Looking for an active RP partner.....


The 3 Rs of Roleplay - Respect, Respect, Respect
May 22, 2021
United States
About me

I have been enjoying RP for several years and over that time I have learned what I like and what I don't but I have also learned that the best roleplays for me are when both of the writers feed off each other and let the story take them wherever it wants to go. Whenever I let my RP Partner push my boundaries a little further, I find that incredible thrill and buzz that I am sure most RP-ers get when they connect with someone who can feed their imagination.

What I like

I enjoy stories. For me a good roleplay is one where I have no idea what is going to happen and it all plays out like a movie in my head! Of course, I like to think ahead and lead my character to where I want him to go but generally I see RPs as belonging to both of us. I will tend to respond pretty quickly - probably most days - and I write in various lengths (depending on where we are in the story). I think I write pretty well - my grammar is ok but I do get plagued by typos! I like to have an OOC thread running too so that we can share ideas, check in on the story and make sure we are respecting each other's needs. I like stories to start with a minimum of pre-planning. For me, the story is where we develop our characters and as long as we have a rough theme to work from, I am good to go!

My character

I only play male characters. This is because I am a male and so I write as I feel. If I write as a female, I think it would probably be a collection of cliches and would be shallow at best and disrespectful at worst!

My wants

I love good stories where the relationships grow. I have no issue with casual encounters but the more we develop the characters, the more satisfying I think the story elements become. I love the sex content but it cannot be the core of the story - the plot and the characters are it for me. I stick pretty much to one male x one female - again, it matches my own personality. I guess you can assume that I tend to lean to romance in the stories but don't be fooled, I can toughen up when I need to!

Beyond my limits

I don't engage in anything that is abusive. So no incest, pretty much no violence and nothing that would be illegal in real life. I like to keep bodily fluids where they belong and don't do cross-species.


I will have a go at pretty much anything in any time period! I have recently enjoyed some stories set in medieval time (think Knights and Princesses!) but honestly, I will have a go at whatever we both agree on!

The bottom line

Roleplay starts with respect. I would love to hear from you if you think we could be a team!
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