Mx Female Daddy is sad!!


The world outside the matrix is another matrix
Nov 8, 2011
During the good old days, when the athletic black man was married, successful and happy, he adopted a lost, sad orphan, who later turned into a gorgeous 17 years old woman. (age negotiable, but never younger than 16, and not older than 22)
Unfortunately, during that time, everything else in his life took a turn for the worst. His wife cheated on him with his business partner, and left him, taking half his money with her. His company went bankrupt. He gained weight, became stressed, depressive, anxious. Started to drink. Crashed his car and can’t afford the repair. He lost his house to his ex, and now he is several months behind on his rent. His friends vanished.
All his life is a nightmare … except for his loving daughter. She is the one good thing he still has.
She, the daughter, owns him everything. He took her off the streets when she was just a helpless kid. He took care of her, protected her, taught her everything, protected her during divorce, gave away all his money, in exchange for a deal to keep his daughter with him.
Now, he is unstable, drinking, horribly low self-esteem … and the daughter will do ANYTHING to make him happy and cheer him up. He believes no woman will ever want him; she will prove how wrong he is.


I want to play a man who used to be a good man but is in a dark place at the moment. He believes no one loves him. He believes he is a failure, and no one will ever admire a flawed, broken man like himself.
I want you to play the stepdaughter, who thinks her stepdaddy is the best person ever. She is gorgeous and she knows it and likes to use her looks and her body to cheer him up. She is a tease, obedient, submissive, who believes her stepdaddy deserves nothing short of complete adoration from her.
She believes life has treated him unfairly, and it is her duty to compensate him for all the injustice, anyway she can.
I want to play a toxic, complicated relationship.
She will declare her love, and he will not believe her. She wants to be as close as possible, and he will push her away. She wants to prove her love, show him that he is worthy. He will doubt her and challenge her.
In his mind … if she loves me, she will wear whatever I choose … if she really loves me, she will let me do whatever I want with her body … if she loves me, she will fuck my friends … if she really really loves me, she will take any punishment, do anything, obey any command. If she really loves me, she will endure any humiliation, any degradation, just to please me, with a smile on her face, and still ask for more.

Main kinks (none of them mandatory).
- Vag, anal, oral, deepthroat.
- Humiliation
- Pet play, collar, leash
- Aftercare
- Gangbangs, multiple penetration
- Skimpy clothing
- Dirty talking
- Public Play

English is not my first language, but I try my best to check my spelling.
I can reply once every day … sometimes more, sometimes every other day. I’m mostly offline during weekends.
I only play here, PMs.
I am NOT ghost-friendly and find it disrespectful. You don’t have to explain yourself, but at least let me know if you’re stopping the RP.
I get that YC is submissive, but please, add and cooperate to the story. Be descriptive. I want to know what YC is feeling and thinking. I want her to have opinions, make decisions and take action. “Submissive” does not mean “Soulless”.
I love to chat OOC. I’m friendly and not creepy. I don’t ask, nor exchange personal details. But anything about our RP, our characters, or even if you just want to vent about your day … talk to me.
I’m flexible. Bring me your ideas and suggestions.
I love visuals. Send me GIFs or faceclaims and you’ll get priority.
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