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Fx Male Dark, Strange, and Somewhat Scary (1x1 // Original Plots // Long-Term // Dom Men Preferred) **Revamped as of 9/26, New Ideas & Monstrous Urges!**

Aug 29, 2021
Well hello lovely forum-dwellers! I'll keep this portion brief to get into the good stuff, but will warn first off that this thread will contain many dark themes. That should be evident from the title, but I always want to err on the side of caution. My favorite genre is horror, and while my plots are going to be heavy on the smut side these plots may still come into play. I will also warn that some ideas here may include inhuman characters, monsters, etc. These are never a requirement, and I will have them labeled, but I wanted to include the warning anyway! I have added a few ideas here that verge on more romantic plots, I'd be happy to work these with as much or as little extra darkness as desired. All of my characters will be 18+ and I ask that my partners have the same minimum age. To be completely honest, I'm also a sucker for large age gaps in relationships. I love to see older men with young women or other "unconventional" pairings. Assuming you're interested in the same, I'll be happy to hear from you!

In general, I will make every attempt to post once a day at least. That does hinge on a few different things, including partner responsiveness and the lengths of our posts. After years of stressing myself out writing long posts, I've finally come to the conclusion that quality is much better for me than quantity. I prefer keeping my wordcount somewhere within the 100-700+ range with smuttier or more action-oriented scenes tending to be shorter. Speaking of smut, I see all of these ideas as particularly smut heavy. That's not to say there won't be a plot, but sex will typically be a big part of things. I like to play through scenes as well, and will have my F-List below for further reference! My preference is to plan/write via PMs, so please feel free to reach me if anything strikes your interest. I also prefer to use live face claims for reference of characters. I'm flexible on character sheets but enjoy being on the same page as my partner in terms of appearance. If you fear you won't be able to post once a day for any reason, that's also just fine! I understand how difficult life can be sometimes, work and mental health may sometimes get in the way of writing. In any case, whatever you think you'll be capable of I will be happy to work with!

F-List Here

Now, I'll go ahead and partition out my ideas in spoilers. The titles should give at least a rough indication of what you're in for. . Take a look and let me know if anything strikes your fancy!~

It might surprise you to know that, even in the 21st century, arranged marriages are not uncommon among the financially and/or socially elite. They can foster beneficial relationships between two families, or even serve to cover up some scandal with a bit of misdirection. In any case, our characters here would be the latest victims forced to live out the happiest day of their lives without meeting one another first. This wedding was arranged for a few reasons we can hammer out together, but one of the biggest ones is that neither family thought they'd be able to get rid of our characters. They're each the black sheep of their respective families. I see MC as being generally obstinate and a bit too liberated for her conservative family. What I'd like from YC is for him to have a bad reputation for some reason or another. It's enough that everyone in attendance would know and may lead to some concern about the union. Ideally this'll start on their wedding day, with the two of them literally meeting at the altar.

With rapid environmental decline becoming even more apparent, the government grants funds to a project that would help encourage sustainability. The aim is for people to learn to live simpler lives within a more natural setting. Participants in this project are each assigned a cabin within a secluded, wooded community. They have the basic amenities, limited almost exclusively to running water and a minimal clean energy source. They are admitted from a pool of volunteers from all walks of life, some may even be current prisoners able to live out their sentence among nature depending on their behavior within the prison system. No matter their pasts, the group's success depends largely on their ability to cooperate. Some will do so more than others and, much like with our characters, some may form some deeper attachments.

After recently escaping a serious crime ring, MC is placed within a witness protection program. In a case with so many moving parts it’s hard to say how long she’ll have to live her new life, but at the very least she won’t be alone. YC has been assigned as a sort of guardian to mine, close enough to be involved in the life she’s been assigned. As a matter of fact, they’ve been given identities as a married couple. While the case moves slowly in the outside world, our characters must navigate a full-time farce of married life. That may even involve tensions boiling over sooner rather than later, with YC either planning to take full advantage of the relationship from the start or the temptation growing so strong that they simply can’t stay away.

Put simply, MC has interest in conspiracy theories. After researching for some time she latches onto one in particular that she's determined to try and prove to the rest of the world. This could be something already speculated to exist, like Bigfoot or Mothman, or something else entirely. The only real requirement is that he's so far out of the realm of humanity that he wouldn't blend in. Thinking she's made a fortunate turn of events, she stumbles upon exactly what she's looking for. What she doesn't realize, however, is that he won't be the prey for long. After catching wind of her approach, he instead decides to take this pretty, young believer as a mate. She may never see the light of day again, but at least she has her proof.

MC is incapacitated after either an accident or abandonment in the middle of nowhere. Left for dead with a smattering of wounds, her fate seems sealed before she even opens her eyes. In spite of this, she wakes up in a bad way but still tended to. YC had miraculously pulled her from the crash site, carting her off to his home as if to keep her safe. The motives themselves are unclear, given his wariness of humans in general. As she regains health, she bonds with YC. There may be some period of fear at first, depending on the nature of monster/creature you'd like to play with here. But in all they become close and he becomes more possessive over her. Even after the point of healing, it's clear he has no intention of letting her leave.

No one could have predicted it, but the start of this plot sees humanity overthrown from their supposed pedestal as the most dominant and advanced species in the world. Whether it be by some evolutionary advancement, monsters invading from another world, or a dormant species reclaiming their place, humans are now subjugated under some other rule. MC would be one of these people. With the world out of human control, it's not uncommon for people to nearly be taken as pets. YC could fall into any category here, either having personally plucked her off the streets or picking her as an offering from a recent batch of imprisoned humans. In any case, she finds herself completely at the mercy of this new world's hierarchy as well as YC's whims. I'd be open to playing with multiple conquering species in this case, as well as the occasional potential for group scenes ideally with multiple monsters of any type breaking in my character. But YC and MC would still be the main attractions here, and are the only ones really necessary to make this work.

And here we are! If you've had your fill I certainly hope you've found something that piques your interest. Feel free to PM for any one of these ideas and I will be more than happy to discuss! Thanks for reading!
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