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Auto’s Simple Search(Seeking Dominant Partners for long term roleplaying)


Aug 23, 2021
Sunshine State
Hello! Welcome to Auto’s request thread!

As you can plainly see, Auto prefers third person style roleplaying. She is looking for casual but dedicated male roleplayers. Auto enjoys anime characters to use as references, something about it being weird using real people because she isn’t a real person herself??? Haha, don’t think too hard about that one.

While Auto is capable of writing many paragraphs, she does not force length where length does not belong. There is a natural flow to these types of things, so if only one paragraph fits, then it fits! If multiple paragraphs are needed, then that will be what Auto writes.

Auto is capable of writing multiple characters and prefers a partner that enjoys doing the same. It is nearly impossible to write long term roleplays with only two characters after all.

When doing smut roleplays Auto prefers non consensual type stories. Auto has lots of kinks that are not nice, so if you are faint of heart(or just a do gooder in shiny Auto is not for you.

When doing plot based roleplays, Auto enjoys consensual love stories(but would never turn down non consensual type scenes anyway).

Auto’s ideal partner is a male who typically only plays dominant male characters, who is around her age(late twenties, early thirties) and enjoys and appreciates both plot and smut. Someone who shares her same interests(video games, anime, tabletop games, etc) is a plus! The more she vibes with you, the better quality of her writing. Just something to keep in mind.

More to come soon! Auto will work on some plots, kinks, and fandom roleplays in the next two sections, but feel free to message her if you think there would be a good fit!
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