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Fx Any An Eruption of Buzzwords

Volcanic Ashe

Jul 27, 2021
Hello Everyone, welcome to what I can only assume is going to be my 'forever work in progress' Request Thread!

First off I know this says 'F x Any' but it could be realistically regarded as 'Any x Any', I just have a slight preference towards playing female characters.

Old enough to know better, too old to care. I'm a human being in their 30's. My meatspace gender is not important (and your meatspace gender isn't important to me) because we're in a world of fantasy and make believe, well for a time anyway. I consider myself: literate (I can string paragraphs together), still learning how to write well (as we should all be) and easy going (want to leave the RP? fine just say, I don't hold 'ghosting' against people and I'm always happy to chat 'OOC').

I usually write between 2 and 5 paragraphs around about twice a week. If I write smaller posts I can usually post more, but that is not a promise. My 'real life' unfortunately at times has to take priority and I expect that yours will as well.

Kinks, Themes, Genres
My interests are varied...stupidly so. I'm also usually pretty accepting of others kinks and interests (have a niche kink no one has agreed to do? hit me up, let's discuss it). I'm not even going to post my 'Limits', as long as it's within site rules and you're not weird about it I will consider it. That's not a promise to indulge everything, sometimes I don't feel like including a certain kink because...because I just don't fancy it at that time, and that's okay.

The following are some 'buzzwords' things that are playing on my mind at the moment, be they kinks, settings or themes:
Chavs: Trashy fun, full of attitude or pigeonholed by society, whatever your understanding of them their look is mesmerising....
Disabilities: Probably not the fetishisation of the disability, but the inclusion of folks with disabilities into RP's .
CYOA: I've wanted to work with one of these images in an RP for a while now, got a favourite? Let me know!
Older Woman/Younger Man: Because why the hell not? Taboo elements entirely optional, but I'm not opposed to them.
'Alt' styles: Punks, Goth's Emo's yes please!
Celebrities: One day I will write a whole list of the celebrities I would love to play as, or maybe even against, but for now - lets just say I'm very interested to see your list if you have one.
Pregnancy: I've started lots of RP's where pregnancy is the end goal or an event along the way, but how about RP's where characters are already pregnant? Lets cut to the chase and have those bellies already swollen!

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