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Fx Male Searching for Long-Term, Detailed, Invested Writing Partners


Jul 1, 2018
Greetings Earthlings~ Heh, just kidding. But hey, everyone, and thanks for viewing my Request Thread! I'll try to make this thread flow as nicely as possible, detailing things I'm looking for in my RPs, what I'm looking for in a partner, and what you all can expect from me!

This intro will include my "ground rules" and I would really appreciate you taking the time to read through it before PM-ing me with an idea or request! Much appreciated! :3

Hiya! My name is Shadow and I'm a 27 year old burnt out chick that's just trying to escape into made up worlds!

Posting Frequency: I work a 9-5 gig Monday through Friday and some days just eat ass. You can typically find me online for a few hours in the evenings and I can usually hammer out 1-2 responses most of the time. On the weekends, I'd like to dedicate more time to reply and create worlds with my partners! However, if I'm having a rough day, I might not be online at all. For general sake, you can expect replies from me a few times a week. Real life takes priority, and all that, so I understand.

Communication: Speaking of Real Life; if something is going down to where you're not able to reply, please let me know with a message saying you need to hang tight! I don't mind and am very flexible/understanding. I also ask that you please don't ghost me. If you're no longer into the RP, you're not gonna hurt my feelings. We can always get back to square one with a new RP or brainstorm ideas to get things back on track. We're all here to have a good time and we should both enjoy what we're writing together.

Posting Length: I typically can smash out anywhere between 2-10 detailed paragraphs (I guess I can be considered semi-literate/advanced literate). I adore describing the way my characters react to events, delve into their minds and set the scene for the adventures! As an avid reader, I enjoy immersing myself into the world and getting caught up in character development, feelings and watching them overcome themselves and obstacles thrown their way. That being said; quality over quantity matters most to me, and as long as we can move the story forward on both sides, I'm happy! One liners don't work for me, sorry not sorry.

Perspective: I write exclusively third person, past-tense. Kaythanksbye.

OOC Chat/Brainstorming: I am looking for a partner. While I have plenty of ideas, twists and turns churning around my own brain, that does not mean I'm going to be running the show. I absolutely love getting to know my writing partners and joking/playful banter is my favorite. I'm pretty sassy and like to think I'm quick-witted with a sharp tongue so I appreciate someone that can match that energy. Please feel free to give me feedback or bring up your own ideas that you've been yearning to write and I can do my best to oblige! The beauty of RP is that we can do anything we want! I'll have some plots/themes listed below but please bring your thoughts to the table, kind sirs!

Godmodding: Simply; do NOT. Not only is it a site-rule, it's also really disrespectful. My characters and their thoughts, actions and motivations are their own. I understand there is some leeway with this to move a scene forward, like if they're traveling through the woods. Things like that are obvious and okay with me! Please just ask permission before moving my characters, and the answer is typically "go for it!"

Smut/Plot: Okay, so, I'm sure I'm gonna get a little push back about this but I am primarily looking for Plot-focused RPs with Romance, character development, intrigue, feelings and adventure. There are occasions where I can write a pure hit-it-and-quit-it thingamajig, but that's not what I'm looking for at the moment. I feel the smut is SO much better when there's a connection between our characters whether it be enemies to lovers, love at first sight, and much more. I just need there to be some substance and PLOT. I'd say the most smut to plot ratio I'm looking for would be 50:50 but like I said, I'm craving story soooo let's just say 60:40 as a happy medium.

Writing Platform/Medium: On site through BMR via PMs. I don't feel confident in my writing for threads. Maybe one day! I could be persuaded to write on Discord if we're doing rapid-fire responses. Emails and GoogleDocs aren't

Okay! Now that necessary evil is out of the way, congratulate yourself and let's get to the goods!

Kinks and Limits: Here is a helpful little link to my F-List. Anything on the "maybe" column can be discussed. If there's anything you like that's not on there, feel free to ask! Worst thing I can say is no.

  • Medieval Fantasy/Modern Fantasy - This is my bread and butter. I love supernatural characters, magic, and fantastical worlds. I live in the real world - I don't wanna write in it. Modern Fantasy is the closest you'll get.
  • Slice of Life - Most likely not. You'll be hard pressed to entice me with a slice of life plot.
  • Sci-Fi - As you may be able to tell, I like Star Wars. A Lot. I love space, aliens, fancy weaponry and interesting planets!
  • Steam Punk/Apocalyptic - Fifth Element anyone? Or would that be under Sci-Fi? Either way, I love it! Give me mechanical parts, deformed humans using their resources and DOOM.
  • Romance - oh my gosh, please. I'm a sucker for this shit. Especially Enemies to lovers. It's cliche but it's fine.
  • Horror/Suspense - I've been reading a lot of murder mystery lately and I'm an absolute whore for horror movies. I'm a (w)horr(or), if you will. *winces* Ew....sorry about that. I think I'm funny.
Fandoms: (It should be noted that I will only play OCs within a fandom, as the characters aren't mine and I don't think I could do them any justice. Please don't ask me to play canon. I've watched a lot of anime and I read a lot, so if there's something not on here, I might know it! Just ask!)
  • Harry Potter
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Star Wars (I've seen nearly everything except for the Clone Wars...or LEGO. I just can't. Judge me all you want.)
  • Naruto
  • InuYasha
  • Death Note
  • Full Metal Alchemist
  • BioShock (I've only played Bioshock 1 and Infinite)
  • Game of Thrones

There's so many more...I think my brain is starting to quit. Words are hard. So is adulting. Anyway, if you have an idea, lemme know.

  • I have a tendency to play bratty, independent, vulgar, curvy/thick, tattooed ladies. If that's not your thing, that's fine. Have a good day! Just kidding, kinda.
  • My ladies have tortured pasts with flaws, obstacles to overcome and goals to meet and they don't need no man to do it! They all have a hard edge to them, but they have a soft, sweet, vulnerable side just waiting to be protected and *whispers* loved.
  • I prefer to write 1:1 MC verses YC. I don't mind playing side-characters/NPCs - whatever - but when I double up on characters, I have a tendency to get muddled up and distracted so I feel my writing greatly suffers for it.
  • I love images/references/gifs for my characters. I prefer anime/drawn face claims as realistic ones creep me out and too close to reality for my liking. If you like using realistic ones, that's cool but don't expect me to. My go to is typically adding a mixture of references to go off of and descriptions within the RP to get an idea of what my character is like.
  • I play submissive female characters. I am uncomfortable with dominating as it's not in my nature and I don't know how to be. As stated above, all of my characters are brats and independent. You want her to submit to you? Work for it. Once you have her on your team, she's ride or die.
  • I do not play as furries/anthros/monster girls. The closest I'll get to that are Succubus ladies or demons.
  • Bitches...I play bitches. (XD I'm sorry, I'm tired.)


If you made it through that hot mess express, congratulations! Please feel free to send me a PM if any of this interests you! I look forward to meeting you and writing a great story together! Let me know what your favorite horror movie is, if ya got one!

**Side note: I'm fully aware there's a random bullet point that is staring at the middle of the page. I've tried to go back and figure it out but I'm stumped at the moment.
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