Die Milch einer Frau rettet die Welt (ERPLover x Pazzo)


Put me on your face. It will be fun.
Jan 4, 2015
In front of my computer, or on my phone
Arlan Rosin shuffled around the rain slicked streets, wondering what to do next. The prototype of six years worth of work was safely nestled in his left inner breast pocket. It had proven a huge success, and one would think that hungry, starving nations would jump at the opportunity. But he had been shot down by bureaucratic red tape nonsense yet again. They were never worried about solving problems as they were, not unless it meant a hefty profit margin.

Arlan was a scientist, specializing and pharmaceuticals. He had been tasked with a project of developing a quickly renewable food source, one that could be quickly made, cost effective, and was shelf stable. Arlan made something however that sidestepped all of that. His idea was to use what was already available; Bovines. He had developed a formula that increased muscle production by tenfold in bulls, and milk production in cows. The only side effects was that they ate twice as much grass.

It was a sound product, safely tested and perfected, and yet, his employer's didn't want it. It was an easily reproduced and replicated formula, made from all natural ingredients, so it was easily copied. The corps were also wanting something plant and vegetable based, so that it could be marketed to a larger customer share. He had been fired, laughed at, and ousted. All of his research had been destroyed, and a gag order had been issued, his patents seized, with hefty fines involved should he try to market his product anywhere else.

Money was not an issue, as he came from a wealthy family, and his stock portfolio was doing well. He was into his work for the science, the puzzles involved, and to craft something that would genuinely make the world a better place.

Arlan just shook his middle aged, but still handsome head at the sky, as he ran a hand through his black hair, with streaks of gray at his temples. Someone had bumped into him on the street, and lashed out several obscenities at him, before stomping off. Arlan had been wandering, lost in thought. He looked around, and found himself on the main strip, but on the wrong side of the tracks. Neon light signs littered the buildings, telling of live nudes, peep shows, and other adult vices that could be entertained.

He looked to his left, and heard loud music thumping away inside. A huge, hulking beast of a man stood by the front door, Eyeing him closely. Two more tall, muscular men appeared in the doorway, carrying a skinny, highly inebriated man face down, by his arms, and lifting him by his belt. In one fell motion, they tossed the drunkard out through the door, and onto the wet, cracked pavement that served as a sidewalk.

A well dressed man, somewhat shorter than his bouncers then appeared behind them. In a calm, level tone, he addressed the man sprawled at Arlan's feet. "I don't ever want to see you in here again, do you understand?" He murmured, and then went back into the establishment. The two larger doormen followed him in. Arlan stepped aside, as the drunkard tried to stand, muttering all manner of profanities as he tried to brush himself off.

The scientist spied what looked like an impressive bar inside of the palce, just as the door closed behind what he assumed was the manager, and two of his bouncers. He pursed his lips, and approached the muscular gentleman, with his hands clasped comfortably in front of him. "I'm thirsty." Arlan said to him. "Do you have anything good in there to drink?" The man nodded, fixing Arlan with an even stare. "We do sir, and a lot more, provided you have the coin for it." He replied with a slightly judgmental tone. Arlan looked down at his attire, consisting of comfortable clothes, rather than showing off his true status and wealth. He wore loose fitting jeans, polished black military style boots that just seemed to fit his feet just right, topped with a Pink Floyd, "Dark Side of the moon" printed on it.

As luck would have it, he could hear a Pink Floyd song starting just inside of the building, "Another Brick In The Wall." He grinned, and took this as a sign he should enter. He withdrew his wallet, And withdrew something from a thick wad that his family had been stockpiling for many decades, and held it out to the doorman, who looked at Arlan incredulously. He took the $500 note from Arlan, and looked at it, holding it up to the light. "Its real." He said in his somewhat raspy voice. "Just out of circulation, but still considered legal tender." He murmured.

The Barman looked up to Arlan, with wide eyes, and then snapped back to a professional stance, opening the door for him. "Welcome to The Onyx Cabaret Sir, please enjoy yourself"

The scientist nodded, and entered the smoke filled establishment. The smell of smoldering tobacco, laced with perfume and alcohol assaulted his nostrils, as the music from a high end sound system reverberated into his ears. He stopped momentarily, as he saw a gorgeous blonde up on stage, wearing a barely there shimmery pink microbikini, that did little to hide her immaculately shaved womanhood, and large areolae.

She moved and glided around the stage with such liquid grace that the men all jumbled around the stage fought to slide their hard earned single dollar bills into her g string. A few patrons slid in tens, and one man even slid in a 20. Arlan just swallowed hard as he watched her massive, magnificent breasts sway and jiggle as she moved like a professional on sparkly, pink high heels. He met eyes with her, as she danced a little closer.
Chloe enjoyed her work as a Stripper. She wasn't that bright, but smart enough to let her, allready Back than biggest features, get enhanced, to a state, that she would be great in working in a Job, that would be supporting her doing the only two Things, that she realy was good in, takeing her clothes Off and haveing Sex. And with a Body Like hers, it was easy earned Money, to Work as a Stripper. So why Not doing a Job that also makes her stay fit for free too and the Club, and the guests, where totaly OK in her eyes.

And tonight was also a good night for her. Doing one of her big Stage shows, she noticed a man entering the Club and comeing closer to her Stage, and watching her, with a Stange fascination. But for her, it wasn't a Bad Thing. And more strangely would be for everyone the fact that she liked smart, nerdy smart, older Guys Like him. So as she was Close to him, and doing a very sexy move, she gave him a flirty Wink, and moved her lips, Like she was giveing him a kiss.
"You Like what you See?"
She Said that to him, knowing that it was hard to understand with the music Set Up that high.
"Wait for me Here....Daddy."
Than she continued and finished her show.

As she had leaved the Stage, after her Show, she hurried Up into the changeing room, to Put her "Not so innocent" schoolgirl costume on and walked over to him. She gave him a nice and friendly meint hugg and smiled verry nice at him.
"Hi Daddy, my Name ist Chloe. You Look very smart, so....would you mind comeing with me and helping me with my Homework?"
Arlan just grinned at the gorgeous young blonde girl, with the die hard perfect body , and the gorgeous, puffy, shiny lips that taunted and teased at his arousal. To hear those lips call him "daddy" though, that was a little different. He shrugged, only to see that she had disappeared. The scientist bit his lower lip, and grimaced as he looked around the smoke filled bar.

Not seeing her anywhere, he just eyed an empty stool by the bar. He shrugged, and jumped into it, sinking into the worn black leather. To his surprise, Arlan's drink was already empty? e shook himself from his daze. That girl had been breathtaking, as he realized is was not his empty glass in front of him. Another women, not as pretty as the blonde, had started to dance on stage with some aggressive hip thrusts. The bartender was likewise a gorgeous woman, blonde, perhaps a little more athletic.

Arlan was just about to ask her for a big draft beer, when he found the sexy little blonde standing before him, with a mischievous look in her spectacled eyes, barely wearing the tightest schoolgirl outfit he had ever seen. Her puffy nipples sticking out of the thin fabric, with her piercings clearly visible.

His mouth watered as he looked into her eyes, ready to just lose himself in them forever. He then blinked, hearing her question about helping her with her homework. He was after all a professor, why not? He allowed her to lead him to the back rooms, as he seated himself on a worn red couch, looking up at her stretched to the max top, wondering what might happen next.
Chloe was totaly happy smileing, as she had leaded the man into a private room. Usualy it was only for Higher paying services, but Chloe didn't cared about that. This room was the only one, that didn't Had a camera inside, and she wanted to have fun.

As the man was sitting on the Red Couch, she locked the door and walked over to the man. Her Smile was so sweet and cute, that it was a total Match to her outfit. When she had reached him, she was sitting on His lap, with her legges on both sides of him, and looking at him, very aroused allready.
"Sir, I....I want to Tell you a few Things about this room. First, we....we can do everything we want in Here, No....No cameras are in Here. Second, can...can you Tell me your Name and....and how you are earning your money? Third, what....what do you think about roleplays? And....and Last but Not least, do....do you belive in Love in the First sight?"

She was grinding her hipps against His croach, felling him slowly getting hard.
"I.....I am Chloe, and....and I am too dump to...to do a other Job than this. I....I belive in Love in the First sight and....and I Love smart older men."
She was looking totaly cute and embarresed at him. It was clear, that she didn't was playing with him to make Money.
"And ...and I Like it when...when the men teach me something. I Love roleplays with them beeing my teacher."
The scientist's eyes opened just a little bit wider as the decadent, gorgeous blonde woman slid her beyond perfect, tight little body up his own, feeling her heat through the thin, filmy material of her costume. His arousal was already high, and climbing steadily. As he gazed into her deep blue eyes, wanting to just lose himself in them, her liquid voice teased his ears in what could only be described as seductive.

As she pressed her womanhood to his rock hard erection through his clothing, ans started to do a slow grind, she asked him of his name and his profession. Had she been a torturer, or interrogator of a rival corporation, he would have been steadfast and resolute, not giving up anything. This however, hell, he would gladly sell away his mother what with the complete and total enchantment. He bit his lower lip as she continued talking, asking him of what he thought of role-playing, and even love at first sight.

It was literally everything a lonely patron of such an establishment wanted to hear. That little voice in the back of his head was shouting at him, in a futile effort to warn him of a possible impending trap. It was her every job to be sexy, and a tease, and to profit off of a man's arousal. Arlan bit his lower lip, as he closed his eyes, feeling the pleasure build in the nerve endings of his manhood, feeling the young woman's dampness build there. "Fuck." He murmured out loud, as Chole spoke of her name, he love of older men, and the immense turn on of being trained by a knowledgeable partner.

In that moment, Arlan couldn't have cared less. He already had a limitless fortune, and desperately needed a distraction away from the disappointment his company had handed him. His eyes opened a little, as he felt her warm, extra fake, perky breasts press into his chest, with her barbell piercings teasing his skin through their shirts. "I am a scientist." He began, gazing into her eyes some more, as her hips kept gyrating in a delicious, but agonizingly slow manner upon him. "I make pharmaceutical grade drugs for medical purposes." He continued, fishing out a squarish, pink tablet, individually wrapped in clear cellophane, almost like Halloween candy. He then thought of her wisperings of wanting another job. "Have you ever thought of going into science Chloe?" He asked of her, as he tore away the wrapper of the drug sample he had. Holding the tablet in his fingers, her traced the outer edge of it along her full, wet, pink lower lip.

For reasons he could not remeber, he had imbued the drug with a strawberry like flavoring, as well as a pleasant scent. His thoughts were hazy, and he was not thinking of the ramifications. He was only thinking of the moment. "Human trials have started for this." He said to her, as the hand at her lips slid down her shoulder, under her arm, and up to press against the small of her back, pressing her into him. "A roleplay then." He said to her, as he slid the pill in-between her luscious pink lips, gasping as his thumb grazed against the metal ball of her tongue ring. "I can be the doctor, and you can be my sexy little test subject."
Chloe blushed and almost Had started to purr like a Cat, as she heared that He was a scientist and working on pharmaceutical drugs. Well, she wasn't much into takeing drugs, but she was Happy that she was right again.
"So, you....you are doing researches in stuff Like bonerpills and the pill after? That....that realy sounds cool."

She blushed a bit, as He asked her, if she had thought about going into science.
"I.... I Had some times, but....the Most Things I got appointed to where some Strange Sex drugs researches. So....so when you have something good and serious than I'm in."
She smiled now very nice at him, untill he pulled her closer to him and showed her a Strange looking pill, that had such a great smell of strawberries and it eaven Taster Like them. He knew how to tease her.
"I would like to be your little Test subject. And will this my reward when I'm a good little Test subject doctor?"
She had her Hand slide down to His, now hard cock and strocked it a bit threw His pants.
He just moaned, as he felt her rubbery, moist lips touch the pads of his fingers, as her impossibly long tongue coiled around them. She swallowed the pill like the good little girl she was, and then proceeded to touch him.

Arlan moved his hips in small circles as he bit his lower lip, allowing the scent of her perfume and the heat from her body fill his senses, and intoxicate his mind. She asked about a reward for her services, shaking him from his headspace. "Well, that formula should increase estrogen production." He explained. "It contains tiny little robots that infuse inside of your bodily fluids, and replicate at a geometric rate. They will slim your waist, while filling out your buttocks, and your breasts." He murmured, as her hands glided over his more sensitive, manly areas.

"Your lips would become fuller, as your clit tingles, with your womanhood wetting. The arousal should, if my theories are correct, allow you to have a more, if not most, powerful orgasm."
The way He have her the pill, that totaly tasted Like super sweet strawberries, made Chloe realy horny. This was totaly sexy in her eyes. For her it was clear, she wanted to marry that Guy. As He told her about what the pill would do to her, she smiled.
"So, you....want them to be bigger?"
She took his hands and Put them on her huge tits. Right now, she let him feel them.
"Do you Like them? The doc made a great job on them, right? So, when they grow bigger...can they rip Off my clothes? When yes, would you Like to Help me get Out of them?"

Chloe knew how to Turn men on, it was her Job, but right now, she was doing more than the usual flirting. Letting him Touch and feel her nice Made tits. She also was makeing nicely grinding movements in his hips.
"Do you need a Assistent? I realy want to Help you with your researches, eaven when I am Not very smart, but I can realy try my best to be helpfull."
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