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Fx Any The Hunt (themes: primal, non-con, innocence, bondage, desperation)


Sep 5, 2019
Inspired by a dream I had last night. Please excuse any inconsistencies. I wrote down as much as I could as soon as I woke up. I'm now desperately craving to play this out and have an ending for it. That by no means makes it a short term roleplay. I want to make this long term, taking a long time to reach the point of capture and lots and lots of fun after that point.

MC is part of some group of young wilderness explorers. Like scouts or something similar. Not regular scouts though. YC has always been MC's favorite teacher and they have always been enfatuated with her. During the most remote hike of the year, the leader in charge of the group suddenly announces to the surprise of everyone present that they will be having a hunt to test what the students have learned. The students will be given a 1 hour head start while the teachers are given equipment, after which they will be hunted. The last student standing will receive a 10,000 dollar prize. The teachers win nothing but a fun time and bragging rights. Only, YC has better plans. Out in these great wilds no one would be surprised by a missing person or two, and besides, YC has a cabin in the area that they could survive for ages in. All they had to do was be the first one to hunt MC down.

I'm imagining to keep it interesting, students would try to team up or gang up on each other. YC may run into the obstacle of other teachers wondering why they don't want to team up or finding out they are only focusing on one particular student. There are probably some abandoned buildings in the area and the students are decently well equipped to survive the area.

This could be made more or less realistic. Maybe all of the teachers get to keep whoever they hunt for some twisted reason. Maybe they're allowed to use greater force for some reason. It doesn't have to make sense for it to actually be able to happen in a realistic situation. I'm fine with these teachers having tranquilizers and tying the students up. Why would they be allowed to do that? I don't care, lets build a reason.
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