Jack Stalker
- Joined
- Dec 26, 2011
Please check my O/O's before responding (they are at the bottom of the post and in my Bio).
In these RP's the role of a brother can be replaced by a sister if desired, I would have input on their appearance, otherwise I play the character shown.
Please note that I only play in forum game threads... NOT pm's.
1. General plots
2. Blast from the past!
3. Characters in search of a story
Kristen Steward: Kristen, a well know and semi successful actress, is desperate for a movie role after parting ways with her last manager. Due to her previous promiscuous behaviour with a male director, while she was in a relationship, she has found getting a decent roles to be extremely difficult. The wives of married directors were black listing her, to the point where she had to pretend to be full on lesbian to even get a chance to continue in the business. With debts piling up she is now ruthlessly looking to secure a franchise position, by any means necessary.
Emily Kinsey: Emily was far from a raging party goer, and even though she was trying to get out and party more (now that she had been in college for a year), her inexperience generally led to her getting drunk a lot. Luckily she tended to be with friends, but sometimes she ended up out with her brother, which she hated as she always 'jokingly' hit on him when tipsy. Usually he assumed she was just helping him to keep away unwanted women and to discourage their advances... but underneath it all her feelings were mixed, and so were his... and tonight things were going to go too far, leaving her embroiled in a sinful incestuous relationship.
Karen Gilligan: Was always getting into trouble,, arguing and acting petulantly towards her teacher at college. When she realises her grades aren't going to be what she wanted or needed, she demands he regrade her last test, or pass it on to someone else to check over... the tension grows and before anyone knows what is happening, she and her professor are embroiled in a student teacher relationship which, with one wrong move, could sink both of their careers... yet they can't stop!
Amber Stone: Wrapped up in a costly divorce case, with both parties throwing nasty accusations about like confetti at the long forgotten wedding, Amber needs more from her so far incompetent lawyer... and intends to get it. She wants them to fire a useless assistant, give her more attention and work harder... even though she is almost out of money to pay for the extra attention. Luckily her arrogant, petulant and delusional attitude is compensated for by her looks and her willingness to use them to get what she wants.
Naomi Watson: A few months after marrying her new husband, Naomi realised the truth, she hadn't married him for anything other than his money... and his son. It was hard to say exactly when the friendly banter turned to flirting, but it's now at fever pitch. Who started it was irrelevant, it was now almost inevitable that she would end up screwing her own stepson, under the nose of her husband... but whose fault was it, would it continue or would guilt interfere?
Olivia Waters was married with kids, but one day she decided that she had wasted too much time in a worthless marriage, as well as too much of her life looking after kids she despised.
So, as a selfish streak surged up within her, she decided to strike out and enjoy life. She ditched her husband and kids and took off, looking for excitement. She hooked up with a rock star and devoted herself to travelling the country, supporting his gigs and being there for him before, during and after them... and all the while she looked for and engaged in the wildest sex that she could.
She figured he was using her for sex, a sexy thirty something was a change from the younger girls who likely threw themselves at him every day... And to be honest she was using him, using him to give her the kind of sex her bland husband couldn't manage... and she loved every second of it! As long as he kept her interested and she could equally excite him, then theirs was a perfect match!
Racing was Tricia's McClouds life, but after she laid eye on the member of her new team she couldn't stop thinking about them. Out on the track she was a mix of pumped with Adrenalin, and soaking from thinking about what they could be doing. Whether on the track or at some event, whether in the pits pre race going over the vehicle, or heading to or from a TV interview or team meeting, no matter where she was.
She was thinking about sex.
Soon it became necessary to get herself off before and after a race, just to enable her to focus on things.
Then it became a reality when she learned that the team member was in the same frame of mind as she was. Now the fantasy and imagined couplings were a real opportunity to fuck. Who was the person responsible for her depraved attitude and actions? Pit crew? A Race girl? A dedicated fan? Race manager? Tech crew? Engineer? We decide.
On a Safari in Africa, Keira Knight found herself falling hard for them. Out in the wilderness with a few crew for the photo shoot she was on, and a few security, bearers and guides, she was in an exotic situation, with exotic people, far from home.
And every time she looked at them she got wet. Soaking. Drenched in more than sweat from the heat but in a rising animalistic desire to be taken, or to take them. Emotions in turmoil as she fought to try and control herself.
Then an opportunity came. Were they alone at the camp, together in the land rover, perhaps out alone scouting for good locations as they searched for that perfect spot... a small waterfall in some recess in the jungle, perhaps a cliff top, maybe a prairie with a view to the horizon. Or even a small native village, abandoned to progress and now just a backdrop for whoever wandered into it.
Whatever the excuse she was devoted to finding a time and place to fuck them, assuming they weren't thinking the same thing... and had decided to fuck her first.
Who are they? We decide!
Naomi Weathers shrugged off her husband with a smirk. She told him she had a few things to attend to in the kitchen, that he should entertain the guests, that she would be along soon. She was lying of course. It was a rather busy evening so far, with a small gathering of friends and associates, and she'd been working hard on prepping the dessert.
She'd actually spent more time on that than on cultivating her marriage. She was done with her husband, but she was only just starting with her lover. The moment her husband left the kitchen she moved to the back door, opening it to see her lover standing there.
She told them they had five minutes to make her come, but she knew it wouldn't take that long.. she'd been drenched all through the main course, waiting for this opportunity.
Later, with the party over and the guests gone, she would be awake and waiting. Sitting cross legged in the Kitchen, perched and listening for the tap on the window, the tap which would signal her to open it so her lover could come in and give her a proper seeing to, before she slunk back to her marital bed.
The next day she would meet them, slipping away from work, going wherever they said. So it went, with her in the driving seat of their sinful affair, then her partner. Every day was an adulterous paradise of sex and sin, desecrating and defiling her marriage in the name of hot, frantic, urgent sex... with someone who drove her wild.
Who is that? We decide!
Dr Naomi Watson sat in her office, dreaming about sex.
They had come to her for help with their sex addiction. She knew it was wrong, but getting them to open up about their sessions an encounters left her soaked to the core. Every. Single. Time.
She had to sit opposite their client, nodding, agreeing, discussing... all the while drenched between her thighs and wanting to fuck them, wanting them to fuck her.
It was wrong, indecent, immoral and against her ethical code, but she had to have them. It wasn't enough to talk about it, she wanted some of what she had heard. she wanted it done to her.
Suggesting that they ween themselves off multiple partners and focus on one was easy. Now she had to focus that sexual energy her client had onto her. It was going to be easy enough, she figured, as her client had been openly flirting with her since day one, she could see in their eyes that it wouldn't take much to tip them over the edge, pushing them into a wicked sinful and principle breaking affair with their Therapist.
Who is her client? We decide.
Natalie was staying with her brother after visiting him in the city where he had a new job. It was a far cry from when they had been at home with their parents, and she was enjoying having him show her the sights.
But she still had needs.
She hid a box of 'toys' in her room, then whenever he was out she would sneak into the bathroom to abuse herself. And every time she came on the end of one of her buzzing vibrators, or throbbing plugs, she saw his face... imagined it was his cock driving into her, desecrating her, robbing her of her purity and innocence.
Every. Single. Time.
She got so caught up in it, plundering her tight flesh and hot body, that she didn't realise how loud she was being...
...or that her brother had come home.
She was almost on the edge of her hardest most violent orgasm yet, when she heard the knock on the bathroom door! He had heard her... she scrambled to shove her toys out of sight, but it was too late. He'd heard her almost coming, moaning his name, and now she was going to be caught red handed!
She soaked herself right there, creaming out her panties as she resolved that she would not let this opportunity pass by.
She was going to fuck her own brother. Right now.
Every night was the same, ever since they had ended up alone together.
She tried to distract herself, but she could hear him through the paper thin wall, the slapping of flesh on flesh until he groaned out her name, a strangled gasp bleeding through to her room as he orgasmed, grunting and gasping out her name.
She had found pictures of herself on his computer, taken surreptitiously, sneakily, without her knowledge.
He'd kept notes on how many times he'd jerked off to them, staring at her changing in her room, showering in the bathroom, swimming in the pool in the back yard.
He had even snagged a picture of her on his phone, in her bed, fingering herself.
She was so wet, soaking through her creamed panties as she listened to him jerking off, pushing towards another orgasm. One of them had to crack, it couldn't go on. He would either have to come in here and fuck her, or she would have to go next door and let him know, let him know he wasn't the only one driven crazy with lust.
Tonight.... it had to be tonight, she was so drenched and turned on, she wouldn't be able to last one more day without fucking her own Father/Brother.
Naomi Watson launches into a violent and brutal affair with her step son, who is obsessed with her since she moved in to their family home. She quickly finds herself giving in to depraved and sordid sex in all manner of places... and is trapped when he decides that more and more of his demands must be met, otherwise he'll tell his father all about how he was seduced!
We can have her eager to cheat on her husband, or reluctant but forced to comply... or perhaps he is the one who was initially seduced and coerced into things... and is now being forced to service her in order to maintain his relationship with his father?
Name: Hard Justice!
Accused of embezzlement and fraud, Emma Watkins looks to be going down for a long time, but the Judge calls for a recess to discuss new evidence in his chambers with her, where he proceeds to let her know that her body will be the ticket to freedom.
Faced with no other alternative, she in now locked into a deal with the honourable magistrate which will see her used and abused as he sees fit in order to secure her continued freedom, starting right now and continuing when and where she is summoned.
My characters below are looking for a story, they will be played by ME. If you think you have a character who would be a good partner for them and their sketched out RP ideas, or if you have some suggestions of your own or find inspiration in their descriptions, then please feel free to let me know.
If you would like to ensure that I find any female characters you portray visually appealing, then please take a look at my other ideas here and in my ideas threads (in my signature) to get an idea of face claims I like. Unusually, unlike my normal ideas, the face claims for the characters below (which i will be playing) are fixed and non negotiable.
To clarify: I will be portraying the characters in the ideas below, you will be bringing your own character to the table, so to speak! However if you would prefer to play one of these female characters the we can discuss this.
I am open to and encourage suggestions regarding the RP ideas below. Additional inspiration can be found within the characters individual bios.
1. Keira Nightingale-Ward
Pre WWI African Savannah's/Jungle
A Botanist in search of new species and love, while on a Safari in the Africa forests and Savanna. Set in 1912, in the years leading up to WWI.
2. Tallara Zarath
Star Trek, Next Gen era.
A Starfleet Security Officer, serving aboard a vessel in the 'Next Generation' era, who is liable to get wrapped up in any number of situations and missions.
3. Alex 'The Angel in White' Vigo
A lawyer serving in a well known and famous law firm, with a keen interest in exploring arousal options... both with clients and colleagues, as well as taking advantage of her work environment.
4. Samantha Vigo
Pirate Historical/ Alt version available for Fantasy (ask)
A pirate looking for booty! Many possibilities and opportunities for adventure, either on the high seas or on 'pirate island'.
Name: Keira Nightingale-Ward
Occupation: Botanist, Explorer
Age: 21
sex: Female
Appearance Keira is five foot one and just over a hundred pounds, she sports a slim, athletic and slender body type. Her frame is quite boyish from the waist up, but below that she has wide hips and thighs and a curvy shape.
She has brown hair and blue eyes and a sharp defined jawline. Many might call her beautiful, but she tries to play down her looks and come across as more demure.
Her nails are less than perfect, as she bites them often when reading or lost in thought.
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian. Keira has a disdain for men, particularly the gentlemen type who might fawn over her. She long ago determined that her liking of women went beyond simply admiration of a beautiful woman's appearance, and she knows she has perverted and taboo feelings when it comes to other women, something which has pushed her to distance herself from society.
Away from the hustle and bustle of London life, free from the restraints of normalcy, Keira can be quite bold, despite her diminutive stature, when it comes to making her wants known to someone who catches her eye... while at other times she might court attention instead, encouraging someone to make the first move and show their deviancy in order to entice her into a reciprocal display of emotion.
Personality: Keira has a strong independent spirit and tries to do as much as she can for herself, despite her fathers wishes for her to do otherwise. She is quite petite though and has obvious shortcomings when it comes to physical tasks.
She is brave, gutsy and a fast talker, being quite assertive and steadfast with her opinions, something which has not served her well in English society. She is also quite complimentary and supportive of others when the opportunity arises to display such qualities.
While adventurous and positive minded, rarely failing to rise to a challenge, she has her failings, being a smoker among them. Among her other talents are a impressive running speed and a skill at drawing which extends to plants and animals but fails when it comes to accurately capturing people, though she is trying to improve. She also writes a lot with her precious typewriter, mostly documenting botanical findings to go along with her presses and sketches of various plants.
She has learned numerous survival skills, mainly cooking, fishing and how to make a fire, to compliment her ambition to catalogue several new species in the African Savanna.
Talented at cooking, fishing and pencil art .
Never seems to know what time it is, has illegible handwriting and can be clumsy from time to time when not focused. She also tends to wear her favourite boots all the time, regardless of her location or circumstance.
Born to a Military family, Keira travelled the world as a child and quickly took an interest in Flora and Fauna, eventually settling on pursuing a career in botany. While her parents wanted to keep her sheltered and away from frivolous pursuits, Keira was head string and forged a career in Botany, quickly becoming an expert in the field despite her young years. When her father was due to head to the African Savanna, Keira persuaded him to allow her to join him, albeit temporarily, as she had also persuaded her university to sponsor her investigation of numerous African plant species.
Although her father advised against it, Keira is determined to investigate everything she can while she is in Africa, before the shadow of conflict grows larger in Europe. To that end she has hired a couple of bearers and a guide/body guard to escort her while she engages in her exploration.
She was more than surprised to discover that her bodyguard would be a woman, but the surprise turned to curiosity and admiration. She finds it both intriguing and exhilarating that such women exist here and is looking forward to a trip that will both be informative regarding plants and allow her to get to know someone who has spent some time in Africa in such a role.
An African 'Safari' in 1912, in the years leading up to the outbreak of World War one.
Possible Plotlines
A 'road' trip across the Savanna, using horses and mules.
Camping outside, dealing with the heat and the threat of poachers.
Confronting animals, finding (and perhaps consuming) strange plants with unknown effects.
The contrast between Savanna and forest, searing heat and precious waterfalls and forest clearings.
Becoming infatuated with her guide and bodyguard, (and vice versa), with plenty of chances for them to get to know one another better... in a variety of locations and situations.
Avoiding German patrols, eluding annoyed tribes, dodging wild animals.
Character Name: Tallara Zarath
Race: Andorian
Sexuality: Bisexual, heavily prefers female humans.
Character Age: 24
Position applying to: Asst Chief Security Officer
Physical Description:
Andorians are known for their dark blue skin and their antennae. Andorians also typically have white hair and dark blue blood and Tallara is no exception. She is tall, approaching six feet, and generally possesses a stern and serious appearance. She is slender, athletic and moves with the fluidity of a dancer and the confidence of a warrior.
Service Record:
Andorians are very honorable when it comes to their own people, however when it comes to any other race, they are very distrusting. Tellara decided to break from that mold and when the opportunity arrived to join an exchange program with Starfleet, she leaped at the chance to get away from Andoria and see the universe, among the variety of races which were said to man federation vessels. She had a natural talent for security, learning to temper her anger and impulsiveness and occasionally embrace diplomacy alongside violence as the tools of a security officer. She was commended after an attack left several officers dead during an away mission ambush, and she was able to take control of the situation and turn things around (due to her superior physical attributes and some luck). However seeing several individuals on her team get killed has left her with feelings of guilt, and she has started to second guess herself or over reacts to things on occasion.
Important Traits:
Violent, stern, curious. Andorians are a very violent and militarily driven race. Much like the Klingons, they place a increased importance on family. Tellara has learned to control her temper, but her fiery personality simmers beneath the surface and can be called to the forefront when needed to deal with unruly or disobedient charges. In general she defers to the highest ranking officer present, but has been known to point out Starfleet protocol and policy to higher ranking officials when needed. She has a strong sense of leading from the front and is always the first to volunteer for a dangerous mission, ahead of placing the opportunity before other security officers.
In her spare time Tallara likes to work out, spar, visit the holodeck and spend time studying other races. This is to learn not only about weaknesses which can be exploited, but about customs, culture and ways to effect diplomatic solutions when Phasers are not a desirable way to progress. She is also has interests of a more personal and intimate nature when it comes to other species, when the opportunity arises, though her attitude is quite dominant and aggressive. She has a voracious curiosity involving others and situations.
As the Asst Chief Security Officer she is often required to participate in investigations, as well as reprimanding or finding punishments for disobedient members of the crew. Tallara is trustworthy, but is trying to overcome a natural urge to torture opponents where possible... as that is not the way of Starfleet. However, given the chance, she would happily bend the rules where prisoners are concerned.
She, like all Andorians, has a very sturdy biochemistry. Due to this, she takes no negative effects from exposure to environmental conditions such as extreme heat; extreme cold or low oxygen.
As a Shen, Tallara functions in the following way during the Andorian reproductive process. The gametes of each "male" sex contain one third of the number of chromosomes necessary to produce offspring. During the conception of an Andorian child, the Thaan fertilizes a Shen's egg with his Gamete. The Chan then also fertilizes the egg. This produces a fertilized egg that develops into a Zygote. The Shen then transfers the Zygote to the Zhen's pouch, where it develops into an embryo. The Andorian foetus is incubated and nourished to term in the Zhen's pouch. The Zhen does not contribute, genetically, to offspring.
Pre-Starfleet: As a Shen, and thus the key individual in the Andoran reproductive process, Tallara was expected to avoid dangerous occupations. However she did not want to simply fall into the role that society had planned for her and rebelled against it, seeking out a role in security and jumping at the chance to serve aboard a federation vessel, where societal pressures from her own people would not exist.
She harbours a slight dislike for other Andorans and enjoys the advantages over other races which her heritage gives her. Out in the universe she is a little more special than back on Andoria.
Off duty...
Sci Fi (Star Trek/Alt universe)
Some Possible Plotlines, feel free to suggest others
Dealing with a new trainee or a new Captain, who she develops feelings for.
Stranded on a planet with someone she needs to work with whom she would not normally be involved, growing closer together as a result.
Meeting up with an Ex under unusual circumstances.
Forced to work with someone who dislikes Andorians, only to discover opposites attract.
A chance meeting at a celebration leads to an encounter... l
later they discover they are both going to be on the same ship!
Name: Alex Vigo. 'The Angel in White'
Age: 31
Appearance: Alex is five foot ten and weighs about one hundred and thirty five pounds. She is in top shape and visits a gym at least three times a week, with extensive sessions of running, swimming and spinning at the weekend. Her body is sleek, with well defined abs and obliques, and her small breasts and narrow hips can offer up an androgynous appearance from time to time.
She is known in the legal profession as 'the Angel in White', primarily for her taste in clothes, preferring white business suits and dresses where possible, as well as a similar taste when it comes to lingerie and bikini's. She also holds that title for her work in last minute saves regarding death row prisoners, who she excels at getting set free from such barbaric sentences... often with little time to spare.
Occupation Alex is a versatile, highly talented and skilled lawyer, who specialises in criminal law and defending those accused of capital crimes. She has an amazing record of success, with failures deemed as only being able to commute a death sentence to life. This has also contributed to her title of 'The Angel in White'. She knows that, eventually, she will fail and one of her clients will end up executed, so she makes the most of her position and exploits her reputation to earn her as much adulation and money as she can right now!
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual and dominant. She slightly favours women for their stamina, although lately she has been bringing men into threesomes and even passing the time with them exclsuively (if looking for some quick satisfaction).
Personality Alex's outward attitude is playfully flirtatious and she usually has a smile on her face and a spring in her step. She likes to make friends and engage with people, as much as her free time allows her to, and she comes across as a genuinely friendly person when not working. She is generally sarcastic and has a good sense of humour.
Alex sees many as sources of pleasure or as playthings to entertain her, always thinking and imagining how best she can extract pleasure from them. She can be spiteful and ruthless in her job and in a courtroom, when the need to become such takes over. She places the importance of winning above all else and uses coercion, temptation, bribes, lying and any other means at her disposal to get what she wants.
She delights in teasing others and using her looks to get what she wants, bending and manipulating those around her as best she is able to... literally using sex as a weapon and a tool. She can be quietly arrogant, brazenly assertive, confident, manipulative and in control when wrapped up in a legal case.
Kinks/Style: Rough sex, with her on the giving end. Dominant and harsh, she enjoys the use of toys on others. Every so often, if indulged enough, she can switch and become submissive for short periods.
She has a fascination with hand jobs... and performing sex acts at the office (during and after hours), really gets her off.
Alex also has a love of dirty talk and light pain play. She takes care to try to keep these feelings mostly secret, but she cannot help but fill her mind with sexual thoughts almost all of the time, especially regarding those who annoy her or fascinate her at the office.
Likes: Boating, swimming, relaxing, reading, working out, expensive dinners and dates. Receiving presents is a weak spot.
Dislikes: Social media, being overly filmed, too much sun, religion.
History: Alex grew up as the only daughter in a family of two brothers and a father, all destined to be police officers. She was inspired to go into law when her father was killed in action at a young age and both of her brothers ended up in prison for murdering the criminal who killed him. Both died in prison and her mother committed suicide shortly after, leaving an adult Alex with nothing but her career to focus on.
Determined to get to the top to honour her father Alex used her looks to get what she wanted, when she wanted it. She networked and manipulated her way through law school, then into a law firm, then when she had enough experience she moved to her current position.
She even gets a kick out of saving clients from the death penalty, even when she knows they full well deserve it! Having a completely neutral approach to her clients, where their innocence or guilt is secondary to her winning the case. She display zero regrets for getting painfully guilty individuals off free. The law is the law and she finds manipulating it to her needs to be almost as exhilarating as sex.
Alex, surprisingly, is being 'blackmailed' by an individual who has footage of her jerking off (and giving a blow job) to the judge in one of her most recent cases a few months ago, where Harold Weatherstein was sentenced to thirty years in a maximum security prison... for brushing against a girl in an elevator on the way to their eighteenth birthday, party twenty years ago.
She finds it irksome, but so far the payments have been small sums which she doesn't miss, or being told to perform odd sexual acts while alone, or based on instructions sent to her. In truth she is finding it all quite exciting and is a willing participant in the twisted games. She has a feeling it's a harmless ex, who has found a way to worm themselves back into her life... and she's enjoying it!
When involved in her normal work Alex has a laser focus and incisive mind regarding the manipulation of the law, legal terms and loopholes. She prefers a combination of attacking and discrediting her opponents, with finding obscure precedents set out by judges to support whatever narrative she is pushing.
Looking for:
A client to defend.
An assistant to manipulate.
Someone to have fun with when she needs to 'unwind'.
A 'blackmailer' (ex lover, current lover, perhaps a consensual situation) to make demands and requests.
Full Name: Samantha Vigo
Nickname: 'Sam'
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Captain/Navigator
Nationality: North
Current status: Captain of the Horn of Lucifer
Current Residence: The Horn of Lucifer
Height: 5' 10"
Body shape: Slim, athletic, slender.
Eye Color: Bright blue
Hair color: Reddish blonde
Hair Style: Long
Complexion: Pale to very light tan
Distinguishing Marks: None.
Clothing: Inexpensive, durable sailor wear.
Sam can be androgynous looking when she wants to be, but of late has grown out her hair and wears outfits more flattering to a feminine form. She is thin, toned and exceptionally wiry and fit. When stripped down she has the general appearance of being incredibly well sculpted, with strongly defined abs and obliques. Her face is strikingly beautiful, with alluring eyes which seem to draw you in. She usually has a crooked grin on her face, along with wandering eyes which rove over everyone she finds arousing, male or female, with a hungry and almost leering gaze.
Currently wearing: Leather boots with short heels and numerous leather belts which criss cross her body. Expensive bracelets, earrings, anklets and toe rings (all of cheap silver or gold plated), are scattered about her person, together with a large fake looking ruby ring on her left hand. She has several daggers secreted about her person and a rapier on one hip. She has a pistol in the small of her back and a powder pouch on her other hip. She wears a combination of orange and blue jackets, blouses and other clothing atop white vests.
Current style: Top right.
Basic Personality:
In general Sam is friendly to all she might have to trade or do deals with, now or in the future. She finds amusement wherever she looks and in whatever she finds herself doing, and is keen to embrace opportunities to both turn a profit, cut deals and indulge in some recreational fun.
She is quite humorously sarcastic, but dismayingly has a deep rooted streak of evil running through her veins. This evil is put to use to punish those who irritate, double cross or annoy her excessively... although she has more of a merciful streak than a homicidal one, with her acts being more in the way of damaging gossip and reputation 'cancelling'.
Sam is pleasant and casually familiar in tone and appearance, even when angry, which encourages those around her to often lower their guard. She spends her spare time, when not engaged in pleasurable pursuits, planning what to do with her life and how to improve her ship and get ahead in the world. She has no intention of ending up at the bottom of the dep blue sea as nothing more than fish food, or abandoned on some floating wreckage as food for the gulls.
She knows she's better than that.
She is positive and upbeat, rolling with the set backs that life throws her way and embracing and enjoying any positives and opportunities while she can. She refuses to let anything diminish her light, no matter how traumatic or unfortunate... and intends to die with a smile on her face.
Special Skills : Pistol, Rapier, Exceptional at Navigation and Map reading, Negotiation.
Sexuality: Bisexual, slightly prefers women. Dominant into BDSM, bondage, toys, restraints, obedience, discipline.
From an early age, Sam was never content with simply sitting around in the capital of her home country, especially after deciding that she had a love of the sea. She decided to strike out from her home and take to a life on the ocean waves. At the helm of a ship, in the role of a merchant, she could travel wherever she wanted to and 'embrace' all cultures and religions. She had a talent for navigation and joined a ship as a navigator... soon learning that the vessel was actually only posing as a Merchant and had more nefarious plans... as a Pirate vessel.
Sam's naturally friendly and likable manner, as well as a somewhat promiscuous attitude, gained her a following among the crew and, when the Captain was killed, she seemed the logical choice to take control of the crew who were left.
With a core crew of friends she set about rebuilding her crew and the ship after escaping a one sided conflict with them on the losing side. With a diminished ship and crew she knew it would be a while before they could regain their former glory, especially with the captain dead and her without as large a reputation. With some enthusiastic press ganging and recruitment, the sixty man crew is now a rag tag bunch of ne'er-do-wells, drawn from all the races and from many ports.
None have a love or tolerance for any authority, save hers.
Her ship has now travelled far and wide, largely behaving in a lawful fashion and delivering and picking up both goods and 'passengers'. However she has been accused (on a couple of occasions) of plundering a juicy looking and vulnerable vessel or waylaying a 'ripe for plucking' merchant or sea traveller who is clearly 'asking for it'.
Sam denies such accusations, but out on the high seas, with a 'no prisoners and no witnesses policy', it would be hard to pin such deeds upon her... which allows her to get away with her acts of piracy as she strives to improve her standing among her fellow miscreants.
Forged from black oak and with red sails, the ship sports sixty plus crew, a dozen canons and was built for both combat and speed, with ample cargo space within it's multi deck hull.
In combat it relies equally on its manoeuvrability and the abilities of its crew, and while it's more than able to raid a fat merchant ship when needed, it's wise to run from larger and much heavier armed galleons.
Family: Mother and Father are alive, but in the North and unaware that their daughter is doing anything except serving on a Merchant vessel as a first class Navigator... a delusion which she absolutely supports, with letters to such effect!
Property: Assorted clothing and light weight leather armour, rapier, pair of duelling pistols, net, fishing utensils, sturdy boots, worthless 'Knick knacks' and 'Brick a brack'.
Ons and Offs
Dirty talk and foul language (from my characters, not necessarily yours).
Story / filth... I'm looking to write sex scenes first (to see if our writing styles are compatible), then develop a story if we hit it off writing wise.
Non Con, the 'Pseudo Fantasy' type, where they secretly love it and orgasm anyway (verbal resistance NOT Mental). Not realistic 'harrowing trauma'.
Rough stuff! Spanking (Giving/Receiving), Whipping (Giving/Receiving) Biting, Scratching, Piercing, Hair pulling, Choking, Gagging..
Small tits
Lingerie, Dressing up, Role playing, Toys
Dom's/overly Dominant or Bossy women.
Homosexuals. (Lesbians are great though! Of course that's 'lipstick' lesbians).
Toilet play. Major injuries, Extreme BDSM, Illness. Disease.
Insults, teasing, mocking, resistance and flirting that leads nowhere. Love/Hate relationships.
Massive tits, titfucking and Big fat asses.
Really bad Grammar. or the need to translate your posts. Plus no 1st person replies please.
Harrowing rape scenes, genuine Non Con and the aftermath.
Game Killers
Engaging in my offs, or showing me that you haven't read them.
Writing for my character, speaking for them, conducting actions for them.
Being ignored. Please have the courtesy to say if you are no longer interested!
One or two paragraph replies. If your post is shorter than three paragraphs that is bad!
Posting Rate: Maybe every one to three days..
In these RP's the role of a brother can be replaced by a sister if desired, I would have input on their appearance, otherwise I play the character shown.
Please note that I only play in forum game threads... NOT pm's.
1. General plots
2. Blast from the past!
3. Characters in search of a story
Kristen Steward: Kristen, a well know and semi successful actress, is desperate for a movie role after parting ways with her last manager. Due to her previous promiscuous behaviour with a male director, while she was in a relationship, she has found getting a decent roles to be extremely difficult. The wives of married directors were black listing her, to the point where she had to pretend to be full on lesbian to even get a chance to continue in the business. With debts piling up she is now ruthlessly looking to secure a franchise position, by any means necessary.
Emily Kinsey: Emily was far from a raging party goer, and even though she was trying to get out and party more (now that she had been in college for a year), her inexperience generally led to her getting drunk a lot. Luckily she tended to be with friends, but sometimes she ended up out with her brother, which she hated as she always 'jokingly' hit on him when tipsy. Usually he assumed she was just helping him to keep away unwanted women and to discourage their advances... but underneath it all her feelings were mixed, and so were his... and tonight things were going to go too far, leaving her embroiled in a sinful incestuous relationship.
Karen Gilligan: Was always getting into trouble,, arguing and acting petulantly towards her teacher at college. When she realises her grades aren't going to be what she wanted or needed, she demands he regrade her last test, or pass it on to someone else to check over... the tension grows and before anyone knows what is happening, she and her professor are embroiled in a student teacher relationship which, with one wrong move, could sink both of their careers... yet they can't stop!
Amber Stone: Wrapped up in a costly divorce case, with both parties throwing nasty accusations about like confetti at the long forgotten wedding, Amber needs more from her so far incompetent lawyer... and intends to get it. She wants them to fire a useless assistant, give her more attention and work harder... even though she is almost out of money to pay for the extra attention. Luckily her arrogant, petulant and delusional attitude is compensated for by her looks and her willingness to use them to get what she wants.
Naomi Watson: A few months after marrying her new husband, Naomi realised the truth, she hadn't married him for anything other than his money... and his son. It was hard to say exactly when the friendly banter turned to flirting, but it's now at fever pitch. Who started it was irrelevant, it was now almost inevitable that she would end up screwing her own stepson, under the nose of her husband... but whose fault was it, would it continue or would guilt interfere?

Olivia Waters was married with kids, but one day she decided that she had wasted too much time in a worthless marriage, as well as too much of her life looking after kids she despised.
So, as a selfish streak surged up within her, she decided to strike out and enjoy life. She ditched her husband and kids and took off, looking for excitement. She hooked up with a rock star and devoted herself to travelling the country, supporting his gigs and being there for him before, during and after them... and all the while she looked for and engaged in the wildest sex that she could.
She figured he was using her for sex, a sexy thirty something was a change from the younger girls who likely threw themselves at him every day... And to be honest she was using him, using him to give her the kind of sex her bland husband couldn't manage... and she loved every second of it! As long as he kept her interested and she could equally excite him, then theirs was a perfect match!

Racing was Tricia's McClouds life, but after she laid eye on the member of her new team she couldn't stop thinking about them. Out on the track she was a mix of pumped with Adrenalin, and soaking from thinking about what they could be doing. Whether on the track or at some event, whether in the pits pre race going over the vehicle, or heading to or from a TV interview or team meeting, no matter where she was.
She was thinking about sex.
Soon it became necessary to get herself off before and after a race, just to enable her to focus on things.
Then it became a reality when she learned that the team member was in the same frame of mind as she was. Now the fantasy and imagined couplings were a real opportunity to fuck. Who was the person responsible for her depraved attitude and actions? Pit crew? A Race girl? A dedicated fan? Race manager? Tech crew? Engineer? We decide.

On a Safari in Africa, Keira Knight found herself falling hard for them. Out in the wilderness with a few crew for the photo shoot she was on, and a few security, bearers and guides, she was in an exotic situation, with exotic people, far from home.
And every time she looked at them she got wet. Soaking. Drenched in more than sweat from the heat but in a rising animalistic desire to be taken, or to take them. Emotions in turmoil as she fought to try and control herself.
Then an opportunity came. Were they alone at the camp, together in the land rover, perhaps out alone scouting for good locations as they searched for that perfect spot... a small waterfall in some recess in the jungle, perhaps a cliff top, maybe a prairie with a view to the horizon. Or even a small native village, abandoned to progress and now just a backdrop for whoever wandered into it.
Whatever the excuse she was devoted to finding a time and place to fuck them, assuming they weren't thinking the same thing... and had decided to fuck her first.
Who are they? We decide!

Naomi Weathers shrugged off her husband with a smirk. She told him she had a few things to attend to in the kitchen, that he should entertain the guests, that she would be along soon. She was lying of course. It was a rather busy evening so far, with a small gathering of friends and associates, and she'd been working hard on prepping the dessert.
She'd actually spent more time on that than on cultivating her marriage. She was done with her husband, but she was only just starting with her lover. The moment her husband left the kitchen she moved to the back door, opening it to see her lover standing there.
She told them they had five minutes to make her come, but she knew it wouldn't take that long.. she'd been drenched all through the main course, waiting for this opportunity.
Later, with the party over and the guests gone, she would be awake and waiting. Sitting cross legged in the Kitchen, perched and listening for the tap on the window, the tap which would signal her to open it so her lover could come in and give her a proper seeing to, before she slunk back to her marital bed.
The next day she would meet them, slipping away from work, going wherever they said. So it went, with her in the driving seat of their sinful affair, then her partner. Every day was an adulterous paradise of sex and sin, desecrating and defiling her marriage in the name of hot, frantic, urgent sex... with someone who drove her wild.
Who is that? We decide!

Dr Naomi Watson sat in her office, dreaming about sex.
They had come to her for help with their sex addiction. She knew it was wrong, but getting them to open up about their sessions an encounters left her soaked to the core. Every. Single. Time.
She had to sit opposite their client, nodding, agreeing, discussing... all the while drenched between her thighs and wanting to fuck them, wanting them to fuck her.
It was wrong, indecent, immoral and against her ethical code, but she had to have them. It wasn't enough to talk about it, she wanted some of what she had heard. she wanted it done to her.
Suggesting that they ween themselves off multiple partners and focus on one was easy. Now she had to focus that sexual energy her client had onto her. It was going to be easy enough, she figured, as her client had been openly flirting with her since day one, she could see in their eyes that it wouldn't take much to tip them over the edge, pushing them into a wicked sinful and principle breaking affair with their Therapist.
Who is her client? We decide.

Natalie was staying with her brother after visiting him in the city where he had a new job. It was a far cry from when they had been at home with their parents, and she was enjoying having him show her the sights.
But she still had needs.
She hid a box of 'toys' in her room, then whenever he was out she would sneak into the bathroom to abuse herself. And every time she came on the end of one of her buzzing vibrators, or throbbing plugs, she saw his face... imagined it was his cock driving into her, desecrating her, robbing her of her purity and innocence.
Every. Single. Time.
She got so caught up in it, plundering her tight flesh and hot body, that she didn't realise how loud she was being...
...or that her brother had come home.
She was almost on the edge of her hardest most violent orgasm yet, when she heard the knock on the bathroom door! He had heard her... she scrambled to shove her toys out of sight, but it was too late. He'd heard her almost coming, moaning his name, and now she was going to be caught red handed!
She soaked herself right there, creaming out her panties as she resolved that she would not let this opportunity pass by.
She was going to fuck her own brother. Right now.

Every night was the same, ever since they had ended up alone together.
She tried to distract herself, but she could hear him through the paper thin wall, the slapping of flesh on flesh until he groaned out her name, a strangled gasp bleeding through to her room as he orgasmed, grunting and gasping out her name.
She had found pictures of herself on his computer, taken surreptitiously, sneakily, without her knowledge.
He'd kept notes on how many times he'd jerked off to them, staring at her changing in her room, showering in the bathroom, swimming in the pool in the back yard.
He had even snagged a picture of her on his phone, in her bed, fingering herself.
She was so wet, soaking through her creamed panties as she listened to him jerking off, pushing towards another orgasm. One of them had to crack, it couldn't go on. He would either have to come in here and fuck her, or she would have to go next door and let him know, let him know he wasn't the only one driven crazy with lust.
Tonight.... it had to be tonight, she was so drenched and turned on, she wouldn't be able to last one more day without fucking her own Father/Brother.

Naomi Watson launches into a violent and brutal affair with her step son, who is obsessed with her since she moved in to their family home. She quickly finds herself giving in to depraved and sordid sex in all manner of places... and is trapped when he decides that more and more of his demands must be met, otherwise he'll tell his father all about how he was seduced!
We can have her eager to cheat on her husband, or reluctant but forced to comply... or perhaps he is the one who was initially seduced and coerced into things... and is now being forced to service her in order to maintain his relationship with his father?

Accused of embezzlement and fraud, Emma Watkins looks to be going down for a long time, but the Judge calls for a recess to discuss new evidence in his chambers with her, where he proceeds to let her know that her body will be the ticket to freedom.
Faced with no other alternative, she in now locked into a deal with the honourable magistrate which will see her used and abused as he sees fit in order to secure her continued freedom, starting right now and continuing when and where she is summoned.
My characters below are looking for a story, they will be played by ME. If you think you have a character who would be a good partner for them and their sketched out RP ideas, or if you have some suggestions of your own or find inspiration in their descriptions, then please feel free to let me know.
If you would like to ensure that I find any female characters you portray visually appealing, then please take a look at my other ideas here and in my ideas threads (in my signature) to get an idea of face claims I like. Unusually, unlike my normal ideas, the face claims for the characters below (which i will be playing) are fixed and non negotiable.
To clarify: I will be portraying the characters in the ideas below, you will be bringing your own character to the table, so to speak! However if you would prefer to play one of these female characters the we can discuss this.
I am open to and encourage suggestions regarding the RP ideas below. Additional inspiration can be found within the characters individual bios.
1. Keira Nightingale-Ward
Pre WWI African Savannah's/Jungle
A Botanist in search of new species and love, while on a Safari in the Africa forests and Savanna. Set in 1912, in the years leading up to WWI.
2. Tallara Zarath
Star Trek, Next Gen era.
A Starfleet Security Officer, serving aboard a vessel in the 'Next Generation' era, who is liable to get wrapped up in any number of situations and missions.
3. Alex 'The Angel in White' Vigo
A lawyer serving in a well known and famous law firm, with a keen interest in exploring arousal options... both with clients and colleagues, as well as taking advantage of her work environment.
4. Samantha Vigo
Pirate Historical/ Alt version available for Fantasy (ask)
A pirate looking for booty! Many possibilities and opportunities for adventure, either on the high seas or on 'pirate island'.

Name: Keira Nightingale-Ward
Occupation: Botanist, Explorer
Age: 21
sex: Female
Appearance Keira is five foot one and just over a hundred pounds, she sports a slim, athletic and slender body type. Her frame is quite boyish from the waist up, but below that she has wide hips and thighs and a curvy shape.
She has brown hair and blue eyes and a sharp defined jawline. Many might call her beautiful, but she tries to play down her looks and come across as more demure.
Her nails are less than perfect, as she bites them often when reading or lost in thought.
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian. Keira has a disdain for men, particularly the gentlemen type who might fawn over her. She long ago determined that her liking of women went beyond simply admiration of a beautiful woman's appearance, and she knows she has perverted and taboo feelings when it comes to other women, something which has pushed her to distance herself from society.
Away from the hustle and bustle of London life, free from the restraints of normalcy, Keira can be quite bold, despite her diminutive stature, when it comes to making her wants known to someone who catches her eye... while at other times she might court attention instead, encouraging someone to make the first move and show their deviancy in order to entice her into a reciprocal display of emotion.
Personality: Keira has a strong independent spirit and tries to do as much as she can for herself, despite her fathers wishes for her to do otherwise. She is quite petite though and has obvious shortcomings when it comes to physical tasks.
She is brave, gutsy and a fast talker, being quite assertive and steadfast with her opinions, something which has not served her well in English society. She is also quite complimentary and supportive of others when the opportunity arises to display such qualities.
While adventurous and positive minded, rarely failing to rise to a challenge, she has her failings, being a smoker among them. Among her other talents are a impressive running speed and a skill at drawing which extends to plants and animals but fails when it comes to accurately capturing people, though she is trying to improve. She also writes a lot with her precious typewriter, mostly documenting botanical findings to go along with her presses and sketches of various plants.
She has learned numerous survival skills, mainly cooking, fishing and how to make a fire, to compliment her ambition to catalogue several new species in the African Savanna.
Talented at cooking, fishing and pencil art .
Never seems to know what time it is, has illegible handwriting and can be clumsy from time to time when not focused. She also tends to wear her favourite boots all the time, regardless of her location or circumstance.
Born to a Military family, Keira travelled the world as a child and quickly took an interest in Flora and Fauna, eventually settling on pursuing a career in botany. While her parents wanted to keep her sheltered and away from frivolous pursuits, Keira was head string and forged a career in Botany, quickly becoming an expert in the field despite her young years. When her father was due to head to the African Savanna, Keira persuaded him to allow her to join him, albeit temporarily, as she had also persuaded her university to sponsor her investigation of numerous African plant species.
Although her father advised against it, Keira is determined to investigate everything she can while she is in Africa, before the shadow of conflict grows larger in Europe. To that end she has hired a couple of bearers and a guide/body guard to escort her while she engages in her exploration.
She was more than surprised to discover that her bodyguard would be a woman, but the surprise turned to curiosity and admiration. She finds it both intriguing and exhilarating that such women exist here and is looking forward to a trip that will both be informative regarding plants and allow her to get to know someone who has spent some time in Africa in such a role.

An African 'Safari' in 1912, in the years leading up to the outbreak of World War one.
Possible Plotlines
A 'road' trip across the Savanna, using horses and mules.
Camping outside, dealing with the heat and the threat of poachers.
Confronting animals, finding (and perhaps consuming) strange plants with unknown effects.
The contrast between Savanna and forest, searing heat and precious waterfalls and forest clearings.
Becoming infatuated with her guide and bodyguard, (and vice versa), with plenty of chances for them to get to know one another better... in a variety of locations and situations.
Avoiding German patrols, eluding annoyed tribes, dodging wild animals.

Character Name: Tallara Zarath
Race: Andorian
Sexuality: Bisexual, heavily prefers female humans.
Character Age: 24
Position applying to: Asst Chief Security Officer
Physical Description:
Andorians are known for their dark blue skin and their antennae. Andorians also typically have white hair and dark blue blood and Tallara is no exception. She is tall, approaching six feet, and generally possesses a stern and serious appearance. She is slender, athletic and moves with the fluidity of a dancer and the confidence of a warrior.
Service Record:
Andorians are very honorable when it comes to their own people, however when it comes to any other race, they are very distrusting. Tellara decided to break from that mold and when the opportunity arrived to join an exchange program with Starfleet, she leaped at the chance to get away from Andoria and see the universe, among the variety of races which were said to man federation vessels. She had a natural talent for security, learning to temper her anger and impulsiveness and occasionally embrace diplomacy alongside violence as the tools of a security officer. She was commended after an attack left several officers dead during an away mission ambush, and she was able to take control of the situation and turn things around (due to her superior physical attributes and some luck). However seeing several individuals on her team get killed has left her with feelings of guilt, and she has started to second guess herself or over reacts to things on occasion.
Important Traits:
Violent, stern, curious. Andorians are a very violent and militarily driven race. Much like the Klingons, they place a increased importance on family. Tellara has learned to control her temper, but her fiery personality simmers beneath the surface and can be called to the forefront when needed to deal with unruly or disobedient charges. In general she defers to the highest ranking officer present, but has been known to point out Starfleet protocol and policy to higher ranking officials when needed. She has a strong sense of leading from the front and is always the first to volunteer for a dangerous mission, ahead of placing the opportunity before other security officers.
In her spare time Tallara likes to work out, spar, visit the holodeck and spend time studying other races. This is to learn not only about weaknesses which can be exploited, but about customs, culture and ways to effect diplomatic solutions when Phasers are not a desirable way to progress. She is also has interests of a more personal and intimate nature when it comes to other species, when the opportunity arises, though her attitude is quite dominant and aggressive. She has a voracious curiosity involving others and situations.
As the Asst Chief Security Officer she is often required to participate in investigations, as well as reprimanding or finding punishments for disobedient members of the crew. Tallara is trustworthy, but is trying to overcome a natural urge to torture opponents where possible... as that is not the way of Starfleet. However, given the chance, she would happily bend the rules where prisoners are concerned.
She, like all Andorians, has a very sturdy biochemistry. Due to this, she takes no negative effects from exposure to environmental conditions such as extreme heat; extreme cold or low oxygen.
As a Shen, Tallara functions in the following way during the Andorian reproductive process. The gametes of each "male" sex contain one third of the number of chromosomes necessary to produce offspring. During the conception of an Andorian child, the Thaan fertilizes a Shen's egg with his Gamete. The Chan then also fertilizes the egg. This produces a fertilized egg that develops into a Zygote. The Shen then transfers the Zygote to the Zhen's pouch, where it develops into an embryo. The Andorian foetus is incubated and nourished to term in the Zhen's pouch. The Zhen does not contribute, genetically, to offspring.
Pre-Starfleet: As a Shen, and thus the key individual in the Andoran reproductive process, Tallara was expected to avoid dangerous occupations. However she did not want to simply fall into the role that society had planned for her and rebelled against it, seeking out a role in security and jumping at the chance to serve aboard a federation vessel, where societal pressures from her own people would not exist.
She harbours a slight dislike for other Andorans and enjoys the advantages over other races which her heritage gives her. Out in the universe she is a little more special than back on Andoria.
Off duty...

Sci Fi (Star Trek/Alt universe)
Some Possible Plotlines, feel free to suggest others
Dealing with a new trainee or a new Captain, who she develops feelings for.
Stranded on a planet with someone she needs to work with whom she would not normally be involved, growing closer together as a result.
Meeting up with an Ex under unusual circumstances.
Forced to work with someone who dislikes Andorians, only to discover opposites attract.
A chance meeting at a celebration leads to an encounter... l
later they discover they are both going to be on the same ship!

Name: Alex Vigo. 'The Angel in White'
Age: 31
Appearance: Alex is five foot ten and weighs about one hundred and thirty five pounds. She is in top shape and visits a gym at least three times a week, with extensive sessions of running, swimming and spinning at the weekend. Her body is sleek, with well defined abs and obliques, and her small breasts and narrow hips can offer up an androgynous appearance from time to time.
She is known in the legal profession as 'the Angel in White', primarily for her taste in clothes, preferring white business suits and dresses where possible, as well as a similar taste when it comes to lingerie and bikini's. She also holds that title for her work in last minute saves regarding death row prisoners, who she excels at getting set free from such barbaric sentences... often with little time to spare.
Occupation Alex is a versatile, highly talented and skilled lawyer, who specialises in criminal law and defending those accused of capital crimes. She has an amazing record of success, with failures deemed as only being able to commute a death sentence to life. This has also contributed to her title of 'The Angel in White'. She knows that, eventually, she will fail and one of her clients will end up executed, so she makes the most of her position and exploits her reputation to earn her as much adulation and money as she can right now!
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual and dominant. She slightly favours women for their stamina, although lately she has been bringing men into threesomes and even passing the time with them exclsuively (if looking for some quick satisfaction).
Personality Alex's outward attitude is playfully flirtatious and she usually has a smile on her face and a spring in her step. She likes to make friends and engage with people, as much as her free time allows her to, and she comes across as a genuinely friendly person when not working. She is generally sarcastic and has a good sense of humour.
Alex sees many as sources of pleasure or as playthings to entertain her, always thinking and imagining how best she can extract pleasure from them. She can be spiteful and ruthless in her job and in a courtroom, when the need to become such takes over. She places the importance of winning above all else and uses coercion, temptation, bribes, lying and any other means at her disposal to get what she wants.
She delights in teasing others and using her looks to get what she wants, bending and manipulating those around her as best she is able to... literally using sex as a weapon and a tool. She can be quietly arrogant, brazenly assertive, confident, manipulative and in control when wrapped up in a legal case.
Kinks/Style: Rough sex, with her on the giving end. Dominant and harsh, she enjoys the use of toys on others. Every so often, if indulged enough, she can switch and become submissive for short periods.
She has a fascination with hand jobs... and performing sex acts at the office (during and after hours), really gets her off.
Alex also has a love of dirty talk and light pain play. She takes care to try to keep these feelings mostly secret, but she cannot help but fill her mind with sexual thoughts almost all of the time, especially regarding those who annoy her or fascinate her at the office.
Likes: Boating, swimming, relaxing, reading, working out, expensive dinners and dates. Receiving presents is a weak spot.
Dislikes: Social media, being overly filmed, too much sun, religion.
History: Alex grew up as the only daughter in a family of two brothers and a father, all destined to be police officers. She was inspired to go into law when her father was killed in action at a young age and both of her brothers ended up in prison for murdering the criminal who killed him. Both died in prison and her mother committed suicide shortly after, leaving an adult Alex with nothing but her career to focus on.
Determined to get to the top to honour her father Alex used her looks to get what she wanted, when she wanted it. She networked and manipulated her way through law school, then into a law firm, then when she had enough experience she moved to her current position.
She even gets a kick out of saving clients from the death penalty, even when she knows they full well deserve it! Having a completely neutral approach to her clients, where their innocence or guilt is secondary to her winning the case. She display zero regrets for getting painfully guilty individuals off free. The law is the law and she finds manipulating it to her needs to be almost as exhilarating as sex.
Alex, surprisingly, is being 'blackmailed' by an individual who has footage of her jerking off (and giving a blow job) to the judge in one of her most recent cases a few months ago, where Harold Weatherstein was sentenced to thirty years in a maximum security prison... for brushing against a girl in an elevator on the way to their eighteenth birthday, party twenty years ago.
She finds it irksome, but so far the payments have been small sums which she doesn't miss, or being told to perform odd sexual acts while alone, or based on instructions sent to her. In truth she is finding it all quite exciting and is a willing participant in the twisted games. She has a feeling it's a harmless ex, who has found a way to worm themselves back into her life... and she's enjoying it!
When involved in her normal work Alex has a laser focus and incisive mind regarding the manipulation of the law, legal terms and loopholes. She prefers a combination of attacking and discrediting her opponents, with finding obscure precedents set out by judges to support whatever narrative she is pushing.
Looking for:
A client to defend.
An assistant to manipulate.
Someone to have fun with when she needs to 'unwind'.
A 'blackmailer' (ex lover, current lover, perhaps a consensual situation) to make demands and requests.

Full Name: Samantha Vigo
Nickname: 'Sam'
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Captain/Navigator
Nationality: North
Current status: Captain of the Horn of Lucifer
Current Residence: The Horn of Lucifer
Height: 5' 10"
Body shape: Slim, athletic, slender.
Eye Color: Bright blue
Hair color: Reddish blonde
Hair Style: Long
Complexion: Pale to very light tan
Distinguishing Marks: None.
Clothing: Inexpensive, durable sailor wear.
Sam can be androgynous looking when she wants to be, but of late has grown out her hair and wears outfits more flattering to a feminine form. She is thin, toned and exceptionally wiry and fit. When stripped down she has the general appearance of being incredibly well sculpted, with strongly defined abs and obliques. Her face is strikingly beautiful, with alluring eyes which seem to draw you in. She usually has a crooked grin on her face, along with wandering eyes which rove over everyone she finds arousing, male or female, with a hungry and almost leering gaze.
Currently wearing: Leather boots with short heels and numerous leather belts which criss cross her body. Expensive bracelets, earrings, anklets and toe rings (all of cheap silver or gold plated), are scattered about her person, together with a large fake looking ruby ring on her left hand. She has several daggers secreted about her person and a rapier on one hip. She has a pistol in the small of her back and a powder pouch on her other hip. She wears a combination of orange and blue jackets, blouses and other clothing atop white vests.
Current style: Top right.
Basic Personality:
In general Sam is friendly to all she might have to trade or do deals with, now or in the future. She finds amusement wherever she looks and in whatever she finds herself doing, and is keen to embrace opportunities to both turn a profit, cut deals and indulge in some recreational fun.
She is quite humorously sarcastic, but dismayingly has a deep rooted streak of evil running through her veins. This evil is put to use to punish those who irritate, double cross or annoy her excessively... although she has more of a merciful streak than a homicidal one, with her acts being more in the way of damaging gossip and reputation 'cancelling'.
Sam is pleasant and casually familiar in tone and appearance, even when angry, which encourages those around her to often lower their guard. She spends her spare time, when not engaged in pleasurable pursuits, planning what to do with her life and how to improve her ship and get ahead in the world. She has no intention of ending up at the bottom of the dep blue sea as nothing more than fish food, or abandoned on some floating wreckage as food for the gulls.
She knows she's better than that.
She is positive and upbeat, rolling with the set backs that life throws her way and embracing and enjoying any positives and opportunities while she can. She refuses to let anything diminish her light, no matter how traumatic or unfortunate... and intends to die with a smile on her face.
Special Skills : Pistol, Rapier, Exceptional at Navigation and Map reading, Negotiation.
Sexuality: Bisexual, slightly prefers women. Dominant into BDSM, bondage, toys, restraints, obedience, discipline.
From an early age, Sam was never content with simply sitting around in the capital of her home country, especially after deciding that she had a love of the sea. She decided to strike out from her home and take to a life on the ocean waves. At the helm of a ship, in the role of a merchant, she could travel wherever she wanted to and 'embrace' all cultures and religions. She had a talent for navigation and joined a ship as a navigator... soon learning that the vessel was actually only posing as a Merchant and had more nefarious plans... as a Pirate vessel.
Sam's naturally friendly and likable manner, as well as a somewhat promiscuous attitude, gained her a following among the crew and, when the Captain was killed, she seemed the logical choice to take control of the crew who were left.
With a core crew of friends she set about rebuilding her crew and the ship after escaping a one sided conflict with them on the losing side. With a diminished ship and crew she knew it would be a while before they could regain their former glory, especially with the captain dead and her without as large a reputation. With some enthusiastic press ganging and recruitment, the sixty man crew is now a rag tag bunch of ne'er-do-wells, drawn from all the races and from many ports.
None have a love or tolerance for any authority, save hers.
Her ship has now travelled far and wide, largely behaving in a lawful fashion and delivering and picking up both goods and 'passengers'. However she has been accused (on a couple of occasions) of plundering a juicy looking and vulnerable vessel or waylaying a 'ripe for plucking' merchant or sea traveller who is clearly 'asking for it'.
Sam denies such accusations, but out on the high seas, with a 'no prisoners and no witnesses policy', it would be hard to pin such deeds upon her... which allows her to get away with her acts of piracy as she strives to improve her standing among her fellow miscreants.
The Horn of Lucifer!

Forged from black oak and with red sails, the ship sports sixty plus crew, a dozen canons and was built for both combat and speed, with ample cargo space within it's multi deck hull.
In combat it relies equally on its manoeuvrability and the abilities of its crew, and while it's more than able to raid a fat merchant ship when needed, it's wise to run from larger and much heavier armed galleons.
Family: Mother and Father are alive, but in the North and unaware that their daughter is doing anything except serving on a Merchant vessel as a first class Navigator... a delusion which she absolutely supports, with letters to such effect!
Property: Assorted clothing and light weight leather armour, rapier, pair of duelling pistols, net, fishing utensils, sturdy boots, worthless 'Knick knacks' and 'Brick a brack'.
Ons and Offs
Dirty talk and foul language (from my characters, not necessarily yours).
Story / filth... I'm looking to write sex scenes first (to see if our writing styles are compatible), then develop a story if we hit it off writing wise.
Non Con, the 'Pseudo Fantasy' type, where they secretly love it and orgasm anyway (verbal resistance NOT Mental). Not realistic 'harrowing trauma'.
Rough stuff! Spanking (Giving/Receiving), Whipping (Giving/Receiving) Biting, Scratching, Piercing, Hair pulling, Choking, Gagging..
Small tits
Lingerie, Dressing up, Role playing, Toys
Dom's/overly Dominant or Bossy women.
Homosexuals. (Lesbians are great though! Of course that's 'lipstick' lesbians).
Toilet play. Major injuries, Extreme BDSM, Illness. Disease.
Insults, teasing, mocking, resistance and flirting that leads nowhere. Love/Hate relationships.
Massive tits, titfucking and Big fat asses.
Really bad Grammar. or the need to translate your posts. Plus no 1st person replies please.
Harrowing rape scenes, genuine Non Con and the aftermath.
Game Killers
Engaging in my offs, or showing me that you haven't read them.
Writing for my character, speaking for them, conducting actions for them.
Being ignored. Please have the courtesy to say if you are no longer interested!
One or two paragraph replies. If your post is shorter than three paragraphs that is bad!
Posting Rate: Maybe every one to three days..
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