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[WB] Sonic Gold Universe


Mystical Artifact
Apr 1, 2017
The Cosmos
This thread is dedicated to contents of my own version of the Sonic Universe. Its mostly based on the games, but my own twist on it. I hope you enjoy the contents within as I update the stuff within.

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Planet Earth and Its History

Planet Earth
Alternative names: Mobius, The World, Blue Marble, Terra
Position: 3rd from the Sun
Age: 4.200 billion
Era: 2007 CR (Chaos Regnat)
Satellites: The Moon, Little Planet, Space Colony ARK, Astral Garden, Death Egg (Formally)
Planet Class: A (Terrestrial, Able to support humanoid lifeforms)
Lifeforms: Humans, Mobians, Chao, Animals
Continents: Atlanda, Eudora, Olorun, Ashia, Tohgana, Cold Undra
Oceans: Atlantea, Cifica, Volma, Northreign, Southarc
World Powers: United Federation, Robotnik/Eggman Empire(Formally), Eudorian Kingdom Alliance, Vermilion Union.
Relics: Master Emerald, 7 Chaos Emeralds, 7 Time Stones, 6 Power Rings, Moonstone, Crystall Aurora, The Eye, Dawn Key.
Deities: Dark and Light Gaia, Chaos, Mene, Aurora, Iblis.

Earth Timeline

The Earth and the moon are formed, also creating two deities from hyper energy-Light Gaia and Dark Gaia. The two beings sleep in the center of the Earth, destined to maintain the balance of destruction and rebirth every time they wake. This happens once every couple million years.

Unknown Point
From the stars, an alien race found Earth and settled on the Starfall islands as their new home. It is unknown how long they have lived on the island, but the enemy they were escaping from finally caught up to them and threatened to destroy the planet. The race unleashed their most powerful weapons against the enemy, four titans that were able to destroy the physical body, but it's essence corrupted the AI program piloting one of the titans, which turned against its creators and started the destruction of the Starfall Islands. It was halted thanks to the other titans sealing the titan and the AI in Cyberspace, but the damage and loss of life were so severe, it left the islands uninhabitable, and the alien race believe to have been extinct.

Unknown Point
An alien race established an ancient civilization on Earth after their ship, the Babylon Garden, marooned them on the planet after their warp drives, the Ark of the Cosmos, malfunctioned and almost created a black hole. At some point, the leaders created the very first prototype of what is now known as Extreme Gear. After a cataclysmic event, said garden was buried deep within the sands. The surviving Babylonians scattered around the world; their civilization lost.

4000 A.S (Ancient Stones)
The western part of Atlanda was ruled by various ancient tribes, and one of them was the Echidna Tribe of Umiña. This tribe was once a flourishing civilization, but at some point, the tribe split into two, forming the Awaq and the Killari. The former became the inheritors of eight sacred relics, the Master Emerald and the 7 Chaos Emeralds. The shrine that holds these relics is on the outskirts of Awaq City, where it is also home to the Chao and its guardian deity; Chaos. After the death of the previous chieftain, Pachacamac became their successor, and turned the once peaceful tribe into a ruthless band of aggressors. They attack neighboring tribes, stealing their land and wealth, and expanding their empire. The majority of the Awaq were in support of their chieftain, with few exceptions, including his only child, Tikal, who deeply opposed his warmongering ways. The tribe's conquest comes to a halt when attempting to invade their former allies, the Killari. There was great resistance, the two tribes were in a stalemate until the Killari gained victory after victory against their opponents. In desperation, Pachacamac resorts to using the power of the relics to save his tribe from annihilation, despite the pleading from his daughter to not do so.

He personally led a band of warriors to siege the alter for the relics, and Tikal made one last plea to her father to stop, but he mercilessly pushed through, regardless of his daughter and the helpless chao that were in the way. The Emerald's guardian, enraged, absorbs the power of the Chaos Emeralds, and transforms into Perfect Chaos-God of Destruction. Tikal sacrifices herself to seal Chaos into the Master Emerald, along with herself as the price.

4000 CR (Chaos Regnat)
The power of Chaos caused the complete extinction of the Echidna civilization in a single day. The Killari and other tribes are believed to be destroyed, and the few surviving Awaq take refuge as the power of the Master Emerald breaks a chunk of land, turning it into a floating island in the sky. The survivors decided to become the relic's new guardians in self-imposed penance and to make sure no one misused its power for evil.

1000 CR
The Northstar Islands are home to the Sungazer lizards who are in harmony with the great Mobini that live there. One day, a meteorite lands on the island, carrying a being of pure evil in the form of a dragon. The Sungazers manage to seal the beast into a mythical black onyx, and from then on, protect the onyx to prevent the release of the dragon.

1889 CR
Construction of the world's very first Bernal Sphere Advanced Research Station, christened the Space Colony ARK is completed. One of the contributors is Dr. Baldry Robotnik(25). Five days later, the ARK officially opened.

The United Federation commissioned Baldry on the creation of powerful robots using unknown technology. He created the first gizoids, and put them into storage shortly after.

1906 CR
The Black Comet completes it's 50 year journey to Earth without incident.

1950 CR
Gerald Robotnik(55) and Carl Zucchini(57) went on an expedition to the Mystic Ruins, where they found a mural depicting a prophecy of an ancient monster and a golden figure doing battle. He kept a record of their findings.

1956 CR
On January 8, the Black Comet came to Earth after its 50-year journey as usual, but shortly after, it brought the first emergence of an alien race; the Black Arms. The aliens invaded the entire planet. The worldwide conflict lasted several days, with Earth emerging victorious. The invasion failed, causing the remaining aliens to flee back to their comet as it leaves orbit, set to return in 50 years time. Ignovis and Margarita Robotnik died during the invasion, they are succeeded by their daughter, Maria(16). The United Federation commissioned engineers and Gerald Robotnik to prepare for the next invasion. Lead Engineer Archibald Tower(41) and his team are tasked with Plan A (Eclipse Canon) while Robotnik is in charge of Plan B (Ultimate Lifeform).

Project Ultimate Lifeform is underway, the Biolizard is completed, but deemed a failure; it is put in storage. Project Ultimate Lifeform continues.

Shadow the Hedgehog is born, Project complete. Side project begins (Artificial Chaos).

Project Eclipse Canon is Completed.

There is an outbreak of Artificial Chaos that were quickly quelled by Shadow the Hedgehog. The incident resulted in injury and death. Archibald Tower dies during the breakout.

In mid-November, the United Federation sent GUN to conduct a raid on the entirety of the Space Colony ARK. This incident resulted in the evacuation, arrest, or death of all researchers, support staff, and civilians. Maria Robotnik dies in the incident, Gerald Robotnik is arrested, and Shadow the Hedgehog escapes via pod to Earth. GUN confiscated any and all projects. The Space Colony Ark is officially defunct.

Shadow was found by GUN days later and was successfully captured. He is taken to an undisclosed facility for storage.

1957 CR
After imprisonment, Gerald Robotnik(61) is executed. He is succeeded by two children, and four grandchildren.

1989 CR
Ivo Robotnik(36) creates MeteoTech, a robotics and security company.

1990 CR
Prof. Dylan Pickle(45), found a metal disk in a archaeological dig in West Atlanda, and donated his findings at the Central City Museum. Knuckles the Echidna is born, the very last within the dwindling descendants of the Awaq Tribe.

1991 CR
Sonic the Hedgehog is born.
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Timeline part 2

Sonic the Hedgehog-
Dr. Ivo Robotnik(48) invades South Island, kidnapping the local fauna as power sources for his Badniks. Sonic(10) ruins Robotnik's plan, liberating the entire island.

Sonic CD-
The mysterious celestial body of Little Planet appears over Never Lake, and Dr Robotnik takes the opportunity to chain the planet to the surface and conquer it. Sonic meets Amy Rose(8), but is kidnapped by Metal Sonic, Robotnik's latest creation made in the image of Sonic. The hedgehog travels around the planet and through time to gather the 7 Time Stones and destroy Robotnik's machines sent into the past. He successfully rescued Amy, defeated Robotnik and Metal Sonic, and liberated Little Planet. The Time Stones are then returned to their rightful place, and the planet disappears into the time void.

Sonic Arcade-
Dr Robotnik kidnapped Sonic, Mighty the Armadillo(11), and Ray the Flying Squirrel(7). The trio escapes from the doctor's island fortress as it sinks in the bottom of the sea.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2-
Sonic arrives on West Side Island via his bi-plane, The Tornado, where he meets Miles Prower(4) 'Tails' for the very first time. Dr Robotnik invades the island, using his giant space fortress, the Death Egg, in search of the legendary 7 Chaos Emeralds hidden across the island. Sonic and Tails collect the Emeralds, afterwards invade the Death Egg. Using the power of the Emeralds, Sonic transforms into Super Sonic, defeating Robotnik's Death Egg Robot, and the space fortress falls to Earth.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles-
The damaged Death Egg lands on Angel Island, causing it to fall into the ocean. Dr Robotnik meets the island's guardian, Knuckles the Echidna(11), and manages to trick the guardian into believing Sonic is the enemy, while secretly trying to find the island's hidden treasure and rebuild the Death Egg. Sonic and Tails arrive on the grounded island, but are attacked by Knuckles as he steals the 7 emeralds. The duo continues forward, quickly discovering the doctor is here, and set to ruin whatever plan he has. They also discover the hidden sanctuary containing its sacred treasure, The Master Emerald. The duo finds the Death Egg inside the volcano, and encounters Knuckles, who fights him. Robotnik found the hidden temple and stole the Master Emerald. Realizing that Knuckles has been tricked, he follows the doctor to get it back. Sonic and Tails found the 7 emeralds on the altar, and because of the Master Emerald's power, they have become super emeralds. The duo followed the guardian to the Sky Sanctuary. With the power of the emerald, the Death Egg was fully functional and began its ascent into space. A new robot, Mecha Sonic, appeared to slow them down, but after taking damage, it used the emerald's power to defeat the trio, but failed. However, the emerald is taken to the Death Egg after Knuckle's failed attempt to reclaim it. Sonic manages to get aboard the space craft alone to face Robotnik. He unleashed a giant mech called the Great Eggman Robot, using the Master Emerald as a power source. Despite this, Sonic defeated the machine, but activated the self-destruction in a last ditch effort to kill the hedgehog, escaping into space with the emerald. Sonic used the super emeralds to transform into Hyper Sonic and chased the escaping scientist, defeating him. The Death Egg explodes, and Hyper Sonic returns to Earth with the emerald safely to Angel Island as it floats once again.

Knuckles' Chaotix-
Four years later, a mysterious island rose from the sea. Dr Robotnik(52) converted it into a carnival after discovering a hidden power left behind by an ancient civilization. Because of this, the Master Emerald is disturbed by this event. Knuckles(15) leaves the island for the first time to stop the disturbance. He reached the island, where he encountered Espio the Chameleon(15), captured in a strange machine. After being freed, the two embark to rescue Vector the Crocodile(19), Charmy Bee(6), and Mighty the Armadillo(15). After freeing the others, the group sets off to stop Robotnik's evil plan to use artificial Dark Rings. To do that, the group collected six power rings left behind by the ancient civilization. They battled with Metal Sonic and defeated it, but after absorbing the power of the Dark Rings, it transformed into the mighty Metal Sonic Kai. Knuckles and Chaotix defeated the giant menace and Dr Robotnik. The five mobians formed a friendship; Knuckles and Mighty became honorary members of the Chaotix and went their separate ways.

Sonic Superstars-
Dr Robotnik invades the Northstar archipelago, but faces resistance by the island's inhabitants, the sungrazer lizards. Annoyed, he hires notorious mercenary Fang the Sniper(21) to assist him in defeating the lizards and succeeds. He held the inhabitants hostage, but believing that the islands hold secrets he can uncover, he forces one of inhabitants named Trip (19) to act as their guide. She reluctantly leads them into an ancient temple which has a mural that Robotnik tries to decipher it's meaning. A great jewel that contains great power hidden somewhere on the islands, and he is determined to find it.

Days later, Sonic(14) and Tails(8) noticed Robotnik's activities and invasion of Northstar, so they recruited the help of Knuckles and Amy(11) to stop whatever plans he has. They arrive on the first island, and finds that the badniks are here, including putting Great Mobini into his giant badniks to stop the heroes, but they free the creatures as they enter the next island.

Fang and Robotnik are doing their best to deter the four, but fail each time as they free the Great Mobini from their badnik prison and sometimes with the reluctant and clumsy Trip inadvertently helping them. Amy helps and befriends her earnestly, promising that they will rid of Robotnik from her island and continues on her way.

In the capital city of the Sungazers, Knuckles detected the presence of the 7 Chaos Emeralds, and they decided to retrieve them. Once that’s done however, Fang stole them and retreated. He is using Trip to find the black onyx, but despite not wanting to, she leads him to the heart of the city and the onyx was found. Sonic and the others were too late, and Trip finally rebelled and help them fight off an upgraded Marvelous Queen. Fang flees into the snowy forest and they follow him, where in the distance, a gigantic fortress emerges from the snow and ascends into space. There is a base left behind here, and they enter into it, finding out that Trip’s family is on the space fortress. Determined to save them, she joins them as they find a spacecraft and fly the fortress.

They reach the core where the Black Onyx is held, and Robotnik is forcing Trip’s family into harnessing it’s power. The energy overloads the core, causing the fortress to undergo self destruction. Robotnik however, wishing to settle a score with the heroes, summons a massive mech and at the same time, has one for Fang as well. Sonic battled Robottnik while Trip deals with Fang. With Team Sonic’s victory, everyone flee the fortress in a ship and returns to Northstar Island.

They took the Black Onyx, but with so much overflowing energy, it caused the release of a black dragon made of pure evil. Trip explains that hundreds of years ago, this dragon came from space, landed on their island and threatened all life on Earth, but was sealed in the onyx. With the power of the seven emeralds, Sonic transforms into Super Sonic, but the positive energy also transforms Trip into a golden dragon. The duo face the black dragon, and weaken it enough for Trip to reseal the beast back into the onyx once more.

With that, Robotnik and his forces flee the islands, peace has been restored and Team Sonic says their farewell for now, making a new friend.

Sonic Adventure-
Dr Robotnik(53) established a base in the Mystic Ruins, where he found tablets depicting a God and the secrets of the Chaos Emeralds. He sets off to Angel Island and successfully shatters the Master Emerald, freeing Chaos, the God of Destruction, and also a mysterious spirit. Knuckles(16) failed to stop Chaos as it fled from the island, but because the power of the emerald no longer kept the island afloat, it fell, attaching itself near the Mystic Ruins. Big the Cat(18) lives in the jungle with his best friend, Froggy. Said frog encounters Chaos, accidentally swallowing a piece of the creature, gaining a tail. It also swallowed a Chaos Emerald and fled the forest. Sonic(15) is in the seaside metropolis of Station Square, where he encounters and does battle with Chaos. The latter escapes the hedgehog. The next day, he witnessed his best friend, Tails(9) crash on the beach with a prototype bi-plane. He saves the boy, discovering that he is using a Chaos Emerald as a power source. While traveling to Tails' workshop in the ruins, they are ambushed by Robotnik and Chaos, successfully stealing their emerald and feeding it to Chaos. The creature becomes stronger with each emerald it absorbs. With all seven, it will become an invincible weapon for the doctor to command. The duo sets off to collect the rest of the emeralds to prevent that from happening. At the same time, Knuckles arrives to collect the lost pieces of Master Emerald to restore it, but along the way, the tiny spirit shows him visions of the ancient past of an echidna tribe, which involve the emeralds and a girl named Tikal trying to prevent destruction. He encounters the doctor once again, tricked into believing that Sonic is after the shards. Robotnik has kidnapped a group of Flickies and other small animals to complete a series of robots named the E-Series. His latest and last in the line, E-102 Gamma is active. After many test runs, including besting its elder brother- E-101 Beta, it is given a mission to find Chaos' missing piece. Meanwhile, Sonic and Tails are attacked by Knuckles, but Robotnik steals their remaining Chaos Emeralds. Realizing that he was once again tricked, he helps the duo defeat Chaos' 4th form. Despite their victory, the doctor escapes using his great battleship, the Egg Carrier.

Sonic and Tails use the Tornado 2 to chase the carrier, but are separated as the hedgehog lands in Station Square and Tails in the Mystic Ruins. Amy Rose(12) was in the city when she encountered a lost flicky, also avoiding a robot, ZERO, who wished to capture the bird. She decided to be the bird's guardian and help it find its captured family. She happens upon Sonic, but the two are shortly separated to avoid the pursuing ZERO in Twinkle Park. Unfortunately, the bot captured the girl and Flicky, and Sonic was too late to stop them from entering the Egg Carrier. Meanwhile, Knuckles manages to gather most of the emerald shards, but it is still incomplete. The remainder are on the carrier, so the guardian tries to find Robotnik's base. Tails finds Froggy and manages to catch it, retrieving the Chaos Emerald it had before meeting with Big as he tries to get his friend back. The boy returns the frog as he heads to his workshop to fire up the Tornado mk 2 and look for Sonic. Big is happy that he has his friend back, but is cut short when Gamma kidnaps the frog and returns to base, where the cat and Knuckles find and enter just in time before the Egg Carrier launches once again into the sky. Sonic chases the carrier into Angel Island, just in time for Tails to find him, and the reunited duo follows the ship before landing the Tornado on deck. Praising Gamma for completing its mission, Robotnik tasks it with retrieving the blue flicky from its jail cell, which it shared with Amy. The young girl and the bird convinced Gamma to release them.

Amy reached the deck where the doctor was waiting, then snatched the flicky, taking its Chaos Emerald which it had all along. Sonic and Tails catch up as Gamma also arrives to distract the hedgehog. Amy stops the battle, as they have more important things to worry about. Sonic stays behind to stop Robotnik while the others escape the Egg Carrier. The hedgehog finds Chaos, but it is too late to stop its 6th transformation. Big arrives to rescue Froggy from the creature and escapes using Tail's Tornado 2 to return home. Knuckles joins the battle, and both of their efforts defeat the creature. Sonic chases after Robotnik and the echidna flees the ship with the 6 emeralds. The Egg Carrier falls into the ocean after losing altitude.

Tails and Amy return to Station Square, where they part ways. The doctor lands nearby, and activates a contingency plan to destroy the city with a missile. The plan fails when the missile becomes a dud, but it is still armed. The young boy races against him to reach the missile first. Afterwards, they do battle, and Tails emerges victorious while Robotnik flees. After contemplation and being freed from its master's control, Gamma decides to hunt down the other E-Series to free them. The very last model lies within the abandoned Egg Carrier, where it fought a new and improved Beta. Both robots fell in battle, but released the flickies from their robotic prison, just in time for Amy and her companion to reunite with the bird's family. However, ZERO interrupts, to which Amy responds with violence against the bot. She defeats it once and for all, and is happy that the family can now live in peace. After landing in the jungle of the Mystic Ruins, Sonic is guided by the tiny spirit deep into the ancient ruins, where he finds a mural of Chaos. He returns from the temple just in time to see Robotnik fleeing towards his base. He followed up with one final confrontation and battled the Egg Viper. He wins, and escapes the base to unite with Tails.

Despite restoring the Master Emerald to its former glory, Angel Island is still grounded. Knuckles is attacked by Chaos, who then steals the 6 emeralds in his possession. Sonic and Tails come to the island to investigate and find the guardian. All three are shown a terrifying vision of Chaos destroying everything in its path before being sealed by Tikal in the Master Emerald. Afterwards, they set out to find the Tornado 2, as it has the last emerald inside. They managed to find the plane, but Chaos took the last emerald and disappeared. With all 7 of the relics, it transformed into Perfect Chaos, completely destroying Station Square. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, along with Amy, the Flickies, and Big, arrive in the ruined city. A second Egg Carrier also arrives, as Robotnik had a back-up, but was no match for the creature's wrath. The spirit appears before the group, revealing herself to have been Tikal, as she pleads to somehow reseal Chaos since it is unstoppable. Sonic refuses that plan, as he resolves to put the creature at peace. He transforms into Super Sonic using the positive energies of the emerald and frees Chaos from its suffering and anger, returning it to its base form. Tikal thanks everyone and takes Chaos to ascend into the unknown.

Sonic Adventure 2-
Dr Robotnik infiltrated a GUN base, using a Chaos Emerald to gain access to the ultimate lifeform, Shadow the Hedgehog (50), his grandfather's creation. As thanks, Shadow offers his loyalty to him, but asks him to meet him at the long-forgotten Space Colony ARK and asks him to bring the rest of the Emeralds. Rouge the Bat (17), a jewel thief, attempts to steal the Master Emerald, but Knuckles stops her. Robotnik also attempts to steal the gem, but it shatters, and both hunters decide to seek the shards. Sonic has been arrested by GUN as he has been mistakenly identified. He escapes but is recaptured after meeting Shadow for the first time. The black hedgehog escapes with a Chaos Emerald and meets with Robotnik on the Ark. He introduces its most powerful arsenal, the Eclipse Cannon. With the 7 emeralds, they can use them to hold the world hostage, as they have the power to destroy a planet, and the doctor agrees with the plan. Rouge has snuck aboard and offers her services to the man and hands over a chaos emerald as a gift. She gives herself a fake name, Nails the Bat, to hide her identity, and they agree to work together. Three of the emeralds are kept on Prison Island, where they hatch a plan to steal the jewels and destroy the island. Amy arrives unexpectedly and runs into the Trio. Robotnik stays behind to take care of her, but Tails comes in to rescue her. The young fox wards him off, and Tails and Amy go into the prison to rescue Sonic. Meanwhile, Shadow planted the explosive while Rouge stole the emeralds, but found herself trapped. Sonic and Shadow fought after meeting in the jungle, but their battle was cut short when the former heard about what was to come, escaping with Tails and Amy. Shadow saves Rouge in the nick of time and returns to base. With six of the emeralds in their possession, Robotnik broadcasts to the entire world to surrender to the Robotnik Empire and demonstrates the power of the Eclipse Cannon on the moon, blowing off a large chunk. Sonic and his friends witness the event and are determined to stop him.

To find him, Tails searches for the President's limo to trace Robotnik's location, which he succeeds in doing. They also ran into Knuckles, who offered to help them. They found Robotnik's base and used a spacecraft to reach the ARK. Knuckles separates to find the remaining pieces of the Master Emerald. Tails reveals that not only did he bring the last emerald, but he also created a replica to sabotage the cannon. Sonic is given the task of placing the fake gem in the cannon, and Tails heads to the engine to destroy it. All the while, Amy is captured by Robotnik before Sonic can place the fake gem with the rest of the emeralds. Knuckles and Rouge fought one last time for the emerald shards, but after the former saved the latter's life, she surrenders the shards to him as they go their separate ways.

Sonic arrives to save his friends, offering the fake emerald, but is trapped in a capsule. Robotnik already knows about the phony emerald and blasts the hedgehog into space. Using the gem, he manages to escape before his demise and teleport back to the ARK. Rouge returns to take the gems, but Shadow puts a stop to it, revealing her real name and identity as a government spy. The hedgehog prevents the spy from taking the emeralds, but realizes that Sonic is alive and heads out to stop him. Robonik managed to steal the last gem after his battle with Tails and placed it in the cannon, but it only revealed something more sinister.

A video recording of Gerald Robonik's final proclamation to the world, desiring Earth's demise as an act of vengeance for the death of his granddaughter. The entire space colony is plunging itself towards the planet, and the only way to stop it is to go to the core and use the Master Emerald to nullify the Chaos Emeralds. The group works together to make a path towards the core, while Amy is left behind. She finds Shadow and pleads with his inner consciousness to help save the world. Her words get through as he remembers a promise by his friend, Maria, to protect the planet she cherished and races to the core. Sonic and Knuckles made it first, only to be stopped by the ultimate lifeform prototype, the Biolizard. Shadow arrives and distracts it long enough for the duo to neutralize the core, but the ark is still falling to Earth. The Biolizard uses Chaos Control to disappear and fuse with the ark. The only way to stop the descent is to defeat the prototype. Sonic and Shadow transform into super forms and battle the creatures in space. Once the prototype is eliminated, both hedgehogs use their power to stabilize the Ark, but at the cost of Shadow's life. Sonic made it back to the ark, lamenting the loss, but vowing never to forget his sacrifice.

Sonic Advance/2-
Robotnik relaunches his badnik robot line and starts to kidnap animals again. He also managed to kidnap Tails, Knuckles, and a little girl and her Chao. Amy informs Sonic of the kidnapping, and Sonic is able to save the girl, Cream the Rabbit(7). Her mother, Vanilla(30) was captured as well. They rescued Tails and Knuckles and found Robotnik's base. They defeat the doctor and reunite mother and daughter.

Sonic Heroes-
Four teams have different reasons, but they all have one goal: to stop Robotnik and his fleet from taking over the world. Team Sonic is composed of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, as they are given three days to stop the mad doctor and his overwhelming battle fleet. Team Dark is composed of Rouge, a revived Shadow, and a forgotten E-Series robot E-123 Omega. The spy found both in one of Robonik's hidden bases, and made it a mission to get answers since Shadow suffers from amnesia, Omega wants revenge for being abandoned, and Rouge seeks the wealth that the doctor has in his possession. Team Rose has Amy, Cream, and Big. Froggy and Cheese have been kidnapped by what appears to be Sonic, and the team conducts a rescue mission to save them. Team Chaotix has Vector(20), Espio(16), and Charmy(7). They run a detective agency, and they have been hired by a mysterious client to seek out Robotnik. The teams traveled far to catch up with the Egg Fleet, even meeting each other, and have been collecting Chaos Emeralds along the way. After many trials, they made it to the Egg Fortress and defeated Robotnik, but the Chaotix discovered that the doctor they've faced on their journey was a fake, as the real Robotnik was held captive. He explained that it was Metal Sonic all along, betraying the doctor, disguising himself, taking his Egg Fleet and copying data from the teams to become stronger. It worked, as Metal Sonic transformed into Metal Madness. The teams come together to take on the behemoth, and Team Sonic turns into their super forms to finish the Metal Overlord once and for all.

Shadow the Hedgehog-
The 50 year anniversary has finally come as the Black Comet returns to Earth. Instead of celebration, it is met with hostility as the United Federation and other world powers prepare for an invasion. Shadow is contacted by Rouge, as the President requests his presence. The Black Arms made their appearance, and the hedgehog just so happened to be nearby. GUN forces do battle with the alien force, and Shadow is caught in the middle. Sonic arrives in the city to give a helping hand and meets with the leader himself, Black Doom. The leader is here for the Chaos Emerald and is curious about Shadow before retreating. Afterwards, they both meet with the president of the Federation to explain the situation. Every 50 years, the Black Comet arrives on Earth, but found out long ago that it is home to a hostile alien race that attacked the planet. The Eclipse Cannon and Shadow were designed to destroy the alien threat, so he agrees to collect the emeralds, which may hold the key to mending his broken memories and saving the world.

Black Doom interferes with the hedgehog's mission at almost every turn, revealing that he was created using stolen Black Arm DNA and Chaos Energy. He tries to sway the hedgehog to his side, but Shadow resists each time through his strong will. Eventually, the heroes travel to the ARK to gain access to the Eclipse Cannon. Before they could use it, Shadow was kidnapped and taken to the inner workings of the enemy stronghold. Even during torture, he still refused to join them, and was about to be killed, but was rescued by Sonic. The hedgehog used the power of the emeralds to turn into Super Shadow to battle Devil Doom and defeated the leader once and for all. The Eclipse Cannon destroys the comet, ending the invasion. Shadow has regained his memories, but decides to live in the present and look forward to the future.
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Timeline part 3

Sonic Riders-
There is a group of thieves known as the Babylon Rogues, consisting of Jet the Hawk(15), Wave the Swallow(18) and Storm the Albatross(19), descendants of the ancient Babylonians. They possess a treasure, a key to unlocking their homeland's secrets. Dr. Robotnik pays the rogues a visit, willing to help them with unlocking the secret of their relic by hosting a tournament that involves the use of racing devices called Extreme Gears. This caught the attention of Sonic and his friends, as they suspected the doctor and had a run in with the Rogues. This started a rivalry between them, especially with Sonic and Jet. The Chaos Emeralds are needed for entry in the races, and all seven are present to compete in the final round. Through dubious means, Jet wins, and with the power of the emeralds and the key, it reveals the fabled Babylon Garden. Robotnik stole the relic and raced to the garden with Team Sonic and the Rogues to pursue him. With the key, they entered deep into the garden where the treasure is hidden but were stopped by the guardian. After the guardian is defeated, the true treasure is revealed: a prototype of all extreme gear, a magic carpet. The Babylon Rogues and Sonic's group part ways, but not before Jet vows to return and face Sonic again.

Sonic Battle-
Years ago, a man named Baldry Robotnik crafted robots using an unknown technology, which he named Gizoids. They were locked away, but one was found by his great grandson, Ivo Robotnik. His inability to properly work the Gizoid frustrates him, and he abandons it on the beach, where it was found by Sonic and Tails. They named the bot 'Emerl', and through their shared adventure, the soulless robot became cheerful. It has met with others, such as Amy, Cream, Knuckles, Rouge, Omega, and Shadow. As a Gizoid, it has the power to copy data to become a better fighting machine. This is what Robotnik was counting on, as he was watching the entire time and took advantage of its programming-to obey whoever was the strongest. However, conflicting programming caused it to go on a violent rampage, even when Sonic tried to stop it. With a heavy heart, Sonic destroys the Gizoid.

Sonic Advance 3-
Gathering Emerl's data, Robotnik created a Gizoid army of foot soldiers, powered by Chaos Drives. Gmerl, his most successful creation, commands this army as it searches the world for Chaos Emeralds. Sonic and his friends fight the army, and even Gmerl on their journey. After another defeat, Robotnik used the emeralds to give his Gizoid power to transform into Ultimate Gmerl, but it caused a power overload and ascended into space. Sonic turns into Super Sonic to chase and defeat the robot once and for all. Its base body falls to Earth where it is found by Cream and Vanilla. Tails reprograms it into a more peaceful robot, and the mother and daughter keep the Gizoid in their care.

Sonic Riders Zero Gravity-
Two mysterious objects fell from space, one landing in the Crimson Tower, owned by a technology company called MeteoTech. Said object comes into the possession of mass-produced robots called SCR-GP, activating the robots from their sleep. The other was recently discovered by Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, but it caused them to be attacked by SCR. They escaped, learning that this object had the ability to manipulate gravity.

Meanwhile, the Babylon Rogues found another of the objects hidden in the Gigan Rocks. They know the object as one of the Ark of the Cosmos, ring-like metal objects used by their ancestors, the ancient Babylonians. They are attacked by SCR, seeking the Ark, but they manage to escape. There are five arks in total, and they made it their mission to find the other four.

Team Sonic realizes that the robots are manufactured by MeteoTech and goes to investigate, running into Amy, who has an Ark with her and is in hiding. They enter the facility where they run into the Babylon Rogues, demanding the Arks. They race into the facility and encounter Dr Robotnik, admitting that he is the founder and CEO of MeteoTech. He explains that he found one of the Arks and introduced it to his mother computer, which caused the robots to go on a rampage. The leader unit- SCR-HD, has an ark in its possession, and the computer compels the robots to find the remaining rings. Both teams decided to work together to stop that from happening, including Robotnik. The only way to stop this is to cancel the mother computer located in the Crimson Tower, but Wave informs Team Sonic of important info. Texts inside the Gigan Rocks tell something of a Lightless Black that was prevented long ago. The group makes it to the tower and stops the mother computer, but SCR-HD comes in to complete its mission. They damage the robot enough to get the last Ark. With all five rings, it summons Babylon Garden and causes a strange reaction. A damaged but still functioning SCR-HD stole the Ark of the Cosmos, heading straight to the garden. Tails then realized that this lightless black was a black hole, and that it would destroy the Earth if they didn't stop it. Team Sonic and the Babylon Rogues race to the core of the gardens, where they find the robot transformed into Master Core: Abis. Both teams were victorious, preventing an impending disaster. The Arks, now stable, lift the garden into space, orbiting the planet. Sonic and Jet, afterwards, challenge each other to a race, their rivalry still intact.

Sonic Rush-
A young girl named Blaze the Cat (14) appears from a portal into a new world, Earth. She is here to save her home from destruction and find the seven Sol Gems that were stolen from her world. She encountered Cream, accompanied by Gmerl, in the forest, where the young girl kindly invited the cat to her home. Vanilla offers to help her, but Blaze refuses any sort of help. Still, the mother insisted on letting her daughter become her guide, along with Gmerl for protection, and she begrudgingly accepted. Meanwhile, Sonic battled with Dr Robotnik, but as he fled, he dropped a mysterious looking gem that the hedgehog had never seen before. Blaze snatched up the gemstone, quickly leaving while leaving him confused about this new person. He visits Tails, and the young boy detects seven strange signatures.

The duo soon meets with Dr. Ovi Kintobor, a Robotnik look alike that has come to steal the Chaos Emerald, and with the help of Amy and Knuckles, travel around to prevent the gem's capture. Team Sonic meets with Blaze, Cream, and Gmerl, wanting to know what is going on. She refuses to answer at first, saying that it is her responsibility, but with gentle coaxing from Cream, she relents. Blaze is a princess of the Sol Dimension and the guardian of the 7 Sol Gems. Ovi Kintobor stole the gems and retreated to Sonic's Dimension. If the gems stayed here, then it would cause a merging of both dimensions, which would destroy both worlds.

The group found out that Robotnik and Kintobor were working together, and managed to get the Sol Gems into their possession. They kidnapped Cream, Tails, Knuckles, Gmerl, and Amy, so the duo worked together to rescue them. With the power of the Emeralds and Gems, they transform into their super forms and defeat the villains, saving both worlds. Blaze, after learning of the true meaning of friendship, has to return to her world, but promises that she will return to visit.

Sonic Rivals-
A young hedgehog named Silver(14), suddenly appears, holding a strange orb in his possession. He is found by Shadow the Hedgehog, but robots attack the pair, and they manage to get away. Silver displays psychic powers to thwart the enemies, and he explains that he must see Sonic the Hedgehog as the present and future are in danger. They find him, and the stranger tells them of his plight. Silver is from the future, and that future is threatened by a cult called the Hand of Iblis. He had stolen an important artifact called the Eye, to prevent the summoning of a terrible beast called Ifrit, and had come to this point in time out of desperation. To destroy the eye, they must go to a place called Viridian Castle, which no longer exists in Silver's time. Sonic accepts, but finds out that they need to collect four keys to gain access to the castle. It is a race to get the keys, as they are pursued by members of the cult. One member is Maximum Leer(40) and his robots to get the Eye back. When the Trio finds the keys, Silver remarks that it brings good memories of him and his friends, but does not elaborate. They enter Viridian Castle, finding a doorway that leads to an unknown space. Maximum captures the hedgehogs and then reveals that this was an elaborate plan: The castle is actually a gateway to the Realm of Flames, where Ifrit would be summoned. He threw the hedgehogs into the realm, hoping the beast would finish them off. Thankfully, they held back Ifrit long enough to escape the realm, trapping it inside as the castle collapsed under the power of the keys. With the threat sealed forever, Silver says goodbye and returns to his time, maybe one day meeting them again.

Sonic Unleashed-
Sonic the Hedgehog has infiltrated Dr Robotnik's flag ship, meeting him after swatting down his wave of battle robots. He had brought the 7 emeralds and turned into Super Sonic to achieve victory. However, it was a trap, and he put the super hedgehog into an extraction machine. With the absorbed chaos energy, a cannon was fired at Earth, splitting it into several pieces to reveal a gigantic creature in the center. Its dark energy corrupted the seven emeralds, along with Sonic as he transformed into a werehog. The emeralds and Sonic are ejected back to Earth after crash landing on the Windmill Isles. The sunlight turns him back into his normal self, but he encounters a winged imp. The creature begs him for help as it has amnesia, which he agrees to.

Sonic names the creature Chip, then finds two of the corrupt emeralds before nightfall, which turns him back into a werehog. When night comes, the giant creature's servants appears and cause chaos on the planet. He rescued Tails and explained the situation. The young fox suggested that they track the emeralds; the next one is in Spagonia. A man recognizes Sonic and introduces himself as the assistant of Dr Dylan Pickle(61) who was kidnapped by Robotnik. He agrees to rescues the professor, returning him to his university. Dr Pickle is a professor of archaeology and ancient scripture, and he explains what is happening. The creature inside the core is a deity known as Dark Gaia, a destructive manifestation of the planet. Robotnik kidnapped him for his research on the matter, sacrificing the Earth for Dark Gaia's power. The only way to restore the planet is to purify the 7 emeralds by placing them inside sacred temples around the world. So Sonic, Tails, and Chip travel the world to search for the emeralds and temples. Along the way, Chip recovers his memories little by little on their journey until their last destination leads them to Robotnik Land, where they reach the core. Robotnik was piloting the Egg Dragoon, but with the power of the werehog, Sonic defeated him and made it to the core. It is then revealed that Chip is Light Gaia, the opposite of Dark Gaia to keep balance. The creature took back its dark energy from Sonic, freeing him of the werehog curse. Sonic used the purified emerald and Chip's help to defeat Dark Gaia, putting it back to sleep. Because of this, the imp has to stay in the core, saying his goodbye before returning Sonic to the surface. He knows that he will never see Chip again, but the memories he has will always stay.

Sonic Colors-
Robotnik, feeling 'remorse' for his past deeds, including the Dark Gaia incident, has built an interstellar amusement park made up of mini-planet attractions. Suspicious, Sonic and Tails travel to the park before opening day and find Mighty the Armadillo(16) and Ray the Flying Squirrel(12) at the entrance, freeing alien creatures. The aliens approached, explaining that they are Wisps. Their planet is one of the attractions, and they are being captured by Robonik for their unique energy called Hyper-Go-On to power the park. Mighty and Ray sneak in to have fun, but when they realize the doctor's plan, they began freeing the enslaved Wisps. Sonic and Tails join the fight, and so do the Wisps that let the group use their power. The Wisp Mother is on the verge of dying, as Robotnik is draining her energy to power his robotic Wisp mech. With the collective power of the Wisps, Sonic defeated the Robo Wisp and restored power to the Mother. They liberated the planets and returned to Earth. Robotnik floats into space until coming across a primordial entity.

Sonic/Shadow Generations
On June 23, Sonic the Hedgehog celebrated his 16th birthday, surrounded by the important people in his life. At the same time, Shadow the hedgehog ventures into the Space Colony ARK to search for a disturbance. Suddenly, the party is interrupted by a supernatural creature that sucks everyone into a White Void, a realm in between time and space. Sonic finds himself alone, but discovers physical manifestations of places from his previous adventures before him. His friends are found frozen in time, but he finds a younger version of Tail lost in the realm looking for his best friend. Sonic comforts him, and helps him find the younger version of himself in which he does. A great sphere appears from the sky, which is followed by Shadow linking up with Sonic. He explains that because of the actions of the creature known as the Time Eater, Black Doom has been revived and has taken the form of the giant sphere. They concluded that they would need the Chaos Emeralds to stand a chance against the two beings, since these gems have been pulled into the void, but in order to gather them, they would need to restore the manifestations of their past adventures. They each have their own, and so need to separate in order to get it done.

While going through a memory, he suddenly gained wings, but used this power to his advantage, only for Doom's Eye to pay him a visit, shifting the memory into the familiar city of Westopolis. After completing the first hurdle and returning to White Space, Doom explains that with each memory he restores, he gains a new power born from his Black Arms DNA, and he would need them to traverse around the void. With no other choice, Shadow continues on. To his surprise, Gerald and Maria Robotnik appeared in the void, having been brought at a fixed point before their fated end. Still, he collected three of the emeralds and rescued Omega, Rouge, and the Robotniks from their imprisonment. He has gained powerful abilities after restoring memories, which is causing an effect on the Doom Orb above. With Shadow finally reaching his full potential, Black Doom tries to claim him, initiating a battle within the mind. With all of his willpower, he dispelled Doom from his being, which caused the orb to disappear. Shadow can feel him, then quickly runs to join with Sonic.

Meanwhile, Sonic and his younger self have been doing the same in restoring his memories and freeing his friends from imprisonment. As they collect the Emeralds, they witness the past version of Robotnik being kidnapped by the Time Eater. They collected the four emeralds, and that is when they were joined by Shadow who brought the rest. With all 7, they are able to enter into a doorway that leads them to the Time Eater, who is controlled by Robotnik from the past and present. He explains that after the Interstellar Amusement park incident, he was stranded in Space until he encountered the Time Eater and managed to tame it, and planned on erasing Sonic from existence with it’s power. However, The Doom Orb rest control from the Robotniks, absorbing the creature to create a new form: the Void Devil.

The two Sonics and Shadow use the power of the Chaos Emeralds to turn into their super forms and do battle with the creature. Despite control over the void, the Void Devil was defeated by the three hogs and Time and Space has been restored. Everyone returns to the party and Shadow spends a few more moments with Maria and Gerald before they have to return to their own time. Sonic and friends also spend a few moments with their past versions before they disappeared.
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Timeline part 4

Sonic Mania-
A year after the events on Angel Island, a strange object appeared on said island, giving off a vast amount of energy. The signal is discovered by Sonic(11) and Tails(6), who decide to return to the island to find out what is going on. They were joined by Knuckles(12) as they reached the source, but Dr Robotnik(49) and a group of EggRobos discovered it first. It is a gemstone, none the likes of which they have ever seen, as its power transformed the robots into Hard Boil Heavies. The gemstone transported everyone close by into a void dimension, where it recreated zones from the hero's past adventures. The trio chases Robotnik through the recreations, battling and defeating the Heavies along the way. They cornered the doctor in the final zone, and Sonic battled the last heavy in possession of the stone, successfully defeating the robot. But it wasn't destroyed as both Sonic and the stone disappeared into a portal.

Sonic Forces-
Sonic and the stone drop from the portal and into the current timeline. He is captured by Dr Robotnik(54) and takes the mysterious stone, which he dubs the Phantom Ruby. Weeks go by as a number of Mobians go missing. On behalf of Rouge(18), Shadow(51) investigates Robotnik's base. He infiltrates the compound, finding the missing mobians and helping them escape from their cells. He also found the younger Sonic, but was unable to free him as he was ambushed by the Doctor and a mysterious jackal with a ruby in his chest. After a brief battle, he flees the base, only to be chased by Metal Sonic, which he defeats. The Jackal caught up and trapped the hedgehog in an augmented limbo and captured him.

Days later on South Island, Sonic(16) and Tails(10) are on the outskirts of the newly constructed Mobian Town of Sunset Heights. At a distance, they could see an approaching sky fleet and race to the town during the attack. Sonic faced Robotnik, but with Metal Sonic, a mind-controlled Shadow, and the Jackal named Infinite, he was overwhelmed and defeated. Tails tried to intervene, but failed as his best friend was taken away. The boy flees the city with the help of a mobian as they both escape with their lives.

Two months have passed, and the Robotnik Empire and the United Federation are in a full-scale war for the planet. GUN rescued as many citizens as possible, at the same time forming an underground resistance called the Freedom Fighters. Tails, Knuckles (17), Amy (13), The Chaotix, Mighty (17), and Ray (13), as well as the Mobian who assisted the fox, are members of the resistance. Their mission is to infiltrate one of his bases for Intel and rescue Classic Sonic from hibernation. They set him free, taking him back to base where he explains the situation. Their first order of business is to free Shadow from Robotnik's control, as Classic Sonic is willing to help.

They eventually find Shadow and free him from the device, and he spills information. The Phantom Ruby has the power to manipulate Augmented Reality, and Robotnik has been making prototypes. The most successful one is the one Infinite possesses. The real Ruby is in Robotropolis, the heart of the empire, but first, they will have to disable the shield generator. He has no idea of the whereabouts of Sonic, but is sure that he is still captive and very much alive. A small team went to where the generator is located, but they were slowed by the arrival of Metal Sonic. It was defeated, and the facility exploded, leaving Robotropolis exposed to an all out attack.

The attack on the city is underway, but is hindered thanks to Infinite's manipulation of reality. The Freedom Fighters made it to Robotnik, but also Sonic, mind controlled by the same device Shadow was under. Meanwhile, Infinite separates the Mobian from the rest of the group as they work to free Sonic. Robotnik flees from the city, earning a major victory as the heart of the empire is taken, but there is a fortress beyond the city. Sonic is free, just in time for the final assault on the fortress.

The doctor lured them into a trap with his robotic forces, revealing his giant mech at the center, powered by the real Phantom Ruby. Infinite gets in the way of Sonic's progress towards the signal tower where the mech is located, but is defeated once and for all as the Jackal disappears after the prototype overloads. Sonic and the group battle the robot until it reveals a hidden mech inside, which is the true robot that would threaten to destroy them all, taking Sonic, his younger self, and the other Mobian into the void. They had the Chaos Emeralds emeralds with them, turning the hero into Super and defeating the robot, and everyone returned to the real world. The Phantom Ruby is given to Classic Sonic as the power of the emeralds returns him to his rightful place.

Sonic Mania Plus-
Sonic returns to his original timeline, right at the base of Never Lake, where Little Planet is above. The entire planet is encased inside of a death egg shell. Tails met up with him, explaining what had happened after the two months he had been gone. Robotnik once again holds the planet captive, and has kidnapped a few animals and even a few mobians on the planet. The duo enters the planet, but the ruby is stolen by the revived leader of the Hard Boiled Heavies. Travelling along, they have freed a captive Knuckles, Mighty(12), Ray(9) and Amy(9) as they work together to collect the 7 Time Stones as they travel through new zones created by the ruby and entered into the Titanic Monarch where Robotnik is waiting. Despite the doctor's defeat, the Heavy betrays it's creator and takes the ruby for itself as it transforms into the Phantom King. Both Robotnik and the king fought for supremacy, pulling Sonic back into the same void from last time. However, the time stones brought the 7 Chaos Emeralds for the hero to use, transforming into Super Sonic as he fought both of them. After the battle, they return to the real world while the power of the time stones traps the Phantom Ruby in the void, and Little Planet is free from the Death Egg shell.

Sonic Frontiers/Final Horizon
Dr Robotnik arrives on the Starfall Isles with his tech to discover and harness its secrets. He integrates his AI program to activates the mysterious tech, but accidentally sent his physical form into a dimension known as Cyberspace.

On Angel Island, Knuckles the Echidna found a strange monolith in the Sky Sanctuary, and it transported him to Starfall island where he is soon trapped in Cyberspace as well.

The Chaos Emeralds were gathered to the islands, which caught the attention of Sonic the Hedgehog and Tails and decided to follow the relics and are accompanied by Amy Rose. The Tornado was caught in the vortex, sending the trio into Cyberspace. Sonic is separated from his friends, and lands in a recreation of Green Hill before a voice speaks to him. It is an AI program named Thyme that is remnant of an ancient civilization that once inhabited the isles. It offers Sonic release from Cyberspace and helped him do so.

Kronos Islands

Sonic returns into the real world, and at the same time, Robotnik's AI comes in to warn the hedgehog from advancing and tells him to leave, which he ignores. Thyme guides him on finding his friends that are trapped in prisons, and soon he finds Amy first. In order to free her, he must collect her memory tokens that are made manifest. He does so and frees her, however, her body is trapped in a limbo state between the real world and Cyberspace. In order to free her and the others, he is to tear down the barrier between the realms by defeating the three Titans. Robotnik's AI returns, this time with one of the titans to deter Sonic from advancing. He couldn't damage it, and the AI reveals herself as Sage then leaves. Thyme explains that he needs the Chaos Emeralds to stand a chance against the Titans, as they are locked in vaults around the island, needing a number of keys to open them. How he finds them is up to him as he has a variety of options presented to him.

During his exploration, Amy discovers tiny creatures called Koko and asks Sonic to help them with some tasks. Suddenly, they are shown memories of the past when the island was inhabited by a race that looks similar to Chaos as their body looks to be made of water. After collecting six of the emeralds, a new pathway to the titan opens to him, as the titan Giganto has the emerald with it. Sonic transforms into Super Sonic and battles Giganto and wins against the titan. With the first seal broken, Thyme directs him to the next island.

Ares Island

Sage activated the island's anti air defense canons as Sonic approaches; it knocks him out of the sky and the chaos emeralds are sealed in vaults around the island. Knuckles is here imprisoned, but by collecting his memory tokens, he is freed. Sage reappears with a new titan, admitting that she cannot fully control it, but can turn it against him as it attacks the hedgehog briefly before he evaded it. Thyme helps him to shield himself from the titan for now but urges him to continue to seek the emeralds.

Knuckles is trying to help some Kokos and enlist Sonic's assistance, but are once again exposed to flashbacks of the ancient race being attacked by a mysterious enemy before it ends. After collecting the gems, he moves further into the island to meet with the titan Wyvern as it floats near a tower that he has to traverse. The last emerald is on the machine, and after trial and error, he reached it and once again transformed into Super Sonic to do battle. He defeats the Wyvern, and says bye to Knuckles, but notices that something is wrong with him.

Chaos Island

After returning to his base form, Thyme informs him that he has cyber corruption. With each titan's defeat, their corrupted essence will weaken him, but with determination, he ignores it as it slowly but surely consumes him. He frees Tails from his imprisonment and gets him up to speed. The boy promised that he would help him find the emeralds but doesn't know about the hedgehog's corruption. Sage returns with the final titan to deter him once again, but he escapes for now and the hunt continues. They peered into the past once again but saw a glimpse of what seems to be another titan before it ended.

Sonic once again collects the emeralds, going to fight the titan Knight even though he would face more corruption, but Thyme encourages him to continue on while Sage is impressed with his determination. He defeats the titan, and with the titans destroyed, it directs him to the next island.

Rhea Island

Sonic is feeling the full effects of the corruption, but Thyme gives him one last task. He is to enter into Cyberspace to truly break the seal. Sage once again tries to stop him as best as she could, but despite this, he avoids the obstacles and manages to break the barrier, which releases the others, including Robotnik from Cyberspace, but Sonic becomes fully corrupted and is put in full body paralysis. Thyme reveals its true nature as malicious, and Sage quickly transported everyone out of there.

Ouranos Island

Without any other choice, everyone decided to work together to restore Sonic from his corruption by searching for his memory tokens and the chaos emeralds. During this process, a full picture is revealed to them thanks to the spilling memories. Long ago, Thyme served it's creators, as it was their protector when they traveled from space after their home planet was destroyed and came to Earth. They created Cyberspace to hold memories and information of their home world, their hopes, and dreams. Their enemy followed them here, and Thyme used the power of the titans to defend the planet, and was successful in destroying the enemy, but Thyme was corrupted by it's evil influence and turned against it's creators. The remaining titans sealed the AI away, and were made to hold it at bay.

After Sonic was restored, Sage offers a solution to defeat Thyme. He can harness the cyber corruption into a new form of power, but needs the chaos emeralds and must complete four trials in order to gather the energy to master it. Amy, Tails, Knuckles, and Robotnik volunteer to look for the Emeralds while Sonic ascends the four towers. On top is each tower is a Koko that contains the memory and souls of the four warriors whom control the titans. Each one gave the hedgehog a test to see if he was worthy. After completing the tests, there was a surprise fifth tower, where contains the Koko of the Master of the Alien race. He informs Sonic that if he where to complete the test, he would have the power to master a new form of power, but it comes at a cost. If he pushed the form to the absolute limit, it would burn out and become lost forever. Regardless, Sonic agreed and conquered the test, making the cyber corruption his.

Thyme appeared, heralding the coming of the titan under it's control, the Supreme. However, the Ai's original programing took control, but only for a brief moment. She begs for Sonic to use all of his might to destroy the titan, even at the cost of her life because once the entity takes full control, she will be lost forever. With that, the entity returns and teleports away.

Sonic rejoins with the others as they give him the emeralds, and he transforms into Super Sonic once again to face the fourth titan Supreme. He defeats the titan, but then Thyme joins with it, corrupting the ancient machine into the Supreme End. The hedgehog used this opportunity to activate the new power he gained into Cyber Super Sonic. As they do battle, the titan becomes weak enough for Sage to enter into the mech in search of Thyme. She drives the AI out of the mech and takes control, but outside, it has taken the form of the corrupted Titan and flees to space. Sonic and Sage follows it and continues the fight.

The Supreme End powers up for one final attack, and the hedgehog takes this chance to use all of his cyber energy to the max by using the mech's gun to fire himself straight into the Supreme End. It works as he barrels through the creature and reverts back into his super form, but is too weak to move. Sage then sacrifice herself to return the hedgehog back to the Starfall island as she uses herself as a shield to protect him from the blast as she and the Supreme End are destroyed.

Sonic returns to the island and reunites with his friends, repairing the tornado before leaving the Starfall islands.

Meanwhile, Robotnik discovered something on his network, a new program born from the combined data of Sage and Thyme, which he names Basil.
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Parallel Earth Timeline

2006 CR
Station Square is destroyed by Perfect Chaos, leaving its citizens lost or injured. Vidette the Chameleon(16) is rescued by Sonic the Hedgehog(15) and brought to safety. GUN comes in to conduct a rescue effort, and Sonic helps with said effort. Even when the water recedes back into the ocean, the entire city is in ruins and it would take a long time to rebuild it. The man responsible, Dr Ivo Robotnik(51) fled from the scene to parts unknown, hiding himself for now. Sonic has been searching for him with near obsession for months. Vidette is a frequent visitor to the gang, becoming part of their circle. She advocates Sonic's search for Robotnik so he can be brought to justice for his crimes. They have finally succeeded, as Robonik has the Chaos Emeralds for his next plan, so Sonic, Tails(9), Vidette, and Amy(12) found his base. The emeralds are held in a machine, a weapon to dominate the world. Sonic's group did battle, but it caused the weapon to malfunction as the Emeralds started to merge and caused an explosion.
Everyone survived the initial explosion, and Chaos Emeralds are amalgamated into a single new gem, which the hedgehog picks up and is granted its power. Sonic finds Robotnik trapped in rubble, but in a bid to defend himself made one last attempt on the hedgehog, only for Amy to take the hit and fell into unconsciousness. In anger and without inhibition, he finished off Robotnik once and for all.

This new object is called the Anarchy Beryl, and Sonic has kept it by his side ever since. After Robotnik's demise, Amy is in a coma, and Tails found a machine in his base that could see into other parallel worlds and locked onto one where the doctor was still alive. Meanwhile, Knuckles(16) becomes concerned with this new gemstone, noticing Sonic possessiveness of it. He has held onto it for a long time, letting the energy seep into him, gaining its power. Because of the machine watching the parallel world, they have avoided certain events, such as not releasing Shadow the Hedgehog from his prison, preventing the Black Arm Invasion, and stopping Metal Sonic after inheriting the Egg Fleet.

2007 CR
After a year of observation, Tails(10) modified the machine to let them travel through worlds. Sonic(16), after witnessing the terrible atrocities that Robotnik committed, decides to bring peace to that world by killing him. Vidette(17) opposed to this, knowing that the Anarchy Beryl is corrupting the Hedgehog, and most of the group agrees. Knuckles(17) is one of them, as the corrupt nature of the Beryl would do more harm than good, but their pleas fall on deaf ears. The chameleon, echidna, Amy(13), and the Chaotix formed a plan to separate the Beryl and the power of the Master Emerald would either destroy or seal it away. The plan was underway, and it was successful, but the Master Emerald was shattered by Sonic, and captured the 'traitors'. However, by accident, the beryl was absorbed into Vidette's body. She escapes from confinement, and the Chaotix encourage her to escape, but suggest that they destroy the machine. Sonic, Tails, and Mighty(17) were intercepted, and the chameleon accidentally fell into the portal while the Chaotix held them off as the portal closed.
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Robotnik Lineage
A prestigious scientific family who contributing to society's improvement through their genius, even when they have a few bad eggs that would use their gifts for evil.

Roosevelt Robotnik- The first known in his family to gain significant standing in the Science World, the Foundation of his family line for generations to come.

Baldry Robotnik (1864-1927)- A scientific genius in the field of robotics who worked for the United Federation, and creator of the Gizoids. He married Edith Breeze and fathered one offspring. He dies of natural causes.

Gerald Robotnik (1896-1957)- A famous bioengineer and medical scientist of his time, he was hired to create the Ultimate lifeform on the Space Colony ARK. He married Regina Snivillus and sired three children, and has four grandchildren, one of which he takes care of after the death of her parents. He is executed one year after the GUN raid on the Ark and arrested.

Ignovis Robotnik (1920-1956)- The first born child of Gerald. An Engineer that worked and lived on the Space Colony Ark. He married Margarita Glass, and sired one daughter. He died during the 1st Black Arm Invasion.

Helena Diordna nee Robotnik (1923-1992)- The middle child and only daughter of Gerald. A botanist that worked hard to improve the planet through flora. She married Robert Diordna and had birthed twin children, and has two grandchildren. She dies of natural causes.

Bristow Robotnik (1924-1980)- The third child of Gerald. A robotic scientist that sought new and improve energy cores for robots and machines. He marries Petunia Egon and sired one offspring. He died in an experimental accident.

Maria Robotnik (1940-1956)- The first daughter of Ignovis. She was diagnosed with a terminal illness, in which she transferred to the ark to find a cure for it. She died during the GUN raid aboard the ark.

Shirly Arland nee Diordna/Robotnik (1955, 52)- The second daughter of Ignovis. She was born on the ark, but was adopted by her Godparents, Helena and Robert and was raised on Earth afterwards. She is married to Jace Arland and has a daughter, and has a granddaughter and a adopted grandson.

Ivo Robotnik AKA Eggman (1953, 54)- The only child of Bristow. A brilliant, but mad scientist of Robotic Engineering. He is obsessed with building his own empire, aspires for world conquest, and ridding of his arch nemesis, Sonic the Hedgehog. He is currently the only male with his family's name, no partner, and no offspring.

Diordna Line
In-laws and branch lineage of the Robotnik family through the marriage of Helena Robotnik and Robert Diordna.
Issac Diordna (1954, 53)- The only son of Helena. He is a retired machine engineer, spending his twilight years in peace. He is married to Ann Silverite, and sired two children.

Mare Knight nee Diordna (1954, 53)- The only daughter of Helena. She is the CEO of Knightmoon, an pharmaceutical company. She is widowed and has no offspring.

Apollo Diordna (1979, 27)- The first son of Issac, he is a nano-technologist for a eco-company.

Helios Diordna (1982, 25)- The second son of Issac, a Pharmacist working for his aunt's company.

Marcello Line
In-laws and branch lineage of the Robotnik family through the marriage of Monique Arland and Joshua Marcello.

Monique Marcello nee Arland (1977, 30) The only child of Shirly and Jace, she is an horticulturalist. She is married to Joshua and has two children.

Isabella Marcello (2003, 4) The daughter of Joshua and Monique.

Harazel Marcello (2004, 3) The adopted son of Joshua and Monique, a mobian lion.


Edith Robotnik nee Breeze (1865-1944) Baldry's only wife, and the mother of Gerald. Died of natural causes.
Regina Robotnik nee Snivillus (1895-1924) Gerald's only wife and the mother of ignovis, Helena, and Bristow. Died from childbirth complications.
Margarita Robotnik nee Glass (1920-1956)Ignovis's only wife and mother of Maria. Died during the 1st Black Arms invasion.
Robert Diornda (1923-1990)Helena's only husband and the father of Issac and Mare. Died of natural causes.
Petunia Robotnik nee Egon (1922-2000) Bristow's only wife and mother of Ivo. Died of natural causes.
Terrance Knight (1945-2006) Mare's only husband, and former CEO of Knightmoon. Died during the Perfect Chaos attack in Station Square.
Ann Diordna nee Silverite (19451, 56) Issac's only wife and mother of Helios and Apollo.
Jace Arland (1955, 52) Shirly's only husband and the father of Monique and grandfather. He is currently an executive at a technology company.

Joshua Marcello (1977, 30) The only husband of Monique and father of two children, works as an astrologist.
Flora Evengreen (1980, 26) Apollo's Fiancé.

Other Relatives

Arthur Knight (1989, 18)The only child of Terrence Knight from his previous marriage, and Mare's stepson.
Albertus Silverite (1949, 58) Ann's elder brother, Captain of GUN's ocean fleet.
Ephraim Silverite (1976, 31) Albertus' only child, Owner of Twinkle Park near a large city.
Myrine Silverite nee Flammel (1975, 30) Ephraim's wife, vice president of Twinkle Park.
Honey Silverite (2000, 7) A mobian cat girl who is the adopted daughter of Ephraim and Myrine.
Poppy Egon (1922, 85) Ivo's elderly aunt, and Petunia's twin sister.
Laurel Linette nee Egon (1945, 62) Poppy's only child, born through genetic cloning.
Roland Linette (1944, 61) Laurel's husband, retired geneticist.
Rosen Linette (1971, 36) Laurel and Roland only child, a medical doctor.
Wanda Linette (1971, 36) Wife of Rosen, a mobian Dove.
Mage Linnette (1996, 11) Rosen and Blaire's only child. He is a mobian, a dove like his mother born through IVF.
Miriam Stratus nee Snivillus (1897-1975) Regina's younger sister and wife of Colin.
Colin Stratus (1898-1973) The husband of Miriam, Astrologer and Xenologist.
Hope Stratus (1925-1997) The only daughter of Miriam and Colin.
Ike Stratus nee Pavlov (1925-2002)Hope's Husband.
Colin Jr Stratus (1926-1996) The only son of Miriam and Colin Sr.
Benedicta Stratus nee Hopkins(1928-1999) The wife of Colin Jr.
Colin III Stratus (1943, 64) The only child of Colin III and Benedicta.

Qingyu Stratus nee Wei (1942, 63) The wife of Colin III.
Bertrand Stratus (1946, 67) The only child o Hope and Ike.
Melanie Altohigh nee Stratus (1944, 65) The wife of Bertrand.
Diondre Altohigh (1944, 65) The twin brother of Melanie.
Winnie Altohigh, nee Burgess (1943-2003) The wife of Diondre.
Jonathan Stratus (1966, 41) The son of Colin III and Qingy.
Veronica Straus nee Rayne (1966-1993) The wife of Jonathan.
Colin IIII Stratus (1966, 41) The second son of Colin III.
Ellie Stratus nee Henderson (1967, 42) The wife of Colin IIII.
Yingluo Skymender nee Stratus (1966, 41) The only daughter of Colin III and Qingyu.
Shelden Skymender (1967-2006) The husband of Yingluo.
Cirro Altohigh (1969, 38) The only child of Diondre and Winnie.
Meredith-Agnes Altohigh nee Bakefresh (1972, 36)The wife of Cirro.
Colin V Stratus (1988, 19) The only son of Colin IIII and Ellie.
Alyssa Stratus (1992, 15) The only daughter of Colin IIII and Ellie.
Strider Stratus (1994, 13) The only child of Jonathan and Veronica.
Yun Skymender (1990, 17) Adopted son of Shelden and Yngluo, a mobian pheasant.
Sirrus Altohigh (1995, 14) The only child of Cirro and Meredith-Agnes.

Robotnik Family Tree
Index- Deceased members(Faded text) Living(Bold) Adopted (Faded lines)

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Deity Index
Light and Dark Gaia, Gods of Annihilation and Rebirth
Two deities creating during the Birth of the planet, placed in the center of Earth. They are fated in eternal conflict in a cycle of destruction and rebirth, until the end of time.

Chaos, God of Destruction
A creature constructed from energy and water, it is said that it was created from a Chao whom is exposed to a large amounts of Chaos Energy. It becomes stronger with each Chaos Emerald it absorbs, and having all 7 transforms it into a perfect deity that has tremendous power. Depending on whether it absorbs the positive or negative energy from the emeralds, it can either be a form of a savor or destructor. Chaos is also the patron deity of the Chao, also their guardian.

Mene, Silver Essence of the Moon
A deity created from the power of a Moonstone th at landed on Earth thousands of years ago, said stone is worshiped by the people who discovered it. Mene sleeps within the stone, awakening once every ten years to collect Moon Pearls, condensed forms of moonbeams to give the world its blessings before returning to the Moonstone to sleep.

Aurora, Crystal Essence of the Dawn
Not much is known about this deity since there is little information in the present day. All is know is that this deity was worshiped by the Killari Echidna tribe before their destruction. It represents the glory of the new dawn.

Iblis, The Eternal Flame
There is nothing much about this deity, murals depicts a god of eternal fire that came from the sun, it doesn't say if it is benevolent or the opposite. All that is known is that it is the God of fire, the symbol of strength.
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World Powers

United Federation:
A republic government that occupies the majority of the continent of Atlanda and other nations. Its seat of power is located in Central City, where it is run by a president every 5 years.

Eudorian Kingdom Alliance:
An alliance of Eudorian monarchy nations, regardless if it’s human or mobian.

Vermillion Union:
An aristocracy in Ashia, made up of five noble houses that rule the union.

Robotnik/Eggman Empire:
A dictatorship that is ruled by Dr Robotnik who seeks to claim world domination under his regime. It has fallen on numerous occasions, only having very few successes.

Guardian Unit of Nations(G.U.N)- A military and law enforcement organization that serves the United Federation. It is operated under a Commander who is the leader of the entire organization.

Sword Force- The main military for the kingdom alliance. It is commanded by three superiors that run the entire military.

Pentagon Noble Military- The union military of the five nations that make up Ashia, under the command of five military leaders of their countries.

Continents and their Countries

United Lands of Atlanda
South Freeland
The Tropical Triangle
The Freedom Islands


Merdia Uru


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Item Index

Rings: Magical rings made of a mysterious metal similar to gold. Within these rings are unique energy that energizes living things and machines, also used to sustain super forms. No one knows of where these objects come from, but they can be found all over the world, at any place.

Warp Rings: Giant rings that are gateways into special zones that offer great rewards. To access these portals, an offering of 50 rings are need to enter.

Chaos Drives: Capsule machines that contains crystallized chaos shards within, mostly used as energy cores for machines, but can be used for living things. They are mainly produced by GUN for their various robots.

Crystalized Chaos: Crystals that are made of pure chaos energy, can be formed naturally or artificiallay.

Moon Pearls: Condensed moonlight in the form of pearls, these precious objects takes ten years to form and are collected by Mene.

Relic Index
Master Emerald:
A massive green emerald with extrordenary power within and a wellspring of unlimited chaos energy. It is the master of the 7 chaos emeralds, able to nullify and control the other emerald's powers, as well as empower them. No one knows where it came from, but is considered the most powerful relic on the planet.

7 Chaos Emeralds(Super Emeralds): Seven colorful emeralds that are tied to the Master Emerald. These gems contain extraordinary properties and abilities from it's near-limitless energy. When all seven are combined, they induce a super transformation to the user and control unimaginable power. When empowered by the Master Emerald, they grow into super emeralds. With this, they transform the user into hyper form.

6 Power Rings: 6 unique rings created by an ancient civilization from an untold number of rings. These rings were used as power sources to help the ancient city thrive, but were lost to time as the ancient sank into the ocean.

Dark Rings: Synthesized rings created by Dr Robotnik. Born from the power of the 6 rings, they also act as power sources, but specifically made for Robotnik's robots to make them stronger. They can combine into one giant ring, and can be used for a power source.

7 Time Stones: Seven gemstones that has the power to control time, they are only found on the mysterious Little Big Planet.

7 Sol Emeralds: Emeralds that are the inter-dimensional counterpart of the Chaos Emeralds, only found in the Sol Dimension on it's version of Earth. Like the emeralds of Sonic's world, they hold vast amounts of power and abilities.

Crystal Aurora: A legendary crystal said to have been born of mystical aura. Nothing else is known of it since it had disappeared in ancient times.

Great Moonstone: A great piece of the moon that landed on earth years ago, containing the lunar deity, Mene.

Phantom Ruby: An interdimensional ruby that lives in between dimensions, randomly choosing one of many to appear before returning to the void. It hold vast amount of power that rivals even the Master Emerald, and is able to empower robots and living beings. It's main power is augmenting reality, creating, shape, and manipulate reality and also wrap space-time to create pocket dimensions such as the Null Void.

Phantom Ruby Prototypes: Synthetic copies of the Phantom Ruby created by Dr. Robotnik. They possess the same power as the original, but have more restrictions. All prototypes were destroyed during the Robotnik World War.

The Eye: A crystal like yellow orb, said to have been the eye of a great fire demon. The crystal eye is trapped forever in the Realm of Flames.

Anarchy Beryl: An amalgamation of the 7 Chaos Emeralds forced into one gemstone during an accident involving a great battle with Dr Robotnik. It still maintains it's properties and chaos abilities, but it has a symbiotic but corrupting influence on those who touch it, showing some sentience as well.

Dawn Key: A circular rune made of stone with inscriptions on the disk. The translation describes it being a key into another plane of existence where rays of the Aurora reigns supreme.
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Lifeform Index

Human(Homo Sapians)
The most abundant sapient race on Earth, is very widespread, and bipedal with a complex brain. They are an advanced species, able to adapt to almost any environment and are diverse. They can coexist with other creatures like Mobians and Chao.

Mobian(Magnae Creatura)
An abundant race of anthropomorphic animals that live on Earth alongside humans, are capable of speech, and have a wide range of traits, species, and colors. Like humans, they are able to adapt to their environments, are advanced, and are sociable. However, Mobians have outstanding qualities that range from physical to magical abilities, such as super strength, flight, and super speed.

Small, magical creatures that are native to Earth. They are described as genderless creatures, having gelatinous bodies with no fingers or toes, round bodies and limbs, small wings, short tails, and floating dots on top of their heads. The Chao are oviparous, born from eggs and possessing baby-like tendencies. Within a year, they become adults and are able to reproduce. They have a life span of 10–15 years and will die, but they can reincarnate and begin a new life from a special Chao Cocoon. Reaching adulthood, they have a natural capability of flight, but they can gain other abilities by absorbing animals and crystal chaos to learn various things such as speed, strength, swimming, etc.

They have three aliment evolutions: Neutral, Hero, or Dark Chao. Depending on their fruit diet, treatment from their owners, and the animal they absorb, they become either of these aliments.

However, there is a special evolution called Chaos Evolution when a Chao is exposed to vast amounts of chaos energy overtime. They can still evolve depending on their alignment, but when the right conditions are met, they will evolve into deities known as Chaos. This final evolution is very rare, but very powerful and immortal.

Non-human lifeforms that are found all over the world. They make up a portion of the fauna of the world, and unlike Mobians, they are not anthropomorphic.

A subspecies of miniature non anthropomorphic animals that is able to show intelligence. Besides their intelligence and small size, they have very cute features such as big eyes and round bodies. Unlike mobians, they are still considered as animals, living in their wild habitats.

Black Arms
A hostile alien race that comes from a techno-organic comet, a hive-mind race led by their leader, Black Doom, It is unknown where they came from, other than living in the Black Comet that orbits Earth once every 50 years. They are a genderless race. All of them have black and red pigmentation with yellow or red eyes. They are incapable of speech, but it is theorized that they are able to communicate with each other through telepathy. It is unknown how they reproduce, but they start life as leech-like larvae before reaching adulthood. As adults, they come in various shapes and sizes for the purpose of battle and conquest. They are capable of using their own strength, but also use weaponry and other advanced technology to aid them in battle.

Black Doom, a powerful Black Arm who commands the hive-mind, is their leader. He is the most intelligent, able to communicate in human speech, and has a sinister desire to conquer planets such as Earth for his race to thrive. He has an avatar called Doom’s Eye, a starfish-like entity that is a reconnaissance device that only he uses to see and communicate with others. He is able to transform into a large creature called Devil Doom as a last resort.

Shadow the Hedgehog is a by-product created by Gerald Robotnik using hedgehog, chaos energy, and Black Arms material from the first invasion for his Ultimate Lifeform project. He has high resistance to the hivemind telepathy, refusing the leader’s orders as he has free will.

After the second invasion, the entire race is presumably extinct.

Sapient Alien creatures that hails from Planet Wisp. They are small life forms made from Hyper-Go-On. They have a similar appearance to squids, with a head with three tentacles and a number of eyes ranging from 1-3. They also come in different colors and shapes depending on the breed. Despite being sapient, they are unable to communicate with other beings without a translator. There is a sub-breed called Nega-Wisp, which are normal wisps that have been drained of their energy and mutated as a result. They become dark purple with no eyes and a sinister looking mouth, regressed into chaotic beings and animalistic, but are not evil. They are able to return to their normal selves by receiving Hyper-Go-On.

The progenitor of all Wisp is the Mother Wisp, a jellyfish-like being that is the largest Wisp on the planet and has lived for thousands of years.

Wisps have the ability to turn Hyper-Go-On within them into Color Power, and depending on the breed, they have distinct power. They phase into other lifeforms to share their power for a short amount of time.
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Notable places


South Island: One of the many islands of the Freedom Archipelago, it is a mythical island that is home to mainly Mobians and Mobini. It is a lush, green island with ancient ruins and mountains, but also has sparsely distant cities. Legend has it that the island contains treasure and other valuables, which is why Dr Robotnik attacked the island and created his base in the mountains. This is the homestay of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Green Hill Zone
Marble Zone
Spring Yard Zone
Labyrinth Zone
Star Light Zone
Scrap Brain Zone
Azure Lake Zone

Westside Island: An island west of South Island, a part of the Freedom Archipelago. Like it's southern counterpart, it is a vast inhabitant of lush island with hills and forests, but also has industrial refineries, sparse towns and cities, and vast amounts of resources.
Emerald Hill Zone
Chemical Plant Zone
Aquatic Ruins Zone
Casino Night Zone
Hill Top Zone
Mystic Cave Zone
Oil Ocean Zone
Metropolis Zone

Angel Island:A mythical floating island using the power of the Master Emerald to hang in the sky. It is a moving landmass that has a set path near the Atlanda west coast and Freedom islands. It is dominated by nature, filled with jungles, ruins,caves, mountains, and remnants of the Awaq Clan that lived there.
Angel Island Zone.
Hydrocity Zone.
Marble Garden Zone.
Carnival Night Zone.
IceCap Zone.
Launch Base Zone
Mushroom Hill Zone
Sandopolis Zone
Lava Reef Zone
Hidden Palace Zone
Red Mountain
Sky Sanctuary Zone

Ring Pillar Island: A mysterious island that appeared on the sea, once belonging to an ancient civilization that worshiped and used rings. Dr. Robotnik used this island as a carnival attraction and laboratory. After Knuckles and the Chaotix stopped him, the park was abandoned for a time before Twinkle Amusements took over.
Isolated Island
Botanic Base
Speed Slider
Amazing Arena
Techno Tower
Marina Madness

Starfall Islands:
An uncharted archipelago of islands located somewhere in the Cifica Ocean. They are completely dominated by nature and various fauna with evidence of once being the home of a lost civilization of alien lifeforms. The only semblance of life on it are living charms called Koco who are the only remnants of the aliens.

Northstar Islands:
An archipelago in the Cifica Ocean that is most made of tropical jungles, also through mysterious means, has a temple levitating in the sky above and an island with snow and desert. It is said that the islands are blessed with a magical force that affects the lands differently, and also the Chaos Emeralds. The islands are home to the Sungazer lizards, along with giant sized mobini who act as guardians of the island for thousands of years.
Bridge Island
Green Lagoon Island
Sky Temple Island
Frosty Blanket Island


United Lands of Atlanda-
Station Square: A west coast metropolis famous for it's beautiful beach on the coast, host to the Twinkle Park attraction, and a large casino, considered to be a popular tourist attraction. The entire city was destroyed during the Perfect Chaos attack, but has been mostly restored.

Central City: The capital city of the United Lands, home of the White House and HQ of GUN.

Westopolis: A large city on the west coast, it was heavily damaged during the second invasion of the Black Arms.

Empire City: An east coast large metropolis, famous for its melting pot of cultures, high rise living, and landmarks.

Cherry Hill: A small town that is surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful flowers that bloom all around.

Grand Metropolis: A near futuristic city in the midlands, known to house various energy power plants to keep the city running.

Apotos: A quaint port town that has windmills all around and living near the wide oceans and beautiful architecture made of marble.

Spagonia: A large city, considered the art capital of the world.

Mazuri: A small village in the wide savannah.

Chun-nan: A quiet mountainous town that is famous for its meat bun, and is worshiping a mythical bird of prosperity.

Inal: An icehouse village of natives that lives in the cold north.

Adabat: A coastal village where the houses are on stilts above the water, and lives next to a tropical jungle and ruins.

South Island:
Sunset Heights: A newly constructed city home to the majority of the mobian population on the island. It was heavily damaged during the Robotnik World War, but is being rebuilt.

Azul Lake Village: A village constructed next to Azure Lake, famous for its mudbath resorts and a famous fishing spot.

Mulberry City: A small mountainous city that has a park dedicated to bouncy springs.

Star Light City: A small city that is considered the Pure City as it has a marvelous view of the stars at night.

Westside Island:
Sapphire Beach Town: A beach town near Emerald Hill, under construction to become a resort town.

Casino City: A sprawling casino city created by Robotnik during his takeover of the island, but after his abandonment of it, is taken over by the island's government.


The Moon: Earth's natural satellite. Parts of it were destroyed by the Eclipse Cannon.

Death Egg: Ronotnik's artificial space station which he created as his ultimate weapon. It was completely destroyed.

Little Planet: A magical planetoid that appears over NeverLake for a month before disappearing until next year. It is described as a beautiful world with its own plants, animals, and mythical properties. It is home of the 7 Timestones, which affect the past, present, and future of the planet.

Space Colony Ark: A habitable artificial space station created for the purpose of scientific and medical research, the very first and so far, only one of its kind. 50 years ago, it was equipped with the Eclipsed Cannon against the Black Comet after a planetwide invasion and also the birthplace of Shadow the Hedgehog and other creations. It was defunct after GUN raided the colony and hasn't been touched until recent events.

The Black Comet: A giant techno-organic object home to the Black Arm collective controlled by Black Doom. This object was present in the Solar System for at least 2000 years, orbiting Earth once every 50 years. It was destroyed by the Eclipse Cannon.

Robotnik's Interstellar Park: An amusement park and resort created by Robotnik for supposed atonement for his past transgressions. It is located beyond the planet's atmosphere connected by an interstellar elevator. Besides the central space station, it has several attractions in the form of planets, artificial stations and fleets. It was under construction before opening day but was destroyed thanks to the effort of Sonic and friends.

Planet Wisp: Home of the Wisps, forcefully chained by Robotnik to be used as one of his attractions. It is entirely dominated by nature, very lush and colorful. It was freed from Robotnik's control thanks to Sonic and friends.
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Mobian Society/Culture/Biology

Species: There are many different species of Mobians that hail from the animal kingdom, the majority are land mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Insects, arachnids, fish, and large land/sea mammals are the minority that exist.

Body Structure: All Mobians are anthropomorphic, meaning that they share several physical structures to humans that they are a bipedal, sapient race that are capable of speech. Males have masculine features, while females have feminine features that distinguish the two genders apart. Most species of Mobians are an average height of 3'5-4'0 for a fully grown adult, however, can exceed the usual height limits depending on certain genetic factors, but are usually no more taller than humans. They also come in various colors and styles.

Diet: All Mobians, regardless of species, are inherently omnivores. However, this does not mean that they are able to eat certain materials like their animal counterparts. They can adopt a vegetarian/vegan and other alternative lifestyles that they are able to sustain on.

Reproduction and Compatibility:
Mobians are compatible with each other regardless of species. Youth reaches reproductive maturity between 13-16 years of age, and usually ending around 17-18 for physical changes to the body. Females have a 9 month gestation period for their babies, and depending on the species, are able to lay eggs. Parents of the same race produce children who are similar to both, although that can have different colors and styles. Parents of different races have the opposite. Sons are the same as their fathers and daughters are the same as their mothers, although there are rare exceptions to this. There is a very rare genetic condition that the child takes both physical traits of their mother and father, basically being a hybrid.

Mobians are not reproductive compatible with humans or animals. It is impossible to have children with them, although there is a possibility with alien races.

The average lifespans of Mobians is between 80 to 100 years old, although it is possible for them to live longer than most.

Abilities: Mobians have various base physical and mythical abilities such as Super Speed and Fortune Telling. Not all Mobians have these powers, but those traits can be passed onto their children.

Mobians live in a peaceful society, less inclined in seeking warfare although they aren't immune to conflict. They have clashed with humans many times in the past, but most Mobian societies have peacefully co-exits with them, although there are some settlements and countries that are exclusive to their kind.

In modern times, integrated societies have both races living together and holding equal status in society, job opportunity, education, careers, politics, and religion. In most countries, Mobians and Humans are free to be in relationships with each other, but they mostly seek partners of their own kind.

Mobians have different cultures depending on the region they live in, but they share things that are similar. They call Earth 'Mobius', worshiping Chaos energy that started with the ancient echidnas, inheriting the preservation of nature, etc.
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Enemy Index
Dr Ivo Robotnik (Eggman): A brilliant, but mad genius that desires world domination, and is the main enemy of Sonic the Hedgehog. Over the years, he has been a menace in his quest of complete domination of the planet, using his genius for his own selfish gain by committing terrible acts such as kidnapping mobini to power his badnik robots, carelessly destroying environments, attacking settlements, etc.

Metal Sonic: Robotnik's robotic creation in the image of Sonic. It is a high performance badnik with the sole purpose of destroying the hedgehog.

Neo Metal Sonic/Metal Madness/Metal Overlord: An improved version of Metal Sonic. At some point, he betrayed his creator, keeping him captive and disguised himself as Robotnik to take over his great fleet. He copied the data of Sonic and his friends, also absorbing chaos energy. Afterwards, he revealed himself to the heroes and used his newfound powers to transform into Metal Madness. After sustaining damage, he grew large wings, becoming Metal Overlord. Despite this, he was defeated by Team Sonic after going super, and he lost his neo form afterwards.

Biolizard/Final Hazard: The prototype of the ultimate lifeform created by Gerald Robotnik. Because it was very flawed and uncontrollable, it was sealed within the Space Colony ARK. It has regenerative abilities and Chaos Powers, but its major flaw is that it has a large support system to keep it alive and has the mind of a wild beast. Before his arrest, Gerald placed the creature in the colony's core and put in a code. 50 years later when Ivo Robotnik placed the Chaos Emeralds in the Eclipse Cannon, it activated the program to send the ARK towards Earth. When Sonic and his allies reached the core, the Biolizard was released and was fought by Shadow. It used Chaos Control to teleport into space and fused with the canon, but was finally destroyed by Super Sonic and Super Shadow.

Black Doom: Leader of the Black Comet hive mind that once orbited the Earth. He is the master controller the Black Arms under his command, has high intelligence, and malicious cunning. He desired to turn Earth into a colony and it's lifeforms into livestock, so 50 years ago, he launched an invasion on the planet but failed. When the black comet returns, he once again invades, seeking the Chaos Emeralds, and also tries to assert his dominance on Shadow whom shares his species' DNA. After gathering the gems, he used their power to transfer the comet on the surface to corrupt the planet. He is able to transform into a gigantic creature called Devil Doom, but was destroyed by Super Shadow.

However, unknown to all, his consciousness was transferred to a Back Arms larva that was preserved on the Ark that was slowly but surely resurrecting his body, and intervention from the Time Eater accelerated his rebirth and thrived within the White Void where he forces Shadow to embrace his Black Arm DNA to take control of his mind and body. When that failed, as a last ditch effort, combined with the Time Eater to try to destroy him alone with Sonic and his past self, but was destroyed once and for all.

The Void Devil: A fusion of Black Doom and the Time Eater, creating a powerful being that threatens the fabric of time and space. This creature however, was defeated by the super forms of Sonic, his past self, and Shadow.

SCR-HD/Master Core ABIS: A security robot created by MeteoTech, and leader of the mass produced models as this particular bot is controlled by the Crimson Tower mother computer. An Ark of the Cosmos lands near the robot, rewriting its programming to seek the other ARKs. The Babylon Rogues and Team Sonic tried to stop them, but the robot manages to collect the arks and flies to the Babylon Garden, where it transforms into the Master Core ABIS. It uses it's gravity manipulation to attack the rogues and Team Sonic, but after dealing enough damage, it was consumed in a black hole.

Dr Ovi Kintobor (Scramble): A human from the Sol Dimension, he is considered to be Ivo Robotnik's counterpart from that world as he is also a scientific genius and aspiring world conqueror. After stealing the Sol Gems, he unexpectedly travels to the Chaos Dimension where Sonic lives, and greedily tries to take the Chaos Emeralds for himself. However, he was defeated by Sonic and Blaze the Cat, returning to his dimension to face justice.

Ifrit, The Violent Flame: A creature made of flame that is sealed in a castle that leads into a nightmarish fiery realm. It's doors were opened after an attempt to summon it into the real world, but was stopped by Sonic, Shadow, and Silver the Hedgehog, sealing the entity forever.

The Black Dragon: A black dragon made of evil energy. It landed on Earth hundreds of years ago on the Northstar Islands and threaten to cover the planet in darkness, but was sealed away by Sungazer warriors into a black onyx. The creature was released years later, but was stopped by Sonic and Trip, resealing the dragon back into the black onyx.

Dark Gaia: A primordial entity that was created at the formation of Earth along with it's other half Light Gaia. It is the manifestation of the night and destruction, as it is duty bound to maintain the cycle of destruction and rebirth. Robotnik woke the entity prematurely for his selfish gain, causing the planet to split into several pieces and spread it's corrupting influence. It was stopped by Sonic with the help of Light Gaia, putting it back to sleep in the core.

Time Eater: A primordial cosmic being that has power over time and space. It was discovered by Robotnik and used the creature to trap the past and present version of Sonic to erase him from existence.

Infinite: A mobian jackal who worked as a professional mercenary. He was hired by Robotnik to become a test subject to become a host of a prototype Phantom Ruby. It was a success as he has the power to control augmented reality. He willingly helps the doctor on his world conquest, battling the resistance against them. He was defeated by Sonic in the end, his whereabouts are unknown.

The End/Supreme End: A mysterious and malicious entity that wandered the universe destroying planets with sentient life. It's latest target was the home of Chaos-like beings that fled the destruction of their world, but followed them all the way to Earth. It was sealed inside of Cyberspace, but corrupted it's A.I and controlled it's body. Years later, it guides Sonic into breaking the barrier by defeating the three Titans. After it's release, it tried to resume it's mission of destroying the Earth, but was ultimately annihilated by a cyberized Sonic once and for all.
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Gerald Robotnik's Diary

June 3, 1939

Regina...I do not know if you could see this, but our boy Bristow has graduated from university, all of our children has done so with honors, and I have never been so proud. I am sure that you must feel the same way. If only you were here to celebrate with us, you deserve this so much, especially being there to witness Ignovis' wedding. It was so beautiful to behold, I was bawling like a child. My beloved, I hope that I will see you again, but I still have so much to do on Earth, i'll stay as long as I can before our reunion.

August 11, 1939

I have heard the most wonderful news! My Daughter in law is pregnant! This would be my first grandchild! I am hopping for joy, I cannot wait for this little one to be born! I'll try not to go overboard, i'm just so excited.

April 7, 1940

My little Maria, she is as precious as I imagined her to be. From the looks of it, she has Regina's eyes and hair. I honestly cannot believe I am now a grandfather, it gives me a swell of pride and joy just like when my own children were brought into the world. I can tell that she will have a bright future ahead of her, and I hope I would live long to see it!

October 17, 1943

What a bubbly little girl Maria is, a toddler and she has the energy of a star. I can tell that she is very strong, cleaver, and also very sweet. I wish she would come around more often, but Ignovis is working in Spagnolia for the time being. That's fine, as long as I see them every once in a while.

January 9, 1947

I never thought that this would happen, this doesn't seem real. The doctor gave a diagnosis, Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a very rare immunodeficiency disorder, and because it is so rare, there is no cure for it. Children who develop this condition do not make it past their 20th birthday. Oh My poor Maria, she was given such a cruel fate....this isn't fair, she is only three years old, why did have to happen? (Writing beyond this point is unintelligible)

January 20

After discussing on what to do, Ignovis agreed to transfer his family aboard the Ark for Maria's sake as it is too dangerous for her to remain on Earth. The Ark is not only sterile, but the low gravity environment will put her illness into remission, but there will be some days where it will flare up. However, it is necessary step to ensure her healthy and well being...and I have made it my solemn duty to find a cure. I am a bio-engineer, but also a medical scientist. As long as I draw breath, I will find a cure! It is my vow to make sure that Maria or anyone else will never suffer from this terrible condition ever again.

May 14th, 1950

The Mystic Ruins is a fascinating place. I'm not one for archaeology, but Carl thinks that this bonding time between friends is just what we needed. In my opinion, I think it is working. A few hours ago, we traversed the dense jungle and made our way into an ancient temple belonging to the long lost echidna tribe that inhabited this land before their annihilation. In the temple, we found some murals depicting the God of Destruction. However, there is one that caught my interest. A mural where the God is apparently battling a golden figure. I am unsure if this is a prophecy or something that happened long ago, even Carl is baffled at it's meaning, but this golden being seems to be a hedgehog and not an echidna. Well, after collecting the data, we retreated back to camp and we have been talking for hours on what we found. I am glad that I came even though I was skeptical at first. In the morning, we'll return to the city to have a proper breakfast.

August 6th, 1954

Joyous news! Helena has just given birth three days ago to twins, a healthy boy and girl. I wish to see them as soon as possible, but work has me busy as of now. Maria is happy with having two new little cousins to gush over, and along with Ivo, I now have four precious grandchildren...but it will soon turn into five, Margarita is pregnant, Maria will soon be a big sister, she is very excited about that, and so am I.

December 23rd, 1955

Today's Blue Soul Giving has been a success, all of my family managed to come to ARK to celebrate and give presents. It is a shame that we don't do this more often, but we have made plans to meet again for the sightseeing of the Black Comet. It passes by Earth once every 50 years, so this may be our one chance to see it as a family, I cannot wait!

January 24th, 1956

It has been a long while since i've written my feelings in this diary, and for good reason. Earth was under attack by an alien race that came from the Black Comet, and it caught us completely by surprise. We fought back and managed to hold off the invaders long enough for them to retreat as the comet exited Earth's orbit. The devastation was wide, even the ARK wasn't safe. I lost my son and daughter-in-law, leaving poor Maria and Shirly without their parents. However, the rest of my kin are safe and my heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones in the invasion, but there is no time to grieve.

I have been tasked by the United Federation to undergo a secret project, to bioengineer a living weapon that would help them battle the aliens when they return. It won't be easy, but I will do my best. They gave me a year to do this, so I must get started with a prototype.

January 27th

Already the project has reached it's conclusion and the creature has been born hours ago. Its small for now, but will soon grow thanks to the chaos energy within it's system. Its still too early to know what it is capable of, but we shall see soon enough.

February 2nd, 1956

The prototype has grown much more quickly than anticipated, but we have already detected major flaws in it's design. It's body is huge, unable to harness chaos energy by itself to keep it stabilized, so we created a device to help keep it together. Another problem is it's intelligence…or rather lack thereof as It is akin to a primal beast, it will not listen to reason. I doubt this creature would be of any use in the foreseeable future, but then again, that is why it is called a prototype.

February 4th

The prototype was scrapped finally, it was too unstable to be useful, too wild to be controlled. We placed it in storage until we can find some way to destroy it, but right now it's back to the drawing board after learning from our mistakes.

February 10th

Inspiration struck me, and its all thanks to the Mystic Ruins expedition! I was talking to Archibald yesterday as he was trying to figure out a power source for the Eclipse Canon. I have suggested using the Chaos Emeralds, surely they are powerful enough with their near limitless energy, and showed him pictures of the ruins. This also has given me a burst of inspiration on how I will create the next Ultimate lifeform. It will take time for it's growth this time around, but it will be ready. In the meantime, I will also create a side project based on Chaos. I am sure that it will be beneficial.

February 11th

Confound it all! Even though I am the head scientist of the project, I do not have access to want I need...a sample of the alien creature that is kept in storage. I have seen these creatures from the records, as they seem to have regenerative capabilities. They could hold the key, and I tried to give an explanation to my bosses, but refused as it could lead into something dangerous to have the Ultimate Lifeform sharing the blood of an hostile alien force. I must admit that it is a valid concern, but science often comes with risk, and I can make sure that the subject would be on our side. I need that sample, it's the only way that it will work.

June 15th, 1956

The experiment is coming along nicely, projections predict that it will be born soon. With the necessary materials, my team and I have created a creature that is smaller, more manageable, but will become a powerful warrior. They at first question as to why I have chosen hedgehog DNA, but truth be told, I was once again inspired by the Mystic Ruins, that golden hedgehog is my muse this time. Maria has taken great interest in it, she has visited the incubator many times and has even given it a name; 'Shadow'. It does have a catchy ring to it, so I allowed it, and it is renamed Project Shadow.

June 23rd

Finally, Shadow is born. It is how I imagined it would be and much more. Maria already took a shine to him before, but now she is even more excited than I am. It is very intelligent, a pure mind, and based on tests, has highly exceptional skills. I am happy with the results, but I will have to report to the higher ups soon.

June 30th

I have good and bad news; after testing Shadow's blood, I find that it is simply extraordinary. Not only is he immortal, his blood could be the key to heal incurable illnesses, ridding of dangerous parasites, and much more! He would help many people, Maria included! The problem is that it is too unstable to use in it's base form! My bosses gave me permission to work on it thankfully, as long as it doesn't jeopardize the project. My dearest Maria would finally return to Earth healthy very soon hopefully, but I know these things take time. I just hope it will not be too late.

Speaking of which, her and Shadow already formed a close bond. That is a good thing, I think they need each other most of all.

July 12th, 1956

Something peculiar recently happened, Shadow started to display powers stemming from his chaos energy. He cannot control them completely, which is why he must release it every once in a while in testing chambers until we find a way to stabilize his powers so it won't go out of control in the future.

August 28th, 1956

One of our scientists in the developmental department created these air shoes just for Shadow. Apparently, they can help him hover in the air, even at the speed of sound. He already possesses super speed, but I find no issues with him having the shoes, it beats having to replace them every time since they are very sturdy.

October 9th, 1956

Another genius moment! I think I finally found how to control Shadow's energy; rings! Of course, these abundant objects have the power to stabilize living things as well as machines, they will be perfect for him and his chaotic biology….but only for the short term. As magnificent as they are, they tend to burn out quickly, however, there is also a solution for that as well.

October 13th

We did it, our team created inhibitor rings for Shadow, they will help him have greater control over his abilities. There are risks to this, the rings won't work right away, time is needed for his body to adapt to the stabilization process, and that could take weeks, or even months until it's completion, but this is the only way. It won't be long now, I just have to be patient and a cure to Maria's Illness will be fully realized. I can hardly wait.

October 14th

Just as I thought. During testing, Shadow became very tired. We didn't overtax him for his safety, but he cannot use a large amount of chaos energy while the inhibitors are on him. As i've stated before, it will take a long time for him to become used to it. Until then, we have to be extremely careful with him.

October 21st

A terrible tragedy occurred just moments ago. The Artificial Chaos somehow broke containment and started to wreak havoc across three sectors. They were out of control, causing major damage in those unfortunate places. Thankfully, Shadow destroyed them, but not before several scientists and guards were injured or….dead. This is all my fault, I created the creatures, so it is my responsibility to make things right.

October 29th

Something strange is going on. Whenever I try to get into contact with the higher ups, a representative answers my calls. Did they change communications without telling me? Well, they have the credentials, so i'll ignore it for now. The inhibitor rings are doing their job as testing shows, but it still needs some time. I predict that he will completely stabilize before Blue Souls Giving, the perfect time for a cure to be developed.

November 16th, 1956

Its quiet, too quiet. I have stopped receiving any messages from the government. Did something happen? Its making me paranoid a little, its not like for them to just stop talking to one of their top scientists working on a big project. What is happ-(Writing abruptly ended)

Unknown date

To anyone reading this, I am most likely long gone. I am lucid enough to write my very last entry. I, Gerald Pendleton Robotnik, was a man that had lost everything because of the greed of humanity. I was a bioengineer on payroll for the United Federation government to create the Ultimate Lifeform. After trial and error, I have succeeded. Shadow the Hedgehog, truly my greatest creation. He was everything I hoped for and more, and his very being was for the betterment of mankind…but that hope was torn to pieces by my very employers out of greed, fear, and betrayal. The president sent GUN to the ARK and raided every single corner of the facility, taking or destroying vital research, and arresting the inhabitants while killing the scientists who resisted. My sweet granddaughter was one of the many could they? After everything I have done for them, they took the life of an innocent 16 year old girl because of their selfish desires, along with those who have served Federation faithfully for years, only for their lives to be extinguished for their loyalty!

Those ungrateful maggots kept me alive for the time being and managed to capture Shadow. They wanted me to work on the final touches on him before placing him in storage. Little did they know I had placed something special within him during that time. It will be my last gift to my creation as he will be my sword of vengeance. Even when I am gone, I will give world the suffering it rightfully deserves. If you have made it this far, and you wish to enact vengeance against the world, then all you have to do is to find Shadow the Hedgehog and the bloody path will be set before you. The password is 'Maria'.

Secret Tape

January 27th, 1957

(As a final request from Gerald Robotnik, he asked to record his message on the day of his scheduled final appointment, and afterwards, this message will be placed on the ARK where it will never see the light of day. This request was approved.)

Gerald Pendleton Robotnik, before the end, you are allowed to say your peace as it is your Earthly given right to do so. As per your request, we are recording your last words, so speak them now while you still can.

This is a message to every single lifeform on the planet, if you are hearing this recording, then it is a death sentence for the Earth. The Space Colony ARK will be your method of execution as it is heading on a collision course towards the surface, and if my calculations are correct, it will impact the planet in 27 minutes and 53 seconds. Once that happens, the results would unleash a cataclysmic event that will render everything into nothingness. Even if there are survivors, they would only delay the inevitable and will slowly suffer until oblivion. There is no hope, no salvation as this will be my revenge. Once the 7 Chaos Emeralds are placed in the Eclipse Cannon, the countdown to destruction will begin and it cannot be stopped. You ungrateful maggots will pay for your sins, for what you have took from me, for your cruel acts of betrayal and will feel my pain and despair as I will take everything from you in recompense.

Do you have anything to add?


Then may the Heavens above have mercy on your soul.
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