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Fx Any belladonna kiss // searching


Aug 21, 2021
Hello! I'm anachronism, and I'm looking for a few rp partners.​
I prefer paragraph-style roleplays in private messages, and I'm flexible on the plot-to-smut ratio.​
I'm equally happy taking the dominant or submissive role, so please let me know what you're looking for in that regard.​
A note: I work, go to college, and have chronic pain. Sometimes I can't post for a day or two, but feel free to gently nudge me.​
I prefer PMs, but If you must, you can ask for my discord.​
The ideas here are just an example, and I would love to hear other plots and the like from you!​
This thread is a work in progress, and will be updated.
— bdsm​
— blackmail​
— dub/non-con​
— power dynamics​
— spanking​
— incest/forced incest​
f-list coming soon.

— Cyberpunk​
— Mythology​
— Political - Modern​
Inspired by recent re-watches of House of Cards and The West Wing, I'd love something that takes place in Washington, D.C.
A politician and their favorite escort, interns and their bosses. Blackmail and intrigue.
— Political - Fantasy & Historical​
Royalty; queens and their knights, kings and their concubines. Palaces, sorcerers, and magic.
— Post Apocalyptic / Zombies​
— Steampunk​

— A Song of Ice and Fire​
— Avatar: the Last Airbender​
— Disney​
— Dragon Age​
— Fallout​
OC's, please
— Good Omens​
Aziraphale x Crowley
— Hannibal​
— Marvel Cinematic Universe​
I haven't seen Endgame or the Disney+ series
— Mass Effect​
— Overwatch​
Moira x Mercy
Other pairings, just give me a suggestion
— Supernatural​
I'm mostly familiar with seasons 1-5-ish

— The Faerie Court
Far from being the good creatures from common fairy tales, the fae are cruel tricksters, eager to take advantage of unwary humans.
Any Fae x Human or Fae x Fae pairing. A kidnapped or tricked adult. A wish or bargain gone wrong. Changelings.
— Steampunk Pirates​
A rich, spoiled son or daughter of nobility is on a journey, when their airship is attacked by pirates. Finding a prize richer than any gold, the pirates take them as their captive — whether to ransom them or simply keep them as the ship's slut.
— More ideas coming soon!​
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