Mx Female Dance with the GoblinKing??? (Updated 3/22)


Aug 17, 2021
I am looking for long term, slow burn, 70/30 story to smut. Definitely a slice of life role play and some fantasy as well as Sci-Fi. If that type or role play interest you then please read on, if it doesn't then there is no point in going any further.

I am 49yrs old, semi-literate male, I do my best to use proper spelling and punctuation but I still make mistakes. Started roleplaying on tabletop(D&D, Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, Ravenloft, and a few others.) and then I made the move to MSN Chatrooms where I began to write for the first time. Now I am here and looking forward to expanding my horizons, be it furries/tentacles/androids and the like.

I prefer Slice of Life cause it's what interests me, but I am down for other modes as well. Just tell me your poison and perhaps we can make something happen. My preference is slow burn, 70/30 plot to smut ratio, maybe a bit more to the smut side but I would like to have a good base line and then add smut. All I ask is if there is smut that YC doesn't get pregnant first time out, if the story heads that direction fine but please let it happen when and if it happens.

Sci-Fi and Fantasy are other genres are something I like, more along the lines of Cyberpunk or Star Wars. Fantasy is more open ended, we can be elves or orcs or whatever we like. I am also a fan of mutants like X-men and Deadpool, so there is that possibility as well. Below are some idea's, if one peaks your interest PM me and we can work something out.


Biker - I would like to play a biker who is well off financially, not rich but comfortable. He would be a lone biker looking for a place to call home, he could run into YC who works at a bar or cafe. Maybe YC owns a place and MC just happens to wonder in, YC could even be a lone biker herself.

Hacker - I know nothing about being a hacker, so I will be just making shit up as we go. But I would like to play a hacker who works his way into YC's life, maybe she is a cam girl and that's how she pays the bills. She can be whatever you want in the scenario.


Cyberpunk - We could work for a corp as apart of a team, or maybe we are both street runners and freelance for decent money. If you haven't heard of this type of RP then feel free to skip it. But working on something in this area would be awesome.

Star Wars - Here we could be anything we want. I would like to play a bounty hunter, and YC could be who he is hunting or maybe she is a side kick that helps him out.


For this I don't have any set scenario's, I am open to play whatever we come up with. So if fantasy is your thing then please PM me and we can talk about it all.

I know there isnt a whole lot to choose from and down the line there will be more, but for now these are my main areas of interest. If you have any plots or ideas you would like to share please feel free.
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