to you should the mood take me." He grinned wickedly, more in a mood to play her little game now that he wasn't ambushed and had gotten to know her a little. "Silly girl, the ones that didn't run were the brave or foolish, those that underestimated me. If you looked me up you know my reputation." He ignored the part about him not being a virgin, it wasn't like he'd ever made such a claim anyway, instead laughing at her wording. "Ride the ride...that's one way to put it, but I think I have you figured out already, and I'm likely not your type. I'm not one to be tamed." Seeing her little shudder, as though trying to shake off the lust that he could see behind her eyes, he let the subject change. It was getting too close to flirting and she was still a student.

A different look in her eyes was welcomed though, and his chuckled with a soft smile.
"Yes, really. Despite what you might think of me I am capable of having a little fun and not all of it alone." He growled as she accused him of liking her, a smirk turning up one corner of his lips. "I've never claimed I didn't, you just assumed that because I don't fuck my students and I don't want to be some plaything for you to toy with." Truthfully, she was the third assistant he'd had during his time here and was quite possibly his favourite of them already, Erik respected her lack of fear towards him, the others had been too worried about his approval to do anything but follow his commands and stay quiet. "Help would be appreciated, it means I can stay out a little later without falling behind." He'd left, and changed, grabbing his things and making his way towards the paddock.


He came up behind her laughing and reaching out towards the unicorn. Less intelligent creatures often feared him, unicorns could sense he meant no harm and recognised the animal inside of him. Looking him straight in the eyes Erik could see the intelligence held there as Lightening almost bowed, nuzzling the top of his head to his hand. "You're not wrong, he is a handsome one. Our carriage should be ready, perhaps you'd like to come with us, Lightening?" As with most creatures, afraid or not, there was a respect for the bestial nature they shared, most would defer to him, attack dogs refused to attack him, wolves would let him pass without accosting him and Lightening was no different. Pausing before striding away towards their carriage, he took a look at what Sadie had decided to wear. It seemed both innocent and sexually promiscuous at the same time, the sweater dress barely hiding the curves, the swell of her breasts and her hips tantalizing enough to draw the eye and yet he couldn't claim she'd dressed in a way to provoke him, she might be a creature that lived on sexual desire but she was no mind reader, how would she have known it pulled at his own private tastes this much? He had to pull his eyes away, hopefully before she noticed, a small part of him considered that it might not be just the outfit he was drawn to, but he put it out of his mind. Making a request, Lightening was soon employed to draw their carriage, and he held out a hand to help Sadie in. Take it or not, he felt it was only polite and despite his rough and no-nonsense demeanour he was a gentleman, he knew how to behave in polite society. "In you get, you wanted to see the carnival didn't you? It's already getting dark."

He climbed in with her, and the journey took no more than twenty minutes, most of which he spent in silence, only speaking if she did and they could soon see the carnival through the rainbow glow of the trees, illuminated in the dark. Small fae creatures were what lit the path and the carnival itself, flying around and providing their colourful light while students of the Academy and villagers mingled, having fun, playing games at the tents and eating the food that one only got to experience at the carnival. As he dismounted from the carriage and held his hand out again expectantly, he could see the main attraction was a circus tent in the middle of the large plains, but dotted around were the much smaller tents that held monsters scamming people of their coin with rigged games of skill, tests of strength and accuracy or fortune telling, things one might see at a human carnival, only slightly different. One such game featured a small crossbow with non-lethal bolts to be aimed at little toys brought to life that looked like villagers walking around a makeshift village, only some of them would turn to werewolves and attack the others...the aim was to purge the werewolves before they could strike and one lost if they hit a villager, or one was mauled. Another game was a test of strength but not like the arm wrestling machines of humans, it was with enchanted ropes, monsters allowing themselves to be restrained by the witches there, Erik laughing as they struggled against their bonds to try and win one of the stuffed animals that were also enchanted with a life of their own. None were winning, of course, and the game was but an advertisement, the next stall over selling the so-called 'unbreakable', monster restraining ropes. "Haha, weaklings and fools. They aren't meant to win and they aren't strong enough either way." There were gargoyles guarding the carnival, watching as some rowdy students climbed into a self-driving cart to go through the terror tunnel or entered the tent dedicated to showcasing human trinkets, more of which were of course being sold nearby.

Erik could already see what he wanted first, a stall selling food and drinks to carry around with you and he was most certainly going to lead Sadie there when she took his hand and buy them both something to enjoy.
"Any idea what you want to see first? Any rigged games you'd want to play or maybe a show to catch? I've been before so it's only fair you can choose what we do."
Laughing Sadie's brows rose. "Memorable?" There was a playful tone as she teased him. She remembered that day well and found it almost a fond memory... At least until he had become so pouty. "So sweet!" Fluttering her lashes at him she laughed and shook her head. "I'll stop! Sorry." Laughter still clung to her voice as she smiled up at him. The talk hadn't gotten... less spicy but he didn't seem upset and she could contain her lust, which Sadie was more than sure helped. Biting her inner cheek she fought back a small sigh. Erik seemed either willingly ignorant or just ignorant to miss that that sort of thrill was something that appealed to her. Wild, scary things. They didn't scare her, like they might with others. They excited her. When he said she had no idea what he could do to her if the mood took him, Sadie's lips quirked upwards and she couldn't help the next comment that slipped from her lips. "Oh? Do tell.." There was a tone to her voice, a purr of excitement. It dropped off as she snorted softly. "You know I don't mean those you were chasing because they were naughty." Dry amusement in her voice as she shook her head. "I bet you really don't." He didn't know her, and she was still on the path to find out who was right out of the two of them. Was he right and he was too much for her to handle, to top or was she? Was he a puppy deep down and needed to be bred?

The subject was shifted away from the edge of flirting and she relaxed a little. While she did want him, in that primal way, she also enjoyed his company. She... liked him. Her lips parted in mock shock and she fanned herself as if she couldn't believe it.
"You.. Fun???" she shook her head, her voice trembling with laughter. "You have get off my lawn vibes, not fun ones!" Her laughter faded and she smiled. "Uh huh. It had nothing to do with the constant warnings to behave, like I was some child you couldn't stand. Nope, not at all." She offered him help, so he wouldn't be behind for a night out with her and he accepted, something Sadie was honestly not sure he would do. "Sounds like a plan then!"


Shifting some she nodded, seeing Erik beside her.
"Everyone thinks he is so scary." She crooned to the unicorn who switched his attention back to her. It was clear that Lightening adored the tiny female and he nuzzled her affectionately, nickering. "Yeah, you are a big teddy bear, all marshmallow fluff on the inside." In truth, Lightning was far from a teddy bear, there was something about the small female that lured him in, the fact she hadn't been afraid of him and when he had shown her his temper she had chided him and then offered him an apple. The lack of fear, the respect calming him. "Oh, I bet he would. Wouldn't you?" She placed a kiss to his nose as Erik headed towards the carriage. "Be a good boy and I will get you a treat." heavy hoofs pranced along the ground at the promise of a treat before and her laughter followed her as she followed Erik. She caught his gaze and tilted her head to one side. She had not known his tastes, she had dressed for comfort among other things. As a succubus, she was used to flaunting her assets, this dress fit her well without, in her mind, pushing the limits of friendship. It was innocent.

The hand that was offered to her was met with a small pause of surprise.
"Thank you," she murmured. Hand slipping into his as he helped her into the carriage. On the ride she let the comfortable silence stretch between them, finding no need to fill it. The gentle rocking of the carriage was comforting as they made their way to the carnival. She could hear it before she could see it, the glow coming next. It was beautiful. Sadie's face lit up as she gazed out the window. Taking his hand as the carriage stopped and he helped her exit she let her hand linger for a moment as she looked at what lay before them. The warmth of his hand was welcome as she turned to smile at him. What she had expected was for him to release her hand, but his fingers tightened around her own as he led her towards the food tents. His question finding her over the din of sound. Her smile seemed to be a permanent fixture on her face, dainty fangs flashing in the lights.

"Just because they are not you, doesn't mean they can't win!" Though, she had to admit, most would fail. The games were rigged, everyone knew that, but it didn't stop them from trying. Laughing she pressed in close to him as a group pushed past her and she tipped her face up to him. "My only plan at the moment is to get you drunk enough to try and convince you to win me a stuffie." The stall they approached had all sorts of tantalizing food and drink. A fried meat, what Sadie was assumed was chikoburro, crispy and glistening with a tantalizing sauce. Honey glazed ham and warm potato dishes, it was the apple that caught her eye. "On the way out, remind me to get one for Lightening." The drinks were no less spectacular. A beer with caramel running through it, to sweeten the taste to a psychedelic flagon of alcohol and so much in between. "Those chikoburro bites look so good too." As they stepped up to order, still hand in hand, though she seemed to have forgotten this. "Um I would like one chikoburro nugget please and an oil slick please." It was then she seemed to notice her hand in his as she made to let go and reach for her wallet.
The carriage ride had been so quiet, Erik had been able to think on how things had already changed between them in subtle, and not-so-subtle, ways. In just a short week Sadie had wormed her way into his good graces. Part of it was through her hard work, she truly didn't have the entitled attitude a lot of his students had, he'd seen some of the highborn vampires for example, they treated his class like a joke. Of course they would never have to deal with hunting monsters on their own when they had their servants to do it for them, so they talked and flirted through his lessons, and more than one had drawn his ire over the week. It wouldn't be long...later in his lesson plans he often made examples of those kinds of students. Sadie was so far from those, she worked diligently on her lesson plans, on helping him teach and grade the papers and he had come to respect the girl despite that first interaction. He'd growled at her back in the class, but this time it had a playful smirk along with it, something he wouldn't give to just any flirting student. Earning his respect meant a lot towards how he would interact with her in the future. "Sadie...girl, you realise how small you are, how weak compared to me? If you know of me then you might know what I am, but when I transform I'm at least twice the size I am now...and in other areas, even bigger." He'd winked at her then, letting her know just what part of him he meant, and he was hardly small when in a human guise. "And once I do give in to my nature, I'm not stopping until I'm keep on trying to tempt me. Don't cry for mercy if you succeed."

He smiled as he remembered the interaction on the silent carriage ride, it felt good to at least flirt back a little while reminding the young succubus that he was dangerous. Unfortunately he didn't think it had the desired effect, Sadie didn't seem like the type to be swayed by such warnings. Another point in her favour, but it also set the mood for the night, Erik had decided he would be a little less stuffy and guarded and try to enjoy it for what it was.
"Get off my lawn vibes? How dare you...I don't have a lawn. Hah, I warned you to behave because I thought you were an insufferable brat. You surprised me, maybe first impressions aren't as important as I thought."

And now they were pulling up to the carnival. He'd held his hand out for her again much like he had when she'd been getting in the carriage, it was simple manners, courtesy, whatever you wanted to call it. While this wasn't quite a date, Erik didn't spend time with others like this often but when he did, he was at least polite, he knew how to treat a girl even if he had no plans to take it further, and this time he had kept her hand as he led her towards the food stand.
"Uh huh, you want me to win you a stuffie, a prize?" She'd moved in close to him as she'd had to squeeze through the crowd and without thinking his arm had slipped over her shoulder and around her, pulling her in tighter. "You think I can do that? I don't think even I can break out of those ropes, I wasn't calling them weaklings because I thought I could do better, but because they should know they can't." He looked over again as a student who looked far more muscled than Erik himself did struggled to try and break out of the shimmering golden ropes. "Those things are enchanted so that they resist strength, I'm sure there is a trick to them but damned if I know what it is." They'd made it to the food stand and looking over it all, he already knew what he wanted to get. "Give me some of your caramel ale and a ham, and give her whatever she wants too." She'd already started reaching for her purse, releasing his hand and he made a soft growl with his throat. "Put that away. I'm paying tonight." It wasn't spoken like a request as he took out his wallet and paid for both their meals and drinks, taking his own as the man behind the counter leaned out, passing Sadie her food.

"I get paid to be at the academy and I don't spend the money, I can afford to treat you for a job well done." He had plenty saved, all his living expenses were taken care of by the benefits he received working there and he didn't go anywhere to spend the actual wage. Already walking over to the stall where students were still trying to break out of the ropes, he rolled his eyes and took a large sip of his ale. "Which of the toys do you want to win here, hmm? I'm not good in games of skill and I don't think even I'm strong enough to break out of these, at least not without transforming and maybe even then..." He looked down at her, raising an eyebrow. "Why do I get the feeling you just want to see me struggle?" Even though his tone was gruff he was grinning as he said it, taking a bite out of his ham. "Carnival food always hits the spot...anyway, wouldn't it be easier to just buy you the toy? I don't think I could break out of these..." Just as he was finishing speaking, one of the witches at the stall giggled.

"The prize isn't for breaking out, dummy, they are unbreakable after all. The prize is for straining them! See how they glow golden? The harder you struggle the more they glow, if you make them glow enough we will give you the prize." She giggled again at him. "Unless you think you're not strong enough?" Another giggle, and the witch looked over towards Sadie. "Your man doesn't seem too confident in his own strength, or maybe he doesn't want you to see him all bound and struggling, hmm?" Erik growled again, a clear warning sound that the witch simply ignored, turning to sell one of the stuffed toys and one of the ropes. "I'm not, I'm her...ugh, forget it." The muscled student had already given up, his ropes had been glowing pretty golden too, but they hadn't deemed him strong enough and the witch clearly thought that his appearance would make him stronger than Erik was...and probably just wanted to show him up, to show off how strong her ropes were so she could sell more of them, the orcish student had clearly been impressed and was paying for one as they spoke, as well as a toy for the girl he was with. Erik looked back down at Sadie. "I think you'd have to get me a lot more drunk, but I could just buy you one..." There was a note to his tone, that maybe he would actually allow this, try for her, but he would need convincing.
A snort left her, far from elegant as she looked up at him. Deciding to make him bristle a little, finding it honestly cute when he growled at her as well as sexy, she said. "Oh puppy, don't you think that's half the fun?" Her voice was a purr, velvety as she looked up at him. "I never once claimed to be able to over power you and I wouldn't want to. I prefer the idea of my pets begging for my attention, my touch, of their own free will." Even Sadie had trouble picturing Erik in this role just yet, or rather how she'd get him into the role. She could picture him doing it quite well... But she was in no rush. It would happen in time. "What fun is it if I force them to adore me?" Her brows lifted and she stepped in closer to him. "You should be careful Professor," her voice soft, a warning there. "I 'behave' because you wished it of me, nothing else. I respect you and don't push it. Keep trying to tempt me, and we will fall down that hole at some point and one of us alone will come out on top." Stepping away she tossed her hair over her shoulder, her scent wafting up from the heavy fall of molten chocolate locks. "And I do so hate to lose."

Laughing she turned to face him, still hand in hand.
"Oh, but you seem to have a type, sir." This was her teasing back, "Besides, I remember my first impression too." Her eyes left his face, traveling lower the tip of her tongue touching her upper lip, before flicking back to his face, grinning. "I wasn't wrong." Winking, she had let him take the lead. Playing with him, harmless as it was, was fun. She found enjoyment in their little sparring matches. "I do!" She exclaimed brightly. "I have always wanted one, since I was a wee lass." Shaking her head she laughed. "Perhaps there is no trick and it is just for us ladies to watch you squirm all bound up." She purred softly with a feline smile. "It is so delicious to watch."

When he growled at her as she tried to reach for her own money she smiled and nodded.
"Thank you. Really." It was very sweet of him to pay and while this wasn't a date, it almost felt like one and it made Sadie feel.... more her age. Less of a leaper. Accepting her food eagerly they walked towards the game with him, happily munching on her snack. Sucking on one of her fingers coated in honey and spice she looked up at him. "Mmn," pulling her finger free, she looked at the stuffed animals available. Eyes fell on a cute little gray monster, with white teeth. He kept raising his hands into the air and roaring softly. Her eyes danced and she smiled brightly pointing her freshly cleaned index finger toward him. "That one! He is adorable." When he said she just wanted to struggle, she laughed brightly and nodded. "Duh! I said as much." Watching him swallow his bite of food she shook her head. "No, you can't. A) they will not sell to you and B) The whole point is to have fun playing the game."

Looking to the witch she nodded.
"See, not even meant to break out." Her cheeks flushed as the witch teased them though something shifted in her eyes, just for a moment as she said Erik didn't want her to see him bound and struggling. Hunger, deep and endless for just a moment. Erik had started to explain that they were not an item but given up before looking to her. Her eyes were on the students buying the rope and Sadie had already decided to make a purchase herself of the rope. Unbreakable ropes would come in handy for when she decided it was time for her ride on Erik. Slowly her eyes lifted to his again she nodded. "We will come back later then, because I plan to get you sloshed!"

Music played from their left and she tugged on his arm.
"Come on, let's go over there and see if we can catch a show!" She led the way, her hair swishing side to side as they made their way down. Pausing to let a group of people pass she held up a bite of her food. "Want to try?"
It did indeed bristle at him. The moment she called him puppy he'd looked down at her, a minor flash of annoyance in his eyes. It wasn't that he was truly angry, no, he'd already decided he liked Sadie and her attitude was a large part of that, he wasn't angry, upset or anything of the sort. He was...challenged. It felt like she was poking at him, challenging him and he wasn't going to let a challenge go without responding to it, that is exactly how you ended up as somebodies meal in their world and he had no desire to give in. Erik wasn't prey, not in his own opinion, and he wouldn't let her forget that for one moment. They had been walking past a large, colourful caravan pulled by strange lizard creatures as she'd called him puppy and he turned to her as she did the same to him, squeezing the hand he had hold of. With his strength it wasn't hard to pin her to the side of the large wooden structure, one wrist lifted over her head and pinned there, leaving her other hand free as he stepped in close, using his body to keep her pinned. It was, he hoped, an intimidating display of power. "Careful, Sadie. I'm nobodies puppy and I never intend to be...I'm a wolf, Sadie. A wolf and...something else entirely, and if one of us is going to end up on top..." He flashed her a smile, a wolfish grin that showed he did indeed have a playful side. "It's going to be me. I've never found anybody who can control me, and I doubt you're going to be the first...but if you're so desperate to challenge me I will make you my chewtoy."

It was hardly the kind of behaviour one would expect from a teacher to his student or assistant, but she'd started this, and he was at least laughing as he let her go. Still holding her hand he stopped pinning it to the side of the caravan and let her continue to lead him, grinning. Strange to him how being playful with her like this made him feel something...he liked it, he liked the verbal and physical battle they had going on. He was confident he would win it, and he knew it could lead to something it really shouldn't but after so long without anybody he was interested in, who he connected with, he didn't care. Led towards the test of strength that was going on, he watched as the dim knots up one of the ropes, five of them in total, started to glow as the student bound by them struggled in front of the witch and his companions. The first knot lit up, then the second flickered before lighting as the witch spoke. "See the knots? Consider them as levels, the more light up the stronger the ropes become, and the stronger the person bound by them is fighting. Two knots isn't bad, most men can barely light one, but it's not enough to win your prize!" Giggling, the witch eventually untied the student and they were led towards the stall, given the options to buy. It seemed that the more knots that were lit up the larger the discount would be, and it was clear on a sign that somebody who lit up all five would get their choice of a stuffed toy and half off a set of their own ropes. He looked towards the toy Sadie pointed at and growled softly as she claimed one wouldn't be sold to him without him even trying, something the witch confirmed. "Fine...then maybe later, if I'm drunk enough." He definitely hadn't had enough to drink so far, but he was half way through his first drink already and surely it wouldn't be too long. Letting her lead him away, he laughed to himself.

"Sloshed? And how are you going to do that when I'm the one paying for everything?" He said it with a smile, knowing full well he wasn't going to deny her if she wanted anything bought. Something about her made him want to spoil her, maybe he saw something of himself in Sadie, in the loneliness she seemed to be dealing with and he wanted to rectify that. Turning to her, he nodded and opened his mouth, leaning down to take a bite of her food. "Not bad, not what I would order though. Okay, a show it is, I'm sure they have some good ones here." He let her lead him towards one of the large tents with hundreds of glowing lights, sprites, all flying above the doorway to spell out the name of the show inside.

The strange world of humankind.

Led inside, they found a seat near the front, an aisle seat, and both sat waiting for the show to start. Onto the stage walked a gaunt looking man, tall and dangerous looking, pale, wearing dark clothes and a flamboyant black cloak with red lining, and when he spoke it was with a strange, heavy accent. "Good name is Dracule Degorgio but in the human world...I have another name, one known and feared through the whole world...I am...Count Dracula!!" It was spoken with a flourish of his cape, holding it up to conceal his mouth and jaw while looking over the arm that held it...a foolish looking maneuver that had the audience laughing. Backing off Dracule joined in the laughter, though he didn't stop using the accent and Erik couldn't help wondering if it was real. "This show is all about human oddities, later on we will be showing you some of the devices they use in their everyday lives, some of them are dangerous, some harmless, some of them are just...strange, but first, let me tell you about their legends...legends of monsters like me, Count Dracula who they call the lord of all vampires!" He laughed loudly again, and Erik rolled his eyes. "We have higher born vampires than this one working up at the academy, humans have to be the dumbest species there is to think he's anything special." Dracule seemed to almost read his mind. "Obviously they haven't heard of Lord Viktor, but most humans don't believe we are even real anyway, they think I can turn into a bat at will, that a crucifix and running water will burn me to the touch, that my reflection doesn't show in the mirror and that I'll burst into flames in direct sunlight, can you imagine??" The only part of that even remotely true was that vampires tended to be weaker in the sunlight but burst into flames? Erik found himself laughing at the very notion.

"Other monsters are known to humans but like with vampires they believe you all to be mere legend...werewolves are known for their weakness to silver and humans think their bites can make one of their kind into a werewolf...demons are thought to live in their underworld and are creatures of pure evil that possess humans and minotaurs are giant creatures that are constantly fighting a powerful lust and have a strong desire to do nothing but rut all day and kidnap young maidens!" Erik shook his head, sighing. "I guess they do know some things about us!" It was true, minotaurs did have that reputation, it was a part of him he had to fight often with the help of the witches that provided him potions to supress his own form of heat, much worse than that of most werewolves because of his minotaur blood but at least it wasn't constant like his father's had been and it annoyed him a little that that was what humans thought of his kind. "Tonight I'll tell you three tales of monsters they have, then I will show you the crazy inventions that make their lives easier!"

Erik turned to look down at Sadie.
"Enjoying the show? You're part gizmo aren't you? Doesn't your kind tinker with human inventions to make your own crazy devices?" He chuckled. "Maybe you can tell me what some of these things really are, I have a feeling the show might not be completely accurate and I'm sure you have a collection of your own. Most gizmo's do from what I recall."
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