Mx Female Worlds of smut - naughty monsters, perverse families, and horny people


May 15, 2010
Good morning, afternoon, or evening,

Whatever time it is when you read this. On Bluemoon, I go by Okoro. I'm a 30+ year old man and have been a member of this site since 2010. Granted, I've recently taken an extended absence and have only recently returned after being away for so long. Now, while it's true that I've been on a hiatus for quite some time, I've been roleplaying in some capacity online for 20+ years at this point, as well as many in person sessions for things like DnD and other table top games.

Today, I come before you all seeking a partner or two to join in writing some new stories! Hopefully, that will be you.

First, some general points:

- I live on the east coast of the US
- I own my own business, so I can find myself online fairly frequently - however the best times to reach me are in the mid morning to early afternoon and after 10:00 pm until around 2:00 am.
- I prefer to roleplay over Discord, I like the organization it provides me. I could be convinced to do pm here on blue moon. I don't like roleplaying in a forum itself.
- I prefer my roleplays to be... Smutty... Doesn't mean there can't be a plot or over all adventure. Just, smut is the name of the game and will likely be entangled in many of its aspects.

Second, some requests I have of you:

- Try your best to maintain moderate to semi-lit. I don't require that you write me a novel in every post, but a paragraph or two is nice and appreciated. Of course, depending on a scene if it calls for something shorter, that's alright.
- I'd like someone who can keep a decent line of communication. If you can't post for a few days, think you're going to be busy, are going to bed, or are just no longer interested, let me know. (Never any shame in quitting a roleplay - if you don't like it, let me know. We can always try to change it to better suit everyone's desires or part ways).
- Have fun.

Third, KINKS:

Let's get to the good stuff - Click Here in order to see my f-list. If you don't see something you like, just ask! I'm very open and willing to try most stuff. My only real HARD no's are scat and food play. Outside of that, if you want something, let me know. Worst case, I'll just say no.

Particular Kinks I like, you ask?
- Age play (either character)
- taboo pairings
- cum

If we can fit these in, I'm usually a happy camper.

Fourth, PLOTS!:

Now, when it comes to plots, I am very flexible. I generally like having a basic plan that then we both work to create. I don't like to meticulously plan out all our goals and details as I like the variety that comes from spontaneity. Now, if either of us has something we REALLY want to see happen? OF COURSE, let's plan it out and make it come to fruition. I'm going to list a few general plot ideas that we can fluff out together :)

- Smut-pocalypse
With this plot, we can go a lot of ways - Mad Max like, Fall Out Like, Zombie, etc. My thought for this would involve an individual transported into a different world of their own. One where the ongoing apocalypse has made everyone very, very, horny. I was thinking that in this world, MC or YC would be a parent who is either looking for their child or maybe a teacher. (age play is highly requested in this one)

- Monster Girl/boy Island and/or World
For this plot, our hero or heroine would find themselves trying to survive, explore, and make a name for themselves in a world overrun by monster girls/boys.

-Perverted Family
A simple enough incest pairing - you name the pairing I'm willing to try it.

- Alice/Alex in Wonderland
We all know Alice in Wonderland, right? Well, what if in this world, the denizens of Wonderland, while not only being wacky and out of control, but are also uncontrollably horny and like to torment our sweet and innocent Alice/Alex with all sorts of tantalizing treats and experiences?

Well, that about does it for now. See anything you like?

Yes? Awesome, drop me a PM or better yet, just add my Discord Gauban33#5993.

No, but you think I might be a fun partner for an idea or craving you have? Great! Hit me up just like above!

No, and you don't have any interest? Fuck off! Nah, I'm just messing. Have a great day/night and I hope you find what you are looking for!

Have a good one!
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