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Fx Male The Beastlands (fantasy/noncon preferred)

Heavenly Huntress

Wolf Charmer
Feb 22, 2018
Of the many realms there is one in which nature holds dominion, a world untouched and overgrown. Most of the life on this realm of existence are primal and fierce there are those who live among those dangers who nurture for it, those of tribal hunters snd druids who found their place among the food chain culling the dangers of predators over populating and helping the system grow more. What will happen on this realm, what stories can we tell.

For those familiar this is the general idea of the beast lands from D&D but I added in the idea of druids and hunters, think of a tribal group of humanoids, elvesand humans alike could be possible. Where we can take this could go multiple ways, as a fan of smut I enjoy a multitude of directions that provide a story with sexual elements.

Story possibilities;
~A mage opens a portal with an artifact leading his adventuring party into this realm. MC would be a Druid or Hunter who was close by and observes them long enough to think them a threat and tries to attack them.
~A demon has lived among a cave system beneath for forest corrupting the roots and now the corruption has taken to the wild life. MC investigates what’s going on as the very wilds seem crazed by dark magic unaware what’s really going on.
~Rituals open up many portals among many realms causing all sorts of things to disappear and appear that shouldn’t exist on this world. MC would be encounter strange foreign entities and artifacts only maybe to end up transported to another realm.
~Intelligent creatures of the beast lands start to claim dominance of an area that is controlled by the tribe. They move into the village as the warriors are away and upon their return they find their people slaves to the beasts.

Possible kinks:
Vine/tentacle sex
Magical aphrodisiacs
Intelligent animals/form of speech
Double/triple penetration

Avoided kinks:
Death of MC

Preferred animal types:
Panther/Tigers(without the barbed penis)

I like to RP over PM’s. I like 3rd person in 1-3 paragraph long posts as my preference. Thanks for reading!!
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