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Take a look It's my birthday.

In trouble? No. I'm just going to note that you have a history of rules evasion and keep an eye on you from here on out.
Trygon said:
See you in a month, Akuma.


(tell me if I should stop with the images, Trygon...)
Trygon said:
So long as you aren't reposting, I dig it.
I'll occasionally use the same one for a different situation, but I'll do my best to keep the use of them to a minimum for maximum impact! :twisted:
Love how he thought he was going to get away with it, and then Trygon smashed him in the face.

Trygon: 934957345983489548 Idiots: 0
I think people who make threads advertising that it's their birthday and expecting people to say happy birthday to them should be banned, regardless of if they were underage beforehand. >_> -Hates attention whores-
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