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Fx Any Defeat, Bad Ends, and more. Wanting to take an unflinching look at a dark and brutal setting. Supernatural, Superpowers, Sci-fi, or some such

Aug 11, 2021
Hello, and thank you for stopping in. I wanted to state up front that this request is likely not going to be something that interests the majority of Blue Mooners. In fact, in all of my years RPing it is something that I am not very familiar with myself. But it is something that I have found myself thinking about lately, and so I decided to put this out there and see what comes back.

I am looking for stories of conflict and combat. Brutal fights - be it costumed individuals engaging in superpowered battles, supernatural creatures stalking the earth, cybernetically enhanced gangs roving the dystopian cityscape, or feel free to suggest anything else that might come to your mind. No matter the setting, I am looking for scenes where the victor of this desperate struggle takes everything that they could want from the defeated! This would absolutely be a non-con setup, very far from typical dominance and submission, where the defeated party is left at the victor's mercy (or lack thereof). With no grantee that the defeated will simply give up and go along with it.

I have made up an F-List here, though all that it really says is that I am open to most things besides scat. I am also open to most any gender pairings, with a good deal of latitude for characters outside of the standard human (as would be appropriate to the chosen setting). Similarly, I am open to playing scenes as either the predecided victor or defeated, as well as leaving it open to how the narrative ends up unfolding, or my preference would be using some sort of simple game system - just nothing so complex that it would require significant time to learn. I am not really sure what sort of game systems might lend themselves well to this, but it could be something as simple as just high/low rolling.

I am also very flexible on how this could be structured. I encourage anyone looking for a brief one-off scene to contact me. But what would really interest me the most is a longer term story with an ongoing plot. Serial encounters with at least one of the characters remaining consistent, and some sort of ongoing plot driving all of them. I would absolutely love to hear any thoughts that anyone has in this regard!

Thank you once again for reading through my request thread. I will be updating this in the near future with more specific plot concepts as well as some writing samples. I just wanted to get a first rough draft up and visible as soon as I was able. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or ideas!
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