Mx Any ❥ The Love Shack


❝I keep, keep bleeding love.❞
Aug 21, 2021
Inside of your heart.


Hello there, you wonderful members of Bluemoon. Welcome to the Love Shack. Here you will find my many, many loves and possible desires. I ask that before you contact me, please make sure you have read through everything thoroughly and read until the end. If you think our styles will mesh really well together, PM me please. Don't be shy because I do not bite. Unless you like that sort of thing. Okay, with that little spill out of the way, let's get to the nitty-gritty. Lastly, feel free to call me Bleeding, Lover or even BL works. Also, ask me about my kinks and such while my F-List is here.

The Little Bits And Pieces:
Let me start this off by saying that if you're not an advanced literate writer, you probably want to hit the back button because we probably won't mesh well. Sorry but I hope you find partners that you match with. If you're looking for perfection then this is also where you hit the back button. No one is truly perfect as we all have areas we can improve in. Anyway, if you stayed, congratulations! You've made it through step one. Anyways, obviously, I consider myself to be a high casual to an advanced writer by the site standards here. I write well over 500 words and like multiple paragraphs. I have no exact limit on paragraphs but the most I've ever written was eight but usually, I don't go over four or five. I write in the third perspective, past tense only, and write through the threads only, as well. Do not ask me to write anywhere because I will politely decline. All of my characters will be over the age of 18 and I will not write any character younger than that. I like to MxM, mostly, and prefer it but will write MxF with me writing the Male role. I will only use realistic face claims and nothing else. I do like to double sometimes, too. I also like to write out half-full character sheets for characters. I like character development and detail in my stories along with some emotional depth, too. Lastly, I am an adult male, 28 years of age, and a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Yes, I saved the best for last.

Who Will I Write With:
First of all, I do not really care what your real-life gender or sexuality is, just be 18+. I will write with literally anyone that thinks we will mesh well together with our styles of writing and create a really good story together. I will not be setting any post-length requirements but just give me something to work with. No one-liners either, please. Be sure to post within a reasonable time frame and let me know if you cannot post within three weeks' time. If you don't let me know, I will message you and let you know that I am dropping the roleplay. No questions asked. Contribute to the plot and add in your own twists and turns. I will not hate you, I promise. I'll love you, to be honest. Be okay with OOC Chatter but it's also totally cool if you're not.

Modern | Medieval | Historical | Slice of Life | Supernatural | Light Fantasy | Post Apocalyptic

Fandoms: Theses are in no particular order, by the way, and I am willing to write as canon or original characters.
Game of Thrones | Harry Potter | Once Upon A Time | Stranger Things | Titanic | Umbrella Academy | Romeo & Juliet | The Walking Dead | Teen Wolf | The Hunger Games

High School | University | Mafias, Mobs, Bikers | Coffee Shops | Apartment Complex | Twisted Fairy Tales | Twisted William Shakespeare Stories | Superheroes & Villains | Kingdoms | Pirate Ships | Small Towns | Murder Mystery | Rekindling Friendships | Enemies-to-Lovers | High School Reunion | Road Trips | Band Tours

Best FriendxBest Friend | SiblingxSibling | Roommates | BaristaxFrequent Customer | PiratexCaptive | Ex-BoyfriendxEx-Boyfriend | Exes | King BeexBasketball Star | DemonxHuman | Vampire or WerewolfxHuman | MusicianxMusician | Mob Boss SonxMob Boss Son | Biker SonxBiker Son | Struggling ArtistxStripper

Hope you enjoyed the thread and its entirety. Remember that if something caught your attention, be sure to PM me so we can begin plotting. Also, please do not send me a PM that asks: "Wanna RP?" I will ignore it. Instead, send me a PM to let me know what you're interested in so we can go ahead and start throwing ideas around.
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