Mx Female Zero's Male Ideas


Mar 27, 2021
Hey y’all, my name is ZeroGameZ but I prefer being called Zero! The reason why my name is ZeroGameZ is because I’m playing ‘Zero games’ with what I want and putting it with a regular ol’ ‘s’ would be a bit boring considering what I want. And what do I want, you ask? I want story based RPs, that’s what I want. Or at the very least smutty one-shots that are more than just smutty one-shots if you get what I mean! And that’s what we’ll be getting through today. I think that’s something important, making characters that have personality and have more to them then just the sexy stuff, though that will be an important part of all my works.

Giving writing males a shot.

The Ratio
I don’t usually deal with a ratio for the smuttiness but I figured it’d be important to say it’s rather flexible for me, if a story is more focused on the smut, I’d like it more around the 60/40 range because I’d still like the plot to be something that’s important even if this is a smutty one-shot. I’d want a reason why this smut is happening, of course, but don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t have to be anything complex!

The Where?
Generally, I’m going to just RP here because anywhere else might be annoying and I’d rather not give out my Discord for a RP. We RP here, whether that be through threads or PMs, there’s no preferences here.

The Rules:
1.No means no. Simple enough, no explanation needed.
2.Understand that this is not my life and this is not something I will do every day. I write my smut for fun and I’d rather not have to feel urged to reply every day. I could be replying 5 times a day or once a week. But I will keep up with you OOC if that’s a problem.
3. Don’t be an asshole. I will drop you if you act like an asshole.

General Ideas

-School stuff, whether it be as the students, the teachers, the students’ mom, I’d be willing to play a lot of fun scenarios with something like this. It could be something very anime or something more realistic, that’s something I’m willing to play with there.
-Anything that comes to mind when you read my kinks because it’s a WIP

The Kinks: F-list - Warning
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