Mx Female Fire Emblem Three Houses-Byleth Teach's Sex Ed (FxM) (Harem F x M)


Jul 16, 2015
Seeking to do a Fire Emblem Three Houses Harem rp.

You must be able to play multiple characters, possibly even at the same time. Must have a good knowledge of the Characters of said game. As well as the ability to write atleast multi-paragraph posts. At least 4-5 at minimum with a maximum of none. However this doesn't mean posts filled with fluff, I want substantial amounts of information being posted, and a bit of fluff is fine, but if you can only write about how many blades of grass there are or how many wobbles there are in your character's breasts I am going to be concerned.

Anyways just feel free to message me and ask if you are interested, do not be shy!

Option 2 I would love to help build a fourth House (Not the Wolves) to attend Garrag Mach perhaps borrowing faces from past Fire Emblems or Original Characters.
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