Mx Female SO the Hunt has brought me here... (Some NSFW Imagery used via links in description)


Mar 13, 2021

I'm never good at writing ntroductions so i'll be brief.

Im looking not so much a particular scenario but more a particular kind of F for private rp so its easier if i label my kinks and if any/all of them tick some boxes let me know.

so in no particular order:

  1. First and formost I LOVE to write filth, now when I say filth I mean the kind of stuf that'll make regular church going folk really fucking uncomfortable so diry talk is key,
  2. Ive found i mainly enjoy the role of primal looking for pray which you can probably tell by my avatar,
  3. I write ALOT especially if i am having fun. The more turned on the more descriptive I get so its not unknown for me to write 2k+ words in reply, so please no two or three sentence respones please,
  4. my main kinks are ageplay (15+ as per site rules), Redheads, and Goth Girls, any combination of those three and that'll crank me up to 11,
  5. I do like violence and maybe a bit of blood as i love to mix both pleasure and pain, but im not opposed to something to vanilla either (as long as she can swear like a sailor or acts like a proper lil whore behind closed doors šŸ˜ˆ), but i do do my best work in the dark so i gravitate more towards darker themes and language,
  6. Public sex is an element i like to try and include but its not essential, just very fun,
  7. I preefer real life or Sci-fi settings but again im not opposed to fantasy,
  8. Hard No's are necro and toilet stuff (some bodily fluids just arent sexy šŸ¤®), apart from that everything else just ask.
  9. I like going hardcore so not really for the faint hearted, i enjoy coercion and non-con but as much as i can see the appeal of submissive wilting flowers, personally i like a woman who knows the way to a mans heart is through his rib cage, some women just look hotter the more fake blood thy get on them, and if you cant picture them hurling a molotov cocktail she aint the one bro so by all means bite, kick scratch, draw blood, itll just turn me on even more,
  10. I write in the first p[erson but you are of course to write however you wish,
  11. we dont have to commit to one story, ive had multiple on the go with the same partner in the past so i dont mind multi tasking if we come up with something better half way through,
  12. Ideally id like the rp to last a short while at least so world building and narrative are welcome, but if you jus wanna get down nd fuck like nasty pigs thats fine with me to just say what your after and i'll try to accomodatešŸ¤£,
  13. and probably the most important part, if your not enjoying it or there is something you want to change or dont like then byall means say so, after all we're all here to have fun and I'd rather have somone tell me theyre not enjoying it then just disapear

I think thats enough for now, if that sparks your interest then feel free to message me on here.

Hope to hear from you soon.


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