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Snow bunny ^_^

Dox Paradox

Jan 13, 2009
Dox yawned and wriggled within the folds of the thick comforter in his hotel room. Looking over at the clock he was surprised to see that no more than five hours had passed since he got off his plane and dropped by this motel to sleep, and more so that he was actually wakeful and refreshed. He was currently on a personal trip, and to be honest a vacation alone as his current profession had been taking it's toll. Dox was the senior general surgeon within a large hospitals emergency room, and though he was damn good at what he did but the three ongoing years of not taking holidays, and the sudden build up of stress had the hospital owners basically ordering him to take close to four months of vacation time he had built up to relax and collect himself to return to his head position within the hospital. Dox was in fact a very strange breed of wolf being totally black in fur accept an odd pure red fur that covered his muzzle, neck, chest, and to his embarrassment crotch and then back around to his bottom to coat the bottom portion of his tail in a red streak.

Years spent physically living at the hospital to care for patients and with little to do in his spare time besides study and exercise gave him a densely muscled physique which was odd considering the generally well plumped surgeons that surrounded him. But he didn't mind being the odd man out as much as it disturbed him that female patients had come on to him quite strongly more than a few times. His code of medical professionalism restricted all personal feelings to interfere with his health care, and due to how busy he usually was he rarely had a chance to actually go find dates or hit clubs there wasn't much room for romance. Hell even the ski resort that was acclaimed to be top quality was a small one with few reservations and family ran so there probably wouldn't be any single woman there by them selves. Sighing and shaking his head he made a promise to himself that after the week he spent at the resort he'd go to Miami or maybe Cancun Mexico to find a date. Dressing fairly quickly in well fitting and warm cloths, he took his pack and headed out to grab a cab and head up to the resort.
Alice loved to work in her father's ski resort. She came up when the skiers did and left when they left as well. She smiled softly as one othe the guests checked in, he was there almost every year, her father even had him teach some classes to the younger people. She sighed softly and tugged her turtle neck down a bit. She was a bit bored and tilting her head side to side to watch her long floppy ears sway was only entertaning for so long. She stood and walked to the middle of the room throwing more logs onto the large fire place.

Alice added a whole new meaning to snow bunny, soft white fur, platinum blonde hair, bright bluw eyes all topped off with her fluffy tail. It was no wonder the single men in the town belowe offton came for visits and ski passes. She looked out the winow and walked out with a smile. Light tan pants clung to her legs making her red shirt stand out even more, "hello Sir. Do you need any help with your bags?"
It didn't take long for Dox to get there, and immediately the first thing to set his mood off to a very good start was the bunny. Now she was a site to behold, and if it wasn't for her cloths he'd swear up and down she could blend in with the snow and frosted over pine trees perfectly. She was in fact quite stunning, which made him smile but that might not have been the best idea. He was a wolf after all, and he had a very good dentist so his teeth were quite white and prickly looking. Though there was little he could do to help it. She was extremely shapely, but low a beauty like her probably had a very lucky boyfriend considering she probably lived at the resort or close by down the mountain. "I'm fine honey, I'd like to drop this stuff off in my room and then go to the slopes." His voice was fairly deep and confident with years of explaining illnesses and reassuring nervous patients, but it was very difficult to look her over.

"I'd like to snowboard, but I don't know how. I do hope your the one giving lessons though." Dox winked at her just to be playful, and his tail was wagging quite quickly behind him. If he could spend the day with this little bunny it would be a wonderful start to a great first leg of his vacation, but he had to make sure not to get his hopes up about getting with this honey.
Alice smiled, 'Well lunch is first, and then I start checking items and classes." She said with a soft laugh. She walked a bit closer and took one of his bags, it was a smaller one but she still wished to help. "We have three rooms open. They all have a fire place, all get room service all night, all have phones and free internet." She explained walking back inside where the fire was roaring ans her father was setting out a tray with hot chocolate for her.
Dox was fairly surprised to see her step up to him and take one of his smaller bags, but smiled all the more just at her closeness. When they did enter the inn he was surprised even more to see the white older male rabbit behind the front desk. He must have been her father, and by the way he looked up and smiled before speaking, he was probably the very same gentlemen who reserved his spot. "Ah good morning mister Dox. I wasn't expecting you to be so early, but your more than welcome. Alice, his rooms the big one at the end as I've heard tell of a certain surgeon who was playing hell when asked to take a vacation." Dox was very glad his fur was red around his muzzle, as he'd be blushing like hell with that being said in front of this cute girl.

Those bastards at the hospital must have talked with him before Dox called to make the reservation, and then on top of that explained why he was coming. He'd have his way in the end though as he owned his damn ER ward so they'd be paid soon enough. But for the mean time Dox was more than happy to follow the little bunny down the hall way and watch that soft looking tail and those beautiful hips of hers sway to his room. Shaking his head to clear the plethora of dirty thoughts and images he sighed and then shook his head again, sad that he could just watch her walk.
Alice smiled at her father and continued to walk. She lead Dox to his room, large, great view large bed, the room was one of their best. "Don't let anyone know what you do. People tend to think they can take on hard slopes one day in and tend to get hurt. Your vacation will be spent taking are of people." She laughed. She set his bag on the foot of his bed. "Your bathroom is that door, closet that one. we have a hot springs in the back covered with a tarp that you and any guest may use free of charge."
Dox smiled as she pointed out the room to him and of taking caution. Dox was more than familiar with the sort of accidents that occurred from the over confident, so there was no way in hell he'd end up in any one else Emergency room ward aside from his own. Looking out the window he found the view of the open mountain range and the forest that sloped down from the in to be extremely beautiful. It was very warm inside the in, and Dox took off his heavy coat to reveal a very well toned and muscled body packed tightly into a body armor top. He had bought the top and many like it because it kept his fur down and snugly warm but he needed little else inside of the inn.

He had to admit that they would probably part company now, but he was quite hellbent on keeping it for a bit longer as he sat on the nice squishy bed and smiled up at her. "I'll make sure to keep it a secret. But I've never been around this area or the mountains, mind if I pick your brain as to what's there to do around her when not on the slopes?" He patted the spot on the bed next to him, and though he hated it and cursed his tail it was wagging quite fiercely behind him.
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