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Down the rabbit hole, resurrection (lit male inside)

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Feb 7, 2009
It has been quite a while sense i have been on my beloved blue moon, but I hope she has not forgotten me completely, Welcome all and please enjoy.

To tumble up, to tumble down
to fall perpetually all the way round
hitting ground with a mere splat
In wonderland you are a simple matter of fact

Welcome all to the twisted world of wonderland, I am your literate host The white rabbit. as it said above in the thread I am in search of all females literate nothing more then that. I not going to bother with long winded threads of what I am looking for but I will make it simple. I am here for smut filled plot driven roleplays of any kind I am comfortable in doubling in roles and I don't much care what role you decide to stick me in. I am more submissive then dominate but depending on the experience of my partner and our chemistry I can play a MEAN switch. I don't have limits so when and if you decide to contact me just tell me plainly what you are looking for, what fetishes if any you wish to experiment with. In saying that I will be waiting for your messages intently.

This is the part where I lied, I am going to make this a long winded and probably annoying thread listing and I might as well list my favorite fetishes I would love to role into any and all plays. As a side note I would like to say if you want me to play a dominate role, for the love of god don't be a sniveling little spineless bitch, I don't mean to sound like a dick but I lose interest in a role play like that almost instantly. Another thing, if we role a play and it starts out perfect, pristine and other wise beautiful story, lets keep it that way because if one degenerates into smaller and smaller replies filled with less and less word selection I am out and at that point I probably wont tell you why I left. I know I sound like a ass, and its true I am but I hope when I am playing with someone that they are just as enthusiastic as I am about writing, this does not mean I don't understand writers block, it is the bane of all writers existence so I can give you that one just tell me your brain went *sizzle dead*

furry,anthro and any in between.
incestuous pairings.
Futa (yes, ill admit it I am a futa freak)
anal, oral and vaginal of course.
excessive semen and macro.
size differences (what can I say I like taller women)
BONDAGE, and that ranges from soft to hard.
Toys of any type.
More to be added when I think it.

DONTS!!! (and I lied I have one don't)
Scat play, sorry if you want this im out.
Re: Down the rabbit hole. (lit male searching for lit female)

Pair listings and right side is me.

Any form of DnD creature combination.
Re: Down the rabbit hole. (lit male searching for lit female)

Newest cravings.

I know i havent had much of anything to crave lately but right now I am in the mood for a slight off topic cross between a futa and male characters, if you can fill that position I will do any other role with that.

Most recent craving, I am looking for action and romance, I want a play that will churn my stomach as well as light my fire, its been hard to find people who have the ability to do that. I ask that you give me blood, I want war, either futuristic or fantasy. I also want passion, the only kind of thing that can be given when you know your life could end, I know sounding dramatic but inspiration is what i crave, been fairly dead as of late.
Re: Down the rabbit hole. (lit male searching for lit female)

Well Sir Rabbit, it seems I am not the only one out of Wonderland.

Cheshire Pup and literate to advanced literate female at your service.
Re: Down the rabbit hole. (lit male searching for lit female)

Well hello, it is interesting to see another wonderland inhabitant, but unfortunately there arnt many of us now adays.
Re: Down the rabbit hole. (lit male searching for lit female)

Ah but Wonderland is in the outer land now. Didn't you know? Look at the crazy people all around, Wonderland just evolved and moved into a larger tea party!

Speaking of Wonderland, would you be interested in doing a Wonderland Rp with me?
Re: Down the rabbit hole. (lit male searching for lit female)

It depends really are you requesting one from me or Cheshire dearest, if you are interested in me then well I would have to agree wholeheartedly and ask what your ideas are.
Re: Down the rabbit hole. (lit male searching for lit female)

Would be from you darling rabbit. *Bows at the waist* I was actually thinking about playing an original character, thrown into Wonderland. The daughter of Alice, actually. *grins brightly*
Re: Down the rabbit hole. (lit male searching for lit female)

You do realize I consider myself a copy of the American mcgees White rabbit....and there for twisted, full of the perversion and violence devoid of the fist? If that indeed I would love to be your guide threw wonderland...or the larger part there of, just send me a pm with all of your ideas and I will mull them over in detail.
Re: Down the rabbit hole. (lit male searching for lit female)

a few good plays so far but there could always be more.
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