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Arianna's Roleplay Request (Yuri&Futa only)

Arianna Kattlin

Aug 22, 2021
Ok, now that that title is set up, here is some details about me. Yes I am A man behind the screen. I never could rp a guy though... It was always too wierd... (can't even watch straight porn for cryin out loud) However I give every role my all. I have a tendancy to play the shy clingy type but have done other roles too. So I'm not too much of a talker but I have my moments. That said I will ALWAYS give at least 3 lines worth. I don't believe in 1 liners. However if my posts seem dull and underdone it is because A I have writers block and cant think what I want to say, B I am doing something IRL at that moment and cant give much more without messing something up, or C I have no exp in the actions of the moment and am not sure what I can/should do. So at long last these are the things I know I like:

Sisters (Older/Younger or Twins)
Strangers (Risky Public Fun)
Noble/Peasant (I've had a lot of fun playing the Spoiled noble lady and being knocked down a peg or two lol)
Royal Engagements
Mistress/Pet (I will not do slave... It tends to get too much for me with some and Pet is always a safe bet)
Doctor or Nurse/Patient
Vampire/Human (Especially if I am a priests daughter and get kidnapped... Actually thats a major craving rn)

I am not into gore, scat or bloodsport (Although A bit of lite vampire play IS ok)
I don't have much of a life IRL, I post a bunch on a D&D server on Discord and Help navigate for a delivery service but otherwise am completely open. I will always post at least 1 reply per day and I ask the same of my partner. If there is a reason why this can not be then just let me know. I can be VERY flexable if I need to be.

Anywho if you made it this far then thank you for giving me this much of your time. PM me or reply here. I hope to hear from you soon.

EDIT: I am really really craving a Vampire Knight kinda thing... Not that world, but something very like it with YC having a roll like Kaname and Mine like Yuki...

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Bumpies! I hope to do a vamp one soon... If you are into it let me know... Its a serious craving right now and noone has asked it yet.
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