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Fx Female ~Cheshy's SUB-Plots ( Pun intended!! )


~Formerly Known as Cheshy~
Jun 20, 2020
Hello, BMR! I am once again active and looking. For those that don't know me, the name's Cheshy, or Chesh. I also accept Nata, if you'd rather something closer to my real name! A little bit about me, I am an avid video game and anime/manga fan, and I have quite the collection of consoles, handhelds, collection's editions, memorabilia etc. It is pretty much my only hobby, other than my art collecting! A lot of the characters you are going to see in this thread are my own~

Anyway! Enough about me, onto other things! Post-wise, I type anywhere between 3-7 paragraphs, although it tends to vary from roleplay to roleplay and partner to partner. Frequency wise, I will be posting around once a week, so that I don't get burned out! To start off with though, I will probably post more frequently while we set the scene and things like that. It should be noted, most of my roleplays will feature S&m/BDSM themes. I am submissive at heart, as well as into pet-play and bratting. Pain-play/rope-play/etc are all pluses as well, and there are PLENTY of negotiable kinks!

Hard-Limits include:
Needles ( Things like tattooing/piercing is fine )
Sexual Gore/Mutilation

~~~~~Fandom Roleplays~~~~~
Disclaimer: I only do OC x OC

Naruto 1. Hirana Hyuga in "The Byakugan vs the Sharingan! Which eye comes out on top?"
The premise in this roleplay is simple. Hirana is visiting on the bars or clubs in Konoha, and is overheard bragging about the superiority of the Byakugan over all other ocular powers. She's kind of a stuck up, superior, bratty Hyuga princesss, and YC, an accomplished Uchiha girl who possesses at least the Sharingan, and possibly the Mangekyou Sharingan, overhears and decides to challenge her to a bet. They fight, and the winner's prize is a date and night with the loser. Needless to say, one fight isn't enough to convince Hirana that YC possesses the better eyes, and their relationship at first consists of fighting and then a date, during which time YC slowly breaks down Hirana's walls and seduces her.

Naruto 2. Tarashi Uchiha in "After the War: A Warrior Settles Down"
Another fairly simple premise. Tarashi played a major part in the last war, but afterwards, is a little lost. She travels the land, acting as a mercenary or sell-sword and basically a jack-of-all-trades who solves peoples problems and pretty much regularly saves the day. While travelling, she runs in YC, a civilian, being accosted by some missing-nin far from civilization. MC deals with these missing-nin, with a bit more trouble than she was expecting, and agrees to escort YC back to her Hidden Village. Unfortunately for MC, YC is actually on the run, whether from a controlling family, the authorities or a crime-gang, and they are frequently accosted on the journey back. Over time, MC and YC fall for each other and, when they reach the outskirts of YC's village, they instead decide to live on the road.

Pokemon 1. Ai Natsuki in "Who Influences the Influencer?"
Ai is a famous social influence in the world of Pokemon, based out of Lumiose City. She has however travelled the world, often on luxurious cruise-liners like the S.S Anne. While she has Pokemon of a variety of types, her Pokemon tend to be the Fairy-Type, other than her Yveltal, Vulture. She is currently abroad, visiting Wyndon in the Galar Region, when she meets YC. YC, whether they be a Gym Leader, or a Pokemon Professor or something similar, spots Ai on one of her social media platforms and takes a liking to her. She contacts MC, and slowly begins to entice her into a deeper world far more meaningful than the shallow, meaningless world of a social influencer!

Pokemon 2. Natalia Delacroix in "How can a submissive be called a Pokemon Mistress?"
Natalia is quite submissive, so it often frustrates her that most of the Pokemon world refers to her as the Dark Mistress, for her command of Dark-Types. While she understands that this a compliment as the world sees her a better Dark trainer than even Karen, Sidney or Piers, she dreams of the day she can drop her mask with someone and be her true self: A bratty, cheeky little sub just begging to be spanked! One day while challenging the new Champion of the Kanto Region, an extremely intelligent girl who once was Professor Oak's aide and is also YC, the Champion sees through her facade and uses it to throw Natalia off her game, causing her to lose the battle. Afterwards, when MC throws a brat-worthy tantrum, YC decides to put her in her place.

DBZ. Aubergine/Gine in "You dare mock a Saiyan's Pride?"
Gine is a powerful Saiyan, capable of duking it out with the most powerful fighters on earth and coming out on top. But she feels there is something more out there, something missing in her life. Her fierce love of battle has so far been the driving force in her life and she has given little thought to her existence or her place in the universe. YC would be another surviving Saiyan, sent to earth in Raditz's place to investigate why the planet hasn't been conquered yet. Adventures ensue.

Star Wars. Kasari Xutor in "Those are some big pistols, are you compensating for something?"
Kasari Xutor is a Force-Sensitive Zabrak smuggler operating in the Outer Rim shortly after the rise of the Empire. While she suspects she can uses the Force, she has never been trained, and calls her abilities 'tricks'. She can Force jump, push, pull, choke and use the Jedi mind-trick, although not with the efficacy of Obi-Wan Kenobi. She has a handful of other 'tricks' up her sleeve, but for the most part she keeps these hidden. Few people have ever seen her use them, even fewer have lived to talk about it. YC is a Sith Lord on the run from Palpatine and Vader. She is quite powerful in her own right, but not to the extent she can take on those two on her own. She hires MC to smuggle her from a planet the Empire is searching for her on, and during the journey realizes that Kasari is Force-Sensitive and perfect to take on as apprentice of her own. YC corrupts MC, making her fall from a moral grey area completely to the Dark Side, training her. Eventually they would take the fight to Palpatine and Vader, in an attempt to cease control of the Galactic Empire.

~~~~~Non-Fandom Roleplays~~~~~

Cheshira Delacroix: 1, 2, 3, 4. Currently off the table.
Cheshira is one of the last of her kind, a Cheshire cat. Each Cheshire cat has command over their own unique 'Void' with their own personal strength determining the size of their Void, and their depth of control over it. Cheshira's power is so great her Void is the size of a small country, but this causes great stress on her body and mind, to the point she has to 'seal' most of her powers in her right eye. Her eyepatch is the key to the seal, if she removes it, she gains access to her full power. While sealed, Cheshira can only control a portion of her Void equivalent to a circle around her with a one hundred meter diameter. She can also only transport herself or her sword to and from the Void in this state. For this roleplay, maybe YC is a collector of rarities and wants Cheshira for themselves, or maybe they simply take a liking to her and want a pet. They could offer her a cushy job as head of their guard, while all the while plotting to get into her pants and make her their plaything.

Lupa Delmarta: 1, 2.
Lupa is a hellhound, and the beta wolf in her pack. The alpha, is actually slightly weaker than Lupa, but has a much more dominant, sly, forceful personality that saw them claim leadership of the pack via any means necessary. Since then, Lupa has been the alpha's right hand, enforcing the law of the pack and the packs dominion on their territory. YC, a vampire, see's something in Lupa that they like. They decide to muscle in on the pack's turf, challenge them, in the hopes of forcing a confrontation either one on one with Lupa, or their coven vs the pack. When Lupa realizes that the pack is in danger of being wiped out, she instead tries to use diplomacy to end the fight. But whatsoever could YC want in exchange for allowing the pack to live?

Yasmine Delacqua
Half demon, half fallen angel, Yasmine Delacqua was born far stronger than either of her parents. So strong that she threatened to tip the balance of the war between Heaven and Hell in favor of whoever she sided with, which lead to the decision to seal her powers. This was carried out the shattering of her horn, which saw her left no stronger than a regular demon or angel. This neutering of her powers had one unforeseen exception though. In times of great emotional upheaval, Yasmine's horn regrows briefly, granting her access to her full power for a period of up to 24 hours. YC would be either a demon or an angel, high-ranking, who has been trying to figure out a way to manipulate Yasmine and use her haphazard powers as a weapon to turn the tide of the war!

Donna Luciano
An enforcer in the supernatural equivalent of the Mafia, Donna Luciano is known to get the job, whatever it may be, done without fail. Her guns are capable of firing bullets which modify the emotions of whatever they hit, similar to Cupid's arrows. She has rounds that can force the victim to experience any emotion on the most intense level and can even make someone fall in love. One day, while observing a deal going down on behalf of her gang, Donna notices YC is a witness to the entire thing! She shoots her with a bullet planning to make her forget, but lo and behold, it has no effect! Dumbfounded as this has never happened before, Donna tries other bullets. Finally, she goes up to your character, who is aware she has been shot but doesn't really understand why nothing has happened, and presses her gun to her forehead. Just before she pulls the trigger, a thought occurs to Donna... Why doesn't she keep your character alive so that she can find out why her bullets had no effect? This goes against every rule of the gang and, while Donna is 2IC, she isn't immune from the repercussions associated with breaking the rules in such a big way. This could go with YC realizing that while Donna could end them in a second, as they are human, they actually have all the power in this situation. As well, Donna would have to protect YC from all the dangers that come their way as the Goddess that runs the gang attempts to have YC killed and MC brought back into the family.

Larail Auvreamitore
Half-Vampire, half-elf, all hunter, Larail serves her coven as a hunter. She stalks vampires who have broken the rules, kills any werewolves who get to close, and frequently goes into town to recruit new cattle. However, recently a new vampire coven has moved in, on the other side of town, and tensions are fierce. Just when it looks like war might break out, Larail is sent to a certain location in town to negotiate a peace treaty. Unbenknownst to her, she IS the peace treaty, as her coven has offered her up to their rival coven in order to prevent war from breaking out. YC, or characters, are tasked with taking Larail back to her new home and breaking her in, convincing her to accept her new life and making her one of them!

Eruraviel Glorfindel: 1, 2.
Eruraviel Glorfindel, or Ravi, as she is more commonly known, is the High Priestess of Induriel. Induriel is the Elven Goddess of War and the Hunt, and her priestesses are for the most part celibate, dedicating themselves to hunt, battle, and to war. So what happens when a Dark Elven priestess of a rival God or Goddess, one who isn't as pure as Induriel, captures Ravi? Will she be able to break down Eruraviel's powerful defenses in order to corrupt and ruin her? YC would likely be the Dark Elven priestess!

Kenzel 'Kenzy' Delacqua
Lauded as the Half-Breed Blademaster, Kenzy is a master of over ten different schools of swordsmanship. With a blade in hand, she is almost entirely unstoppable, and even older warriors like Eruraviel acknowledge the half-breed's superiority with the blade. But what happens why Kenzel comes up against an opponent no amount of fancy swordplay is going to let her overcome? Maybe your character is an archer, raining destruction on Kenzy from afar? Or maybe she's a mage or warlock, and simply uses her vast magical powers to overpower the greatest swordswoman of Kenzy's generation. Who knows!

Sapphire the Blue: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Sapphire the Blue is one of the few remaining dragons left on the side of good. Having long possessed the ability to shape-shift, albeit it imperfectly, the powerful blue dragon acts as a counter-balance of sorts against the dragons who serve the forces of evil. But, for a while now, Sapphire the Blue has been dormant. She has retired to sleep atop a frozen tower, and it is here that YC, an adventurer of some kind, finds her sleeping. Perhaps they attack her, recognizing that if they slay her they shall know fame and fortune throughout the land. Perhaps they are evil, here for no other purpose than to take out one of the most powerful weapons in the armies of the light. Who knows! Maybe they decide to spare Sapphire, or she decides to spare them, and they go on adventures together!
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