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The princess and her gaurd [reaper]


Jan 9, 2009
Maria layed down in her bed looking up at the ceiling and she sighed some not knowing what she was supposed to do today but she was starting to get bored. She wanted to go out and ride her stallion around the stables and everywhere else but her father said the stallion needed rest. Nodding some to the music the people were playing downstairs she sighed some and got up looking around and then went over to the palalace window and looked out at the gaurds sitting down and above her window to protect her. She growled some and grabbed a shoe and hit one in the head "WHY DON'T ALL YOU GUYS FUCK OFF FOR ONCE".

She looked as they looked at her then she glared deeply at them then they started to walk off. Sighing some she went and got on her black and red dress then her black high heel shoes and she started towards the stables. Rolling her eyes as the stable boys looked at her she pushed one away from her as he asked her if she needed help. Looking to see one of the gaurds following her she growled saddled up her horse and got on then road off into the meadow were she thought she could have some fun. Looking back she saw three huge wolves coming for her and she screamed some kicking the horses sides to get it going faster. Her black hair flowing in the wind and her dark blue steel eyes looked into the horizon like she was on a mission and wasn't going to be done until she got it done.
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