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Fx Female Icetea's FXF Plots! [OPEN!]


Sep 2, 2021
Hello! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Thread with me pls? _=3 」∠)_ I has plots!

I’m Icetea! I have been RPing on and off for around 17 years. I run a fandom based RP site with my friends, but I still generally post here at least once a day usually!

If you would like to RP with me (thank), please read the below!

❀My usual wordcount is around min 500~ max 6k+, unless it’s a sex scene and it can be a bit shorter >>;;
❀English isn’t my first language but I am decently OK at it I think…?
❀ I have a post order that I write replies in as I have a few long running RP partners. Depending on the situation I have TWO post order cycles I write in. But usually I will at minimum reply once a week if not more, but it isn't a post in order I get them cycle! Thank you for your understanding!
❀I can most confidently say that I can write/enjoy both smut AND plot, (Heavy on either end is fine by me) though either way I do like a stimulating story that evolves! I personally don't think a porn plot is necessarily boring, as long as it doesn't plateau!
❀My flist is here: F-list - Warning
❀I use animanga FCs only!
❀I can be reached on Discord (pref) #Ramune6091 or you can PM me here! ( ᐛ )و
❀ PLOT HEAVY RPs I would like to do on Forum only. In general...I pref forum actually as I write far more than the chara limit and it's annoying AF to use Discord tho I love it for chatting :') However if you really want I can RP through Discord private server also. I do not RP through PMs sorry!
❀ For FXF plots, I am happy to do females or Futas for any plot.

FxF/GL Plots

1) Candied Poison Apple
Modern day, with possible supernatural elements if you take route 2 :3
Will include: Non con, Dub con (later on when YC is caught) drugging etc

YC is a police investigator looking into an apparent unsavoury business in the red light district that is rumoured to be a place catering to wealthy female clients that have all sorts of fetishes and kinks that can be satisfied by the female workers there.

While this in itself is rather common, the tip offs suggest things are far less legal than your average brothel, and it’s suspected that the establishment may be holding some workers there by force, using some kind of mind altering drug among other things.

YC volunteers to go undercover and apply to work there, and she is hired. The front of the place is simply a soap land, a place where girls give their clients massages and wash downs just in the nude. YC opts to go for the lodging scheme they have, and befriends MC, a cute, sweet looking girl who seems oddly out of place in the luxurious but slightly unnerving establishment.

As YC spends more time there, most of it seems decently harmless, though clearly some “extra services” are happening sometimes, it’s nothing like the information YC received. She also gets closer to MC, possibly even starting to develop some romantic feelings for her.

Until one day YC happens to stumble upon one of the occupied rooms and what was going on inside it.

(Not too sure what that is, but this is up for discussion:3)

And what’s worse, she is caught by the establishment’s security and taken to the office of the mysterious owner of the “spa”. It turns out to be MC, who seemed to know they had a undercover in their midst the whole time and was just waiting to reel them in.

Now from here we can either just go realism route and have YC tortured and used sexually in normal ways, or could go fantasy supernatural route and have it so MC is some kind of demon and go for more monster/tentacle/etc route. Idm either way!

Character I am looking for: Well as you probably can tell by now, YC will be on the receiving end of the later parts :3 Everything else is up to you!

2) Ave Maria
A hundred+ years ago, either Western fantasy/semi fantasy setting or RL
Contains: Non con into Dub con, religious themes, humiliation, spanking, sadomaso stuffs
Optional: Futa and/or fantasy races, group sex
TL;DR: Basically just a (typical) porn plot
Story: C1 is a nun or similar devout of a religion (can be made up or Christianity idm) who lives in a society which is heavily controlled by the religion she is serving. She lives with her fellow peers and once accepted in, unlikely to ever leave. Her religion enforces chastity on them but as she becomes an adult, she is more and more subtly tempted by sexual desires and one day, gets caught doing something mildly incriminating on that front by her superior, C2.

Normally such a thing would be publicly shamed and she would become an outcast of society, possibly her family suffer too because of it, so she begs the woman not to tell anyone, and the woman agrees, but on the grounds that she undergoes “cleansing” by her of her taint and “training” of her soul not to fall into temptation. However when she agrees, these activities becomes more and more extreme, and unknown to her none of it is cleansing her at all, but making her more and more depraved.

I would like C1 to be a masochist, as religious floggings/spankings etc would be something I want in it.

Optional bits: C1 + 2 can be futas, maybe they are a separate acknowledged gender in their society who are seen to be blessed and so most “holy” people are. Alternatively, one of our MCs can just be a futa, secretly.

For this plot, I would like "futa" to have both a cock and pussy!

Also, if you like, some of C1’s training could be that she is gangbanged by townspeople (can be M or F idm about this) in the typical hentai reasoning of “Helping them cleanse their sins” or whatever.

Also, I am happy to play multi characters, we could do other ships such as other members of the convent who may have things to do with eachother, higher religious powers or anything else really.

Characters I want to play: Idm, C1 or 2 I’m ok with both for this one.

What I’m looking for: Someone to play either C1 or 2 at minimum, ideally one or two more ships we play one character each for.

I am also happy to gender swap any of my MxM plots to be FxF!
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