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Mx F or NB Cheeks Seeks [Literate, Detailed, LT, PM/Forum, Story/Smut, Kink-Friendly]


Aug 10, 2021
Hail! And well met...

Stay a while and listen...

I've got a meaty Google Doc that's teeming with all my juicy tidbits and there's a link to it in my forum profile in my signature. Also in my profile signature you'll find links to my F-List and writing samples and discord contact info. To save you time, here's the Cliff's Notes (the apostrophe kinda turns me on - is Cliff plural or possessive? My money's on Cliff being a dude with great shorthand *wink* I'll try not to overthink it.) and Reader's Digest version so you can screen / vet / filter:

Me: male, 41, consistent, creative, curious, comical, and...alliterative?

You: a person of any gender and any age whose maturity level, writing ability, post-frequency, and expectations are compatible with mine AND within the guidelines / restrictions of this website. You are consistent with your communication and transparent with your expectations. You are mature, well-written (read: spoken), and are as selective and discerning about your writing partners as I am. You prefer developing rapport with a writing-partner over the long-term. You enjoy collaborative storytelling as a hobby and understand that real-life always takes precedence.

**NOTE: I don't care about the gender of my writing partners AT ALL. Please also note that MxM is out of my comfort zone with new partners so if we have never written together then I am not going to do it. Thank you to all the gentlemen who have shown interest. And thank you for respecting that boundary!

Literacy: The English language is my playground - replete with skinned shins, scraped knees, groped girls, stolen lunch money, and regularly wreaked (read: wrought) havoc on the recess monitor's sentinel watch. I mean...I'm pretty fuckin' literate (that apostrophe conundrum from before, right?). Anecdotally, as a precocious and rambunctious 6th-grader, I was forbidden from returning to my public school when I was caught writing Penthouse Forum caliber love-letters and delivering them into girls' lockers. Hindsight? They probably weren't old enough to appreciate the nuances of my craft, my extensive vocabulary, or my commitment to the prank. But I'm pretty sure their parents were!

**NOTE: Third (3rd) person, past-tense. I make the occasional exception for 2nd person, present tense just so we can turn erotic literature into an IKEA instruction manual with a little help from Google Translate.

Bottom line: While I expect a certain (read: minimum) level of fluency, literacy, and grammatical grasp of the English language, I'm pretty flexible and I hope you are too!

**NOTE: Please furnish me with a writing sample - either on a website, Google Doc, or your preferred medium. I apologize if this requirement is off-putting - that's not my intention - but it has become mandatory for me to gauge our compatibility. Thank you in advance!

Mediums: BlueMoon RP Forum Thread, BlueMoon RP Forum PMs, Google Docs

**NOTE: I enjoy connecting through voice-chat to STOP, collaborate, and listen. I find that a twenty-minute chat can save us a few days of correspondence for both screening and brainstorming. I only use Discord for chatting, discussion, sharing images, etc. I do not write in Discord.

Post Frequency: I will commit to writing, at a minimum, one (1) multi-paragraph contribution toward our collaborative endeavor per week. Some weeks I can crank out a second post but those are outliers / anomalies. I can communicate for brainstorming much more often (through PM, Discord, etc.) but I generally don't have more than one or two nights per week to shut out all the distractions and brew up something juicy.

NON-NEGOTIABLE: I have no patience / no tolerance for GOD-MODE. GOD-MODE (to me) is indicative of a strong attachment to outcomes and to narrative that's NOT collaborative - and a reluctance (read: reticence) to giving up control.

Turn Ons (abridged - the full list is in my F-List and my Google Doc)
  • Light-hearted, playful, smutty, collaborative storytelling
  • Imagery (paint a vivid picture using sensory-appeal and the five (5) senses) - my imagination will do its job if you give it even a morsel to work with
  • Chemistry (any kind of unspoken / unwritten tension between characters)
  • Writing Chemistry (when my writing partner and I are on the same "page" (read: wavelength) and really resonating and vibing
  • Surprises - the AhA! Moments / Eureka! / H u z z a h ! ! !
  • In-Character Creativity - characters who are creative and who create something in the story (song / dance / poetry / etc.)
  • Comedy - situation-appropriate humor
  • Kissing - soft, innocent, hard, aggressive, demure, sloppy, playful, sad, angry - no amount of kissing is ever "enough"
  • Breasts - all different shapes and sizes and mismatches and permutations and incongruencies and asymmetries are WELCOME!!!! - big / small / lop-sided / one bigger than the other / pears / apples / cantaloupes / bazookas - wide areolae, no areolae, big nipples, fat nipples, erect nipples, tiny nipple-nubs, nubless pacifiers, YOU FUCKING NAME IT. BOOOOBS!!!!!
  • Incidental Contact - accidental foreplay (innocuous? Premeditated? ELECTRIFYING!) - excuse me, pardon me, excuse me, pardon me, **WINK**
  • Outercourse - lots and lots of rubbing and wrestling and playful dry humping
  • Female arousal - wet pussy / erect nipples / flushed complexion / being in heat
  • Excessive cum - copious and profuse amounts of cum - in abundance - the messier the better!
  • Exhibitionism - accidental / intentional - glimpses of flesh are fucking tantalizing! And that flesh better be...
  • Age-play / age-gap - within site guidelines
  • Foreplay (the build-up, the turn-ons, teasing, rising action, crescendo, etc.) - I'm a sucker for the build-up. I love the teasing and tantalizing and incidental contact and innocuous-seeming "almost" foreplay. I enjoy more what's hidden rather than what's visible and the act of the "reveal" is far more exciting than what's actually "on display."
  • Handjobs - something about this just gets me all hot and bothered...without fail...every, single, time
  • Dubious Consent / Coercion / Reluctance - too young, too intoxicated - drug / alcohol / etc., blackmail, traumatic brain injury, senile / dementia, unconscious, suffering from PTSD / Stockholm Syndrome, etc.
  • Powerplay - especially exploring different roles / role-reversals / power-dynamics / age-differences / professional-domestic-relationship-dynamic (atypical / abnormal dominant and submissive mechanics) - powerbottom (male / female / futa), power-transition / switch (male / female / futa), bratty recalcitrance / antagonizing, etc

Turn Offs (abridged - the full list is in my F-List and my Google Doc)
  • One (1) sentence replies or replies that don’t contribute / move the story forward / etc.
  • EXTREME violence / snuff / extreme torture / mutilation

A few ideas (abridged - the full write-ups are in my Google Doc)
  • [ageplay, voyeur, entrepreneur, dub-con, blackmail] An enterprising, young pharmacy technician gives out her phone number when filling Cialis prescriptions and starts a lucrative business

  • [comedy, lighthearted, desperation, denial, watersports, all nonviolent kinks]: Dry cleaner attendant notices big stains on the protagonist's pants and solicits the protagonist to share the sordid tales and hilarity ensues

  • [playful, public, masturbation, exhibitionism, genderswap, futa, risk of getting caught, etc.] The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (The Secret Life of Wanda Smutty) - a man / woman finds creative ways to masturbate and daydream - we take turns playing innocent bystanders and world-narration across from the current protagonist

  • [worldbuilding, magi-punk, kink-friendly, ageplay, anthro, inc, tentacles, B/D, etc.] Homebrew setting (plot / setting based on Magic: The Gathering Ravnica): The beginning of the War of the Spark (see Google Doc)

  • [ageplay, B/D, D/S, dub, non-con, blackmail, voyeur, kink-friendly] Gym teacher / high school / locker room / shenanigans, chicanery, hijinks, and hilarity

  • [worldbuilding, sci-fi, breeding, lactation, anthro, andro, futa, alien, tentacle, dub-con, non-con] Gattaca-inspired / futuristic / genetic manipulation and selective breeding programs for Galton-based Eugenics philosophy and narrative (see Google Doc)

  • [ageplay, religion, power dynamic, dub-con, blackmail, voyeur, magic, demons]: The Crucible-inspired / orthodoxy in religion / abuse of power / abuse of authority / any historical or modern time setting

  • [KINK-SHAME?!?! KINKS???? THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!!] The Shame Sammich - Looking for the most SHAMEFUL scenarios. For “shame” to really work and for the situation to evoke those feelings (the inner-monologue that says “I shouldn’t be doing this”) we need to dig a little deeper into the character-development. (see Google Doc)

  • [voyeur, dub-con, entrepreneur, denial, etc.] Webcam - guy / girl (I will play either role) - starts doing a webcam show to pay some bills or whatever maybe even enjoys the attention - what happens when things start to escalate? Does he / she ask his childhood best friend to help? To co-star?

  • [adventure, lighthearted, sizeplay, ageplay, alien, anthro, futa, tentacles, kink-friendly] Gulliver’s Travels: think Stranger in a Strange Land, John Carter of Mars, Aeneid, Odyssey, Sinbad the Sailor, The Voyage of Bran - only sexy! This one needs lots of collaboration!

  • [worldbuilding, LitRPG, DM/GM, storytelling, collaboration, all kinks welcome, dichotomy] Story within a story - pen and paper roleplaying game / video game players playing characters INSIDE a video game - characters within the game have one level of dynamic // the players of those characters OUT OF CHARACTER have another level of dynamic outside of the game - could be with a DM or co-DM

  • [exhibitionism, risk of getting caught, desperation, orgasm denial, edging, molestation, aphrodisiacs, drugs, dub-con, non-con] The groper - public transportation, planes, trains, automobiles, buses, you name it; this guy / girl / futa is LECHEROUS (and maybe insatiable?) - and maybe he’s the high school janitor or a police officer or just a random stranger

  • [FUTA, age, dub-con, first-time, coercion, genderswap, etc.] Intersex surprise - lingerie store attendant, stripper, stranger on the bus, yoga instructor, personal trainer, etc. - the “reveal” is the key piece of this little vignette and it’s important to me that the scenario be crafted collaboratively in such a way as to highlight this aspect. The “reveal” can lead to reluctance or dubious-consent or anything above but this one is ALL ABOUT the build-up / foreplay / appetizer / teasing / crescendo

If ya don't see it here please send me an idea! I'm open-minded, curious, and always interested in expanding my horizons and stretching beyond my comfort zone.

Please do not respond in this thread. Send me a Private Message.

If you made it to the end of my post you'll have my gratitude. When you send me a message please include in it your favorite food. And if there's a way to twist that food and make it raunchy or use it in a lecherous or lascivious manner I WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT. Talk foodie to me *wink* You gourmand you! The way to a man's heart (in the voice of a female troll) THROUGH HIS RIB CAGE!!!! Finding a compatible writing collaborator can be difficult but I believe it's worth the wait. I've been really lucky so far and I'm optimistic and very patient. I hope to hear from you soon!

Very Truly Yours,

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It's been a while since I've needed a writing partner but I find myself, once again, in the market for a steady, mature, consistent, and talented writer. As usual, looking for something lighthearted and playful to test the waters and feel out a potential collaborator. Looking for low investment, low stakes, casual, and lots of fun to see if we're compatible.
I know it's uncommon but I literally never lose my muse. I always want to write. We might not be compatible but I'll tell you that tactfully. My communication is impeccable and I never ghost. C'mon! Take a chance! Let's STOP, COLLABORATE, and LISTEN. LOL!
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