Mx Female Looking for literate, novella roleplayer for Final Fantasy XIV based RP! (Canons/OCs)

Dust Sharp

Jul 31, 2021
Hey guys! I will try to keep it short and sweet! I loooove writing and talking OOC, and I've been searching for a partner for a FFXIV themed RP!

About me:

- 3-6 full paragraphs per post
- Discord is my preferred method of roleplaying
- I play a main male OC, but can play additional male canons for you! As for some of my favorite female canons, they are Gaia, Y'shtola, Kan-E-Senna.
- Love to talk OOC and worldbuild
- I can also post multiple times per day!
- Don't be afraid to send a DM!

Can't wait to hear from ya!
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