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Fx Male Can you quench my fandom thirst?


Sep 3, 2021
Okay, hi, hello! I'm AutobotPrincess or just plain ole Arcee or Princess, whichever you prefer. And I'm looking for some juicy fandom rp. I rp- a LOT of fandom stuff. Like, a lot-a lot! I prefer female/male pairings and I enjoy playing on discord only. I do smut and story, but I prefer a good mix of it; say 80% story and 20% smut. It all really depends on the rp, how much story to smut the scales tilt. I'm a big fan of noncon type rp's, I adore a lot of unhealthy themes in my story- kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, gaslighting, yandere-themes, roughness, just a lot of bad stuff in general. Not a fan of outright physical abuse, so please don't get it confused. Also, all my characters are sub, I do not dom.

I can do anything from casual few lines to semi-para to para, but I usually prefer semi-para. I enjoy talking about our characters before play, specially if they're oc's. And I rp only in English and third-person. I do ask that my partners be literate and have a fluent comprehension of English, please.

Fandoms I currently play are:
I love this game and play it nearly every day! I've been a Feng Min main since she dropped and so she's who I prefer to rp as. My Min is bratty and despite her 'gamer girl' persona, she's actually a sort of sort-girl under it all. She views the trials as a sort of game and enjoys collecting items from chests. She has 92 skeleton keys and needs more! I'm open for pairings with canon characters in this verse, as well as introducing 'new' killers. Example being; if you wanted to put a xenomorph or something in this universe. A play here would involve a lot of worldbuilding and story, but smut will be too, of course. Just no stereotypical smut, please. Like anal hooks and hook sex. So boring and overdone. Pairings I'm gunning for are.... well, pretty much everything? I'm mostly fond of Doctor/Min, but nearly any killer/Min is on the menu. Survivors are on a case-by-case scenario and which one and how they're played. While Doctor/Min is a huge want for me, I would be open to an odd pairing of Min/Eddie Gluskin from Outlast, because I love that man, lol! My flist for Min is here! Please talk to me if you wish to play someone in my maybe's or no's. Some of them were placed there because I was being approached by way too many or some other reason. I would be happy to rp with a 'fresh' version of them!

Whoops, now we're in the bonezone! Yes, I love me some skeletons. While classic Undertale is nice, I'm actually more keen on the fandom AU's. Underfell, Swapfell, Horrortale, Dusttale, etc. Clearly I love the darker ones. I have a whole slew of Frisk's and OC's. Instead of writing a novel with all my oc's and Frisks, you can view them here and go from there. That's one of my Frisk's and there's a list on the lefthand side showing all my other Undertale characters. I'm a big fan of the Sans's but Papyrus's are okay too! Dusty is one of my favorite, while Horror or Axe is another favorite. Please hit me up if any of these interest you.

I know, I know. If you've played the game and payed attention, you already know that there's no women in Mount Massive. But that's the beauty of roleplay, we can bend the rules a little bit! Clearly this would be an oc or we could just say whatever and throw Feng Min into this world. Needless to say, I'm looking for pairings with Eddie Gluskin, because he's perfect, lul! But I wouldn't mind doing a pairing with Chris Walker or maybe even Dr Trager seriously, that man needs to put some pants on. With this one, I would be willing to do more smut than story, but you would be my hero if you wanted to do a good in-depth story!

Gosh I love me some dinosaurs! Been a fan ever since the first movie and it wasn't until I developed heart-eyes for the Indoraptor that I finally caved and made an oc. You can find out all about my oc, Faith, here! I'm mainly looking to pair her with dinosaurs- mainly raptors, but a good story with a mad-scientist doctor type or something would be loads of fun! Depending on the story and all, I would somewhat be willing to perhaps dabble in transformation play, with Faith being turned into a dinosaur or something. It depends on the story, like I said.

Yes, I would like to bang the robot fox, thank you. Lol! But seriously, I love the dark story of these games and while the fandom leaves me disappointed, I do enjoy rp'ing it when I find a good partner. Foxy is my favorite and I love Freddy. Springtrap is spooky good, too! For this fandom, I have an oc named Elizabeth who works at the pizzeria as a party manager/planner. If you're interested, you can read more about her right here!

Last but not least; giant robots! I love me some Transformers! While I'm an Autobot girl, one can't deny how tasty the Decepticons are! I mostly rp Arcee, but I do have an oc Decepticon named Twinkle, who is the most useless Decepticon and turns into a music box. Info for my Arcee can be found here and I'm open to a ton of pairings for her. Most are listed on the link, but to reiterate them here; Shockwave, Megatron, Soundwave, Lockdown, Pharma, the entire DJD but specially Tarn, Overlord, and- okay, it's a LOT of Decepticons, lol! But I do like Autobots! Don't get me wrong! Optimus, Sunstreaker & Sideswipe, Mirage, Jazz, Prowl! The list goes on! It really depends on the story and if it interests me!

But those are some of the things I can think of off the top of my head! I'm pretty open to things and I'm always willing to listen if you've got ideas! Just... hit me up if you're interested!
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