Gerald Robotnik's Diary
June 3, 1939
Regina...I do not know if you could see this, but our boy Bristow has graduated from university, all of our children has done so with honors, and I have never been so proud. I am sure that you must feel the same way. If only you were here to celebrate with us, you deserve this so much, especially being there to witness Ignovis' wedding. It was so beautiful to behold, I was bawling like a child. My beloved, I hope that I will see you again, but I still have so much to do on Earth, i'll stay as long as I can before our reunion.
August 11, 1939
I have heard the most wonderful news! My Daughter in law is pregnant! This would be my first grandchild! I am hopping for joy, I cannot wait for this little one to be born! I'll try not to go overboard, i'm just so excited.
April 7, 1940
My little Maria, she is as precious as I imagined her to be. From the looks of it, she has Regina's eyes and hair. I honestly cannot believe I am now a grandfather, it gives me a swell of pride and joy just like when my own children were brought into the world. I can tell that she will have a bright future ahead of her, and I hope I would live long to see it!
October 17, 1943
What a bubbly little girl Maria is, a toddler and she has the energy of a star. I can tell that she is very strong, cleaver, and also very sweet. I wish she would come around more often, but Ignovis is working in Spagnolia for the time being. That's fine, as long as I see them every once in a while.
January 9, 1947
I never thought that this would happen, this doesn't seem real. The doctor gave a diagnosis, Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a very rare immunodeficiency disorder, and because it is so rare, there is no cure for it. Children who develop this condition do not make it past their 20th birthday. Oh My poor Maria, she was given such a cruel fate....this isn't fair, she is only three years old, why did have to happen? (Writing beyond this point is unintelligible)
January 20
After discussing on what to do, Ignovis agreed to transfer his family aboard the Ark for Maria's sake as it is too dangerous for her to remain on Earth. The Ark is not only sterile, but the low gravity environment will put her illness into remission, but there will be some days where it will flare up. However, it is necessary step to ensure her healthy and well being...and I have made it my solemn duty to find a cure. I am a bio-engineer, but also a medical scientist. As long as I draw breath, I will find a cure! It is my vow to make sure that Maria or anyone else will never suffer from this terrible condition ever again.
May 14th, 1950
The Mystic Ruins is a fascinating place. I'm not one for archaeology, but Carl thinks that this bonding time between friends is just what we needed. In my opinion, I think it is working. A few hours ago, we traversed the dense jungle and made our way into an ancient temple belonging to the long lost echidna tribe that inhabited this land before their annihilation. In the temple, we found some murals depicting the God of Destruction. However, there is one that caught my interest. A mural where the God is apparently battling a golden figure. I am unsure if this is a prophecy or something that happened long ago, even Carl is baffled at it's meaning, but this golden being seems to be a hedgehog and not an echidna. Well, after collecting the data, we retreated back to camp and we have been talking for hours on what we found. I am glad that I came even though I was skeptical at first. In the morning, we'll return to the city to have a proper breakfast.
August 6th, 1954
Joyous news! Helena has just given birth three days ago to twins, a healthy boy and girl. I wish to see them as soon as possible, but work has me busy as of now. Maria is happy with having two new little cousins to gush over, and along with Ivo, I now have four precious grandchildren...but it will soon turn into five, Margarita is pregnant, Maria will soon be a big sister, she is very excited about that, and so am I.
December 23rd, 1955
Today's Blue Soul Giving has been a success, all of my family managed to come to ARK to celebrate and give presents. It is a shame that we don't do this more often, but we have made plans to meet again for the sightseeing of the Black Comet. It passes by Earth once every 50 years, so this may be our one chance to see it as a family, I cannot wait!
January 24th, 1956
It has been a long while since i've written my feelings in this diary, and for good reason. Earth was under attack by an alien race that came from the Black Comet, and it caught us completely by surprise. We fought back and managed to hold off the invaders long enough for them to retreat as the comet exited Earth's orbit. The devastation was wide, even the ARK wasn't safe. I lost my son and daughter-in-law, leaving poor Maria and Shirly without their parents. However, the rest of my kin are safe and my heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones in the invasion, but there is no time to grieve.
I have been tasked by the United Federation to undergo a secret project, to bioengineer a living weapon that would help them battle the aliens when they return. It won't be easy, but I will do my best. They gave me a year to do this, so I must get started with a prototype.
January 27th
Already the project has reached it's conclusion and the creature has been born hours ago. Its small for now, but will soon grow thanks to the chaos energy within it's system. Its still too early to know what it is capable of, but we shall see soon enough.
February 2nd, 1956
The prototype has grown much more quickly than anticipated, but we have already detected major flaws in it's design. It's body is huge, unable to harness chaos energy by itself to keep it stabilized, so we created a device to help keep it together. Another problem is it's intelligence…or rather lack thereof as It is akin to a primal beast, it will not listen to reason. I doubt this creature would be of any use in the foreseeable future, but then again, that is why it is called a prototype.
February 4th
The prototype was scrapped finally, it was too unstable to be useful, too wild to be controlled. We placed it in storage until we can find some way to destroy it, but right now it's back to the drawing board after learning from our mistakes.
February 10th
Inspiration struck me, and its all thanks to the Mystic Ruins expedition! I was talking to Archibald yesterday as he was trying to figure out a power source for the Eclipse Canon. I have suggested using the Chaos Emeralds, surely they are powerful enough with their near limitless energy, and showed him pictures of the ruins. This also has given me a burst of inspiration on how I will create the next Ultimate lifeform. It will take time for it's growth this time around, but it will be ready. In the meantime, I will also create a side project based on Chaos. I am sure that it will be beneficial.
February 11th
Confound it all! Even though I am the head scientist of the project, I do not have access to want I need...a sample of the alien creature that is kept in storage. I have seen these creatures from the records, as they seem to have regenerative capabilities. They could hold the key, and I tried to give an explanation to my bosses, but refused as it could lead into something dangerous to have the Ultimate Lifeform sharing the blood of an hostile alien force. I must admit that it is a valid concern, but science often comes with risk, and I can make sure that the subject would be on our side. I need that sample, it's the only way that it will work.
June 15th, 1956
The experiment is coming along nicely, projections predict that it will be born soon. With the necessary materials, my team and I have created a creature that is smaller, more manageable, but will become a powerful warrior. They at first question as to why I have chosen hedgehog DNA, but truth be told, I was once again inspired by the Mystic Ruins, that golden hedgehog is my muse this time. Maria has taken great interest in it, she has visited the incubator many times and has even given it a name; 'Shadow'. It does have a catchy ring to it, so I allowed it, and it is renamed Project Shadow.
June 23rd
Finally, Shadow is born. It is how I imagined it would be and much more. Maria already took a shine to him before, but now she is even more excited than I am. It is very intelligent, a pure mind, and based on tests, has highly exceptional skills. I am happy with the results, but I will have to report to the higher ups soon.
June 30th
I have good and bad news; after testing Shadow's blood, I find that it is simply extraordinary. Not only is he immortal, his blood could be the key to heal incurable illnesses, ridding of dangerous parasites, and much more! He would help many people, Maria included! The problem is that it is too unstable to use in it's base form! My bosses gave me permission to work on it thankfully, as long as it doesn't jeopardize the project. My dearest Maria would finally return to Earth healthy very soon hopefully, but I know these things take time. I just hope it will not be too late.
Speaking of which, her and Shadow already formed a close bond. That is a good thing, I think they need each other most of all.
July 12th, 1956
Something peculiar recently happened, Shadow started to display powers stemming from his chaos energy. He cannot control them completely, which is why he must release it every once in a while in testing chambers until we find a way to stabilize his powers so it won't go out of control in the future.
August 28th, 1956
One of our scientists in the developmental department created these air shoes just for Shadow. Apparently, they can help him hover in the air, even at the speed of sound. He already possesses super speed, but I find no issues with him having the shoes, it beats having to replace them every time since they are very sturdy.
October 9th, 1956
Another genius moment! I think I finally found how to control Shadow's energy; rings! Of course, these abundant objects have the power to stabilize living things as well as machines, they will be perfect for him and his chaotic biology….but only for the short term. As magnificent as they are, they tend to burn out quickly, however, there is also a solution for that as well.
October 13th
We did it, our team created inhibitor rings for Shadow, they will help him have greater control over his abilities. There are risks to this, the rings won't work right away, time is needed for his body to adapt to the stabilization process, and that could take weeks, or even months until it's completion, but this is the only way. It won't be long now, I just have to be patient and a cure to Maria's Illness will be fully realized. I can hardly wait.
October 14th
Just as I thought. During testing, Shadow became very tired. We didn't overtax him for his safety, but he cannot use a large amount of chaos energy while the inhibitors are on him. As i've stated before, it will take a long time for him to become used to it. Until then, we have to be extremely careful with him.
October 21st
A terrible tragedy occurred just moments ago. The Artificial Chaos somehow broke containment and started to wreak havoc across three sectors. They were out of control, causing major damage in those unfortunate places. Thankfully, Shadow destroyed them, but not before several scientists and guards were injured or….dead. This is all my fault, I created the creatures, so it is my responsibility to make things right.
October 29th
Something strange is going on. Whenever I try to get into contact with the higher ups, a representative answers my calls. Did they change communications without telling me? Well, they have the credentials, so i'll ignore it for now. The inhibitor rings are doing their job as testing shows, but it still needs some time. I predict that he will completely stabilize before Blue Souls Giving, the perfect time for a cure to be developed.
November 16th, 1956
Its quiet, too quiet. I have stopped receiving any messages from the government. Did something happen? Its making me paranoid a little, its not like for them to just stop talking to one of their top scientists working on a big project. What is happ-(Writing abruptly ended)
Unknown date
To anyone reading this, I am most likely long gone. I am lucid enough to write my very last entry. I, Gerald Pendleton Robotnik, was a man that had lost everything because of the greed of humanity. I was a bioengineer on payroll for the United Federation government to create the Ultimate Lifeform. After trial and error, I have succeeded. Shadow the Hedgehog, truly my greatest creation. He was everything I hoped for and more, and his very being was for the betterment of mankind…but that hope was torn to pieces by my very employers out of greed, fear, and betrayal. The president sent GUN to the ARK and raided every single corner of the facility, taking or destroying vital research, and arresting the inhabitants while killing the scientists who resisted. My sweet granddaughter was one of the many could they? After everything I have done for them, they took the life of an innocent 16 year old girl because of their selfish desires, along with those who have served Federation faithfully for years, only for their lives to be extinguished for their loyalty!
Those ungrateful maggots kept me alive for the time being and managed to capture Shadow. They wanted me to work on the final touches on him before placing him in storage. Little did they know I had placed something special within him during that time. It will be my last gift to my creation as he will be my sword of vengeance. Even when I am gone, I will give world the suffering it rightfully deserves. If you have made it this far, and you wish to enact vengeance against the world, then all you have to do is to find Shadow the Hedgehog and the bloody path will be set before you. The password is 'Maria'.
Secret Tape
January 27th, 1957
(As a final request from Gerald Robotnik, he asked to record his message on the day of his scheduled final appointment, and afterwards, this message will be placed on the ARK where it will never see the light of day. This request was approved.)
Gerald Pendleton Robotnik, before the end, you are allowed to say your peace as it is your Earthly given right to do so. As per your request, we are recording your last words, so speak them now while you still can.
This is a message to every single lifeform on the planet, if you are hearing this recording, then it is a death sentence for the Earth. The Space Colony ARK will be your method of execution as it is heading on a collision course towards the surface, and if my calculations are correct, it will impact the planet in 27 minutes and 53 seconds. Once that happens, the results would unleash a cataclysmic event that will render everything into nothingness. Even if there are survivors, they would only delay the inevitable and will slowly suffer until oblivion. There is no hope, no salvation as this will be my revenge. Once the 7 Chaos Emeralds are placed in the Eclipse Cannon, the countdown to destruction will begin and it cannot be stopped. You ungrateful maggots will pay for your sins, for what you have took from me, for your cruel acts of betrayal and will feel my pain and despair as I will take everything from you in recompense.
Do you have anything to add?
Then may the Heavens above have mercy on your soul.