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Fx Female The Sorceress's Spire

Oct 2, 2014
Hello there! Welcome to my humble request thread. If you couldn't guess from the title I rather like fantasy and especially magic. I enjoy writing about fantastic beings with fantastic powers in almost all cases. I definitely indulge in sci-fi as well but fantasy is absolutely my bread and butter.

The actual gender of the person behind the screen doesn't matter to me, its RP after all so as long as you can write a good character feel free to read on. I can play dom or sub quite easily so ask for either if you want it. I generally prefer to play dom when I'm asked for a preference.

Expectations: I despise one liners. A strong word but its the truth. If you give me one liners I'll likely not bother with the RP anymore. I expect at least a single paragraph out of my partner, we are all adults here so we should be capable of at least that. I'll tend to average 3-4 any one time though at minimum I will give two. I expect you to come forward with your own ideas or plots, if you simply ask me "do you want to RP *insert pairing here*" I'll ignore you. If they are on my request thread, of course I want to RP them. That said I am open to more pairings and plots than are listed here.

Now that's out of the way, here are a few things I enjoy as kinks. Not all need be present mind you, so do tell me if something here does not suit your tastes.

-Fluffy Romance
-Plotting (I do rather like substance to my threads)
-Size difference (both slight and Macro/Micro)
-Foot Play
-Classical Era stuff (Think Greek/Roman, huge fan of that)
-Egyptian (Eastern style themes and ladies in general, very lewd)

Here are the things I will never do under any circumstances ever.

-Bathroom things
-Furry (catgirls and some types of monster girls are fine however.)
-Unrealistically proportioned characters (breasts or ass grossly out of proportion when compared to the rest of the body)
-Characters under 18

Now then onto pairings. I consider pairings to be just the basest of outlines for plots, the spark that can light the creative flame. So obviously there is expected to be more to the indicated characters than plugging each other's orifices.

NoblexDisgraced Rival
SorceressxTest Subject

And here are a few plots I thought of off the top of my head.


The Darkest Dungeon: Ages ago a particularly mad sorceress devised a massive dungeon, a vast and endless den of traps and monsters. Over the ages adventurers have tried and failed to find and defeat her and claim the riches that lay within. Recently a small army of adventurers were hired to attempt to bring her down once and for all but ultimately they fail. Now the survivors find themselves at the mercy of the sorceress and her underlings.

Subjugation: Humans are well known as one of the few races in the world with no nation to call their own. A species with no remarkable abilities and no gods to call their own, they are often looked down upon by the societies they find themselves part of. The vast majority of humans fall under the gracious protection of Val Tessvar, an ancient nation ruled and dominated by elves. It is an open fact humans are considered second class in many places and in some places are outright mistreated. Yet is a life that is all many humans have known. Perhaps it is the subjugation that prompted a region to declare independance for humans from Val Tessvar. A very short lived notion as the humans foolish enough to raise their hands against their master soon find themselves defeated and their leaders at the mercy of their true masters.

Apprenticeship: Those that possess magic in many places are considered wicked and hunted ruthlessly for what is seen as a curse. Most are simply burned at the stake, however those with rare affluent families can find themselves given an escape to the east, to the golden sands of Jukar, a city in the sky ruled by those with a talent for magic. Yet being taken on as an apprentice to these ageless and powerful beings often comes at a price and many might well come to regard their fate back where they had come from enviable.
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