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Looking for a good RP....

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Feb 3, 2009
I looked over this entire site and thought.....WHERE THE HELL ARE THE GOOD NON-SEXUAL RP-ERS!!!!
Is everyone a perv with RP? Come on guys....Seriously, where is the soul of stories anymore? I'm disappointed slightly. I don't think this is the site for me to RP on. Id like to be proven wrong tho.

Is there anyone in this gosh forsaken place that can come up with a GOOD rp with out having to resort to sexual content.
I'm guessing NO! *Sniffles.* Seems people now days only want sex in everything. Where is the love in that? Gah, maybe im just a prude or something. I don't know...

Cant someone please stimulate my brain!!!! *Whimpers.* If there is anyone that can slip above being a perv id really like to meet you and RP sometime. *Sigh.*

-I can do all kinds of Rp. From hate to love.
-You name it I can do it.
-I can and will Rp character in any plot you come up with.

I dont care the plot! Just as long as its fun in a good way!
**Doesn't expect anyone to answer this request.**​
I hate to disappoint you but it is primarily sexual roleplays. I'd offer you a story, but I primarily stick to messengers, something few females are apt to enjoy.
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OMG YAY! I love being disappointed. Id prefer PMS. Unless you want your stat up. I'll even instant message for a good rp. Im glad to see there are some good rpers here. *Does a little dance.* Thank you both for your reply. ^___~ I shall be ready to rp any time you are.

~Jokers Lil pet
I also think stories, plots and relationships between RP-ers are really important.. But no sex?! That kind of dulls it all. Very little sex I can deal with but how do you think about it?

Seems people now days only want sex in everything. Where is the love in that? Gah, maybe im just a prude or something.
I feel the same way, I guess some prefer love over faceless sex!
Majora said:
I also think stories, plots and relationships between RP-ers are really important.. But no sex?! That kind of dulls it all. Very little sex I can deal with but how do you think about it?

Seems people now days only want sex in everything. Where is the love in that? Gah, maybe im just a prude or something.
I feel the same way, I guess some prefer love over faceless sex!

Sex and love don't go hand in hand. People dull Rps not having no sex. Think of it this way, Does Stephen King, S.D Perry, Ann Rice//Rule, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker or Arthur Conan Doyle, Have to resort to sexual themes to write something so great as Hounds or Resident evil? No, Sex doesn't make the story interesting. Just makes it readable. Anyone can write sex scenes, it takes a true artist to write something you can read and love. *Nods.* I do agree sex makes somethings funner, but not just senseless sex rps. Love is more interesting to me.

~Jokers Lil Pet
Sex and love don't go hand in hand. - No, Sex doesn't make the story interesting.
I disagree.

Yeah, there are good stories around. But we aren't professional writers and we run dry on inspiration often. I do desire love more than sex, that stands.
Majora said:
Sex and love don't go hand in hand. - No, Sex doesn't make the story interesting.
I disagree.

Yeah, there are good stories around. But we aren't professional writers and we run dry on inspiration often. I do desire love more than sex, that stands.

I get what your saying. I'm not professional. (<-- hell i had to spell check that word haha.) All I'm saying is you don't have to be GREAT at something to make it fun. I could so change your mind with just one rp if you just open your mind up to the idea. Ive done so many Rps, gah it was so fun. I wish that site didn't go down. It can be a story about a boy and his best friend. It would still interest me in so many ways. If it makes me laugh I find it interesting, it doesn't even have to be a bout love or war. Its all about how you write it. If its.... 'Grasps the rope and swings to the other side of a huge trench. To protect a panda from the hunters.' Of close its going to be hella boring!! Your going to urge for sex in it somehow. XD Ive done that before I wont lie. If the person isn't worth it I cut the rp short make him/her happy (Yah yeah) and move on to something far more interesting. BUT! If someone writes.

The foggy ridged trench slightly made her heart leap into her throat, the thumping of her heart seemed to block out the sounds of the wonderful sounds of the birds chirping at her back from their perches of the tall trees of the Amazon. Her pale cloudy eyes seemed to look deeper into the trench making it seem deeper than it actually was. Her eyes closed tightly trying to block out the thoughts of her falling to a bloody death. Every rock at the bottom of the trench seemed to be so sharp and would break her to pieces if the vine had decided to snap from the branch that over hung from the branches above. There was no other way around this thing. If there was there wasn't any time for her to stop and look for it. The hunters were close on her trail, if she didn't get to the other side soon she was surely to be shot and left for dead. Her mind tried to think of something more soothing than just a deadly scary leap across a 20 story drop to her death. Rustling of leaves made her skin crawl. The backpack slung over her shoulders, hugging tightly to her with the weight of the new born baby Panda. She swallowed down the fear that ripped at her insides like ravenous wolves. She griped the vine tightly, the pressure turning her knuckles white. Her brown hair slid back as she took a running leap at the other side, the vine yanking at her slender body as it tried to to make the deep trench. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt the tug of the vine loosen her grip on the vine ripping some of the leaves from the vines beautiful woven rounding vines. She gasped her body flying through the air, the wind whipping at her tan shorts and matching button top. Her eyes shot open as she felt the soft thud of the dirt on the other side. Her combat boots kissing the ground. She screamed with joy as she landed safely on the other side with out a moment to waste she took off into the brush the feeling of excitement killing fear in her belly. The Panda in her back pack gave a soft sounding noise, as if he said thank you to her.

People who are dull make stories dull.

~Jokers Lil Pet
That's pretty good :]

Don't give me wrong I know what you're saying. I guess I'm pretty dull sometimes then xD.
I bet your pretty good yourself. You can be dull maybe your suppressed! You need a little push in the right way. I bet if you teamed up with someone who could match you, you'd come up with something simply awesome! Just have to apply yourself to adventure and romance! I do I love RPing. If you like I'll Rp with you?

~Jokers Lil Pet
LOL I love the Joker tho! Can you blame me? His insane mind would be awesome to study. Hes a great example of an awesome villain. Hes so twisted.

~Doesn't sign 'Joker's Lil Pet' just to make Majora Happy.

Tee hee
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