Mx Female First Request Thread. Taboo


Aug 8, 2021
Hello! Draconian here. Making my first official request thread with some general pairings and ideas. If you're interested, feel free to drop me a line.

First things first. I'm looking for literate females who can drive a story and don't just mirror my posts and hope I'll do all of the heavy lifting. I don't have any hard and fast rules when it comes to lengths of replies, only that you please don't just give me one paragraph. It's at that point I wonder if you're really invested in what we're creating.

That being said, onto my ideas.

Both of my ideas deal with race play and some taboo topics. Given the nature of the world we're living in today, I can see how these would be touchy subjects, but I'm not looking to step on any toes.

The Owner's Wife

This one would take place in the pre-civil war south. A wealthy plantation owner and his wife own a large plot of land somewhere in Georgia. Their estate is impressive and is as was often the case, paid for by the work of many slaves. My character is one such slave. A hard worker, he's one of the few that the owner has actually come to respect (only for his work ethic of course). This has afforded him a few liberties that aren't usually given. One such liberty is that he has limited access to the home, provided he help with the chores of the indentured servants. It's during these times he's gotten considerably closer to the woman of the house. Especially while her husband is away on business. Where do they go from there? And will prying eyes blow up their arrangement before it can even blossom?

Post-Segregation Blues

This one takes place in the south as well, but fast-forward over 100 years. Think just after segregation in the deep south. All white high schools are integrating and black students are sharing classrooms with them for the first time. This is undoubtedly a very contentious time and my character is going to have one hell of a hard time adjusting. Most of the day, he's looked at with derision and mostly sticks to keeping with the few other black students at the school. However, there's one girl who doesn't treat him the way the others do. They have the same science class and it's here that they begin striking up conversations that evolve into something more. The importance of keeping this relationship a secret is absolutely paramount, given the state of the south and her ultra-racist parents. Will they be able to navigate these tough times or will they be forced to segregate themselves?

There's a lot of ways these can go and I'm totally up for suggestion. This is just the basic bare bones outline. Let me know if you're interested or if you have ideas. I'd love to hear them!
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