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Fx Male Bringing Dead Stories Alive


Dec 16, 2016
Somewhere along the road
Well Hello!!! *Frantically waves!!"

So about me quick. I'm 29 years old, soon to be 29 +1year experience on Tuesday!! Yay me! Lol! I have been roleplaying for over 10 years, first started within the msn forums and chats, moved to yahoo and landed into a few roleplaying sites. I consider myself semi-literate to literate, only because I have days where I do struggle but I do push through. I am a mom to four beautiful children three of which are special needs. Thus, I may vanish for a few days but I will always give a heads up.

This request thread is for the stories I have begun with other partners that did not make it far, BUTTTT I really would like to continue them. I will give links so you can catch up. Non have gotten very far.

I will be adding more spots as they open. Currently only a few I would like to keep going. If it catches your eye, let me know.

In the beginning, MC is angry because mc father has sold me on the account of his crime of embezzlement. Anyway, YC and a representative lawyer will come inside to draw up the final paperwork, so there are two ways that this can go. One is she signs the contract or if she doesn't sign, she'll be kidnapped and taken to the secret place where the auction takes place in three days.

Your Character is a rich man, finds my character a 'run away' walking along the road. Picking her up and offering her a place to stay could possibly turn into more.
(This one literally had just started and i was flaked on. Would love to see outcome.)

Plot 2
I play a single mother working at a bar/grill/club. You play a older rich man wanting to step in and help out financially for services and time. ( This was started in Pms, I am willing to share the progress to serious prospects. Or willing to start over. )

Plot 3

End of Summer Break: (Say a week worth)
Beach party hosted by local bars, our characters meet (mine holding a fake ID) and mingle. They end up hooking up for a few days enjoying themselves. Last night of break they go there separate ways believing they wont meet again. School begins and MC gets into a fight and is sent down to the office...from there they have to figure out how to overcome what was and figure out what is.....

An excellent hook for them to have naughty fun and then some shock and drama! If you really want to hit the goth/punk/kink thing, the bar could be kink friendly so they meet dressed to impress in a kink setting, black leather, goth boots, which leads to some mild bondage, spanking, and toys but otherwise vanilla sex, perhaps some "forced" partial nudity in the comfort of his hotel room?

Then when they get back to real life, the girl that walks into his office for fighting is the girl he'd tied to his bed and she's met with the man that she had lots of naughty fun with.

Started in Pms, not very far in. Would love to continue, and I can share the progress with serious prospects.
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