A Hedonistic Search for Story & Smut

Aug 17, 2021
Hey there!

Thanks for checking out my thread, the name's Caffeinated Hedonist, but that's a bit of a mouthful. You can just call me Hedonist or whatever other nickname you can come up with. To cut a long story short, I've been around the block a few times. After a particularly long break, I found myself itching to get back into roleplaying, hence the shiny new account.

So I guess I should probably tell you a bit of myself. Well, I'm a guy in real life, if that matters to you. I'm also from the UK and Pansexual. For the most part, though, I prefer sticking to MxF pairings with my roleplays, though I'm happy writing as men and women. Overall, I've got a few years of roleplaying experience, and I like to think I'm a half-decent writer. I proofread all my posts and run them through a spell checker; plus, I like to pack my writing with as much detail as possible while also moving the story along.
Generally, as a rule, I tend to write anywhere between three and five paragraphs, maybe more with the right person or the right plot. Typically, though, it fluctuates up and down throughout a roleplay depending on what feels right for the current scene. As I'm just getting back into things, I'd prefer to keep things on here, but I'm happy to use Threads or PMs.
Regarding the characters I like to play, they honestly vary. I quite enjoy creating original, interesting characters. They're usually more dominant, though I can definitely do switch, and for the right person, I'd give submissive a go. As for my stories, I like a healthy mix of plot and smut. Some of my ideas are shamelessly smutty, some are much more plot-focused. My ideal would probably be 60/40 or 70/30 in favour of either plot or smut. But like I said, I'm flexible.
Finally, I'm a big fan of chatting OOC. I love brainstorming ideas together, seeing what we can come up with. I'm also just happy to chat, whether it's about shared interests, kinks, or whatever the hell else you want to talk about. So feel free to hit me up for a chat.

When it comes to what I'm looking for in my roleplaying partner, I'm pretty easy. I'm good at adapting to most people. However, I'd love somebody who can give me some detailed posts that move the plot along. Length doesn't matter to me as long as it's not a one-liner that gives me nothing to work with. Oh, and please, no text-speech.
Ideally, I'd like somebody who's pretty laid back about the frequency of replies. I'm not the kind of person who can respond every day. I certainly try to, but sometimes it might be a few days before I can get a reply out. If I'm going to be gone for an unusually long period, I'll definitely let you know.
And finally, communication is a big thing for me. I love discussing ideas, and I need somebody who will contribute to the brainstorming process. I wanna hear your ideas as well. Plus, I just like to check in every now and then to make sure we're both happy with how things are going.

Now, with all that boring stuff out of the way, let's get into the fun stuff.


Below and in no particular order is my list of kinks and limits. It's far from exhaustive, so feel free to ask about anything that's not mentioned. Also, a * means it's one of my favourites.

*Consensual Sex
Dubious Consent
*Rough Sex - Choking, hair pulling, spanking, biting etc.
Name Calling
Dirty Talk
*Non-Human Characters - Monsters, Aliens etc.
Exotic Cocks
Exotic Cum
*Sexy/Slutty Outfits
Group Sex
Threesomes - MMF & MFF
Double/Triple Penetration
Taboo Pairings
Interracial Pairings
Ageplay - Nothing too extreme.


Toilet Stuff

One-Shot Ideas

As you might have guessed, these are just some simple, smutty ideas for a single scene roleplay. We can jump right in or discuss things a bit first, just let me know.

This is a super simple idea. Your character is out looking for a fun time on a Saturday night. Dressed up sexy, she hits a few bars looking for a hook-up, but one way or another, she finds herself with more than one guy to keep her satisfied.

Maybe it's simply a group of guys who don't mind sharing. On the other hand, maybe it's something more sinister as they trick your character, or perhaps take advantage of her while drunk? Or maybe when your character takes a shortcut home through an alley or park, she finds herself the centre of attention with several guys who are determined to have some fun.

Your character often takes work babysitting for a few local families and, after a fight with her boyfriend on her birthday, she takes a job looking after two teenage boys. They don't really need looking after; your character is just there to make sure they don't burn the house down. Frustrated and pissed off, your character helps herself to a bottle of wine after arriving. The boys notice this and, lusting after her for years, decide to make their move.

It could go several ways, but ultimately the boys will get in her pants. Maybe they convince her to play some games with them, and when she starts getting more tipsy, they up the stakes, slowly turning things sexual. Or maybe they give her a bit of a massage, stating they noticed how tense she was as they take a more sensual route. Or they could be more forceful or deceitful. Let me know what you'd prefer.

While out hiking one day, your character discovers a strange and peculiar plant. It seems less than healthy, but somehow it moves as if alive, while its pollen is arousing and intoxicating. The tentacles of the plant move to pleasure your character, and she lets it. She's amazed to find that it feels great, with the plant soon bringing her to orgasm. Yet when it does, it seems to grow bigger, more tentacles appearing. The plant is feeding on her pleasure. At first, your character is excited by this, but it doesn't take long until the plant is big enough to restrain her. Will your character be able to escape, or is she stuck as the plant's new toy?

Long Term Ideas

All these ideas are pretty basic at the moment, so we'll need to chat and brainstorm ideas a bit, but let me know what you think. I'll flesh them out and add some more soon.

Elves & Humans
High Fantasy, 50/50 Plot-Smut Ratio
This one is probably a 50/50 ratio of plot and smut, with a slight lean towards plot. My character is an elf, and yours a human. My character is some kind of nobility, having always lived a very sheltered and privileged life. Yet, he's always dreamed of running away to become an adventurer. So when he meets your character, an experienced mercenary, he convinces her to let him tag along in her travels, running from his life among the elven nobility.

At first, she'll likely be annoyed by his wide-eyed naivety, but the two of them will slowly bond during their travels, despite the bickering nature of their relationship. Of course, there's a societal taboo against elf and human relationships, but our characters just don't care. There's also plenty of room for drama. How will your character react when she realises my character is nobility? What if bounty hunters are sent to track my character down? Or maybe your character is less reputable than mine first realised?

Either way, there are a lot of options.

The Roadtrip
Slice of Life, Incest, Romance, Story Focused
This is a very story-focused incest idea, following a brother and sister. Before the two of them go off to university, they decide to take a year out and go on a grand adventure that they've always talked about. This could be a road trip across America, backpacking across Europe, or something else. Either way, this will be a slow burn. The two of them have always been very close, possibly repressing feelings for each other.

Sharing hotel rooms start to awaken all manner of feelings as tensions begin to rise. How long will it be before they can keep their hands off each other?

Unorthodox Farming Techniques
Modern Fantasy, Monsters, Smut Focused
Your character is shocked to find that she has inherited a vast farm from an eccentric uncle or something vague like that. Arriving, she discovers that it is a monster farm, albeit slightly run down. Looking for a new challenge in life, she takes on the farm and decides to restore it to its former glory. However, while caring for the monsters, she notices two things. One, they're all male and two, they're all very sexually frustrated.

After trying several things, she realises there's only one option; to satisfy them herself. Maybe it's all her idea, or perhaps she's being tricked and manipulated by some of the more intelligent monsters. Either way, she resorts to letting them fuck her. And she loves it. Thus begins a cycle of corruption/sexual awakening as she finds herself wanting more, to enjoy as many different types of monsters as she can.

Essentially I'd DM this smutty and depraved idea as your character keeps her monsters satisfied, finds more monsters for the farm and tries to keep it running. Maybe she discovers that monster cum is an excellent alchemical ingredient and starts selling it? Or perhaps she finds a secret society of women who enjoy fucking monsters and so basically pimps out her own monsters? Or it could be more sinister with the monsters tricking and manipulating your character as they take over the farm, turning her, and any other women she might hire, into their new toy?

The Bodyguard
High Fantasy, Romance, Taboo, Monster, Story Focused
Set in a fantasy world, your character is a princess, beloved by many. However, a mysterious organisation has begun targeting the royal family, and there have already been several attempts on her life. Several bodyguards have perished during the task of keeping your character alive. My character is the latest attempt at keeping her safe and is a rather unusual choice.

He's a monster. I'm thinking an orc, minotaur or something else kinda beastly. Though we could also go for something more exotic, or even for more than one bodyguard. Anyway, he's far from what your character expected, less monstrous in personality and almost kind and charming. She finds herself curious about him, and so, as the two of them spend more and more time together, a romance begins to blossom, despite the taboo nature of it or all the drama that their relationship brings.

Hunting Monsters
Fantasy, Monsters, Adventure, 50/50 Plot-Smut Ratio
This one could easily be adapted to lean more towards smut or story. Basically, I'm looking to DM an adventure for your monster hunting character who, for several possible reasons, often finds herself fucking her targets. Maybe she's simply a black widow style of huntress, seducing the monsters before striking. Perhaps she's part succubus and needs the sex to keep herself powerful and satisfied. Or maybe she's just really unlucky/inept and often finds herself in rather compromising situations with the monsters.

Regardless, we could simply do this as an episodic, monster of the week sort of story. Or we could work out a larger, overarching plot. Either way, hit me up, and we can discuss ideas.

The Photoshoot
Slice of Life, Cheating, Filming/Photography, Possible Dub-Con Smut Focused
Kind of a straightforward one. Your character decides to surprise her boyfriend by arranging for a super sexy photoshoot. The photographer had great reviews and seemed incredibly professional while also being very charming and comforting. The photoshoot, which could take place throughout one session or several, sees the two growing closer. He flirts, she teases, and slowly she finds herself wearing less and less during the shoot until they're photographing a very different kind of shoot.

Alternatively, we could make it a bit more dub-con. My character uses less than savoury means to get your character out of her clothes, giving her drinks, pressuring her, turning the heating way up, or even something more crazy like mind control or hypnosis. Either way, once he's got an incriminating photo or two, he uses it to blackmail your character into having some fun.

And for a final alternative, maybe he has an assistant or two that he shares your character with.

And that's all for now. Let me know what you think of my ideas. Feel free to make any changes, or even hit me with your own ideas; I'm always happy to hear alternatives.
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